Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 96 The Unlucky Movie King 16

No one expected that a case of injury would be reversed again and again.

When Wu Mingxu was arrested again and it was said that he was the one who hurt Xiao Qiongyi, netizens dared not speak out. They were afraid of being slapped in the face again, so they learned to keep their mouths shut.

After a while, the case was tried and Wu Mingxu was thrown into prison for intentional injury. Only then did people dare to discuss it online.

Someone sorted out the matter and posted it, and finally figured out the cause and effect of the matter. So what Xiao Qiongyi said at the beginning was indeed the truth. She was really beaten and seriously injured by her boyfriend.

However, Wu Mingxu bribed the security guard and the thief, and the two gave false testimony and threw dirty water on her. As a result, she, as the victim, was scolded and almost charged with a false accusation.

If she hadn't done something shady later and bit back at Qu Yangyan who had helped her, it would have been quite sympathetic. However, now that what she had done has been revealed, everyone has only two words to say to her: "You deserve it!"

This case is so bizarre that it has gone viral. Now people all over the country know that there is such a pair of scumbags and swordsmen. Everyone hopes that they can be locked together and never come out to harm others.

The decisive evidence that confirmed Wu Mingxu's guilt was obtained by Yang Yan who spent a lot of money to hire a private detective to investigate. Xiao Qiongyi regretted it after knowing the result.

If she was not so selfish and agreed to frame him for her own benefit, or if she waited a little longer and didn't act so quickly, then she would not have ended up like this.

As a victim, she can get the compensation she deserves, and the dirty water and stigma originally imposed on her can be washed away. Maybe she can return to the entertainment industry while the heat is on, and her future is bright.

But all these were ruined by herself. Although Wu Mingxu received the punishment he deserved and she got the compensation as she wished, she was also trapped in a mess and would have to bear a stain that she could never wash away in her life.

She really hated Wu Mingxu to the core now. She was really unlucky to meet that man and fall in love with him.

Wu Mingxu happened to have the same idea as her. This cruel woman didn't even remember his kindness to her in the past and refused to sign a letter of apology. He had the chance to be sentenced to only three years, but in the end he was sentenced to eight years.

Did she really think that she couldn't do anything to her after she went to jail? Wait, when he gets out, he will definitely make her suffer!

The sensational case came to an end, and Yang Yan returned to a quiet life.

He was quite leisurely in this life. The company was all managed by others. He liked to produce a work every year or two. He didn't necessarily play the leading role, but the movie he participated in must be a masterpiece.

In the year when he became a world-class superstar, I saw the news about the male and female protagonists in the legal news. Xiao Qiongyi was imprisoned for two years for false accusations. After she came out, she probably accepted her fate and found a job to live an ordinary life.

But Wu Mingxu had no intention of letting her go. He found her after he was released from prison. The two of them somehow got married. However, only two years later, Xiao Qiongyi couldn't stand the long-term domestic violence, so she hacked him to death in the middle of the night while he was asleep.

She hacked him more than fifty times. It is said that when the police came to the door, they found that he was almost cut in half, his intestines and internal organs flowed all over the bed and the floor, and several people vomited on the spot.

Mr. Wu and his wife lost their son in their old age. They hated the woman who killed their son and hired the best lawyer to sue. In the end, Xiao Qiongyi was sentenced to life imprisonment and had to spend her whole life in prison.

The past grievances between the two came to an end, leaving only a warning to the world.

When Yang Yan was old, the honors he had received had filled up the entire room dedicated to it. On the day he stopped breathing, the Internet was flooded with farewell messages.

People remember and respect him not only for the classic works he brought to people, but also for his lifelong efforts for those who were subjected to online violence. Through the efforts of him and his like-minded people, he finally brought a relatively pure online world to the new generation.


There were shrill screams everywhere. Before Yang Yan could come to his senses, a rotten face had rapidly enlarged in front of him. He kicked it reflexively.

The humanoid object with a foul odor was hit hard and fell to the ground, but it soon got up and rushed towards him again.

Without time to think about it, Yang Yan picked up something and smashed it on the head. This directly smashed its head down, and it fell to the ground with a bang, deader than dead.

Only then did he realize that he was holding a frying pan. The quality of this thing was quite good. It was not scrapped after being hit so hard. There was only a shallow dent on the bottom of the pan.

"Sanhuo, are you not hurt?" A man in his twenties came over and scanned his body with his eyes like lightning. He was relieved when he found no scars.

He encountered such an explosive scene as soon as he arrived, and there was no time to receive the original owner's memory, so Yang Yan did not know his identity for the time being, but judging from his attitude, he should be a friend rather than an enemy.

"I'm fine, what should I do now?" He looked around calmly and found that they were in a supermarket.

The originally orderly place is now in chaos, with shelves tilted here and there, and everywhere are things like the ones he just killed, chasing people.

