Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Vol 2 Chapter 1025: Punishment (three shifts)

Standing outside the gate of Chang'an Palace, Huang Qubing was up and down, feeling uneasy.

The garden party was a mess, although he made remedial measures, and even concealed himself in the newspaper, leaving his old face to cover the enthusiasm of the garden party.

But, does the queen empress approve his approach?

Is there a result for His Royal Highness to choose his wife?

In the unlikely event that the garden party was disrupted and the marriage of His Royal Highness was affected, he would not dare to think about the consequences.

The Empress Empress hadn't asked Wenqing Bookstore for a long time. This time, she didn't know what her attitude would be.

"Master Huang, please come inside. The queen empress is in the study, just finishing her work."

"The empress has worked hard. Please lead the way."

Under the guidance of Xiaohuangmen, Huang Qubing came to the study.

A Qing came out from the inside, saw him, and smiled.

Huang Qubing winked frequently and wanted to make some remarks.

A Qing shook her head slightly, only smiled, and left without saying a word.

After the notification, the waiter asked Huang to go to the study.

Walking in, the bookcases leaning against the wall on three sides, full of books, are really shocking.

"Please greet the empress, the empress is well!

"Come on, sit down and talk."

Gu Jiu put aside the things on hand, looked up at Huang Quyi.

She smiled and said, "I'm in good spirits!"

Huang Qubing is a little panicked. He is in good spirits. Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

Gu Jiu ridiculed: "Why are you so nervous? It's not the first time to talk alone."

Huang Qubing breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm not the same as before. I have to abide by the rules."

Gu Jiu smiled and said noncommittal, "Drink tea! The new tea delivered from the south may not taste as good as spring tea."

"The tea Niangniang here, whether it's spring tea or autumn tea, is the best one."

"Stop flattering. Talking about the garden party, is there really a black box operation?"

So straightforward, Huang Qubing became guilty.

He nodded slightly, "There is indeed a black box operation."

Gu Jiu understood, "Tell me about the specific situation."

Huang Qubing pondered his words, and then said: "When the votes were counted, Master Xu from Guandao had less than 10,000 bookmarks. He would definitely not be able to enter the top ten, and even the top twenty is reluctant. I am worried that your Highness will be disappointed. , So people secretly added 6,000 bookmarks to the ballot box, which happened to be ranked fifth. I didn't think that someone called the shady scene on the spot, and the scene was very embarrassing. I lived up to my mother's expectations, and I asked her to punish me."

He simply admitted his mistake, only begging to give him another chance.

Gu Jiu raised his eyebrows, "My palace thought that you secretly let people vote before the voting deadline. I didn't expect that they were doing tricks in the counting of votes, which is too stupid."

"Niang Niang is right." Huang Qubing honestly admitted his mistake.

Gu Jiu laughed, "You let someone write an article and scold you in the newspaper, and overwhelming the enthusiasm of the garden party, it can be regarded as a compensation."

Immediately afterwards, she said solemnly: "If it is known that you are only operating in the dark to please the prince, not only you, but the reputation of the prince will also be implicated. Because this little matter is stigmatized, it is simply foolish. In the final analysis, you are still eager for quick success and quick gains, and the operating methods are too bad."

"Please punish my mother!"

Gu Jiu sternly said, "This palace is based on your many years of credit and will not punish you severely. But your Majesty's pass is not easy."

Huang Qubing panicked, "Please help me!"

Gu Jiu said earnestly: "The big prince will eventually enter the court, will be attacked by courtiers, impeached, and will bear various stigmas. But now, he should not be stigmatized for this little thing. You were wrong from the beginning. The subsequent improper operation is even more wrong."

Huang Qubing cold sweat, clothes soaked.

"Please show me, what should I do?"

Gu Jiu tapped the table lightly, "The palace promises not to punish you severely, and will naturally keep its promises. Year-end dividends, 30% deducted, will be used to build the primary school. You will personally supervise the construction of the school, and someone will check it afterwards. You Can you be convinced?"

Huang Qubing was relieved, "Slightly surrendered!"

Gu Jiu went on to say: "The self-blacking on the life show will be removed in a few days. From then on until the end of the year, we will report more about the grassland and overseas, encouraging more people to look beyond the customs and overseas."

"I listen to my mother." Huang Qubing bowed down.

"I heard that you are going to expand Wenqing Bookstore and open a branch in the following state capital? Are there any specific plans?"

"Preliminary plans have been made. In the first batch, five upper-level state capitals were selected. They are... currently recruiting people and training buddies. When the spring starts next year, the expansion plan can be implemented."

"Very good!"

After talking about business, Gu Jiu sent Huang Qubing away.


Liu Yu walked out of the small study next door.

With a smile on his face, he told the truth, "Others say that the queen is kind, but the son thinks the queen is very cruel."

