Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 79 The Demon Cult Leader 14 (1/2)

"Young Master, what should we do now?" All the martial artists had left, and the people from Qinjiazhuang stepped forward carefully to ask.

Qin Feiying came back to his senses, took a deep breath and slowly exhaled: "Go pack up, we'll go back to the village."

"Yes." The man responded in a low voice, not daring to say more, and asked others to pack up. There were not many daily necessities, but mainly the bodies of the people in the village.

There were more than fifty people in Qinjiazhuang this time. Except for the five or six who were seriously injured and needed to rest, there were only more than thirty people who could stand, and even the second young master...

The loss can be said to be very heavy, and the reputation of the young master has been greatly damaged. This time, let alone becoming famous in the world, the entire Qinjiazhuang will definitely be affected.

Thinking of the owner's instructions before leaving, everyone felt very heavy.

They were all like this, and Qin Feiying felt even worse, but he kept everything in his heart, and on the surface he still looked calm and composed.

"Brother Ying!"

Just as the group of people packed up and walked out of the inn to leave, a cry suddenly came from afar, and then a woman who looked like a crazy woman rushed towards them.

"Young Master?"

The people in Qinjiazhuang did not recognize that this person was Zhen Xiaoman. Seeing her unsteady steps, they thought she was a crazy woman from some family in the town. They were about to step forward to stop her, but they did not expect that their young master would secretly stop her.

Qin Feiying did not explain, but just pursed his lips and looked at the woman who was running towards him. When she approached and was about to jump into her arms, he suddenly raised his foot and stamped on her chest, kicking her upside down.

It had rained all morning, and the ground outside was full of mud.

Zhen Xiaoman fell into a puddle, and her head and face were immediately soaked by mud and water. She looked more like a crazy woman. Where was the shadow of beauty and cuteness?

But she didn't know what image she was in now. She sat up with her hands on her chest, groaned, and spat out the mud and water that splashed into her mouth. She looked at the man with a face full of resentment: "Brother Ying, why did you kick me?"

"Where did this mad woman come from?" Qin Feiying hadn't spoken yet, and the people around him couldn't help it, "Where did you hear the name of our young master?"

"Crazy, crazy woman?" Zhen Xiaoman pointed at herself with a shocked face. Seeing that their faces were full of disgust, even her lover was the same, and then seeing that her clothes were full of mud and water, she suddenly came to her senses.

She struggled to walk from the foot of the mountain with her legs, and she fell several times in the rain on the way. Now her body must be unsightly.

Thinking of trying to pounce on him just now, her face was red and almost smoked, but because her face was also full of mud and water, no one except herself noticed.

"I, I'm not a mad woman..." Zhen Xiaoman hurriedly took out a handkerchief from her sleeve to wipe, but the handkerchief itself was also soaked in mud and water, and it was not very clean.

Although some mud was wiped off her face, it also left a lot of marks, white and black, which made it even more unsightly.

"Brother Ying, it's me, I'm Xiaoman!" She took a look at the dirty handkerchief and cried anxiously.

"Zhen, Xiao, Man." Qin Feiying had been watching her performance quietly until he called out her name word by word.

Zhen Xiaoman saw that he finally recognized her and didn't notice his tone. She burst into laughter and stood up with difficulty with her hands in the mud and water, and wanted to throw herself into his arms again.

But after running two steps, she remembered her current appearance, stopped suddenly, lowered her head and said a little embarrassedly: "Brother Ying, why don't you wait for me for a while, I'll wash up first."

"No need." Qin Feiying said coldly.

"I knew you wouldn't dislike me, Brother Ying," Zhen Xiaoman misunderstood his meaning and said with some emotion, "But I don't want to face you like this again."

"No, you look good like this." Qin Feiying glanced at her coldly and ordered the people behind him, "Catch her and bring her back to the village for interrogation."

"What?" Zhen Xiaoman hadn't reacted yet, and several men had already pounced on her like tigers and wolves. She was so scared that she retreated repeatedly.

But she had just lost her internal strength and her steps were weak. She was caught up in just two steps. Those people had guessed her identity at this time and tied her up without any mercy.

Zhen Xiaoman didn't understand what was going on until she was taken to the man. She exclaimed, "Brother Ying, what are you going to do?"

"Zhen Xiaoman, you are really good at acting. You even fooled me!" Qin Feiying looked at her with a look of poison in his eyes. "It's a pity that although you have high skills, your strength is too poor. In the end, you hurt yourself instead of others."