The crowd screamed and fled in all directions, and those who ran slowly were caught up and fell to the ground. Those things that looked like corpses but had the ability to move immediately opened their drooling mouths and bit at people, actually gnawing at their flesh and blood!

The sound of swallowing in big mouthfuls, mixed with the beast-like roars of those things, made people's scalps numb.

Yang Yan felt that this scene was familiar, very similar to the zombies in some movies he had seen in the previous world.

"Didn't you say you were going to A University to find Xiaoxue?" The man looked at him strangely.

Yang Yan said calmly, "I mean, how do we leave here and how do we get through?"

The man didn't think much about it. He thought for a moment and said, "Our car is parked in the underground parking lot. We definitely don't dare to use the elevator now. If we are blocked by those things, I'm afraid we won't have a chance to escape."

Yang Yan nodded in agreement, but before he could say anything, a zombie, let's just call it a zombie, found the two of them and ran towards them with a roar.

He raised the frying pan in his hand, and the man next to him also picked up one. When it ran close, the two of them raised the pan and smashed it on the head at the same time.

The zombie fell down, but two more noticed the movement and turned to them, and there were more who had eaten all the prey and were standing up staggeringly.

Knowing that they couldn't stay in this place for long, the two looked at each other and ran towards the stairs not far away at the same time. The two zombies behind them chased them relentlessly, and soon more joined the pursuit team.

Fortunately, although these things are not slow, they are still not as flexible as humans. They used up all their life speed and luckily were not caught up.

Yang Yan reached the stairs first and kicked a zombie with blood on its face that rushed towards him. It rolled several times on the long stairs and fell to the first floor, but it did not die.

It climbed up dizzily, roared at the two people above, and then wanted to pounce up, but this pounce made it slip.

The half-rotten head hit the corner of the steps heavily, and it was immediately concave. After that, there was no movement. It fell to death.

Yang Yan looked at its stiff knees and thought about it.

But now there was no time for him to think. In such a short moment, the large group of zombies behind him had caught up, and the two ran down the stairs quickly.

Along the way, they carefully avoided the blood on the ground to avoid slipping and falling to death like the zombie just now. It would be funny if that happened.

As soon as Yang Yan's shoes touched the ground on the first floor, he heard a loud noise behind him. He looked back and saw that it was the group of zombies chasing them upstairs. Probably because their knees could not bend, they stepped on empty air when they reached the stairs and rolled down together.

Rolling is of course faster than running. The man next to him suddenly changed his face and shouted: "Run!" Before the voice fell, he had already rushed to the entrance of the mall.

Yang Yan's reaction was not slow either. He only lagged behind him by half a step and ran wildly. There were more zombies on the first floor than on the second floor. The movement here had attracted more than a dozen to surround them.

The ones behind were not scary, anyway, they could not outrun them, but the ones coming towards them were a bit troublesome. They had to be repelled quickly to avoid wasting time and being caught up by the ones behind.

Yang Yan waved the frying pan and slapped one away, and the man next to him followed suit.

But he saw that Yang Yan seemed to be very relaxed when he killed one zombie with one pot, and he seriously overestimated his ability. He didn't kill the zombie in front of him with one pot, but his hand was under the zombie's claws.

"Be careful!" In an emergency, Yang Yan helped with the pot, waved away the zombie's claws, and then waved the pot to hit its head, and it fell dead.

He glanced at the confused man and reminded him: "I don't know if these things have contagious viruses, it's best not to touch them."

This is how it was played in the movies I saw before. Being bitten or scratched will be infected into a zombie. I don't know if this world is the same. Anyway, it's right to be careful first.

"Thank you, Sanhuo," the two continued to run wildly, and the man took the time to ask, "When did you become so strong?"

"I don't know," Yang Yan answered without turning his head, "I didn't notice it until you said it."

There were no more accidents along the way, and the two quickly rushed out of the mall and ran to the street.

The outside was not much better than the inside. There was a mess everywhere, and many cars crashed into the roadside. There were traces of explosions on them.

Fortunately, this city did not seem to be very prosperous. There were not many cars on the road, and the road was not blocked. Moreover, they were lucky to find a car with its door wide open and the key inserted.

"You drive." Yang Yan yelled, turning back to block the zombies chasing him.

The man knew the gap between him and him, and did not waste words. He immediately jumped into the car and started it.

Yang Yan swung the pan hard, temporarily forcing the zombies back, and then jumped on it quickly.

The car door closed quickly, and the man stepped on the accelerator to the bottom. The car sped away with a roar, leaving the group of zombies far behind.

The journey was extremely exhausting. Yang Yan took a deep breath, leaned heavily on the back of the chair, and closed his eyes.

He seemed to be resting, but he was actually checking the original owner's memory. In less than a minute, he had seen his entire life.

After he finished reading, he couldn't help but curse in his heart: "Damn! I should have known not to save him just now!"

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