Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 82 The Unlucky Movie Star 2 (1/2)

Before Yang Yan could answer, a call interrupted their conversation.

"Mom!" A little girl ran over and threw herself into Qu's mother's arms. Her identity was self-evident. She must be the sister of the original owner who had never met or even heard of.

The little girl probably recognized his brother. She quietly poked her eyes out of her mother's arms and looked him up and down curiously. However, when the adults didn't speak, she kept her mouth shut and didn't speak.

Yang Yan felt something and turned to look in the direction she came from. Sure enough, he saw Qu's father with a sullen face. He said embarrassedly: "Dad, you're back."

Qu's father glanced at him and ignored him. He walked straight to his wife and daughter, grabbed Mengmeng's hand, and led her home.

"Don't bother with your dad," Qu's mother walked to her son who was ignored and whispered to smooth things over. "Although he didn't say it in these years, he actually thought about you in his heart. He has watched every TV movie you made."

Yang Yan was about to say that he didn't care. These were what the original owner and he should bear now, but Qu's father's unhappy voice came over: "Why are you mumbling outside instead of going home? Aren't you ashamed?"

"Okay, go home, can't you talk about it when you get home?" Qu's mother responded, nodded at her son, and lowered her voice, "Your dad has a bad temper, but he just likes to save face. Don't be stubborn with him, and talk to him later."

Her eyes were full of worry, afraid that the father and son would have a disagreement, and the son would leave like he did back then, and who knows how many years he would be gone.

Yang Yan couldn't help but think of the original owner's memory. In fact, what happened back then was nothing more than the child growing up and having his own ideas, but Qu's father and mother were conservative in their thinking. They thought that entering the entertainment industry was unreliable and that it was dirty and messy, and they were afraid that he would learn bad things from it.

The two have been educating for almost 20 years, and they still hope that he can live a regular life like most ordinary people, not seeking wealth and honor, but hoping that he can be safe and happy, and take fewer detours in life.

However, the original owner really likes acting, and he is also very talented in this area. He also has the ambition that many young people have, and he is unwilling to live an ordinary life.

So after the college entrance examination, he secretly applied for the acting department without telling anyone, and it was not until the admission letter was sent that Qu's father and mother knew the truth.

The two of them were very confused at the time, and Qu's father was furious and ordered him to repeat a year, re-examine the school and major, and it would be best if he chose to do everything like them.

Of course, the original owner refused, and the contradiction between the two sides became more and more serious after arguing with reason. In the end, Qu's father threatened that if he dared to go to school, he would no longer recognize him as his son in the future, and told him to get out and never come back.

The original owner had never worried them since he was a child, and even the rebellious period that caused headaches for countless parents was spent in a dull manner. As a result, he had a big move at this time, and he was so stubborn that no one could pull him back.

He took the New Year's money he had saved for many years, sneaked out of the house, and went to Beijing alone to register. After that, he worked part-time and studied part-time for two years, until he signed a brokerage company and passed the audition, and then he felt relieved.

During this period, Qu's mother also came to him, but at that time, he was reluctant to give up what he liked, and he was angry and refused to bow to his parents.

The young man did not know the severity of the situation and said many hurtful words. In the end, Qu's mother left with tears.

Later, the original owner regretted what happened at that time, but he probably inherited the stubborn temper of his father. He had thought of going home countless times, but in the end he still suppressed it.

So it is really a matter of life and death. The original owner has been concerned about his family for many years, but he stubbornly refused to turn back because of the angry words he said when he was young. His parents were worried and he was not happy. Why did he do this?

During Yang Yan's recollection, the group had already gone upstairs, but Qu's father did not give him a chance to talk properly. After entering the door, he snorted coldly and went back to the room, leaving the mother and the two children staring at each other in the living room.

After a moment of silence, Qu's mother pulled her little daughter over, touched her head and said, "Didn't you keep talking about your brother before? Now that your brother is back, why don't you call him?"

Mengmeng was a little shy, but still whispered, "Brother," at her mother's urging.

Yang Yan had some experience in getting along with children in his past lives, and soon eliminated the little girl's vigilance. The two siblings sat on the sofa and chatted intimately.

Seeing this, Qu's mother smiled with relief, cut a plate of fruit for them, and then went back to the room. After a while, vague voices came from the room.

Because the voice was low and there was a wooden door between them, even with Yang Yan's hearing, he could not hear clearly.