"Brother Ying, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand it at all?" Zhen Xiaoman was confused.

"You still want to deceive me now. Do you think I will still believe you?" Qin Feiying was furious. The internal injuries that had improved a little before suddenly showed signs of recurrence.

He pressed his chest with some pain, glanced at the woman on the ground coldly, and said, "Take her away and go back to the village!"

Zhen Xiaoman certainly didn't want to be convicted in such an unclear way. Unfortunately, her physical strength was not as good as that of ordinary girls, and she couldn't get rid of the hands of several big men.

She yelled at her brother Ying to explain clearly, but Qin Feiying simply turned a deaf ear to her. When he became annoyed by her, he simply ordered someone to cover her mouth, and the world suddenly became quiet.

Zhen Xiaoman was thrown into the carriage quickly, with her hands and feet tied. She could only roll around in the carriage to move. Her mouth was stuffed with the handkerchief she had used to wipe the muddy water. The fishy smell almost made her vomit.

She screamed hard, but her blocked mouth could only make vague sounds of "Mmm--". She felt so wronged that her tears kept flowing.

She didn't understand why Brother Ying treated her like this. Was it really like she thought before, that he had been using her to find out the news in the church from beginning to end?

Thinking of this, Zhen Xiaoman's tears flowed more fiercely, but she soon realized that this was not a good thing, because her tears were accompanied by snot.

Now her hands were tied and she couldn't wipe them. She could only let them flow down her mouth and cheeks into her neck and finally dry on it, which made her feel sick.


Yang Yan didn't know that the heroine was so unlucky. She was caught by the hero just after she came down the mountain. Otherwise, he would definitely light a candle for her. After all, Qin Feiying was not a good person in the book.

After the original owner died, Lian Xiujie created misunderstandings between the two in order to avenge him. Every time Zhen Xiaoman was tortured by the hero, it was as miserable as it could be.

Now the two letters that Yang Yan wrote by imitating her notes are exactly the same as what she wrote under the blessing of her consciousness. Even if she reads them, she would probably think that they were written when she was sleepwalking, and she couldn't tell that they were fake.

In this case, she was completely speechless. It would be strange if Qin Feiying believed her!

After Yang Yan said goodbye to Lian Xiujie and left the small village, she just chose the opposite way from the martial artists and planned to go out from the other side of Gushan.

Unlike the town not far from the mountain, there is a large area of ​​lower hills and dense forests on the other side. Ordinary people may not be able to walk through it in ten days and ten nights.

However, Yang Yan is now a martial artist. As long as he doesn't get lost in the forest, he estimates that it won't take half a day to see the sun again.

But unfortunately, he miscalculated in the end.

When he reached the center of the forest, Yang Yan suddenly heard a painful howl. He went to check with some curiosity and saw a group of wolves besieging a tiger.

Let's not talk about why these wolves are so bold that they actually came to compete with the king of the forest. The tiger is also strange. It lies in the same place and refuses to move a step. It threatens the wolves with its teeth bared and has been in a passive defense.

This is obviously very disadvantageous for it. Just look at the bloodstains on its body. If it continues like this, it will die in the mouth of the wolf sooner or later.

Sure enough, the next moment, the tiger suddenly let out a painful wail. It turned out that the wolf took advantage of its unpreparedness and pounced on it and bit its throat.

Nature has its own laws of operation. Yang Yan took a look and prepared to leave, but at this time the tiger rolled away in severe pain, which made him understand why it had refused to move before.

It turned out that there were several little tigers hiding under it. Judging from their size and the mucus on their bodies, they were just born not long ago. The big tiger had been lying there to protect them.

At this time, after the wolf succeeded, several wolves pounced on it frantically and bit the big tiger tightly. It struggled with all its strength for a few times but couldn't get free. The light in its eyes gradually lost its luster. Looking back at the cubs, people could actually see the sadness in it.

Yang Yan was moved and waved his palm to send several bursts of energy to slap the wolf on its body away.

The wolves had already discovered this intruder. They were busy hunting before and ignored him. When he intervened, they turned their heads and growled at him threateningly, and saliva dripped onto the ground along their sharp teeth.

How could Yang Yan be scared by a few beasts? When they could not hold back and pounced on him, he waved his palms and slapped five or six of them away in succession. Although he held back and did not slap them to death, he also showed his great strength.

Wolves are very smart animals. They circled around him from a distance for several times. Seeing that the gap in strength between the two sides was too large, they finally retreated into the dense forest with a whimper and soon disappeared.

