Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Vol 2 Chapter 815: In the imperial examination year, earning performance (ten more)

After the first lunar month, the imperial examination is held every three years.

As the imperial examination approached, the atmosphere in the capital became lively and tense.

The candidates who participated in the imperial examination are like tight bowstrings, which may collapse and break at any time.

The number of temporary embracing has greatly increased.

Around the capital, major temples and Taoist temples are booming.

It's all embracing.

Everyone burned incense and worshiped the Buddha and prayed for the blessing of the Bodhisattva.

Will the Bodhisattva bless everyone, I don't know.

I just know that time does not stop with people's will, but rushes forward, and in a blink of an eye it comes to the day of imperial examination.

The teachers and students of Shanhe Academy sent their students down the mountain to participate in the test.

Master Li has been to Shanhe Academy for nearly a month.

As Shanhe Academy, the largest official teacher in history, he did his part to speak out.

Sanyuangong Yang Yuanqing secretly rolled his eyes, and made no secret of disgust.

Sun Zhuangyuan murmured secretly, "Brother Li will really seize the opportunity. At this time, I will not forget to brush up on everyone's sense of existence."

Sanyuan Gong said: "This is called being good at camping. It was with this hand-drilling kungfu that he made a steady progress."

Sun Zhuangyuan smiled.

Ever since Master Li came to Shanhe Academy, he can often hear the dark history of both sides.

good, very good.

Talk more about the other party's dark history to satisfy his desire for gossip.

I really want to publish the gossip I heard on the life show.

In the end, Sun Zhuangyuan dispelled this idea. This idea is too dangerous, he will be silenced by Brother Yang and Brother Li.

Lord Li finished speaking, and succeeded in getting a wave of favors.

The students took the carriage prepared by the college and went down the mountain to the examination room.

"How sure?"

Lord Li came to San Yuan Gong and asked quietly.

San Yuan Gong proudly said: "The students in our college have been in the room for a long time. They are familiar with imperial examinations. As long as they perform normally during the exam, their results this year will not be bad."

Master Li raised his eyebrows, "Do you have any understanding of the situation at the Imperial College?"

Sanyuangong said: "The Imperial College has been hit hard last year, so there is nothing to worry about."

"Don't be careless, watch out for capsize in the gutter."

San Yuan Gong sneered, cast his eyes, let Master Li understand it by himself, then turned and left.

Master Li muttered, "As stingy as always."


Gu Jiu and Liu Zhao are also paying attention to this imperial examination.

She said to Liu Zhao: "When the imperial examination is over, the court should start to move. The proposal of the Northwest Metropolitan Government House will appear on your majesty's desk."

"Wait for the results of the imperial examination. Don't you worry?"

"worry about what?"

"I'm worried about the examination situation of Shanhe Academy."

Gu Jiu smiled, "It's no use worrying about me. In the imperial examination, strength is important, but luck is also very important. The weather this year was abnormally cold."

The cold weather has a great impact on the candidates participating in the test. The difficulty has increased significantly.

No. House, to live for nine days.

Food, drink, and sleep are all in a three-foot-square-square hut.

In such a cold day, sitting in the shed, you are at risk of catching a cold every minute.

In cold weather, not only must complete three exams, but also make sure that the thinking is clear, the handwriting is neat, and the article has something to say. The key is to be relevant to the topic, and there must be no taboos. It is a severe test for your will, physical fitness, talents, and accumulation in daily life.

How many people have a lot of essays on weekdays, they become fragile when they arrive in the examination room, and they are finally carried out.

Three years after three years, time was wasted.

The only advantage of Shanhe Academy is the practice of the Academy. Everyone has simulated it no less than three or five times in the fake house.

Each stay is nine days.

Experienced severe cold, scorching heat, violent storms and various extreme weather.

When they walked into the Gongyuan and faced the house of the Gongyuan, they would not feel guilty about thinking about it.

And the preparation work will be more adequate than other students.

Liu Zhao said: "I heard that Shanhe Academy of the Imperial College had also imitated a batch of houses. Their students, during the first month of the year, lived in the houses for mock trials."

Gu Jiu laughed, "As a competitor of Shanhe Academy, Guozijian naturally has something to do with it. Knowing that it is a bit better to learn from the mock exam of Shanhe Academy."

Liu Zhao said: "This time, if the imperial examination results of Shanhe Academy are good, I would like to learn from the experience of Shanhe Academy when I want to come to academies, imitate the halls, and conduct mock examinations. Let the students experience the difficulties of the examinations in advance and prepare in advance."

Gu Jiu smiled upon hearing this, "I have always hoped to promote the experience of mock exams. In the past, everyone dismissed Shanhe Academy, and the experience of Shanhe Academy could not be promoted. Now everyone actively learns from the teaching experience of Shanhe Academy, which is very good. In another ten years, Shanhe Academy will surely become the best academy in the world and attract students from all over the world."

"Ten years from now, will you still engage in free teaching?"

Gu Jiu took it for granted: "Fuck it! As long as I can make money, I will continue to do it. There is a rare place that can provide you with free reading opportunities, and you should stick to it. Teaching and educating people is a century-old plan. Education, Thoughts have not kept up. Any change is a castle in the air. After a generation, everything will be beaten back to its original shape."

