Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 90 The Unlucky Movie King 10

Netizens typed a series of question marks, while those fans who always believed in Yang Yan started to celebrate. This is their idol. What's wrong with being criticized? What's the big deal about not having a movie to shoot? What's the fear of being sued by advertisers?

I will directly buy the company and do it myself! All the monsters and ghosts retreat! The beating system is so tough!

For a while, all major media and those big Vs were ridiculed. The careful fans noticed what the idol said and quickly guessed the reason why his negative information was flying all over the sky before - someone didn't like him and wanted to cut off his life.

As for who was so cruel, you can guess with your big toe. It must be Wu Mingxu, the former general manager of Zhaotian who was just dismissed by him.

After digging deeper, fans found that the two did not have much grudges. The only thing involved was that Wu Mingxu's girlfriend Xiao Qiongyi was ridiculed by netizens because she took the initiative to stick to him, but was treated coldly by him.

As if to confirm their guess, the person who posted the message before came out to speak. That person was one of the screenwriters in the crew. She was also a fan of Yang Yan. She posted that message because she didn't like Xiao Qiongyi's behavior of rushing to the front.

Her original intention was just to complain. When she posted the message, she deliberately chose photos that would not reveal the identity of the person involved. But after being found out, she was in trouble.

Not only was she kicked out of the crew, but she couldn't survive in this industry afterwards. Wu Mingxu said that no crew dared to hire her. In the end, she had to give up her dream and find other jobs to make a living.

Netizens who knew the whole story were shocked: Although her behavior was wrong, she shouldn't be punished so badly, right?

Wu Mingxu was too extreme. Not only did he get rid of her job, but he also cut off her livelihood. It was extremely domineering.

What happened to Qu Yangyan seemed to be no different from what she experienced. The same was that her livelihood was cut off, but what he encountered was a hundred times more serious.

If he hadn't turned over on his own, it's conceivable that he would have been ruined and had to pay a huge amount of compensation.

But he didn't actually do anything excessive. He just ignored a woman who talked to him. Unfortunately, this scene was photographed and posted online, causing ridicule from netizens.

Wu Mingxu actually pushed someone to the brink of death because of such a small matter. This is not only overbearing, but also vicious!

For a time, the Internet was full of voices condemning him, and Xiao Qiongyi, as the instigator, was also ridiculed. Although she didn't do anything on the surface, no one believed that she was unaware of what her boyfriend did.

And Wu Mingxu might have done this because of her pillow talk?

The beautiful love that was once envied by others was actually a stinking flower that bloomed on the bones of others to absorb nutrients, which made everyone sick.

Xiao Qiongyi was really in bad luck now. Her Weibo was once again ruined. The actress, who had mixed reputations, was now criticized as a complete man-eating flower.

Countless people cursed at her account, and the vicious words scared her so much that she didn't dare to open it again after just one look, and Wu Mingxu was not much better.

The two of them had frequent interactions on Weibo. In the past, netizens left messages on both sides to eat sweets, but now they left messages on both sides to curse. Their sweet photos were all photoshopped with all kinds of unsightly language and pictures.

What frightened Xiao Qiongyi even more was that netizens began to boycott her, threatening that they would not watch any movies or TV shows she had filmed, and would not buy any products she represented!

And more and more people were posting comments below. If this continued, who would dare to endorse her or give her a role to play? She would never be able to develop in the entertainment industry in her life!

In fact, before Zhaotian changed its owner, the Wu family's absence from power did not affect her too much. After all, a rotten boat still has three pounds of nails, and the old Wu still has shares in Zhaotian. Even if he retires from his position, he is still a wealthy family.

As the girlfriend of his only son Wu Mingxu, although the crew is not as attentive as before, they are only a little colder, and no one dares to embarrass her.

But after this incident, with the current status of the Wu family, can she still be protected?

What worries her most is that Ah Xu will deal with Qu Yangyan. It can be said that it was all because of her. Now he is not only not stepped on, but also acquired Zhaotian in anger.

Ah Xu... Will he vent his anger on her?

Will Qu Yangyan retaliate against her?

Xiao Qiongyi curled up alone on the sofa, the more she thought about it, the more scared she was. At this time, she regretted it very much. Why did she go to greet Qu Yangyan in the first place?

Why didn't she persuade Ah Xu when he was going to deal with him, but also added fuel to the fire?

Some people are like this, they feel at ease when hurting others, but when this kind of hurt falls on themselves, they know that they are wrong.