He guessed that what they were talking about must be related to him, but he did not pay special attention to the conversation between the two because he believed that there would be only one result in the end.

Although Qu's father seemed indifferent to him on the surface, how could he really erase his feelings for his child? Most parents will eventually compromise with their children, and judging from his appearance, he did not seem to be one of the few.

"Brother, will you leave in the future?" After curiously asking about her brother's celebrity life for a while, Meng Meng asked suddenly after being satisfied.

"Yes, brother still has a job!" Yang Yan told her bluntly. Seeing that the little girl was a little disappointed, he smiled and rubbed her little head, promising, "But brother will come back often in the future."

Being touched on the head by her brother, Meng Meng was a little shy, and her little face was flushed.

Although she was a little disappointed that her brother couldn't stay at home all the time, she was a smart and sensible girl. She knew that her brother was already an adult, and the task of an adult was to work.

So she nodded seriously and said, "Then when my brother is done with work, he must remember to come back to see Mengmeng!"

"Do you want to make a pinky promise?" Yang Yan raised his little finger.

"Yes!" Mengmeng nodded vigorously, and quickly stretched out her little finger to hold it with him, as if she was afraid that he would regret it.

Yang Yan laughed, and said a childish oath with her, and made a solemn promise.

This was what Qu's mother saw when she came out of the room. The anger on her face disappeared immediately. She teased the brother and sister a few words, and then sent her little daughter to do homework, and took her son to his room.

Ten years have passed, and the original owner's room is still preserved, and the furnishings are still exactly the same as in his memory. Yang Yan couldn't help but sigh in his heart that the two had good intentions, but it was a pity that their real son could no longer see all this.

After settling her son, Qu's mother went to the balcony of the living room to do homework and watched her daughter do her homework. Yang Yan contacted the assistant and asked them to contact the people in S City to check what happened at Teacher Zuo's home.

He did not show what happened tonight on the surface, but it actually touched him a lot. Although the original owner died in a car accident, it was related to online violence.

It was such a coincidence that he encountered the same type of victimization as soon as he returned home.

The original owner could not see what happened after his death. The book did not describe him as an ordinary supporting character, not to mention ordinary people who were just a little related to him, so he was not clear about the subsequent development.

However, if the couple was really framed, he would not mind helping them. The original owner hoped to reduce online violence, so he would start with this incident.

Fortunately, the people who planned this incident were not a difficult professional team, and the people who targeted them did not have the ability to cover the sky with one hand. Only two hours later, the incident and related videos were sent to his mobile phone.

The truth is not much different from what Qu's mother said. This is a case of a naughty child causing trouble, and the parents not only fail to discipline him strictly, but also protect him without thinking, distorting the facts and inciting public opinion against the victim.

Since Mr. Zuo and his wife are the victims, Yang Yan will certainly not stand idly by. He immediately contacted a professional lawyer in this field and followed the other party's advice to arrange two assistants to collect and preserve evidence together.

After checking the time, it was not yet ten o'clock, so he called Sister Jiang. After all, as a public figure now, his every move will involve his agent. Whether it is out of respect or to arrange the follow-up, he should inform her first.

After listening to his plan, Sister Jiang immediately stated her position: "I have no problem here, but I am afraid that the company will not be happy that you are meddling in other people's business."

"As long as Sister Jiang has no problem, it's fine." Yang Yan said with a smile, implying that the attitude of the company should not be taken into account.

"Okay, then you can do it yourself, I will pretend that I don't know." Sister Jiang said straightforwardly.

The two exchanged a few more pleasantries, and Yang Yan hung up the phone. He then blurred the faces of the irrelevant people and the naughty child in the video, and then posted the complete video without cutting off the beginning and the end on his Weibo, and described the incident in detail.

At the end, he left a few words seriously: "Please look at the problem rationally, don't be misled by those with ulterior motives, and stop the insults against Teacher Zuo and her husband."

"I have entrusted a lawyer to help solve this incident. In the future, I will file a lawsuit against those who planned and guided this incident, so please don't use the same method to target them."

"The development of the Internet has brought countless conveniences to our lives. I hope it can continue to develop healthily and vigorously, rather than becoming an illegal place full of dirty words."

It was almost eleven o'clock when he finished all this. He was very tired after running around for several days. After washing up, he fell asleep, not knowing that the Internet had exploded because of the Weibo he sent out, which should have nothing to do with him.

