Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 74 The Demon Cult Leader 9 (1/2)

Although she fantasized about beating his dog's head off countless times, the reality was that Zhen Xiaoman rubbed her butt that almost broke into eight pieces and could only stand up in pain at his urging.

After that, the doggy man picked at her one after another. Sometimes his legs were lowered, sometimes his hands were higher, and sometimes his back collapsed. Each time he said he was helping her adjust her posture, but the severity of his attacks made her suspect that he deliberately wanted to kill her. Own.

After two hours of riding, Zhen Xiaoman felt like he was about to lose weight. He dragged his two legs as soft as twists and staggered back to his yard.

When she got there, she threw herself under the quilt without even wanting to move. She spent the rest of the day in bed and had no energy to inquire about the church.

Yang Yan was just the opposite of her. After torturing Bai Yanlang, he felt very happy.

After another verbal attack on the heroine who was already in a daze, Shi turned around and left, and then went to Guardian Zuo's usual office.

Ever since that day when he experienced the lives of hundreds of people before their death in one moment, Lian Xiujie has been in a state of dissociation these days.

Let alone dealing with academic affairs, if Yang Yan hadn't sent someone to keep an eye on him at all times, he might have starved to death or drowned in bath water.

Although he paid close attention to the original owner's life due to his wishes, he had no sympathy. The sins he had committed needed to be repaid by himself. Aren't those who died in his hands or under his orders the same? Should we be more sympathetic?

However, Lian Xiujie cannot take charge, so he can only handle the affairs within the Chiyan Sect by himself.

Fortunately, he had figured out the situation in the entire sect a few days ago, and as his soul had warmed up and his ears and eyesight had improved, all the troubles in the sect were under his control.

"See the leader."

When they walked into the room, Yin Yuanlong, the master of Xingluo Hall, and Zhuang Wen, the master of Huanhai Hall, had been waiting for a long time. When they saw him, they saluted respectfully. Although their attitude was humble, their slightly straightened backs and tightly pursed lips, Revealed the defensiveness in their hearts.

Yang Yan walked to the only chair in the room and sat down. He raised his head slightly and looked at the two people who were bowing and saluting. He was obviously shorter than them, but his posture gave people the feeling that he was condescending. Feel.

"How long have you been a believer?" he asked casually.

"Returning to the sect, my subordinate joined the sect nine years ago."

"My subordinate has been a religious teacher for eight years."

The two of them were a little surprised for a moment. They didn't understand what the leader, who had always been so indifferent, wanted to do when he suddenly summoned him and opened his mouth to chat. They were even more worried in their hearts, but they still answered honestly.

"Well -" Yang Yan nodded, "Ten years ago, Master Zhen went crazy and passed away suddenly. The sect was in turmoil for a long time. Many old people followed the old leader one after another. After that, you were criticized for your behavior. Highlight the ones who were promoted.”

The two of them still didn't understand what he meant, but they showed just the right amount of gratitude on their faces, and they said in unison: "The leader and Protector Zuo express their love, and I am very grateful to my subordinates."

"So your gratitude is the same as those of the Hall Masters and Dharma Protectors ten years ago. When I went crazy and lost all my skills, you united to rebel?" Yang Yan's calm words were suddenly thrown out like a gun. .

The two of them didn't expect his sudden change of tone, so they were both startled, and then their expressions changed drastically at the same time.

They looked at each other and saw the horror and fear in each other's eyes clearly, and then they used their inner strength to attack him together.

"You don't overestimate your capabilities." Yang Yan snorted coldly, flipped his hand and slapped the book desk in front of him.

The book table rolled in the air for a week and met their palms.

A huge force came, and Yin Yuanlong and Zhuang Wen both groaned at the same time and stepped back five or six steps in a row. A line of blood flowed from the corners of their mouths. They had already suffered internal injuries in this short contact.

Thinking of the previous rumors that the leader's red flame magic skill had reached the ninth level, the two of them were relatively shocked, and a sense of despair arose in their hearts. His martial arts was so advanced that when they joined forces, he couldn't even make a formal move. Can't even walk!

"Brother Yin!" Zhuang Wen shouted, "Let's fight this devil!"

"Okay! You won't die at all!" Yin Yuanlong responded, and then attacked again with him.

By this time, they all knew that they were no match for each other, and the reason why they were unwilling to ask for mercy was because they knew in their hearts that they would never be forgiven by him for what they had done.

Rather than begging for mercy and falling into his hands and being tortured, it would be better to die directly under his hands and have a happy life.

Both of them were determined to die, and they immediately used more powerful force than usual. If it were another person, they might be able to earn a glimmer of life.