However, they are not really repentant, but they are worried and afraid about their own fate when they have to pay the price for their mistakes.

Seeing the one-sided accusations and scoldings against the two people on the Internet, Yang Yan did not have any sympathy in his heart. The original owner was much more miserable than them, and in the book, many people were persecuted by these two people after the original owner.

If you sympathize with them, who will pity these people?

"Mr. Qu scared those people silly today!" In the evening, a group of people held a celebration banquet, and Sister Jiang raised her glass and laughed, "You didn't see their faces at that time, it was almost like seeing a ghost!"

Yang Yan thought about it and it was true. He couldn't help laughing.

Sister Jiang drank the wine in the glass generously and continued to talk happily: "When you terminated the contract, I resigned with you. Bai Jiang and the others said something sarcastic to me. I wonder what their expressions will be when they see today's news."

"I sold my life to them for more than ten years, and I got nothing. They threatened me when the artists under me left. Now I have left them and immediately became a shareholder of Zhaotian. They are a bunch of Zhou Ba Pi!"

She believed Yang Yan's words at the beginning and took out all the liquid funds to give him to start a company. Who knew that he would make such a big company. She actually got 5 points of shares for her millions, and the value increased by 100 times!

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed that money could be so easy to make. Moreover, she herself was in the entertainment industry. These shares represented not only money, but also status.

No one would dare to point at her nose and call her a bastard in the future, although no one dared to do that to her before.

Sister Jiang was so happy that she drank too much without realizing it. She climbed onto Yang Yan's shoulder with her eyes half drunk and said, "My brother is good to me. He helped me make a fortune and reach the pinnacle of life."

Yang Yan glanced at the suit that was wrinkled by her, raised his eyebrows and said, "Since you know that I am good to you, you will definitely not refuse if I need your help?"

"Who are we talking to?" Sister Jiang waved her hand carelessly, "Your business is my business. As long as you ask, I will do murder and arson for you!"

Is she drunk?

Yang Yan used his eyes to signal the assistants who were sitting beside him. They all opened their mouths slightly and shook their heads at the same time. Sister Jiang always looked smart and capable in front of them. No one had ever seen her drink, let alone get drunk.

While they were communicating with each other through their eyes, Sister Jiang had already passed out drunk and fell asleep on the table. A small celebration banquet ended hastily.

The next day, she paid the "price" for her drunken promises.

"What?" Sister Jiang opened her eyes wide, opened her mouth, and pointed at herself, truly expressing her shock. "You want me to be the general manager of Zhaotian? President Qu, you may have misunderstood my ability?"

"Don't worry, those are all later plans. I didn't ask you to take office immediately." Yang Yan said calmly, "I will take over the company myself first. You will learn to adapt to my side first. After those pests are eliminated, everything will be handed over to you on the track."

"Is this a problem of early and late stages?" Sister Jiang rolled her eyes at him unceremoniously, "I know my own ability. I am more than enough to be a broker. At most, I can be a director. I am sorry that I am asked to manage such a large company. I am not a good person. "Not enough!"

"Sister Jiang, don't underestimate yourself. I know your ability better than you do." Yang Yan waved his hand to interrupt her refusal, with a bit of sadness on his face, "There are not many people I can trust, only you and Xiao Yu. If you don't want to help me, I really don't know who to find."

Sister Jiang swallowed all the words that were about to come to her throat, and agreed reluctantly: "Okay, then I'll try it first. If it doesn't work, you should find someone else!"

"You can definitely do it! I'll ask them to move a table in and give you a place in the office." Yang Yan made a decision immediately, and a smile appeared on his face, his eyes were bright, and there was no sadness at all?

Sister Jiang: "..."

Damn! I was tricked.

Although she knew she was tricked, Sister Jiang was a person who valued her promises. Since she promised in person, she would not go back on her word. She had to painfully start learning how to manage such a large company.

As the saying goes, when one person succeeds, everyone around him will benefit. After Yang Yan joined Zhaotian as a major shareholder, everyone who used to follow him was promoted. Yu Leshan and other assistants were placed in various departments because of their different dreams.

It's not that he is nepotism, but these people are worthy. In the previous life of the original owner, although not everyone has been able to stay with him, after all, they also have their own families to support.

But at least they didn't betray him. Yu Leshan even accompanied him in a car accident, and he didn't know whether he was rescued in the end.

And those two assistants who once betrayed the original owner had already found reasons to get rid of them when he first came to this world.

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