Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 92 The Unlucky Movie King 12

Xiao Qiongyi went out for a walk and returned to the hotel. She found that her lover had returned and was sitting on the sofa with a gloomy face.

She felt a little scared. She carefully put down her things and walked over to lean on him. She suppressed her fear and asked, "Ah Xu, why did you come back so early today?"

"Hmph! Where did you go?" Wu Mingxu glanced at him with his eyes full of violent emotions.

Xiao Qiongyi shrank back in fear. Seeing his eyes sharp, she stopped again and answered tremblingly, "I, I was just a little hungry, so I went to buy some food."

Wu Mingxu looked her up and down carefully, as if to evaluate whether what she said was true. She subconsciously held her breath, and her face became paler and paler under his gaze.

"In the future, if you want to eat something, just ask someone to buy it and send it to you. At most, you can give a tip." After a long time, he finally uttered such a sentence.

Xiao Qiongyi breathed a sigh of relief. She had been holding her breath for too long, and her lungs were actually aching slightly. However, she could not care less at this time and hurriedly agreed.

Seeing that his expression seemed to ease a little, she mustered up the courage to ask: "A Xu, did you encounter something?"

Wu Mingxu was reminded by her, and his mood instantly became very bad. He said in a bad tone: "I met the swordsman Qu Yangyan!"

Xiao Qiongyi did not dare to speak immediately. When Zhaotian was acquired, she was very scared, fearing that she would be retaliated by Qu Yangyan or be angered by her lover.

Fortunately, neither of them happened. Qu Yangyan seemed to have not noticed her at all and ignored her from beginning to end.

Although she was a little angry that she had no sense of existence in his eyes, she was really relieved. After all, even A Xu fell into his hands, and she had no confidence that she could afford his revenge.

However, although Qu Yangyan did not specifically target her, she did not have a good life, because there were too many voices against her on the Internet, and she could not stay in the crew at that time.

At that time, A Xu was no longer the general manager of Zhaotian, and even had grievances with the new person in power. The other party did not protect her and directly selected another artist to replace her position.

The endorsements she had taken before were soon changed, and her way in the entertainment industry was blocked, and she could only terminate the contract in disgrace.

The only thing to be thankful for was that A Xu did not blame her for this, but it was a pity that Mr. Wu and his lover did not think so.

The two treated her as an enemy and did not allow their son to associate with her. Even if A Xu took her back, they would not see her, and even did not allow her to enter the house.

At that time, Xiao Qiongyi was so afraid that A Xu would listen to his parents and break up with her. She had lost her career, and if she lost her lover, she really didn't know how to live.

However, A Xu never abandoned her. During that time, they comforted each other. Although life was not satisfactory, their relationship was better than before.

But since when did all this change?

After the termination of the contract, she wanted to find a job, but she had a low education level and couldn't find a good job. In addition, her photos were still circulating on the Internet, and she was always pointed at when she went out. Finally, she gave up.

After that, she lived a life of doing nothing. When Ah Xu went to work, she stayed at home and occasionally went out. At first, she was quite leisurely, but she felt bored after a long time.

Because of her bad reputation, her former classmates and friends looked strange when they saw her, and then they gradually stopped contacting her.

Her family was far away in another city, and every time they called, they would only scold her for not loving herself, which made them unable to raise their heads among relatives and friends, and she gradually became unwilling to call them.

Xiao Qiongyi felt like a rootless duckweed, without relatives or friends, and was alone most of the time every day. The only people who were most enthusiastic about her were salesmen, but who knew if they scolded her and gossiped about her behind her back?

Unable to bear this kind of loneliness, she proposed to open a store and do some small business, but Ah Xu, who had always been obedient to her, rejected her for the first time.

He said that he didn't want to see her work so hard, and asked her to be his little wife at home.

But she was not his wife! She followed him without a name or status, without her own career, what was the difference between her and a canary in captivity?

They had their first quarrel, and in the end Ah Xu refused to give in. Xiao Qiongyi ran out in a rage. She was so angry that she didn't bring her mobile phone and wallet. She didn't want to go back, so she could only wander on the road with her shoulders hunched.

Fortunately, she met a kind man who invited her to dinner and opened a room for her in the hotel, so that she didn't starve to the streets.

