Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Vol 2 Chapter 807: Resign (two more)

Someone below paid tribute to a batch of rare and exotic treasures shipped from Jiangnan, plus local products.

Seeing that the things were good, the young man sent them to the palace.

Emperor Wen De Long Yan Joy.

Called the young man's order to the palace, and exaggerated.

Shaofu Jialing bowed to thank you, and said, "The Jiangnan Road is far away. In summer, you can also take a boat to go south. In winter, the river is frozen and some sections of the river are cut off, so you can only go by land. From Beijing to Luozhou, the whole cement road is down. That’s good. The journey from Luozhou to Jiangnan is difficult.

The official road has been crushed by carriages for years, and has fallen into disrepair for many years. When the weather was cold, the goods had to be transported from the south of the Yangtze River to the capital, which was extremely hard and delayed. However, Jiangnan is rich and prosperous, and the court should also pay attention to it. "

"I also know that a good road can greatly save time on the road without bumps. But the court has no money!"

Emperor Wen De sighed with emotion.

The household department finally saved some money and grain, which must be spent on the blade.

To build roads in Jiangnan?

It is not necessary to be so far from the south of the Yangtze River and far from the northern battlefield.

The family leader of the young mansion thought carefully and said: "The court has no money, but the whole world has money. Can we follow the operation of the two concrete roads from the capital to the northwest and to the Hexi, and make the roads to the south of the four seas to build roads. The old minister thought, this is not just money. The imperial court can also take this opportunity to strengthen its control of Jiangnan.

The imperial court's influence on the south has always been weak, which is related to the long distance and the inconvenience of communication. If the road is built, the imperial court system can be spread to Jiangnan in time, so that the people in Jiangnan will also know the holy intention. Jiangnan is rich and has a vast area and many cities. However, the commercial tax collected by the court from Jiangnan is less than half of the capital.

Only because the sky is high and the road is far away, the court feels helpless to Jiangnan. If the road is built, the time on the road can be cut by at least half, and the capable Jinwuwei will be dispatched, and your Majesty will be able to grasp the situation in Jiangnan in time. The news did not reach the capital until months after the incident happened. "

Emperor Wen De nodded secretly, speaking with reason.

To control Jiangnan, this is what every emperor wants to do.

The difference is whether it can be done.

Seeing that Emperor Wende was tempted, the young man made persistent efforts, “The old ministers dare not expect to have extravagant hopes, and only hope that Jiangnan commercial tax can catch up with the capital, and the tariff can increase by one million taels, so he is satisfied. In this way, the household’s plight is wiped out. With the money in the Ministry of Households, the court can free up its hands and feet and make some achievements, and the prosperity can be expected."

The four-character prosperous age obviously touched Emperor Wen De.

The names of the front and back are not only valued by the literati, but also the emperor.

I want to stay in history, I want to be praised by future generations, I want to leave a strong mark in this era.

Emperor Wen De was a layman, and his seven emotions and six desires were only a lot more.

He nodded repeatedly, "Uncle's words are reasonable. Jiangnan is rich, but the capital is far away from Jiangnan, and the influence of the court on Jiangnan is far less than that of the north. When I was young, I also visited Jiangnan. That is a good place. The only bad thing is that the local tycoons are domineering, and even the government must be afraid of three points.

Those wealthy people have no court at all in their hearts, no me. Humph! Isn't it because the emperor is far away from the sky, I can't control them. It's really deceiving. "

Shaofu Jialing struck the iron while it was hot, "If all the roads from Beijing to Jiangnan are paved into cement roads, the time from Beijing to Jiangnan can be cut by at least half. If the whole journey is quickened, the time can be doubled.

The toll station can be made to assume the responsibility of the station and supply hot water for the horses to the court. Once something happens in Jiangnan, His Majesty will get the news in the shortest time and can make decisions in time. Don't give those tycoons in Jiangnan time to stick their walls. "

Emperor Wende deeply believes, "My uncle's remarks made me gratified. If there are more people in the Liu family like my uncle, who can share our worries with one heart and one mind, how can I worry about the world's injustice, and why don't I worry about the prosperity of the world? ."

"Old ministers dare not be. In fact, there are many good ones in the clan, but they lack opportunities to make their heads."

"I'll give them the opportunity, I'm afraid they won't be able to grasp it. I also ask my uncle to take care of the education of the children of the clan."

"The veteran has dedicated himself to his death, and dare not disappoint your majesty."

The monarch and the minister staged a drama of the loyalty of the king and the courtier. The young man was so touched that his eyes were flushed with a lot of age, and he shed two tears.

Emperor Wen De's eyes were also red, very excited.

In addition to being excited, I did not forget what was going on.

Since Sihai has the ability to build roads, let Sihai repair it.

The cement road from Beijing to Hedong proves that the toll gate has fallen into the hands of the imperial court, so don't expect to make money at all.

The imperial court does its job well and collects taxes wholeheartedly.

Business matters are left to professional people.

The imperial court saves money and resources, collects taxes, and distributes dividends.

The road construction was settled, and the young man was relieved.

He finally lived up to Gu Jiu's entrustment.

Cannibals are soft and short.

If you get the benefits, you have to work hard.

The Shaofu clan left Xingqing Palace briskly and sent someone to send good news to Gu Jiu.