Unfortunately, they met Yang Yan.

The difference in force between the two sides was too great. As soon as they took over, they were constantly being beaten. Even though they gritted their teeth and tried their best, they did not injure the other side at all.

"Too weak." Yang Yan shook his head and sighed.

Then he mercilessly raised the ten levels of internal energy, and slapped the two of them with one palm. They only had time to grunt before they both fell to the ground, eyes wide open.

Looking down at the two of them, Yang Yan said coldly: "Here comes someone!"

Several guards outside the house had long heard the commotion inside, and now they hurried in when they heard the call. They saw that the tables and chairs in the house were overturned, and the two hall masters were lying dead inside. They were so frightened that they all lowered their heads. I didn't dare to take a breath.

"Take it down and bury it properly!" Yang Yan gave a calm order without any explanation.

"Yes." No one dared to ask him for an explanation. Several people responded and silently stepped forward to drag the body.

There were two smart ones who ran to tidy up the overturned tables and chairs. They were careful in their movements, fearing to offend the terrifying leader and kill them together like the two leaders.

Yang Yan didn't stay any longer and left the place.

On this day, the Red Flame Sect suffered a major purge. The leader, Xie Yangyan, personally went to each hall. Without saying a word, he ordered people to come forward and slap them to death one by one.

Everyone in the sect didn't understand the reason at first, but when some people heard the news and fled, they realized that they were bewitched by the two hall masters, Yin Yuanlong and Zhuang Wen, and actually intended to rebel.

But somehow the news leaked out, and the leader actually found out about it. After executing two people, he came to capture the traitor himself.

Although some of the believers were very puzzled as to why the leader didn't send others to go there, instead he took the trouble to do it himself.

But under the threat of his powerful force, no one had the courage to speak out this question, for fear that just one sentence would arouse his suspicion.

It was also at this time that everyone realized how terrifyingly powerful their leader's martial arts was. The traitors fled in panic, but were still shot to death one by one by his palms.

Later, they simply stopped escaping and joined forces to attack him. However, dozens of them were still no match for him, and they all died within a single move.

Everyone who saw that scene was frightened, but after the fright, a sense of pride and security arose in their hearts. Such a powerful person is their leader. In the future, who else in the world of Chiyan Sect will dare to offend? ?

Compared to the shock and then joy of other members of the congregation, the right protector Ning Xun and the leader of the Wind Hall Niu Geng were only frightened. They looked at each other across the crowd and noticed the fear in each other's eyes.

Fortunately, they were not the ones who were discovered, otherwise those people's current situation would be their fate.

Ning Xun had always prided himself on his martial arts skills and believed that he was similar to Xie Yangyan, so he would be able to capture him with proper manipulation.

Now that I saw it, I was immediately hit hard. How could this be so different? There was simply a difference between heaven and earth to him. If the two of them really faced off, he wouldn't even have a chance to escape.

Niu Geng hated Protector You so much in his heart. Seeing the scene before him, he would probably die if he went against the leader again, but someone got the handle on him. If old man Ning brought the matter to the leader, he would still only die. .

Yang Yan had a clear view of the expressions of the two people, but he did not have an attack. He only calmly ordered the people of Guangfeng Hall to collect the bodies.

Niu Geng was suddenly called out and almost couldn't hold back the knife. Fortunately, he reacted in time and it didn't cause a big disaster.

He accepted the order with trembling fear, and then tremblingly led a group of men to collect the body. During this period, he did not even dare to take another look. He always felt that those wide eyes were there. He said one sentence: "You are next!" "

As one of the five hall masters of the Scarlet Flame Sect, Niu Geng has never been so embarrassed, being assigned to do such unattractive things as collecting corpses.

But he didn't even dare to say a word of complaint, and he was still afraid of making mistakes. After working hard with his men to move all the two hundred corpses onto the carts, he personally transported them out of the church for burial.

But just in response to those words, what they were afraid of would happen. When the group of people dug a huge pit and prepared to push the corpses in, they found that the corpses and the carts had all disappeared!

Everyone panicked and hurriedly searched everywhere, but they couldn't find it even after searching the area, not even a single rut mark!

Niu Geng almost fainted at that time, and all his men looked like they had seen a ghost.

Although they had just been busy digging the hole, no one noticed the movement behind them, but such a heavy car shouldn't disappear so silently, right?

And there are no traces at all. Is this something that can be accomplished by human ability? Could it be that those who died felt wronged and turned into ghosts and ran away on their own?

Niu Geng had such thoughts for a moment, but he quickly came to his senses.