After a while, her anger gradually subsided, and she was ready to go back and have a good talk with her lover, but she knocked on the door of the next room to thank the kind man, and before she said a few words, Ah Xu ran over angrily and beat the man.

It turned out that she was photographed by someone when she entered the hotel with a kind-hearted person, and the video was posted online, so he knew her whereabouts.

After finally explaining the misunderstanding, Xiao Qiongyi thought that the matter was over, but who knew that from then on, Ah Xu began to strictly monitor her.

She was not allowed to go out, not allowed to meet others, and she had to be taken with her wherever she went, almost to the point of being inseparable.

No one could stand such a life, but she had talked to him seriously and argued with him loudly, but in the end, she was beaten and scolded mercilessly.

Xiao Qiongyi was stunned at the time. She had never thought that this beloved man would actually hit her, but the pain on her face and body was real.

She was angry and embarrassed, and ran away when he was not paying attention. However, she was caught after only a few days of such freedom.

This time, Wu Mingxu beat her severely. There were several moments when she thought she would die, but she just lay in bed for three months and recovered.

Later, in order to prevent her from escaping again, he put a positioning collar on her, but he obviously had control of her whereabouts, but he still didn't like her to go out alone, and he didn't want to see her contact with others, whether men or women.

Xiao Qiongyi hated his behavior at first, and gradually felt that he might have a psychological problem, but she tried to persuade him to go for treatment in a veiled way, but instead of persuading him, he beat her severely.

When he hit her, he was like a demon, but she screamed in pain, which made him more excited. But when he calmed down, he would hug her and cry and apologize, begging her for forgiveness.

He said that he did this because he loved her too much. Because he loved her too much, he couldn't bear to see her talking to other people. Because he loved her too much, he was afraid that she would leave him.

Xiao Qiongyi wanted to call the police again and again to escape his clutches, but she chose to forgive him again and again in his crying and confession.

Ah Xu did such an extreme thing because he loved her too much. Maybe when he understood that he loved him deeply and would never leave him, he would get better... right?

"What are you thinking about?" Wu Mingxu saw that she didn't say anything for a long time, and suddenly grabbed her neck.

He was very strong, and Xiao Qiongyi was out of breath. She tried to pry his hands with both hands to make him let go, but the natural physical difference between men and women made her struggle in vain.

Soon, her face was red from being pinched, and her eyes began to roll back uncontrollably. Just when she thought she was going to die in his hands, the man finally let go.

Xiao Qiongyi fell to the ground with a "thump". Her mind was blank, and tears, snot and saliva flowed uncontrollably, making her look miserable.

But now she didn't care about her image at all, she just lay there gasping for air, but before she could recover from the feeling of dying, a big slap hit her face again.

"Are you thinking about how to leave me?" Wu Mingxu was not satisfied with one palm, and he slapped her several times in a row, asking while hitting, "Are you thinking about going to find your old lover Qu Yangyan?"

"I'm not, I'm not!" Xiao Qiongyi was dizzy from being slapped by him, and quickly raised her arms to block in front of her, desperately defending herself.

"I have nothing to do with that person. I just remembered that you were hurt so badly by him because you stood up for me. I feel sorry for you. Really, Ah Xu, believe me, I don't miss him. He is just an irrelevant person!"

"Really? You didn't lie to me?" Wu Mingxu stopped in her shouting.

"Really, really!" Xiao Qiongyi covered her face and cried, "I only love you, Ah Xu, from beginning to end, only you."

Wu Mingxu's face softened in her confession, squatted down and pulled her hand.

Xiao Qiongyi was like a frightened bird. As soon as he touched her fingertips, she screamed and shrank back, but he immediately grabbed her with force.

She shook uncontrollably all over, looked at him with a pair of terrified eyes, and shrank back when she met his eyes full of cold light.

Wu Mingxu did not hit her again, but pulled her into his arms with a cold face, stroked her long hair, and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, I believe you, you are my woman, and you can only love me forever."

His hands were very slow, one by one, and his movements were very gentle, but Xiao Qiongyi did not feel comforted at all. She was full of fear, afraid that he would suddenly pull out her hair one by one.

But until the end, Wu Mingxu did not do anything extreme. He gently picked her up, wiped the dirt on her face with a hot towel, and applied medicine to her considerately.

It seems that he is a good man who loves his girlfriend very much, if those injuries were not caused by him.

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