Yang Yan noticed that their breath did not go away, but lingered nearby, probably wanting to see if there was any chance.

He did not care. He walked forward in the vigilant but helpless eyes of the big tiger and leaned over to check the litter of little tigers. They were rare, with one mother and four litters, but unfortunately, three of them had no breath, and the only one left was also weak.

Yang Yan picked up the surviving little guy and tried to input a trace of internal force into its body. It was actually absorbed very well. The soft little body seemed to have a little strength, and it opened its eyes and looked at him weakly.

"You're lucky." He nodded the little guy's head, and when he lowered his head to look at its mother again, he found that the big tiger had closed its eyes at some point. Perhaps it understood that its child had been rescued, and it looked very peaceful.

The little tiger held in Yang Yan's palm suddenly made a humming sound, one after another, as if crying.

At first, he thought that there was a blood bond between mother and child in this world. When he was sighing, his finger was suddenly held by the little guy and sucked hard.

Yang Yan immediately had three vertical lines on his forehead. How could he be sad because of the death of the tiger mother? It was clearly because the little thing was hungry.

What a rubbish, it deceived my feelings!

Yang Yan flicked the tiger cub away with his fingers and rescued his index finger, but the hungry little thing couldn't wait to hold his little finger again.


Forget it, let's find a wet nurse for him first!

So he gave up his original plan and plunged into the forest, chasing the traces of lactating animals, and soon found a doe that had just lost its cub.

After feeding the tiger cub, Yang Yan thought that he couldn't get rid of it for a while, so he wanted to give it a name.

"You were protected by the tiger mother desperately, so you can escape from the wolf's mouth," he pondered for a moment, and said, "and you survived by drinking the deer's milk, so why not call it... Xiaohua!"

After eating and sleeping enough, and with a little internal force from him from time to time, the tiger cub was now much more energetic. When he held it in front of him with his hands under his forelimbs, his smart eyes looked at him curiously.

"It seems that you like this name too," Yang Yan rubbed its little head with satisfaction, "Then let's happily decide it!"

Xiaohua: "???"

Because he saved a little guy by accident this time, Yang Yan had to stay in the forest for a few months. During this period, he found many wet nurses for it, and took it away until it could eat meat and was completely weaned.

In fact, his original plan was just to raise the little thing a little bigger, and when it could hunt and survive independently, he would leave it in the forest and leave alone.

Otherwise, he would not have chosen to stay here at that time, but would have taken it away with him a long time ago. After all, it can better cultivate its wildness in the mountains and forests.

But perhaps it was the internal force that Yang Yan poured into its body that caused it to mutate, or it might be Xiaohua's own problem. After a few months, it has hardly grown up and still looks like a little tiger cub.

And the first time it ate meat, it secretly ate the meat soup cooked by Yang Yan, and then it completely fell in love with cooked food. Barbecue is its favorite, and it doesn't even want to look at raw meat.

Although Xiaohua's strength is not as weak as her appearance, she can still catch prey with her flexible body and intelligence that is obviously higher than that of ordinary animals.

But just think about a little tiger the size of a cat. After finally catching the prey, it did not eat immediately to fill its hungry stomach, but instead looked around for dead branches to make a fire and barbecue meat.

This scene made Yang Yan feel guilty. It was impossible to leave it alone as planned, but he continued to stay here and raise it until it was big enough and trained it to eat raw food before leaving...

But at its current growth rate, God knows when it will grow up. He doesn't have that much time to spend with it. He came to this world to do tasks, not to care for small animals!

Yang Yan, who finally decided to take Xiaohua with him, was absolutely unwilling to admit that what really prompted him to make this decision was that he found that it was as difficult to make Xiaohua like raw food as to make him suddenly like eating raw food.

The little tiger was only as big as an ordinary adult cat. Yang Yan put it in his arms and flew towards Gushan with his true energy.

He chose to go this way before to avoid those people of the righteous path. It was not because he was afraid of anyone or had any taboos. He was just too lazy to deal with them.

Now that several months have passed, they must have returned home long ago, so there is no need for him to avoid them anymore.

And he actually wanted to know what the Red Flame Sect is like now, so he just went to see it by the way.

During these days in the forest, Yang Yan was not idle except for raising the little tiger. Now the Red Flame Divine Art has been practiced to the tenth level of perfection, which is considered to be a wish of the original owner.

