Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 85 The Unlucky Movie Star 5

"You——" The woman suddenly opened her eyes, but saw that the man in front of her was clear-headed, and even the blush on his face was slowly fading. How could he look like he was drugged?

"Want to ask me why I don't have Chinese medicine?" Yang Yan showed an expression of watching a good show, "Guess!"

He drank the drugged wine, but that kind of medicine, to put it bluntly, only affects people's mind, and it doesn't have much effect on him. Wu Mingxu might be disappointed.

The woman's face changed drastically. She guessed that he had seen through her trick and knew that the original plan would definitely not be implemented. Her mind turned quickly. Suddenly, she ran past him and ran out of the door when he was not paying attention, then quickly ran to the door, unlocked the door and rushed out, and then fell heavily to the ground.

She looked like she was unable to get up, and she held onto the ground and screamed in fear: "Help! Help! Someone is trying to rape me!"

At this time, most people in the hotel had not rested yet. Soon, some people were attracted by the people outside. Seeing her like this, they immediately called the police. There were also women who came forward to put clothes on her, carefully helped her up and comforted her softly.

Accompanied by the woman's heartbroken crying, several men angrily rushed into the room she had just escaped from, wanting to beat up the person who did this dirty thing to vent their anger, but they were dumbfounded as soon as they walked in.

"Qu Yangyan!"

"Teacher Qu?"

Half of the hotel was occupied by the crew, and the other half was occupied by ordinary people. After seeing him, their reactions were also very different.

The crew knew that they had caused a big disaster, and subconsciously ran to the door to block the curious eyes outside, while the ordinary people became even more angry, with the words "You are actually this kind of person" written all over their faces.

But it was too late to stop them. The people outside the door had already picked up their phones and started taking photos and recording short videos. The crew members, especially the staff, were sweating profusely and hurried over to ask everyone not to take photos.

At this time, the woman who was comforted by two kind ladies winked in one direction. The man nodded, then held the phone tightly and quietly slipped out of the crowd.

Yang Yan, the person involved, was not nervous at all. He stood there and let them take photos. He didn't forget to ask: "Have you called the police?"

"I have called!" The person who called before answered subconsciously.

"That's good, wait for the police to deal with it," Yang Yan pointed at the woman who was still sobbing, "You guys keep a close eye on her, don't let her run away."

At first, people thought he was too arrogant when they saw his calm attitude, but when they heard what he said later, they couldn't help but wonder.

He didn't look like he was caught doing something bad. Was he confident that his backstage was strong and no one could touch him, or... there was actually something else going on?

Yang Yan's performance was too frank. Besides, people nowadays are not so stupid. He has been fooled a lot in the past few years, so he naturally doesn't look at things only on the surface like before. His doubtful eyes instantly shifted to the woman who was still crying.

The woman found that something seemed to be wrong and panicked for a moment, but she quickly calmed down. Anyway, she just insisted that she accidentally walked into the wrong room. After entering the room, Qu Yangyan took off her clothes and wanted to do something improper to her. With her current appearance, he couldn't explain it even if he had a hundred mouths.

Although it was not as perfect as the original plan, it also achieved the purpose of ruining his reputation. At this time, the person must have sent the post out, and there will be a good show soon.

Thinking of this, the woman felt relieved. She stopped crying, gritted her teeth and looked at him with an accusing look: "I won't leave. Today I must let everyone see the true face of you, a scumbag, and bring you to justice!"

There were still tears of fear in her eyes, but her face was extremely firm, which caused the people who had doubted just now to waver again, especially the women present, who subconsciously leaned towards her because they felt the same way, and looked at Yang Yan with some unkindness.

"You're right, sister!" The middle-aged woman who had been accompanying and comforting her before was full of relief in her eyes, "We women must not swallow our anger when encountering such things. Such scumbags must be severely punished by law!"

In this situation that was obviously very unfavorable to him, Yang Yan acted very comfortable, even sitting on the sofa and leisurely turning on the TV, and took out a spare mobile phone to damage it.

Others couldn't tell who was right and who was wrong for a while, but they thought that it would not take long for the police to come and they would definitely get to the bottom of it, so they were not in a hurry. Anyway, the two were surrounded inside and no one could leave.

There was a police station on the next street, so the police came quickly. After everyone stood in silence for five or six minutes, they arrived.

"Who called the police?" Two people wearing big hats pushed the crowd away.