If this statement spreads, the leader will not only think that he has done something bad, but may even think that he did it and deliberately want to fabricate rumors to accuse him.

The key is that he himself has done something wrong and cannot stand up to the investigation. It is obvious what fate awaits him when the time comes.

So he immediately ordered everyone to keep this matter in their stomachs, and no one was allowed to spread the word. Otherwise, if the leader was held accountable, they would not end well.

The punishment would be light, and it might have the same result as the person they were originally going to bury.

Everyone's heart palpitated when they thought of the previous scene, and they agreed wholeheartedly.

After that, they randomly found some things and threw them into the pit, covered it with soil, pretended to bury the body in it, and then returned home as if nothing had happened.

Little did they know that all their actions were expected by those who cared.

Such a big thing happened in the church, and Yang Yan didn't specifically tell him to keep his mouth shut. Zhen Xiaoman soon found out.

"What?" She was startled when she suddenly heard it, and she sat up from the bed suddenly. Unexpectedly, her overstrained waist was involved, and she immediately gasped with a grin on her face, and fell back with a cry of pain.

Not caring to curse the bastard in her heart, she grabbed the wrist of her trusted maid and said anxiously: "Why did the leader suddenly start a killing spree? How did those people provoke him?"

The confidant maid's wrist was in great pain from her grabbing in a hurry, but she didn't dare to say it out loud. She could only endure it and whispered: "I heard that Master Yin and Master Zhuang were secretly plotting a rebellion, and these people were involved."

"Uncle Ning was right. He really knew about this." Zhen Xiaoman loosened her five fingers and muttered to herself.

But she still couldn't figure it out. Since the bastard's martial arts were so high and he easily killed all the traitors by himself, why did he pretend to be possessed before?

She suddenly remembered that since she came back, his attitude towards her had changed drastically. Although he used to provide her with good food and drink, he never interfered in her affairs.

But not only did he mock her as soon as they met, he also tortured her in the name of urging her to practice martial arts. Could it be that...

The dog man already knew that she had joined forces with the righteous people to put him to death?

Zhen Xiaoman shuddered violently, so he claimed that he was possessed by the devil not to lure Yin Yuanlong and others, but to paralyze her and let her fall into the trap!

And she was really fooled, and she ran back happily to find out the truth.

But why didn't the dog man kill her directly like he did to Yin Yuanlong and others? It is said that with his current martial arts, he is enough to intimidate the entire Red Flame Sect, and there is no need to consider the fact that she is the daughter of the former leader.

The more Zhen Xiaoman thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong. She forgot about her physical discomfort for a while and sat up suddenly. As a result, she grimaced again when she was in pain.

But this also reminded her that perhaps Xie Yangyan hated her too much and didn't want her to die quickly, but wanted to keep her to be tortured in bits and pieces.

What a vicious heart!

Zhen Xiaoman panicked immediately. She was now the flesh in the palm of the man's hand. He could do whatever he wanted to her.

At this time, she began to regret it. If she had known, she would listen to Brother Ying and not come back. But she thought she had someone to rely on, and she actually sent herself into the tiger's mouth!

"Quick, go and invite the right protector over." She hurriedly ordered, "Just say I have something important to discuss."

"Yes." The confidant maid responded and hurried away.

Knowing that the situation was urgent, Zhen Xiaoman didn't care about the pain in her body. She gritted her teeth and climbed up. After a simple make-up, she began to anxiously wait for the only person she could rely on now.

Who knew that the confidant maid came back and told her that the right protector said he couldn't come because of something.

"It's already this time, what else is so important?" Zhen Xiaoman couldn't help getting angry at her, "Did you tell him that I was looking for him for something very, very important?"

"My subordinates said," the trusted maid said aggrievedly, "but the right protector said he also has something very important now and can't get away."

Zhen Xiaoman was almost dying of anxiety, but there was nothing she could do. Her martial arts were not that high, and she couldn't guarantee that she could avoid the eyes and ears of everyone, so she couldn't go there in person and could only wait passively.

"Then tell the right protector to come to see me as soon as he is done!"

The trusted maid responded and hurried over to pass the message again.

However, Zhen Xiaoman didn't wait for Ning Xun to come in the next few days. Instead, she was still called up by Yang Yan to do horse stance every morning.

Before she didn't know that the matter was exposed, although she was afraid of him, she was more afraid of his aura, and occasionally she dared to complain in a low voice when he did too much.

Seeing his cold face again, Zhen Xiaoman couldn't help but think of what the maid said, that he killed dozens of people with one move, and that he might have known everything she had done.

