Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Vol 2 Chapter 805: The hen holding the golden egg tightly

Gu Jiu didn't coax everyone.

A foreign merchant, indeed, organized a delegation to Beijing and gave her a greeting.

Among them, the Jiangnan businessmen are the most generous.

Directly promised to buy five million two-season bonds on the condition of fighting for them to build two concrete roads going south. Construction will start in spring next year at the latest.

Southwest rich businessmen have similar ideas, one is to build roads, and the other is to discuss cooperation.

Gu Jiu twisted his fingers and tapped the tabletop lightly.

She bluntly said: "There are many mountains and water in the south, and the cost of building bridges and paving roads is much higher than that of the vast areas in the north."

"We can raise funds." The Jiangnan tycoon was very straightforward. "Just build the toll station and rest station like the cement road from Beijing to Luozhou. We hope that the rest station can also take a little share. No trouble, two masters, cement roads. It is still built and managed by the four seas. We only pay for it and do not intervene in specific matters."

On the cement road to the north, Jiangnan tycoons coveted. However, they are self-aware, and they must not be able to do the Northland tycoon.

Just retreat to the next best thing, build a new road, and find opportunities for yourself again.

There should be a cement road in Jiangnan.

One is not enough, at least two.

This will greatly reduce transportation costs and transportation time. Strengthen ties between Beijing and Jiangnan.

Merchants from Jiangnan can use this to dump more goods to the north.

When it comes to doing business, people from Jiangnan are stronger.

The southwest is also rich in mountains and water, and road construction is even more difficult.

Fortunately, there is a ready-made official road, just paving cement on the original site.

It would be better if the road can be appropriately widened, a few more bridges can be repaired, and a few mountains less circumvented.

The wealthy businessmen have money, can't they pay for roads?

Why do you have to ask Gu Jiu?

This is about geographical restrictions.

The wealthy businessmen can pay for themselves and build bridges in their hometowns.

But only in the hometown.

You, a Huzhou native, went to Chuzhou to build roads, and you have to connect the official roads of the two places. What do you mean? Do you want to invite people's hearts?

Want to raise funds to build a cement road from Beijing to Jiangnan?

Say! What is the purpose?

Is it possible to rebel?

Without government leadership and permission from the court, it is absolutely impossible to build roads on your own.

The most convenient way for Jiangnan merchants to build roads is to ask Gu Jiu to come forward.

As long as Gu Jiu agrees to build the road, all problems will be solved.

The Four Seas Commercial Bank was building roads, but getting permission from His Majesty was equivalent to obtaining a court license.

This is much better than spending money on trusting relationships.

Instead of spending money to find ten people, twenty people help. It may not be able to help.

It is better to concentrate financial and material resources, please Gu Jiu to come forward.

She alone can do what the other twenty court officials can do.

Gu Jiu looked at the wealthy businessmen with a smile, "Building roads is not a matter of overnight, and your Majesty may not agree."

"If others come forward, Your Majesty may object. But Madam comes forward and believes that the road construction will go forward smoothly."

The wealthy businessmen babbled and put high hats on Gu Jiu.

Gu Jiu smiled without saying a word. After everyone had finished speaking and there was no movement in the hall, she said again: "To be honest, there is no benefit to my wife to help you build the road."

"I would like to underwrite two hundred thousand cotton cloth."

"I can help promote the popularization of briquettes in the south, and the whole world can draw profits in proportion."

"I am willing to be a waterwheel distributor."

"I wish..."

Everyone scrambled, and expressed their willingness to cooperate with the whole world. And the conditions are good.

Gu Jiu knocked on the table, "I have seen everyone's sincerity, thank you for your trust in Sihai for this lady. Sihai Bond..."

"We buy. We buy as much as we have."

"Everyone is so sincere and sincere, this lady is not the one who waits for ignorance. Regarding road construction, please go back and wait for news. There will be results before the end of the year."


There is still some time before the end of the year.

If there are any variables in this...

Gu Jiu smiled, "If you don't trust this lady, then everyone hasn't seen each other today. Please come back."

"Madam misunderstood, I never meant to wait."

