Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Vol 2 Chapter 813: The Emperor's Sao Operation (eight shifts)

After the Lantern Festival.

Emperor Wen De made the first decree of the new year.

Bestowed the title of Princess Huyang.

Everyone dropped their jaws in shock.

At first, when the Queen Mother Xiao was alive, she repeatedly asked for the restoration of the title of the princess in Huyang, but Emperor Wende refused. Not even the Queen Mother Xiao's face.

As a result, after the Queen Mother Xiao passed away a year, Emperor Wen De unexpectedly restored the title of princess in Huyang.

Really, things are impermanent!

The saddest thing is Liu Yi.

Everyone has seen Huyang's attitude at the Palace Banquet on the Thirtieth Year.

Huyang spoke so aggressively and was not punished, but instead won the title of princess.

And he, with his nose and tears, was so sad that he was moved, but he didn't have any hair.

So dignified, can you not feel sad when you have been so miserable?

Xiao Qin'er was anxious to save money to buy a house, pressing Liu Yi step by step.

Want to live in a new house without money, dream.

Liu Yi became angry and became angry, "You can help me cushion it first, and I will return it to you when I get looser in the future."

"What year and month?"

Xiao Qin'er asked unceremoniously, "Just ask you what year and month you gave the money? You don't even know in your heart, but you are ashamed to ask me to buy a house to raise your concubines. You treat me Xiao Qin'er as an idiot. ?"

"Don't speak so badly."

Xiao Qin'er rolled his eyes, "Go find your concubine, and they will speak nicely. Go! See if they are reluctant to spend a penny for you. If you don't empty your pockets, I'll Xiao Qin'er tell you name."

"Unreasonable to make trouble!" Liu Yi was annoyed, and walked away.

Xiao Qin'er just picked up the tea cup and was about to smash it.

"Madam can't break it. This set of celadon tea cups is worth two hundred taels. If you drop a cup, you can't make a set."

The maid screamed and stopped Xiao Qin'er's urge to smash the teacup.

She took a deep breath and gently put the teacup back on the table.

"This lady is not angry, absolutely not angry. From the beginning, I didn't expect him to get the money."

It's just that this day cannot pass.

Before the first lunar month, the fifth room added another concubine and a concubine.

There is also a girl in the sixth room.

Nanny, mother, maid...

Adding one person means adding seven or eight people.

With three children, there were 20 people in the palace all at once.

The huge palace is crowded with more and more people.

In fact, the palace is very big.

Many yards are empty there.

It's just that these yards, princes, and families are not qualified to live in.

For example, Shouchuntang is bigger than the eastern courtyard where Gu Jiu lives.

However, no one dared to live in.

Because this is the main hall of the palace.

Another example is Chunhetang.

Everyone is also not eligible to live in the largest courtyard in the backyard of the palace.

Because that's where Queen Pei used to live.

Tourmaline Pavilion, the courtyard where Emperor Wende lived, who would dare to live in?

Everyone can only be wronged to live in their own courtyard.

Can't live?

Squeeze, no matter how many people can live.

Some people can tolerate such days, while others can't.

Xiao Qin'er couldn't bear it.

She walked around the house.

Also think of ways to pool money around.

Gu Jiu sent someone to send her a piece of information about real estate in Beijing for sale.

She is a treasure.

Every day I took the maid and went to see the house in person.

Busy and fulfilling, although tired, the spirit is much better.

The second and third rooms were tempted to learn that Xiao Qin'er was in Zhang Luo's estate.

I sent someone to inquire about the house price, but they were all scared back.

"How can housing prices in the capital rise so fast? In the first two years, a house of the same size in the same location can be bought for three to four thousand taels. Now the lion has opened his mouth, and there is no sixty thousand taels not to sell. It is really maddening."

The third wife Cui complained with the second wife Ouyang Fu.

Ouyang Fu was very upset and regretted not buying a house early.

"I heard that housing prices in the capital were rising two years ago. I was tight at the time, and I thought that even if they rose, they wouldn’t be able to go up. How long did it take to think that housing prices have almost doubled. The money on hand was previously I can buy a house next to the imperial city. Now I can't even buy half of it."

Ouyang Fu sighed frequently, regretting missing a wave of quotes.

Sure enough, he should follow the steps of his sister-in-law, hoarding real estate early, and earning a fortune.

The third wife, Cui Shi, said: "Sister-in-law still has vision. The entire property in Xinmin County belongs to her. With so many houses, just sell a few sets, and you will have the money."

Ouyang Fu sighed, "I will go to the mountain to talk to my sister-in-law. When it comes to houses, my sister-in-law knows more."

"Count me. I've only been to Xiaozhu where my sister-in-law lives. The environment there is really good." Cui was very interested.

Ouyang Fu asked her, "Do my three younger siblings also want to buy a house?"

Cui said: "I want to buy a set while I can afford it with the money in hand. Even if I don't live on it, I can keep it for my children."

Ouyang Fu nodded repeatedly, she thought the same way.

Don't think that the descendants of the royal family don't have to worry about the dowry and dowry.

With Emperor Wen De's stinginess, everyone can only count on themselves.

While everyone was worrying about the house, Wen De, who was stingy, was rarely generous.

He plans to buy real estate for the six princes who have already married, from the eldest to the sixth, each with one hundred thousand taels of silver.

The implication is that he will not give a mansion, but will only help the princes to buy their own houses.

Emperor Wen De's sorrow operation shocked everyone.

The first objection is the Ministry of Households.

Reason: no money.

