Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Vol 2 Chapter 800: Big winner (three shifts)

"Even if we were to build two concrete roads at the same time. Did the court do this to squeeze our commercial firms from all over the world?"

Bai Zhong was very angry and angry.

Deng Cunli went to the northwest, where he was in charge of the capital.

"Madam, we can't be led by the court. The court has no sincerity in this move. The right to operate for a mere 40 years, and 30% of the shares of the court will be allocated. What is the difference between this and the mountain bandits stealing money."

Gu Jiu motioned him to sit down and talk.

She comforted Bai Zhong and said: "Everything is negotiated. It is not that we must accept whatever conditions the court sets. We can agree to build two concrete roads at the same time. Forty years of management rights, we can also agree. 30% Shares are not good, and at most 20% of the shares can be given to the court.

In addition, the court could not give nothing. Cement must be sold to us at cost prices, and the Ministry of Households must provide part of the grain and grass. Toll stations and rest stations are operated in accordance with our ideas. The imperial court must not intervene or place related households at will. Also, I need a few blacksmiths, and the young man must satisfy them. "

Gu Jiu laid out his conditions one by one.

Bai Zhong wrote records one by one.

He worried, "Will the court agree?"

"Talk slowly, anyway, we are not in a hurry. It is the court who is anxious."

Bai Zhong was surprised, "Why is the court anxious?"

Gu Jiu smiled mysteriously, "You don't need to know the reason, you just need to know that the court is more anxious than us. So in the process of talking, you might as well be bold and squeeze the arrogance of Shaofu. I will make an appointment with Shaofu in the future. Order tea."

Bai Zhong laughed, "I listen to my wife. I will let the people in the Shaofu hang out for two or three days to see how arrogant they are."

Gu Jiu nodded in agreement.

Bai Zhongxing left.

Liu Zhao walked out from behind the screen and hugged Gu Jiu from behind.

"Building two concrete roads at the same time, Mrs. Lost would dare to think about it. Is he afraid that he won't squeeze the trading houses of the world?"

Gu Jiu held Liu Zhao's hand, rubbed it, and said softly, "It's also possible that your majesty is really anxious."

"He has to be in a hurry. Although this year has a bumper harvest, there was a severe drought last year and the disaster relief was smoothed. There was a lot of deficit. This year's food is only enough to make up last year's deficit. Want to raise more food and grass, I think the household department Shangshu is worried. It's all white."

Gu Jiu asked, "Do you need me to take action? I have stocked a lot of food in Jiangnan."

Liu Zhao shook his head, "It's not yet time. Even if Bei Rong goes south, it will not happen overnight. We have difficulties in Da Zhou, and Bei Rong will only be more difficult than us. They need to mobilize more people to send troops to the south."

"The implication is that if Bei Rong does not send troops, it will be a battle to overwhelm the country. If it fails, it will become benevolent?"

"Exactly! Bei Rong is betting on the national fortune. If they are allowed to looting the city and the people of Da Zhou smoothly, they will be able to take a breath and grow back in a few years. Therefore, we must use Bei Rong's soldiers and horses. Get out of the gate."

"Not easy!"

"It's really not easy."

Gu Jiu asked, "How likely is Xiliang to send troops?"

"50%!" This is Liu Zhao's judgment.

He analyzed the situation in Xiliang, "After a few years of trade, we have almost squeezed up Xiliang’s treasury. Xiliang had to rob the countries of the Western Regions to replenish the treasury, and there was a lot of loss. In Xiliang, anti-trade voices Gradually look up. Some people are even clamoring to teach us a lesson in Da Zhou. Once Bei Rong goes south, Xiliang’s mood for the main battle will be unprecedentedly high. At that time, it will depend on the hopeless ability of Xiliang National Teacher, can you persuade Xi Liang Wang, don't be an enemy of Da Zhou."

Gu Jiu smiled and asked, "You don't seem to have any confidence in Hopeless?"

Liu Zhao laughed at himself, "I admit that Wuwang is very deceptive, but it is related to the military affairs of Xiliang. I am afraid that he does not have that much influence. I also hope that he can seize the limited time and strengthen his presence in the West. Liang’s status among the nobles, thus affecting more people."

Gu Jiu asked, "Did Luhou send you any news?"

Liu Zhao shook his head, "If Bei Rong sends troops to the south, the most excited would be Luhou and his son. He certainly wouldn't like me to intervene. Obviously he likes to eat alone and wants to swallow Bei Rong by himself. I'm afraid he will choke, and I don't have the appetite under."

Gu Jiu lowered his head and smiled, "Although Luhou likes to eat alone, he also knows that he cannot eat alone. Once the war starts, the imperial court cannot not send people to the northwest. Have you ever thought about what to do if you go to the northwest? Dealing with Luhou?"

Liu Zhao said casually: "There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. Now there is no need to worry about this issue."


Bai Zhong hung the young man's house in the air and ignored it.