"Yeah, we never meant to."

Gu Jiu smiled without saying a word.

The Jiangnan magnates exchanged glances with each other, and they all had a tacit understanding.

Immediately make a decision to buy the bonds of the four seas.

Anyway, it's not for nothing.

The annual interest rate is 10%, which is also an income.

Gu Jiu laughed, "Thank you for your generous donation. If you have any questions, ask the steward. My lady has something else to do, so I will leave first."

Gu Jiu got up and left, and let the steward below greet these wealthy businessmen.

She went directly to the second floor.

Bai Zhong went upstairs to report the situation.

"The two cement roads each took out 40% of the shares, and they have all been sold. The bonds have also sold nearly three million taels."

Bai Zhong put the account book on the table for Gu Jiu to look around.

Gu Jiu flipped through the ledger and asked, "There is nothing wrong, right? What are you talking about?"

"Everyone still has doubts about bonds. They are curious as to what we are going to do with so many bonds. Keep asking if there are big projects in the world. If there are big projects, don't forget to call them."

Gu Jiu laughed, "Did you say that Sihai went bankrupt?"

Bai Zhong shook his head, "At first, there were people who wondered if Sihai was going bankrupt. I heard that the wealthy businessmen had organized a group to meet their wife in Beijing. Similar speculations disappeared."

Gu Jiu said, "I am going to send you to Jiangling Mansion, would you like it?"

Bai Zhong hesitated, and finally nodded, "Old slave is willing."

After so many years of experience in the capital, it is time to leave the capital and go outside to work hard.

Gu Jiu said: "In the next few years, the northwest side will become more and more important. Deng Cunli and Ma Xiaoliu will continue to operate in the northwest. I plan to give it to Zhao Minfa on the capital side. Before you go to Jiangling, take Zhao Minfa, let him get started as soon as possible. Now only real estate development and iron smelting are left in the capital.

Iron smelting and steel smelting is the top priority and must be arranged before leaving. Jiangling will be the center of gravity in the future. For the bonds issued this time, you will leave one third of the silver obtained, and you will take all the rest to Jiangling. When you arrive in Jiangling, if you have any questions, write back and tell me. There is a lot to do in Jiangling, you can do it boldly. "

"Xiao understands. Thank you Madam for trusting Xiao. I took so much money to Jiangling through my hands. To be honest, Xiao Xiao is really a little worried."

Gu Jiu smiled, "Don't be afraid! Such a big capital can be played by you. A Jiangling mansion in a mere district, not to mention. Jiangling will be our rear, linking north and south, with rich resources. Give full play to you Let’s do it.”

"I listen to my wife."

"The official roads and rivers from Jiangling Mansion to the northwest should be dredged as soon as possible. All materials shipped to the northwest in the future will no longer go to the capital and go directly to Jiangling to go north."

Using the cement road as the bait, the ten million tael bonds issued by the four seas commercial banks should not go too smoothly.

In just two or three hours, all were sold.

Those who bought the bonds carried the bonds close to themselves. These are all money!

One sheet is ten thousand taels.

It's expensive.

However, the production is really exquisite and lifelike, and it can catch up with the illustrations in the textbook of the collection of the Qingshu Bureau.

Pinch the paper, it seems to be waterproof. I don't know how to make it.

It seems that there is no way to copy it.

The printing technology of the world is really coveted.

I heard that the bills of the Shaofu Bank are now all printed by the printing workshops under the Wenqing Bookstore.

I don't know if I can dig out one of the masters inside, then it will be developed.

Many people have similar dreams.

Wenqing Bookstore, let the world know that printing and publishing can also make a lot of money.

And it is a steady stream of big money, which can last a lifetime.

However, Wenqing Bookstore does not raise funds, nor does it issue bonds or sell shares.

Tu Hu Nahe.

If Wenqing Bookstore is willing to issue shares, even if it is only 10% of the shares, I am afraid that all the rich and powerful people from all over the country will block the gate of Wenqing Bookstore, brandishing silver tickets and rushing to buy them.

These years, it is not easy to encounter a profitable business.