As soon as she thought about it, she began to feel fear from the bottom of her heart. Whenever his eyes fell on her, she always subconsciously held her breath, fearing that if she provoked him, she would be sent to death by him with a palm.

It was impossible to complain anymore. Even if the dog man said something very excessive and seriously hurt her self-esteem, she didn't dare to say a word and silently did what he asked.

But her obedience did not bring satisfaction to the other party. Instead, the dog man tormented her even more.

In addition to the two-hour horse stance in the morning, he also asked her to practice sword in the hot sun in the afternoon, repeatedly practicing simple and boring movements such as stabbing and picking.

In just a few days, she was tanned several degrees.

Zhen Xiaoman endured all these. She always warned herself in her heart that these were only temporary. She would let the dog man be proud for a while. When she joined forces with Uncle Ning and Brother Ying to take him down, it would be her turn to avenge her grievances and revenge.

But after so long, Uncle Ning's so-called important things were never finished. Even in the past two days, when the maid went to find someone, he simply avoided her!

At this time, Zhen Xiaoman knew that the other party was deliberately avoiding her!

Why? She couldn't figure it out. Wasn't Uncle Ning the most loyal to her father?

He said that in order to secretly protect herself for the past ten years, he had been enduring humiliation and pretending to be with Jie Yangyan and Lian Xiujie. Why did he abandon her when she needed him the most?

Could it be that he was also scared by the dog man's martial arts?

Zhen Xiaoman felt deeply deceived. She said that she had received a great favor from her father and didn't want to see him die in vain. She would avenge him even if she risked her life.

Fake, all fake!

At this time, she missed Qin Feiying very much. In this world, he was the only one who was sincere to her. If he knew her predicament, he would definitely risk his life to save her!

Unfortunately, she didn't wait for her beloved lover, but waited for the notice of Yang Yan's meeting in the church.

There are five major halls under the Chiyan Church. Now two hall masters died for rebellion, and most of the halls were executed by the leader himself. It can be said that only three of the five major halls are left.

When everyone in the church heard about the meeting, they thought that they were going to discuss reorganization, or simply cancel two halls.

But Zhen Xiaoman was guilty!

When she heard about this, her first reaction was that Xie Yangyan, the dog man, was going to deal with her in front of everyone, and she was immediately anxious.

She had sent a message to Brother Ying a few days ago, asking him to find a way to save her, but at this time, she didn't know whether the letter had been delivered to him, and distant water could not quench near thirst.

She wanted to escape again, but she was supervised by the bastard man himself or someone else to practice martial arts during the day, and she was so sore at night that she couldn't even move, so this plan couldn't be implemented.

She even tried to pretend to be sick, but the strange doctor came and gave her a few injections, and she had to drag her heavy body to get up again and continue her useless martial arts career.

Until the last day, Zhen Xiaoman didn't succeed in escaping. Although her body was exhausted, she was trembling all night and didn't sleep. The next day she went to the meeting with the determination to die.

The Red Flame Sect always held a meeting only when something big happened in the sect. The leader was usually either in seclusion or on the way to seclusion. The right protector was just a title and didn't take care of things. The affairs of the sect were always discussed by the left protector Lian Xiujie and the five hall masters.

Excluding the more than 200 people who died, there were nearly a thousand people participating in the meeting, and the largest hall in the sect was filled with black crows.

Although Zhen Xiaoman no longer had any hope, she couldn't help but feel sad and embarrassed when she thought about being punished in front of so many people.

She was the daughter of the former leader. How dare Xie Yangyan, that bastard, treat her like this?

If my father was still alive, it would be great...

Just when she was full of grievances, Yang Yan arrived.

He was only wearing a simple black robe, but his aura made people dare not look directly at him.

"Meet the leader."

All the people half-knelt down, and the sound was like a tsunami.

Zhen Xiaoman didn't plan to run away. She thought to herself that even if she died, she had to die with dignity and couldn't let her father's prestige fall.

But just now, I don't know why, her feet softened, and she knelt down with everyone unconsciously.

By the time she realized it, it was too late. Her face suddenly turned red and white, which was very ugly.

But fortunately, no one noticed her at this time. Everyone's mind was attracted by the man on the high seat.

"Get up!" Yang Yan said calmly. After everyone thanked him and stood up, he continued, "I called you here today because I have something to announce."

Zhen Xiaoman was startled, thinking that he was about to order her to be punished. She bit her lips and looked stubborn, thinking that even if she was tortured in public, she would never cry out for mercy.

But what she heard next almost made her want to pick her ears.

"I have decided to abdicate and pass the position of leader to the Saint."

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