Qu Yangyan's Weibo account is usually managed by his assistant. He has been a talented person since the beginning. He rarely posts on Weibo, and basically only posts one at the beginning of each month.

This is hard for his fans. They have become fans of such a low-key idol, but they don't have many opportunities to support him. They can only review old news from time to time to barely keep him alive.

This night, someone clicked on his account as usual, but unexpectedly found that he had posted a new dynamic when he shouldn't have appeared!

Can't wait to see the content, first come a long series of "Ahhh..." wolf howls, has the idol finally come to his senses and plans to do more business?

Fans clicked on the video with excitement, but the content inside was unexpected, and it was not what they imagined the idol to be.

Many people left and left rows of neat question marks in the comment area, wondering if their idol had been hacked, and some even asked if he had been kidnapped, and asked him to deduct a "6" if he could still move.

But there were also people who watched the video patiently. Some people did not understand after watching it. They thought that this was just a case of a naughty kid causing trouble and being taught a lesson. How could this be worthy of Aidou's attention and a special Weibo post?

However, those who had read the previous posts were almost furious. It turned out that the truth of the matter was like this. There was no such thing as civil servants and teachers bullying children arrogantly. They were the real victims!

Thinking of the fact that they had left messages below to complain about the unfairness of society, their faces suddenly felt like they were slapped several times, and they were burning.

After reading the description of the idol, those who did not know the truth also understood the cause and effect, and were immediately shocked by the shamelessness of this family.

There are actually such people in the world. It is obvious that their own children made mistakes first. After knowing it, they did not teach them a lesson, but they actually had the nerve to cause trouble for others.

Such people must be taught a lesson!

Moreover, Mr. Zuo is a neighbor of the idol's hometown. As fans, how can they watch their fellow villagers being bullied?

People who saw this Weibo began to leave messages under the previous posts. Because of Yang Yan's sincere request, most of them did not speak too radically, but just told the truth of the matter.

The poster did not take it seriously at first, and as usual, he called in the water army to attack those who dared to defend the "black sheep".

This angered the fans, and they immediately called their friends to support them. It was only ten minutes after Yang Yan posted the post, and it was the most active time for netizens.

As one of the top traffic in China, the number of fans of the original owner cannot be underestimated. Countless people poured in, and the original posts exploded instantly, and some people even scolded them in the whole text without a single dirty word.

Only then did they realize the seriousness of the matter, and then they saw that it was the popular actor who spoke for the couple himself. What's the point of playing this?

The head of the water army called the instigator and threatened that either he had to pay more money or they would quit.

But the amount they asked to add was not a small amount. Although the boy's family had some money, they couldn't afford such a large sum. In the end, they could only listen to the other party saying "May you be blessed", and then there was only a busy tone on the phone.

The little boy's father suddenly collapsed on the ground, muttering with lifeless eyes: "It's over, it's over."

The whole family soon knew the whole story, and they knew they couldn't fight against him, and their faces became as ugly as his.

"He's a star, why does he care about these trivial matters? Isn't he just full of himself? I used to spend money to watch his movies, but I wouldn't give it to the beggars on the street!" The little boy's cousin scolded angrily.

Several people sat together and scolded Qu Yangyan severely, but they were all helpless about how to solve the dilemma afterwards.

With their energy, it was easy to deal with ordinary people in this third-tier city, but it was obviously not enough to deal with a nationally famous star who usually had a good external image.

At this time, they regretted that they had done things too ruthlessly before, and worried that the abuse and ridicule originally directed at the couple would fall on themselves.

And things did develop in the direction they feared, although at the beginning because of the words left by Yang Yan, the fans still retained some rationality and did not do anything extreme.

But as the incident spread, more and more passers-by began to join the discussion, and the tone of the words became stronger and stronger. In the morning, someone had already started to dig up the identity of their family.

Name, work unit, license plate, address, phone number, school, as the information was posted online one by one, the family was terrified.

Seeing those people clamoring to send them wreaths, the cousin's aunt couldn't bear it and broke down and cried. Even her husband's information was dug out. How should she explain to him?

The one who was most frightened was the little boy who started it. It was time to go to school, but he didn't dare to go out at all because he saw someone on the Internet saying that they would come to the school to find him.

Yang Yan was woken up by Qu's mother in the morning. He hadn't slept for such a long time. When he opened his eyes, his mind was still a little confused. He touched his sword casually. After a few seconds, he realized that he had arrived in a new world again. He scratched his hair and sat up.