After a pause, Gu Jiu said again: "We can't walk the old road again. Our era should not be a repetition of history. From the prosperous age to the end of the dynasty, and then again after overthrow, it is another cycle. This is a strange circle. We want to try to break this vicious circle."

Liu Zhao frowned.

This topic is too big, too serious, and too serious.

Gu Jiu solemnly asked, "Do you support me?"

Liu Zhao nodded, "I naturally support you. It's just that your education and thinking have changed in which direction?"

Gu Jiu said briefly: "Naturally, it is to seek a long-term development path, rather than reincarnation again and again."

Liu Zhao asked, "Is there such a way?"

Gu Jiu picked up a pen and drew a long curve on the white paper, "This is the way of the past. After reaching the peak, he started to go downhill, and finally fell to the bottom. Changed to another person and changed the court and everything was over again. It’s still the old way, it doesn’t make any difference. Now we’re going to try another way."

As she said, she drew another wavy line with ups and downs.

"We have to take a road where we can stand up again and continue climbing even when we get to a downhill road. Although there are ups and downs, there are ups and downs, but we are walking forward instead of going back. There will be valleys and peaks. Countless troughs and peaks formed a new path. Finally, it jumped out of the vicious circle of history and walked out of a new situation."

Liu Zhao looked solemn.

Staring at the two lines for a long time.

Finally, he lifted the pen and drew a mark at the beginning of the curve, "This is when Taizu first started his army, no one knows what the future will be like. Without money, no food, no soldiers, the whole army may be wiped out at any time. Become a stepping stone for others."

Then he drew another mark on the ascending position of the curve, "This is when the Taizu first established the country, a hundred waste is waiting for prosperity, and hope is everywhere."

His pen came to the apex of the curve, "In the Gaozong Dynasty, the prosperous age has come, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, without internal or external troubles."

Immediately afterwards, his pen gradually slid along the curve, "At the Xianzong dynasty, the government was miserable, the villain was in charge, and the internal worries were highlighted. At the Zhongzong dynasty, there was a slight improvement, but external troubles recurred, and the rise of Beirong and Xiliang was suppressed. The Great Zhou was out of breath. After several wars, the court lost every year, and taxes increased.

After that, the first emperor inherited the throne, and the court could hardly be maintained. The first emperor tried to kill and stop killing, barely maintaining the situation. But Da Zhou is inevitable and has been walking down the road. Until the father succeeded to the throne, the line had a little ups and downs. This little ups and downs, you take great credit.

I was thinking that if the line did not show ups and downs here, he would continue to slide, slide, slide to the end of the dynasty, and be replaced by others. As you said, a new cycle begins again. "

Gu Jiu said: "So we have to take a different path. Although there is no previous experience to learn from, but no matter how bad it is, it can't be the end of the dynasty, and the people don't have a living situation."

With that, Gu Jiu picked up the pen and continued to draw at the end of the curve.

A single curve has become a wavy line, with ups and downs, high and low, for a long time...

She looked at Liu Zhao and asked solemnly: "Are you willing?"

Liu Zhao looked solemn and nodded solemnly, "I am willing."

"You know that to take a new path, changes must be made, even at the expense of the royal family. Are you really willing?"

"I am willing to give it a try."

Gu Jiu hugged him, "Thank you for being willing to accompany me in this arrogant attempt."

Liu Zhao smiled softly and put his arms around her, "It is indeed a bit arrogant, but I like it. No one wants to take the old path that the ancestors have already walked, and I don't want to. Just like you said, if you take another path, no matter how bad it is It will be worse than changing the dynasty."

Gu Jiu laughed, "I have never dared to talk about changing the dynasty, but I didn't expect you to say it."

"Privately, there is nothing to say between you and me. You are afraid that changing the dynasty will irritate me. You look down on me too much, what kind of person am I unable to withstand the irritation?"

you are!

Very much!

Gu Jiu rolled Liu Zhao's eyes.

She crumpled the lined paper into a ball, threw it into the brazier, and burned to ashes in an instant.

"I will talk about the future later. At the moment, the imperial examination is the most important. The reputation and status of the Shanhe Academy depend on these candidates who participated in the imperial examination."


The imperial examination is very hard, it tests physical strength and even luck.

No, on the second day of the imperial examination, someone was brought out with a high fever, crying, crying, clamoring that they could persist.

The soldiers didn't want him at all, so they carried the people out of the Gongyuan and placed them in the concierge. Notify the family leader.

No family members.

Then inform the leader of the inn where you are staying.

By the third day, more people were carried out.

They all looked like bereaved concubines.

Some people had just been carried out, vomiting blood and passed out.

As more and more people were carried out of the Gongyuan, the atmosphere in the capital became tighter.

As time passed day by day, everyone was suffering.

It's so cold in this spooky weather.

No wonder so many people were carried out this year.

Fortunately, there is one last day, and the test is over.

Both Shanhe Academy and Guozijian sent people to guard the court to count the people who were carried out.

It's a relieved expression to make sure there is no one.

It is really useful to imitate the number house and mock exam.

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