How many people beat their chests, missed the construction of houses in Xinmin County, missed the market in Xinmin County, missed the cement road from Beijing to Luozhou, missed the Wenqing Bookstore...

Nowadays, one must never miss any project of the Four Seas Commercial Bank.

The four seas are the hens who lay the golden eggs, and we must hold them firmly.

Even if you can't hold tight, you have to follow suit.

Everyone clutched their bonds tightly.

Does this count as a certificate of nomination given to the world by everyone?

They are the first people to buy bonds from the Four Seas.

When there are new projects in the world in the future, should they also be given priority?

But I don't want to think that when these bonds are redeemed, all over the world will give a generous interest.

In essence, this is a sale.

No matter, no matter.

Wang Ba reciting the scriptures just didn't listen.

Everyone who sells bonds firmly believes that they are special in the eyes of the world. The next time you will be able to buy shares first.


Gu Rui was invited to the second floor.

"Brother Gu Rui is here, please sit down soon." Gu Jiu stood up and greeted Gu Rui.

"Sister Xiao Jiu has worked hard, you are welcome."

The maid Aqing made tea again, brought it up, and put it on both sides of the table.

Gu Jiu took the lead and said: "I turned over the ledger, and Brother Grand Hall also subscribed for shares from Beijing to Northwest Cement Road."

Gu Rui put down the tea cup, "This is your sister-in-law's idea. I listen to her. I will come here today. Apart from buying the cement road shares, there is one more thing."

"But how to deal with the investment Laohouye placed in the world, has a decision?"

Gu Rui nodded, "Exactly!"

"Appreciate further details."

Gu Rui said: "The right holder has changed the names of father, second uncle, and third uncle. The previous investment remains unchanged and continues to operate. The Hou Mansion does not intend to withdraw the principal."

Gu Jiu raised his eyebrows.

It is equivalent to the big house of the Hou Mansion, the second house, and the third house.

She said softly: "I thought it would be registered under the old lady's name."

Gu Rui shook his head, "Everyone thought that at the beginning. It is most appropriate to register Laohou's private property under the name of the old lady. The old lady disagrees. The old lady said that she was too old to take care of these industries. So Divide the old Hou Ye’s private property into two parts. One part is placed under the name of the Hou Mansion and becomes a public middle-class industry. The other part is placed under the name of his father, second uncle and third uncle.

Gu Rui put a stack of papers on the table, please look at it.

Gu Jiu flipped through the documents. There were not only the old lady's seal, Hou Ye's seal, but also the seal of the second room and the third room, and the seal of the yamen.

Just wait for Gu Jiu to change the name of the right holder.

Gu Jiu accepted the document, "I will send someone to the Yamen to go through the procedures for the change of the right holder as soon as possible. The Hou Mansion has dealt with the property of the old Hou Ye, did the few uncles make trouble?"

"It's useless to make trouble! The old lady is a first-class lady and an aunt. The old lady speaks, and several concubine uncles can only endure it. However, the old lady is kind and promised to subsidize each family five hundred taels of silver each year. The Hou Mansion will also give corresponding financial subsidies to children and grandchildren who are studying and their daughters get married."

Gu Jiu said: "The old lady is still sharp, cutting the mess with a quick knife, and in two or two strokes, the uncles who are making trouble will be uniformed. If I am free, I will go and greet the old lady."

"The old lady has been looking forward to Sister Xiao Jiu."

Gu Jiu promised to go there and please peace.

After Gu Rui finished his business, he got up and left.

When he walked to the door, he turned around and said, "Recently, I took a few brothers and the guards of the mansion to practice daily, but I have a lot of insights."

Gu Jiu's face was happy, "No wonder I feel that Gu Rui has become more energetic, so I should practice more."

Gu Rui smiled for the first time today, "Thank you, Sister Xiao Jiu. If you are free, let your sister-in-law invite you to drink tea. If you don't dislike it."

"Brother Gu Rui is polite, how could I dislike it. The Hou Mansion is filial, and others find it unlucky. I will never dislike it. As long as I post, I will definitely pass."

"Sister Xiao Jiu is interested."

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