He picked up the phone on the bedside and found that the battery that was fully charged last night had been exhausted and turned off automatically. It seemed that many calls came in during the silent period.

He connected the charging cable and put it back. He got up, put on his clothes, opened the door, and ran into Qu's father who had packed up and walked out of the room.

"Dad, good morning." Yang Yan quickly smiled, but was ruthlessly ignored by the other party.

Hey, what a bad temper!

Seeing that Qu's father walked straight into the bathroom with a stern face as if he didn't see him, and then closed the door heavily, Yang Yan shook his head helplessly.

Forget it, he has lived for tens of thousands of years, so don't bother with him who is only a few dozen years old.

Fortunately, there are still people in this family who welcome him. Qu's mother has not seen her son for many years. She couldn't sleep and got up early in the morning to work. At this time, the table was already full of various breakfasts.

Yang Yan smiled as soon as he saw it: "Mom, you made so much, can we finish it?"

Qu's mother also found this problem, but she was embarrassed by her son's smile, and said stubbornly: "I'm just worried that you will be hungry in the afternoon. There are no snacks at home. You can heat it up and have a snack."

"Okay!" Yang Yan didn't embarrass her and responded readily, "Thank you for your concern."

Qu's mother felt embarrassed. Just at this time, Xiao Mengmeng also got up and walked out. She quickly found an excuse that her daughter's collar was not fixed, and avoided the embarrassment by helping her fix it.

In fact, the neatly dressed little Mengmeng: "..."

During breakfast, Qu's father still pretended not to see his son, and Yang Yan didn't care. He was so happy chatting and laughing with his sister.

Qu's mother took advantage of her children's inattention and glared at him fiercely. In the end, Qu's father was so angry that he didn't eat and picked up his bag and left.

"Why didn't Dad wait for Mom?" Mengmeng didn't see the problem between her father and brother, and asked strangely with big eyes.

"Your dad had something to do at school this morning." Qu's mother looked at her son worriedly and coaxed her daughter.

"Oh." Mengmeng nodded as if she understood.

After that, the atmosphere at the table was even more silent than when Qu's father was there. Yang Yan thought that this was not a solution. Although he was sure that Qu's father would forgive him in the end, it would affect everyone's mood if it lasted too long!

Now Qu's mother was forced to lie to her daughter to smooth things over. I'm afraid there will be more problems in the future. It's not good for a little girl to be in such an environment.

After sending his mother and sister away, Yang Yan was thinking about how to take the initiative to reconcile with his father while washing dishes, and he soon had several ideas in his mind.

But now that Qu's father had gone to work, he was not in a hurry. He went back to his room and turned on his mobile phone first.

The circle on the screen turned for a long time before it turned on. He was about to check the missed calls when an unfamiliar number called in, and it was shown that it was from S City.

Yang Yan raised his eyebrows and swiped the green button to answer it.

The other party was a media in S City. As soon as the call was connected, he introduced himself and praised him a lot until he interrupted impatiently and told his purpose.

It turned out that he was one of the media that published the incident about Mr. Zuo and his wife. I don’t know where he got his phone number from, and he wanted to find him to reconcile privately.

"Mr. Yang, I think you found the wrong person?" Yang Yan laughed, "I just provided a little help to Mr. Wang and his wife. As for whether they will sue you in the end, you should talk to them."

"Yes, yes," the person on the other end of the phone smiled again and again, "Our company also has this plan, but this matter alarmed you, so I want to thank you first. Fortunately, you found it in time, otherwise we would have made a big mistake."

"In time?" Yang Yan's voice was a little cold, "Does Mr. Yang know where Mr. Zuo is now?"

There was silence for a moment, obviously he knew, after all, he had written it in that Weibo, since he could find him here, he must have seen it.

"The victim is still in the hospital and his life is uncertain. Mr. Yang did not consider coming to apologize, but came to me first. Excuse me, it is really hard to believe your sincerity. I think this settlement is unlikely to be negotiated."

"What does Mr. Qu mean?" The person on the other side was anxious. "You want to instigate them to go against us? We are all in the same circle. I advise you not to go too far. It will not be good for anyone if things are too ugly!"

"The word 'go against' is used very well. It seems that Mr. Yang puts himself in a high position and thinks that ordinary people should be at your mercy." Yang Yan's face was completely cold at this time.

"That's not what I meant. It was a slip of the tongue. I apologize." The person on the other end softened his tone and advised earnestly, "But Mr. Qu, you are a big star. Why do you have to make enemies with the media for someone who has nothing to do with you? After all, we are in a complementary relationship."