So he went back almost twice as fast as when he came. Not long after, he returned to the place where he first stepped into the forest. He hesitated for a moment and went to the small manor where he stayed after retiring from the position of the leader.

What surprised him was that Lian Xiujie was no longer here, and according to the doorman Lao Li, he also left only one month after he left.

Yang Yan had calculated in his mind that the method he taught him to improve his internal strength and train his mental strength would take at least a year to complete at his current progress. He also specifically told him not to leave in a hurry, and to be patient and have enough self-protection power before he could think of anything.

At that time, Lian Xiujie promised well, and he never thought that he would break his promise after only being away for a month.

"Before the second young master left, did anything unusual happen in or around the manor?" Yang Yan's first thought was that the enemy came to the door, so he asked this question, "For example, a stranger, or someone who had not been in contact for a long time suddenly came to inquire."

"No, young master," Lao Li thought seriously for a while, and confirmed with his wife and children, and then came back to reply, "None of us has met the person that the young master said."

"Did the second young master leave any letters for you to pass on to me?" Yang Yan frowned and asked again.

Unfortunately, the answer was still negative. He went to Lian Xiujie's bedroom and searched around, but still found nothing.

Fortunately, it seems that he was not captured or forced to leave, but rather left on his own initiative.

He didn't understand why he didn't leave a message for himself, but no one could explain it to him before he met someone, so Yang Yan had to put the matter aside and turned to Gushan.

As soon as he entered the Red Flame Sect's sphere of influence, he felt a sense of desolation that this place was going downhill.

When Lian Xiujie was in charge, the Gushan of the base camp was arranged like an iron barrel, with a sentry every three steps and a guard every five steps, and all the people sent out were serious and responsible spirited young men.

Now, probably because of the lack of manpower, many checkpoints have been removed, and only about one-tenth of the original ones are left. Most of the people guarding inside are listless and have no vigilance. Instead, they gather in groups of three or two to brag and chat.

In fact, Yang Yan is not surprised that it will become like this. People in the martial arts world have always valued martial arts over literature. Usually, they deal with things by force. Not many people are willing to use their brains, and there is a lack of management talents.

Before Lian Xiujie took over the Chiyan Sect, it was just an ordinary martial arts sect. He took advantage of the original owner's fame to carry forward the entire sect, and it has grown to such a large scale in a short period of time, which shows how powerful he is.

In addition to the original owner's military deterrence, Lian Xiujie's role in the formation of such a momentum of the Chiyan Church cannot be underestimated.

After the two of them left, none of the remaining members of the sect could handle such a big scene, not to mention that Yang Yan had dug a big pit for them before leaving.

In the past, no one dared to say a bad word about the leader of the Chiyan Sect, whether in person or behind their backs, but now when they gathered together, almost half of them were talking about the third new leader they had changed in a short time.

Yang Yan hid his figure in the dark, walked and listened, and had almost figured out what had happened in the sect recently.

That day, Zhen Xiaoman was driven down the mountain by Ning Xun's own hands after her internal strength was abolished. He followed the heroine to see her miserable end, but he didn't know that a good show was staged on the mountain.

In this battle, almost two-thirds of the Chiyan Sect died. The more than 200 survivors did not think about the aftermath or reconstruction in the midst of corpses and devastation, but first began to fight for the throne of the leader.

Although their sect is not as glorious as before, some people who want to compete for the leader are ambitious and think that they may be the next Xie Yangyan, leading everyone to the peak again.

Ning Xun moved many people with this big cake, and he had taken over Niu Geng's men after assassinating him in the melee, and finally won the position of leader with a slight advantage.

Unfortunately, it is easy to draw a cake, but it is not enough to just blow it up in reality.

Ning Xun is proud of his martial arts value, which ranks second in the Red Sect. When people mention his name, they will say "my martial arts is second only to the leader", which makes him secretly proud.

But in fact, his martial arts are not low in the whole world, at least he can be ranked in the top 20, but it is far from the crushing he expected.

Although the righteous people retreated, their business did not retreat, and they changed the previous decline of being suppressed and turned to suppress them.

The people of the Red Flame Sect have been in the martial arts world for so long, when have they ever suffered such humiliation? They immediately sent a message back to the sect to ask for help from the new leader.

Ning Xun didn't dare to take the lead after receiving the news. He heard clearly what Xie Yangyan said that day. If they took the initiative to attack those people of the righteous path, he would definitely sit back and watch them being destroyed again.

And this time, they must have wanted to induce him to break his oath.

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