It is actually Zongzheng Temple.

Reasons, non-compliance.

Shaofu also opposed it, but the reason was that it was not in compliance.

The Ministry of Etiquette also expressed opposition, which is also not in compliance.

Only the Ministry of Engineering was happy.

The princes paid for their own houses, so the Ministry of Industry did not have to be angry while repairing the palaces for the princes.

The emperor's move was a joy to everyone.

Opponents always object.

Since ancient times, when the prince opened his mansion, it was a reward mansion in the palace.

Never before, give a sum of money to let the princes solve the housing problem by themselves.

Playing the piano.

Emperor Wen De thought one out.

In order to solve the housing problem of the princes, in order to save money, in order not to give the princes to the princes, not to establish a government system for the princes, they even gave the princes money and let the princes buy their own houses.

Absolutely absurd.

If you really want to do this, the matter will surely spread to later generations and become a laughing stock.

People of later generations speculated about how poor Wende Dynasty was!

Wende Dynasty is really endless, okay!

At least richer than when the Emperor Xian was reigning.

During the Kaiyao period, the household department was in deficit every year.

The official salaries are not paid out and they are in arrears every year.

The money and food of the soldiers at the frontiers drags on for a year.

What kind of infrastructure, water conservancy construction, educational development, shantang, all have no money.

It is no longer easy for the Ministry of Households to maintain the normal operation of the court with the annual tax.

The local government also counts on the imperial government to allocate funds, so dream.

When encountering natural disasters and man-made disasters, it adds fuel to the fire.

There was no large-scale rebellion in the Kai Yao Dynasty, only God blessed, and the first emperor was bloodthirsty, really frightened a bunch of wolf ambitions.

In contrast, Wende Dynasty.

The Ministry of Households has not only achieved a balance of payments.

It also filled up the shortfalls in the past few years and repaid the salaries and money owed.

The army also carried out a change of outfit, and part of the sword and equipment was replaced.

The financial income of the Wende Dynasty was 10 million taels more than that of the first emperor in his later years.

Properly rich.

However, even if he is rich, Emperor Wen De's show operation, as always, embodies the true meaning of the word stingy.

Give the prince one hundred thousand taels and let the prince solve the housing problem by himself?


Wen Dechao will certainly be a laughing stock for later generations.

"Your Majesty, you can't do that!"

"This is a shame to the court."

"Your Majesty, this is not in compliance with the rules and rules of the ancestors. Please take it back."

"The imperial court will become the laughing stock of the world."

A hundred officials of civil and military affairs, with a heart and soul, tried to persuade Emperor Wen De to change his decision.


It's rare that the father would be generous once and buy a house for one hundred thousand taels. You officials yelled.

If the emperor father changes his mind and refuses to give money, will you lose one hundred thousand taels?

To make it clear, the father refused to give a knighthood.

Tolerate without a title. At any rate, it's not too late for us to get one hundred thousand taels first and then yell.

If there is no title in the end, and the money is not in the hands, who is responsible?

Just ask you, who is responsible?

He was the most miserable prince in history.

Nowadays, I finally got some money, and I still yell...

Scream again, my Highness is going to roll up his sleeves and hit someone.

The six princes were filled with righteous indignation and glared at the officials.

If there are courtiers, I persuade the six princes, "Your Highness, keep your eyes on the long-term."


What a special thing, a full man doesn't know that a hungry man is hungry, and he is a fart in the long run.

The princes were angry.

They all said, "Father and sons are willing to accept one hundred thousand taels of silver and settle the housing by themselves."

"Children are also willing."

"It's the same with children!"

"Give my son one hundred thousand taels, just to decorate the house." Liu Zhao said, and the other princes were angry.

It shows that your wife is rich, right?

Isn’t it just spending 180,000 taels to buy a house?

There is a mansion worth millions of people in the south of the Yangtze River.

Liu Zhao grinned, his eyes swept across everyone's face: I'm just sobbing, what can you do with me?

All the princes turned their heads and refused to see Liu Zhao's face.

Because that face is really abominable, without any sense of beauty and ugliness.

Never seen such an ugly face.

Liu Zhao sneered, you are obviously jealous that your Highness has a wife who can make money.

Just be jealous, even if you stare through your eyes, it won't be yours.

"Well, don't make any noise."

After the emperor Wende spoke, the hall finally calmed down.

Emperor Wen De deliberately glanced at Liu Zhao, which was indeed a bit disgusting.

Because Emperor Wen De hates people to show off their wealth in front of him.

Liu Zhao shows off his wealth, really can't bear it.

Emperor Wende coughed slightly, "I have decided on this matter. You Aiqing will not mention it again. Shaofu and Huhu, you will discuss how to solve the money problem. Report it to me in three days. Get the money as soon as possible. Get together so that the princes can buy their favorite house as soon as possible and move out of the palace as soon as possible."

The ministers were not reconciled.

Emperor Wen De had already prepared.

As soon as the voice fell, he ran away in a hurry without waiting for the reaction of the officials.

The emperor ran away?

The emperor ran away!

The ministers were shocked again.


Chang En hurriedly yelled, and then hurriedly chased after Emperor Wen.

This this this...

The officials looked at the newly appointed Zhongshu Ling Lu.

Master Lu, as the confidant of your majesty, should you try to persuade your majesty to take his life back?

Master Lu bowed his hands, "Everyone, this officer is going to face the saint. The specific situation will be discussed later."

"Master Lu must persuade Your Majesty."

The officials watched Master Lu leave with eagerness.

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