"I know you are kind-hearted and want to stand up for the weak. So, I will go to the hospital to apologize to Mr. Wang and Teacher Zuo in person later. Don't worry, the compensation will definitely be paid. What do you think?"

He acted very sincere, but Yang Yan didn't buy it. He said coldly: "You posted false news on the platform, which caused great mental pressure on the victim and even forced people to commit suicide. Shouldn't you apologize publicly online?"

"Mr. Qu's request is a bit too much, isn't it?" The person on the other end said embarrassedly, "It concerns the reputation of our company..."

"Mr. Yang," Yang Yan interrupted him, "I don't think we need to talk anymore."

The other side wanted to say something else, but he had decisively hung up the phone and blocked the person.

After finishing all this in one go, his phone rang again. This time, it was Bai Jiang who called to ask for an explanation, blaming him for offending the media on his own initiative, and ordered him to delete his Weibo immediately and not to interfere in this matter again.

Yang Yan had already guessed their attitude, and after firmly refusing, he ignored the clamor and hung up the phone again.

For the next morning, his phone calls almost never stopped, most of which were from the media in S City.

Some of them were looking for him to reconcile like the previous one, and his way of handling them was the same. He publicly apologized to Mr. Zuo and Mr. Zuo on the Internet platform, otherwise there would be no discussion, and the result was that they all parted unhappily.

The rest of them were just trying to dig up big news about him to attract attention, but he asked people to contact his assistants to get rid of them.

The job of a star is really more tiring than being the president of a listed group. After such a morning of tossing, Yang Yan wanted to quit the circle.

Just as he was rubbing his brows tiredly, another call came in, but this time it was good news, Teacher Zuo was out of danger.

The person on the other end of the phone was her husband, Mr. Wang. After learning the truth last night, Yang Yan asked his assistant to contact him.

But at that time, Teacher Zuo was still being rescued and then entered the intensive care unit. He was exhausted and had no energy to care about these things.

Besides, if someone suddenly appeared out of nowhere and said that a big star wanted to help them, even ordinary people would be suspicious, right? Moreover, they had experienced the online violence in the past few days and were already frightened.

It was not until a while ago that Mr. Wang and his family learned from the nurse that a big star really spoke for them, and the situation on the Internet had completely reversed.

He hurriedly charged his mobile phone, contacted the assistant who had called him before, and then asked him for his phone number and thanked him in person.

"Mr. Qu, I really don't know how to thank you. You saved our family's life!" Mr. Wang said, his voice choked a little.

"Mr. Wang may not know that my parents are also teachers at No. 1 Middle School and are colleagues with Teacher Zuo." Yang Yan said, "Since I know that the two of you were wronged, I will definitely not sit idly by."

"So that's it." Mr. Wang suddenly realized that it was no wonder that a big star was willing to speak for them.

He was still wondering if he wanted to gain a good reputation with this incident! It's really a case of judging others by one's own meanness.

"I don't know who your father and mother are. When my wife gets better, I must go to her house with her to thank her in person."

Without waiting for him to refuse, Mr. Wang hurriedly said, "This is the only thing we can do. Please don't refuse, otherwise we will definitely feel bad."

"I didn't intend to refuse!" Yang Yan laughed, "It just so happens that I also have something to talk to Brother Wang about, and I would like to ask you for a favor. If Teacher Zuo can leave, can you please take some time to come over? It's not convenient for me to go to the hospital in person."

Mr. Wang was worried that he would not have the opportunity to repay him for such a big favor. When he heard that he needed help, how could he refuse?

When his wife woke up from the coma, he couldn't wait to tell her the current situation on the Internet. The couple hugged each other and cried bitterly. Seeing that Teacher Zuo's emotions had stabilized, he entrusted him to his parents and came to Yang Yan's home.

"Brother Wang, why don't you go back and have a good sleep first, and then we can talk about it. I'm not in a hurry." Seeing his haggard face, Yang Yan suggested.

But Mr. Wang refused. He wiped his face and said, "I'm fine, Mr. Qu, I'm fine now, really, I'm more relaxed than ever before."

After all, he was almost desperate after experiencing the bad things in the past few days. Suddenly, he saw the light at the end of the tunnel, which was like a new life for him.

Since he insisted, Yang Yan didn't persuade him anymore and quickly told him the reason for inviting him here.