"It was me." The man who called earlier raised his hand weakly, and after being questioned, he simply told the story again.

After listening, the two police comrades remained calm and asked the woman who was involved. She calmed down and told the story according to the words she had thought of in advance.

However, the police would not only listen to her one-sided words. After she finished speaking, they did not comment, walked into the house again, and asked Yang Yan on the sofa: "Is what they said true?"

"No," Yang Yan stood up politely and said, "What is the truth of the matter? The two police comrades only need to take a look to know."

As he said that, he clicked on his mobile phone, and the situation in the house where they were now appeared on the large screen of the 100-inch TV.

He looked at the woman whose face suddenly turned pale, and raised his lips slightly. Since he guessed that Wu Mingxu would make trouble for him, how could he not be on guard?

The video had been adjusted during the waiting period, so he saw the assistant helping him back to the room, and then he received a call and left in a hurry.

Soon after, the figure of the woman appeared in the video. She looked sneaky and sober, but it didn't match what she said before that she was drunk and walked into the wrong room.

Everyone's eyes fell on her instantly. The woman was at a loss at this time. How could she have thought that Qu Yangyan would actually install a surveillance camera when staying in the hotel?

She wanted to escape, but there were people around her, and the two policemen kept watching her vaguely, giving her no chance to escape.

The woman could only hold her heart and watch with everyone how she took the initiative to take off her clothes to seduce Qu Yangyan, and then rushed out of the room half-naked after failing.

The truth was revealed, and everyone looked at her strangely. The two women who had been with her to comfort her left her side quickly with a look of disgust, as if they had eaten something dirty.

The two policemen walked up to her and said expressionlessly: "Come with us!"

In the face of the ironclad evidence, the woman knew that it was useless for her to talk like a lotus at this time. Various thoughts flashed through her mind, and suddenly she knelt down in front of Yang Yan with a "thump".

"I'm sorry, Mr. Qu," she begged with tears on her face, "I did this because I liked you too much. Later, you rejected me. I don't know what happened at the time. I was ashamed and angry, so I thought of wronging you."

"Now I know I was wrong. Please forgive me for doing stupid things because I like you too much!"

Although what she did was disgusting, seeing a beautiful woman begging so pitifully, most of the onlookers softened their hearts and looked at Yang Yan with some pleading.

Yang Yan was not moved at all. He opened his mouth with more explosive news: "Comrade police, I suspect this woman is conspiring with others to harm me."

The woman's pleading movements froze instantly, and she looked at him with horror. She didn't expect that he was not soft-hearted, but wanted to put more charges on her.

Yang Yan ignored her and continued: "My assistant was sent away just now, and he hasn't come back until now. No one answered the phone. Please check it out. I'm worried that he has an accident."

It's not that he will be in trouble. Wu Mingxu won't kill people just to frame him. According to the original owner's experience, Yu Leshan should have been tricked into the underground parking lot, knocked unconscious and thrown in an inconspicuous corner.

He deliberately made the matter serious to attract the attention of the police, so that he wouldn't be like the original owner's memory, freezing miserably in a cold place all night, and catching a severe cold the next day, and even pneumonia.

And starting the investigation as soon as possible will also disrupt the other party's position. Maybe they don't have enough time to clean up, so they can catch some handles.

As he wished, the two policemen looked more serious: "We will check it immediately." Then one of them controlled the woman who was lying on the ground, and the other asked the person in charge to take him to check the surveillance.

With the intervention of the police, the person was found quickly. Yu Leshan was knocked unconscious and placed in the underground parking lot just as the original owner remembered. He was immediately sent to the hospital.

As for who did it, because he was in a blind spot of the surveillance when the accident happened, he has not been found yet, but it is precisely because of this that the police are more certain that this must be a premeditated crime.

The matter has now risen to a criminal case. As one of the parties involved, Yang Yan also needs to go to the police station to record a statement. He did not care about his celebrity status and got into the police car with the two policemen.

At the same time, the accomplice of the woman who left before did not know the reversal of the matter, and had posted photos and videos taken in the hotel on the Internet.

They came prepared, and bought hot searches at the same time as the release. The news that Emperor Jing Qu Yang Yan's failed attempt to rape a woman instantly spread all over the Internet.

Later, someone who didn't know the reason took a photo of him sitting in a police car and posted it online. It immediately became confirmed and was spread as the truth.

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