In the beginning, the people in the young mansion looked like a big master, taking the various conditions proposed by Bai Zhong as a joke.

A few days later, when the Young Mansion Family Ling repeatedly asked about the progress of the matter, the young man took the initiative to find Bai Zhong.

Bai Zhong said: "No time!"

Dismissed people.

Twice, the big masters of the Shaofu finally came back to their senses, and the whole world didn't need to ask the Shaofu at all.

It doesn't matter whether the cement road is repaired or not, it doesn't matter whether the commercial houses of the world do not.

There is money everywhere, and business is not good, and I can’t even think about building roads. Is it just for the toll?

People in the Shaofu can't find Bai Zhong, so there is no way to talk about things.

When Emperor Wen De asked about the progress of the matter, the Shaofu Jialing couldn't explain it. After returning to the Shaofu Yamen, he scolded the elder Yamen.

Do you really think everyone is asking the Shaofu to do things?

That is someone else, not a global firm.

Money is not bad everywhere.

The reason why Sihai borrows from Shaofu Bank every year is only to maintain the cooperative relationship between the two companies.

Shaofu Jialing scolded all the people under him, and then personally wrote a post and asked Gu Jiu to drink tea.

The face of others can not be given.

Shaofu Jialing's face must be given.

The place to drink tea is in Xinmin County.

Gu Jiu attended the appointment on time.

Xinmin County is as lively as ever.

Gu Jiu was sitting in the private room facing the street on the second floor. He stretched out his head and looked outside, and he could see that many of the pedestrians were holding a life show in their hands.

The life show is still fighting with Guozijian.

Teachers and students of Papi Shanhe Academy of Guozijian, background.

The life show is about the dark history of Guozijian.

Chen Zhuangshi pulled all the capable men of the "Shanhe College Newspaper" into the life show. Under the skin of the life show, he cleaned the Imperial College with the pungent and sharp style of "Sanhe College Newspaper".

Guozijian suffered a fiasco.

However, this battle is far from over.


Because the war is showing signs of spreading.

As students from all over the world gathered in the capital, the academies represented by these students joined the battle.

This chattering turned into a mess.

The world academy has always had grievances.

Students from various academies, using Life Show and Guozijianbao as the battlefield, wrote articles criticizing their opponents.

It is not only the war between academies, but also the struggle between regions.

The North and South discriminate against each other. This is an old tradition for thousands of years.

The northern students scolded the southern students for relying on more money, occupying quotas, holding groups, forming parties for private purposes...

The southern students scolded all the northern students as spicy chicken, and none of them could beat them.

For example, Yang Ji, the most promising student of Shanhe Academy who participated in the imperial examination, is sorry, but also from the south.

Sanyuan Gong is also a southerner.

Zhou Shian, who was promoted to Zhongshusheren by Lu Shizhong, was still a southerner.

The northern students are furious.

This is discrimination.

The book makes Master Li a northerner.

The famous Sun family in the literary world is also a northerner.

Sun’s champion, now teaching at Shanhe Academy.

Southern students asked in the newspaper: Can Sun Zhuangyuan teach one or two students who can be named?

Nima, this is soul torture.

Everyone no longer cares about life show and Guozijian's talk, but care about the difference between North and South.

Life Show took advantage of the opportunity to invite people who have lived in the north and the south for many years to write articles to tell the difference between North and South through personal experience.

San Yuan Gong was also invited to draft.

In the latest issue of Life Show, San Yuan Gong's manuscript was published.

Sanyuangong has personally experienced and talked about it, letting people see the beautiful mountains and mountains of the Great Zhou, and the great talents of the Great Zhou.

San Yuan Gong is a signboard.

All newspapers with his articles always sell well.

Students from both the south and the north will join in.

These giant lords who have just arrived in Beijing quickly adapt. Directly regard Wenqing Bookstore as a battlefield for debate.

Gu Jiu sat on the second floor and looked at the Wenqing Bookstore across the street with a smile.

A debate between North and South students is going on inside, and the people sent are known by their literary names.

Although I couldn't hear what was being debated inside, it didn't prevent Gu Jiu from watching it with gusto.

She also saw that Brother Yu led Brother Heng into the crowd. The guard followed behind, sweating.

Gu Jiu couldn't help laughing.

"These two boys, wherever there is excitement, go wherever they go. They ran out of the college secretly again, it seems that there is still too little homework."

Several maids covered their mouths and laughed, "It seems that Brother Yu will have to copy the books for a few more days, and Brother Heng should be crying. After returning, the maidservant ordered the kitchen to prepare more snacks. The two brothers are busy. When I get up, I am hungry fast."

Gu Jiu laughed at a few maids, "You spoil them more than my wife."

"The servants are helping the lady to dote on the two brothers."

"Xiao Jiu, the old man is late!"

The family order of the young man was long overdue.

His carriage was blocked on the streets of Xinmin County, unable to move. Had to get out of the carriage and walk over.

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