First, he told him the attitude of the major media that broke the news, and then asked for his opinion, whether to accept their plan and reconcile with them, or continue to sue.

"Brother Wang can go back and think about this matter. If you let it go, they agree to give a certain amount of compensation." Yang Yan didn't have a tough attitude like he did when facing the media, but seriously helped him analyze the pros and cons.

"If it's a lawsuit, although I'm sure I can ask them to apologize publicly, I may not get more because it hasn't caused irreversible consequences, and it will definitely take a lot of time and energy."

"Sue! I must sue them!" Mr. Wang made a decisive decision without hesitation.

He gritted his teeth, his face was a little distorted, and he obviously hated those unscrupulous media to the core.

"I understand your feelings," Yang Yan didn't want him to make a decision in anger and regret it later, so he advised, "But Brother Wang, this is not a trivial matter. If you decide to sue, it will inevitably affect your family. Why don't you go back and discuss it with Teacher Zuo before making a decision."

"Mr. Qu, you don't have to persuade me." Mr. Wang said firmly, "I must fight this lawsuit. Those people's false reports almost killed my wife. I want justice."

He didn't dare to imagine what their family would become if his lover was not saved this time. His son was still so young, how should he explain to him where his mother was?

"And those who planned and guided all this, I will not let any of them go! If they do something wrong, they should be punished. They are unwilling to teach their own children, I will teach them myself!"

Seeing the persistence in his eyes, Yang Yan did not persuade him anymore, and said decisively: "Okay! With your words, Brother Wang, I will definitely help you get this justice."

"I will handle the rest of the matter myself!" Mr. Wang said embarrassedly, "Mr. Qu, you have helped our family enough."

"How can this be?" Yang Yan smiled, "I have already publicly said on Weibo that I will help you fight this lawsuit. I can't go back on my word, right?"

Mr. Wang still disagreed, saying that the evidence he collected for him was already a great help. The two refused again and again, and finally Yang Yan won.

Because he took out the trump card, saying that if he only talked and did not do anything, it would affect his public image, Mr. Wang agreed half-heartedly.

After the discussion, Mr. Wang asked about what he had said before about wanting him to do a favor. Yang Yan was not embarrassed and told him everything about his parents.

Mr. Wang didn't even know that Qu's father and mother's son was a big star before, let alone these old stories. He was a little shocked after listening.

I didn't expect that this mature and steady man in front of me had such a youthful and frivolous time. He didn't go home for ten years because he was angry with his father.

It's just that everyone can't control their temper sometimes. Didn't he suppress his anger in the swimming pool and beat the child? Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many things later.

Thinking of the difficulties in the past few days, Mr. Wang felt a little sad, but he quickly put it out of his mind and responded readily: "Whatever Mr. Qu needs me to do is fine."

What Yang Yan wanted to ask him to do was very simple. Didn't Qu's father always think that the original owner was not good to enter the entertainment industry? Then he let him see with his own eyes that after becoming a star, he not only lived a good life, but also helped others.

When Qu's father and mother were there, Mr. Wang went to thank him in person, and then said a few good things about him in front of Qu's father, and then he admitted his mistakes. First, he solved his knot in his heart, and second, he also built a □□ for him to step down, and this matter would most likely be done.

Mr. Wang had this plan in mind, so naturally he had no choice but to respond, but he thought it was not a help at all, and he had to remember this favor.

Yang Yan didn't want to push it back and forth like this, so he finally said that he would leave soon and asked him to help take care of his parents when the time came. Only then did he leave with satisfaction and go back to prepare.

At this time, it was not far from the time when Qu's father and mother got off work. Yang Yan talked to Qu's mother and called to order food for the whole family. When they went home, the restaurant staff arrived.

"There are so many delicious foods!" Meng Meng was growing up, and she was already hungry at this time. As soon as she entered the door, she sniffed happily.

"Go wash your hands and eat." Yang Yan patted her shoulder and greeted his parents with a smile, "Dad, Mom, you go wash your hands too, I'll put the dishes out and you can eat."

Qu's mother smiled and responded, giving him a "great" gesture, and even Qu's father finally gave him a look.

Yang Yan knew their personalities and knew that their attitude was definitely not because he prepared the food. He guessed in his heart that they must have known that he had spoken for Teacher Zuo and the others.

After all, it is impossible for them not to pay attention to such a big thing. Even if they really didn't pay attention to it, people around them would tell them.

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