Gu Jiu didn't know how much pressure he put on others.

She is busy preparing for Liu Yu's wedding.

At the end of last year, Liu Yu and Sun Qiniang made a marriage, and then went to the southwest, following Chen Erzhuang's ups and downs to the countryside, from village to village.

Really experienced it for a while and truly understood the suffering of the people's livelihood.

The more mountainous, the harder it is.

Many families are so poor that they haven't eaten a full meal since they can remember. The whole family only has a pair of pants.

The situation is terrible.

The reason for being so poor is due to many factors.

It's not all government inaction.

Liu Yu understood the people's livelihood and wanted to do something.

Highly built, he can only realize his political ambitions by returning to the court.

One morning in late autumn, Liu Yu returned to the capital.

Did not attract much attention.

Immediately afterwards, a decree pushed him to the forefront of the storm and became the focus of discussion among courtiers.

The emperor Liu Zhao made an decree to give the eldest prince Liu Yu the king of Qi, the prince, and the mansion.

It is not rare to be a king, sooner or later.

What is rare is the mansion given to the prince Liu Yu by the emperor Liu Zhao. It is a hidden mansion, the former palace of the King of Qin.

This is incredible.

As the residence of the emperor before his ascension to the throne, the Palace of the King of Qin is called a hidden residence, and its symbolic significance is far greater than that of the residence itself.

"Your Majesty gave the hidden residence to King Qi, the prince, did he acquiesce in the identity of King Qi?"

"Has your Majesty already issued an edict? It's King Qi?"

"If it doesn't seem to be unexpected, King Qi is likely to be the heir to the throne. Otherwise, why did Your Majesty give King Qi the mansion?"

"The second and third princes have no chance at all?"

"Three princes and a mother compatriots, the eldest prince was not at fault, but performed very well. It is also what people want to make him the prince."

"It's just a hidden residence. It's too early to say that your Majesty will make King Qi the prince."

Ha ha!

Everyone sneered.

This is clearly self-deception.

Can the emperor’s residence be given to the prince casually?


The former emperor Chengzong Wende’s hidden residence, Ning Wangfu, was crowded with several princes back then.

Later, Emperor Wende Chengzong finally found out in his conscience that he gave all the princes a sum of money to buy the mansion and move out of the Ningwang Mansion.

Have you seen it? I was willing to give money to the princes to buy the mansion and move out, but did not give the Ning Prince Mansion to anyone.

The location, area, and interior decoration of Ningwang Mansion are all first-class.

Who would not like to live in such a good house.

However, which prince dare to live alone?

No one dared to live alone in it.

Because everyone knows that the emperor’s hidden residence is of extraordinary significance.

Today, the Qin Palace is equivalent to the status of the Ning Palace.

His Majesty even bestowed the Palace of King Qin to His Royal Highness King Qi, the meaning of which is self-explanatory.

Because of a decree, the courtiers were either active or passive, and their brains made up a grand drama.

The eyes of His Royal Highness Liu Yu were full of connotations.

Of course, more eyes were cast to Emperor Liu Zhao.

Your majesty's intentions are understood by the ministers.

Your Majesty doesn't need to say anything, Weichen and others will definitely cooperate fully.

Emperor Liu Zhao squeezed his chin, just to give a mansion, are they so serious?

Even if the status of Liu Yujun has been determined, there is no need to be so nervous.

How can you not be nervous?

It's about the crown prince, the country, what other things in the world are more important than this.

Your Majesty, why are you indifferent.

Things that should be nervous, please let the ministers not be nervous.

Things you shouldn't care about, you bluff again.

Your Majesty, don't be so headstrong. Beware of officials waiting to turn their faces.

Emperor Liu Zhao looked up at the sky, and the brain circuits between him and the courtiers were indeed not in the same channel.

I can’t always keep the same things I think and care about, and I’m really worried.


"Sit down!"

Gu Jiu decided to hold a family meeting and called his three sons to the Chang'an Palace to talk.

She was worried about Liu Heng, the second prince, and Liu Li, the third prince, had an idea and wanted to have an in-depth conversation with the two children.

But when the children sat in front of her, she didn't even know how to speak for a while.

"Emperor Father gave the boss the title of King Qi, and also gave the mansion, do you two envy you?"

The question is too direct.

The atmosphere in the study suddenly became tense.

Liu Yu clenched his fists and glanced at his two younger brothers secretly.

He did not stare at the two younger brothers, worried that his eyes would put pressure on them.

There was a long silence, and neither of the two brothers seemed to have the intention to speak.

He coughed lightly, and took the initiative to say: "Queen, it's not appropriate for me to sit here. Why don't I go out first, and I will come and talk to the queen later."

Gu Jiu tapped the desktop lightly and looked at Liu Heng and Liu Li, "What do you two brothers like? Do you want the boss to avoid it temporarily?"

Liu Heng and Liu Li exchanged glances with each other, and then nodded together, "Big brother avoid it for now. But big brother don't have to think about it, we have always been good brothers."

Liu Yu laughed, "I believe it!"

He got up and went to the next door.

Gu Jiu directly called, "Brother Heng, you are the older brother, you can speak first."