Gu Jiu pointed to the chair and motioned him to sit down, "Compared with your father, this palace is naturally very kind."

Liu Yu said: "30% of the year-end dividends, but a lot of money. Just because of a small mistake at the garden party, so much money was fined, it was really ruthless to start."

Gu Jiu laughed, "Are you packing up for Huang Qubing?"

"That's not true! The son thought that the father and the queen should learn from the mother's method, fine more money, and fill the treasury. The imprisonment alone seems to be insufficient for those courtiers who are increasingly fighting. If you don’t ransack your home, the imprisonment alone will not achieve the purpose of shocking people, and it will waste manpower and financial resources. It will only strengthen Jinwuwei and make Jinwuwei's reputation even worse!"

Gu Jiu smiled and shook his head, "You got into the eyes of money, how can every official who has been imprisoned be fined. Your idea is very dangerous and you have to correct it."

Liu Yu asked solemnly: "Why does the queen think the son's idea is dangerous?"

Gu Jiu also said solemnly: "When you look at money, your attitude towards people and things will be measured by money. Then you will become rich and poor. Ghosts come, the world will be in chaos. Money is a good thing, but money will also blind your eyes, affect your judgment of things, and make you lose your way. You must be alert to this idea and save three times a day."

"The son remembers the teachings of the queen mother. In this case, there are many considerations for the father to not fine the officials."

"Of course! How can the court's laws be measured by money? Can those officials who have been imprisoned pay a sum of money to forget the blame? Isn't it absurd! Fines can only be auxiliary means, not necessary means."

"Son understands! Thank you mother for teaching!"

"Tell me, what do you understand?"

"The mother's queen fined Huang to pay a lot of money for sickness. The main purpose was not to make money, but to beat him, but also to establish a model. Look at the Pingyang County lord's cohort who made a mistake, he had to fine him for repairing the school, how could other people be spared? ."

Gu Jiu laughed, full of approval, "You are right, this palace does intend to set up a model. Huang Qubing's status is precious enough, the host of Pingyang County, the former Shaofu family order, the chief director of Wenqing Bookstore, very Eye-catching. Punishing him can serve as a good model. In the future, your father can also follow this method, fine a sum of money to build a school. In this way, courtiers have no reason to accuse your father of taking money. After all, building a school can be regarded as immense merit."

Liu Yu nodded again and again, "Money is a good thing, but it is called copper stinky. It can be seen that people love money while dislike it. If you want to make money more fragrant, it’s better to be blameless. The school is the best carrier for scholars."

"You can teach you!" Gu Jiu said approvingly.

Liu Yu asked: "The queen mother once said that we want to promote free education in primary schools in Dazhou. I don't know when it will start?"

Gu Jiu said, "Let’s start with Huang Qubing! The promotion of one county by one county is steady and steady step by step. What the palace wants is that after a school is built, it can stand in the world for 20, 50, 100 years. Years...not the death of the government. Then the construction of the school should not be rushed.

Although this is unfair to children in other remote places and makes them miss the opportunity to enjoy free education, there is no alternative. If you want to promote free education, you have to stick to it for a long time, so you have to spend time exploring and finding an operational model that can be promoted.

Instead of building up schools in a swarm, there is no money to continue to support the children. Once the school is abandoned, everyone's confidence will be hit from top to bottom. To restart this project again will become ten times more difficult than it is now. "

"My son wants to do the free school project."

When Liu Yu said this suddenly, Gu Jiu was taken aback.

She couldn't help frowning, "Are you sure you want to do this project?"

"My son wants to try." Liu Yu said solemnly.

Gu Jiu frowned, "Tell me what you think."

Liu Yu deliberated, "The people's livelihood is so difficult that poor students can hardly get ahead because they lost to the officials' children since the enlightenment. The son checked the official files, not the local government, but only the court and the Beijing officials. Eighty percent of officials came from official households or family members.

The power of the family supports them to study. After they become officials, they naturally have to repay the family. This forms a place where the strong, the stronger, the weaker the weaker.

Even Master Yang Jiyang, although his family was poor in his early years, he went to school when he was a child, and he also enjoyed the family support and personal connections, so he could study with a famous teacher from the beginning of his enlightenment. Although he has a clear relationship with his family, the Yang family can still rely on his name to become stronger and stronger in the local area, and it will become a powerful one after ten years.

There is also Mr. Zhou Shianzhou. He was indeed poor in his early years. However, because he was born in the Zhou clan of Chuzhou, he was destined to receive the top education from an early age, see various collections of out-of-print books, and see the sub-collections of literary masters on classics and history. Comments and experience. This is an educational resource that the underprivileged children will not enjoy for a lifetime. "

Gu Jiu nodded, "What is the situation with the remaining 20% ​​of officials?"

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