When Gu Jiu got the news, he babbled with Liu Zhao, "The old ancestors still cares about me. I didn't bother me and the matter was done. I also had an explanation for the group of strong Jiangnan businessmen. I can start work as soon as the air gets hot in the spring. Build roads."

Liu Zhao said: "The ancestors had shorthands, so naturally they had to work hard."

Gu Jiu glanced at the other person disgustingly, "You, you are too bad for people's feelings. Be polite. My ancestors have at least six points of sincerity towards me, which I cherish."

Liu Zhao smiled, "Well, I'll listen to you. I promise I won't be disrespectful to the ancestors in my words."

"This is what you said, don't go back."

"If you repent, your Highness is a puppy."

Gu Jiu couldn't laugh or cry, how old he was, still playing tricks with children.


Master Li has a very difficult life.

Because he was not so "interested", Emperor Wen De was more critical of him.

Lord Li kept his face straight all day, with an expression that no strangers would enter.

Towards the end of the year, he became angry, and simply resigned.

Did not discuss with Liu Zhao in advance.

When Liu Zhao went to court and learned of this, he had the thought of killing Lord Li.

The Northwest Metropolitan Government has not yet been established, and Master Li's resignation at this time is not a waste of all previous efforts.

Across the hall, Liu Zhao slapped several eye knives to Master Li.

Lord Li was unmoved.

He has resigned, and it is useless to regret. And he does not regret it.

Since you can't push horizontally, it is better to retreat.

Your Majesty wants him to make a seat for Lu Shizhong, so he will take the initiative and abdicate to make a good impression on his Majesty.

This is a bit like self-comfort.

In fact, it is indeed self-comfort.

Master Li whispered secretly with Shizhong Lu, "The official abdicates to the virtuous, Master Lu must not rush to kill."

Lu Shizhong squinted at Master Li, "My lord is laughing!"

Emperor Wen De was very satisfied.

Master Li finally got acquainted for a while.

Of course, in the early morning, Emperor Wen De still acted to keep Lord Li. And the memorial of his resignation will not be posted.

Lord Li will resolutely resign in the presence of hundreds of civil and military officials.

"The minister is too old and can not be driven. It is no longer possible to share the worries for your majesty. Please allow your majesty to beg the bones."


Lord Li's face was ruddy, full of breath, and there were few wrinkles, so he verbally called the bones of begging. How can the old men who are still standing in the court meet people?

Don't you want face?

"No need to say Aiqing, I don't allow it."

Emperor Wende firmly opposed Master Li's resignation.

Master Li wanted to make a statement, Emperor Wen De took the lead, got up and left with his sleeves.

Chang En hurriedly sang, "Retreat!"

Then he hurriedly pursued Emperor Wen De and returned to Xingqing Palace.

As soon as Emperor Wen De left, the Golden Luang Palace instantly turned into a vegetable market, noisy.

Part of the courtiers gathered around Master Li, and some stood far away watching the jokes.

More people walked towards Lu Shizhong, congratulating Lu Shizhong in advance.

Lu Shizhong's face was expressionless, and he said, "My official is busy with government affairs, so I won't chat with everyone and say goodbye!"

The walk was clean and tidy, without the slightest muddle.

Master Li suddenly raised his voice and said to the ministers who surrounded him: "This official is very idle and does not have busy government affairs. Everyone, please go to the official to chat."

Lu Shizhong who had reached the door stepped for a while, and then proceeded forward casually.

Liu Zhao did not join in the fun.

He just threw his eyes to Master Li, letting Master Li understand for himself.

Lord Li is a little imaginary. The more imaginary he is, the happier he will chat with courtiers.

Except for Liu Zhao, the other princes all spoke a few polite words with Master Li before leaving.

The third prince whispered to the second prince, "Fortunately, I didn't have much contact with Lord Li before, or I would lose out."

The second prince smiled, "Lu Shizhong is the father's confidant."

"However, Lu Shizhong always treats us without saying a word. Several invitations have been rejected."

"It's okay! No way for Lu Shizhong, there are others. Not everyone is as smelly and hard as Lu Shizhong."


Liu Zhao waited for Master Li in the backyard of the idler's house.

If there is no accident, Jiu here is a fixed meeting place for the two.

Master Li was late, and looked around before entering the door.

It seems that he was worried that Liu Zhao would ambush in secret, which would be detrimental to him.

Liu Zhao sneered and sneered, "When did Master Li become so insane?"

Master Li, who had just stepped into the door, had a halt and almost vomited blood and stroke.

"This officer has always been personable, so why is it awkward? Your Highness can't speak, don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb."

Liu Zhao sneered, "Master Li doesn't want to leave the stage honorably?"

Master Li snorted, "I don't believe what the situation is right now. Your Highness can't see it. If you stick to it, do you think there is still a chance for this official to leave the stage decently? Lu Shizhong doesn't want to eat hard and soft. Expect him to help us out. , It's impossible."

He walked into the tea room and sat on the ground in front of a few.

Liu Zhao said, "It stands to reason, you have to resign again. Then the father will write a big "quasi". With the temper of the father, before the end of the year, you will be relieved of your post and let Lu Shizhong top Come on. Just because of one of your actions, our previous efforts have been completely abandoned."

Master Li pretended to say profoundly: "How did your Highness know that it was a waste of all previous work, not a bright future."

Liu Zhao narrowed his eyes, "What does this mean?"

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