"Is the queen asking her son if she is envious of her elder brother? The courtiers have been weird recently, seeing our eyes full of sympathy. Also two days ago, I met several cousins ​​who were talking yin and yang one by one. At that time, if you were right. It's impossible for the eldest brother to have no opinion. But not to be jealous of him yet."

Liu Li also said: "The eldest brother was given the title of prince, and he was given a mansion, and he was still the royal residence of the father. Everyone said that the eldest brother is the heir to the throne and the crown prince. This statement makes sense. Ask yourself that he was born later than the eldest brother. For so many years, the eldest brother is very good, but when I grow up, maybe I am better than the eldest brother. Hearing others say that the eldest brother is the crown prince, I will inevitably feel a little unconvinced, so I want to compete. But then I thought, the eldest brother is the eldest son. , And so good, there is nothing wrong with making him the crown prince."

"Not jealous, just envy, right?" Gu Jiu asked softly, as if he was afraid of irritating the two children.

Liu Heng nodded, "I am really envious! But my ambition is the stars and the sea. I want to go to the sea and be the king of the sea. The crown prince is not as important as the sea in my heart."

Liu Li immediately said, "I want to take charge of the accounts, and take charge of the Audit Department. Check the accounts of corrupt officials in the world."

Gu Jiu knew Liu Heng's ambition a long time ago, not surprisingly.

She really doesn't know Liu Li's ambition. The first time I heard it, I was surprised.

She asked him, "My palace knows that you are good at mathematics, but now you set up the ambition of the Audit Department, will it be earlier?"

Children like to be determined, what to do when they grow up.

When they really grow up, most of them deviated from their childhood wishes and took up another job.

After a long time, I can't even remember the aspirations I made when I was young.

So what a child says, sometimes you don’t have to take it seriously.

Gu Jiu was worried that Liu Li was on a whim, and it was hot for three minutes.

This is because he wants to go to the Audit Department. After a few years, he might have other ideas.

The young man is uncertain. Ideas always become fast.

However, Liu Li was very firm, "The son just wants to go to the audit department and want to manage the accounts. Or let the son take care of the Shaofu, or the property under the mother's name."

Gu Jiu laughed, "If you want to manage the accounts, first you have to prove that you have the ability to manage the accounts. Then, the queen will arrange errands for you to experience."

Liu Li looked around, as if looking for something.

Finally let him find it, there are a stack of books in the basket, "The son can check the books, no matter how difficult the books are. In this way, the mother can know whether the son will manage the accounts."

Gu Jiu tapped the desk lightly and shook his head slightly, "You can't access these accounts for the time being. But my palace can give you the opportunity to manage the accounts of the Royal Garden, how about?"

Liu Li looked surprised, "Really? The queen believes in her son, is she really willing to give her a chance?"

"My palace gives you the opportunity. Whether you can grasp it depends on whether you have this ability. My palace even allows you to invite foreign aid to form your own team. As long as you have the ability to control the people."

Liu Li grinned, "Don't worry, the queen, my son will take care of Yuhuayuan's accounts, so that you don't make mistakes."

Gu Jiu laughed, "This palace assumes that you are writing the battle book. The battle book is received, and the results will be checked in three months."

"Okay, okay!" Liu Li was overjoyed.

Liu Heng looked depressed, "My brother has an errand, how about my son?"

He looked at Gu Jiu blankly, feeling wronged.

Gu Jiu pursed his lips and smiled and asked him, "Do you want to go overseas?"

Liu Heng nodded repeatedly, "Want to go!"

"What are you going to do overseas?"

"Conquer!" Liu Heng's answer was brief and concise.

Gu Jiu nodded approvingly, "Go back to pack up, and go to the military camp tomorrow. One year later, if you are qualified, then my palace will allow you to go to the south of the Yangtze River and practice with the navy."

If you want to conquer the stars and the sea, this palace will create a navy army for you and let you conquer it.

This is Gu Jiu's courage.

Liu Heng was overjoyed and jumped up directly, "Thank you, mother, thank you! My son kowtows to you."

After speaking, he really knelt down and kowtow.

Liu Li learned everything and knelt down.

Gu Jiu smiled, very satisfied.

She asked again at the end, "Are you jealous of Big Brother?"

The two boys shook their heads together.

Liu Heng said loudly: "Big Brother is a righteous prince, no one is more suitable than him."

Liu Li said: "My son only wants to deal with the ledger, not willing to look at the ugly faces of the courtiers."

Gu Jiu pursed his lips and touched the heads of the two boys, "Even if I feel jealous, it's okay. This is human nature, and my palace understands it all."

"Who has the queen ever been jealous of?" Liu Li asked curiously.

Gu Jiu thought about it carefully, "I really want to say who I've been jealous of. Does it count as jealous of myself?"

"Not counting!"

"Then no one deserves my jealousy."


The two boys are star-eyed, admiring them so much.

"The mother and queen are the role models for the son! Sons don't need to be jealous of others. When the son is good enough, only others are jealous of his son." Liu Heng made a voluntary decision.

Liu Li said: "My son wants to build the best audit department in the world."


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