Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Vol 2 Chapter 833: The family decree of Shaofu passed away (28th more)

Pinching the time, Emperor Wen De came to bring home Lingfu to visit Master Jialing.

The family made the adults heavy and unable to get out of bed and salute.

I was very excited, tears of excitement.

"The veteran has lived up to his majesty's expectations and may not be able to share his worries for his majesty anymore. The veteran is ashamed."

"Uncle's heart is at ease to raise your body, I am still waiting for you to get better. I can't live without you, and the Young Mansion can't live without you."

The family leader shook his head repeatedly, "I am afraid that the old minister is not good enough, the old minister is ashamed!"

The family made the adults cry terribly, his nose and tears flying.

The sons of Master Family Ling were a little embarrassed, fearing that Emperor Wende would blame him.

However, Emperor Wen De not only did not blame, but personally wiped the cheeks with a handkerchief for the family.

Emperor Wen De said: "I know the loyalty of my uncle. My uncle is relieved to recuperate. When you are better, our monarchs and ministers will be happy."

Master Jialing sobbed twice, "The old minister's body may not get better. However, the young man cannot be left unattended. The old minister please resign from the young man's order, and your majesty chooses a virtuous person to share his worries."

Emperor Wen De hurriedly said, "Who is qualified to replace my uncle?"

Chang En calmly signaled that all the people in Jialing Mansion should leave the bedroom.

It is a matter of imperial court affairs, and irrelevant people cannot be observed.

Even if the children and grandchildren of Master Family Ling are unwilling, they can only obey orders.

The bedroom is empty.

Irrelevant people all retreated.

Master Jialing took a deep breath, "The old man has some thoughts about the candidate for the post of Jialing in the Young Mansion. I just don't know if he can be in the eyes of your majesty."

"Uncle please speak. I will consider it carefully."

Master Jialing said four names in one breath, all of them were clan families. The oldest was in his sixties and the youngest was in his early forties. Each had its own advantages. Only the yellow pigeons seem to be mediocre, without outstanding advantages, and not so noticeable.

Emperor Wen De was ready, thinking that the family leader would recommend relatives, friends, or nephews.

Unexpectedly, Master Jia Ling did not do this.

This is difficult to be valuable.

Emperor Wen De said: "I think Ling Lang, it seems to be good too."

Master Jialing shook his head repeatedly, "He is a fool, he loves to make his own mind, and does not listen to others. Whenever he has two points of self-knowledge, the old ministers will also recommend those who are not useful."

"Uncle's heart is for the public, high-righteous!" Emperor Wen De sighed.

Master Jialing was panting, he was very tired, but he insisted: "Your Majesty, the position of Jialing in the Young Mansion does not need to be more capable and independent. The key is to understand a little bit of management and not extreme. Not impulsive, can listen to the following advice.

The people below do specific things. They know better what to do and how to improve in order to achieve better results. One of the main responsibilities of the Family Order of the Shaofu is to support the people below, create conditions for the people below, and let them do it with confidence. Instead of having to intervene in everything, do everything yourself. "

Emperor Wen De nodded again and again, "Uncle's words are reasonable. Does the few people recommended by his uncle know how to operate?"

"That's not it."

In front of Emperor Wen De, Master Jia Ling analyzed the advantages of the four recommended by him.

Just the other three.

The mediocre yellow horse, when it came to Jialing's mouth, he changed his style.

Loyal, accustomed to following orders, not good at making opinions, and able to listen to advice. Although he is not enterprising, he has the ability to be successful.

"The Shaofu has been developing rapidly for so many years, and there are more and more problems. It is time to stop and take a break. At this stage, the old minister thinks that the deserving man is more suitable for the Shaofu. After the problem of the Shaofu is solved, he will choose another talent to replace it. ."

This is the conclusion of Mr. Jia Ling.

Emperor Wen De nodded repeatedly, which made sense.

Emperor Wen De asked many more questions.

The adult family member supported his unwell body and answered one by one.

The monarch and the minister talked for about half an hour before Emperor Wen De got up and left.

Before leaving, of course, it is indispensable to ask the family to make the adults take good care of their health, I am still waiting for you and the like.

Mr. Jialing also repeatedly showed loyalty.

Emperor Wen De also took the opportunity to inspect the children and grandchildren of Jialing Mansion.

Mr. Family Ling was right, they were all mediocre people and could not be driven.

Emperor Wen De has some regrets. The family leader is pretty good, but unfortunately the children and grandchildren did not teach well.

However, he forgot that before Gu Jiu cooperated with the Shaofu, Master Jialing also appeared to be incapable, and was almost replaced by the Emperor Xian.

Gu Jiu's timely appearance saved the family from a crisis.

Times make heroes.

Opportunities time and time again have achieved the reputation of being good at financial management.

In fact, Mr. Jia Ling is not really good at managing money, he just seized the opportunity, so it highlighted.


Two days after Emperor Wende visited Mr. Jialing, Mr. Jialing passed away in his sleep.

Emperor Wende was very sad, and in front of the courtiers, he shouted: "I lost my humerus."

Immediately afterwards, Emperor Wende made an decree to grant the family prince the prince.

This is mourning after death.

The funeral of the family leader suddenly changed from the third-class family order to the first-class prince Taifu.

This is the first time in Wende Dynasty.

The officials envy.

The clan is even more envious.

With this post-death Ai Rong, the family leader, it’s not right, the descendants who have to be renamed the prince and Taifu now also follow.

Gu Jiu went to the Prince Taifu's Mansion for the first time to express condolences.

The sons and grandchildren of the prince Taifu were very sad, but now they are not so sad.

After death, the whole family benefited. It can be regarded as soothing the sadness of losing the backbone of the family.

Gu Jiu held the ceremony of the younger generation and worshipped devoutly.

And sent a generous ceremony.

To the current head of the Liu family, she said: "If there is any difficulty, people come to me. Those who can help will definitely help."

"Thank you Madam Zhao! My father always thought of Madam Zhao during his lifetime. He always said that he had left too early to help Madam Zhao."

Gu Jiu felt sad, "My ancestor has worked hard all his life, but didn't enjoy a few days. If there are difficulties in the funeral, don't be embarrassed, just tell me. My ancestor helped me a lot, and I should do something for him."

Patriarch Liu was embarrassed to speak, and the funeral was indeed difficult.

The funeral specification mentions the first-rate prince, and the cost has doubled.

As long as the family still has to live, they have not yet formally separated their families, so they dare not spend money indiscriminately.

The money spent on funerals is somewhat stretched.

Gu Jiu knew the other party hesitated. But she didn't point it out, just said: "I know it all, I will solve it."

After Gu Jiu left, Xu Yousi found the head of the Liu family and gave thirty thousand taels of silver notes.

Xu Yousi whispered: "This is my wife's intention to honor the prince and the prince. You use the money to organize the funeral, and you must make the prince's funeral a little more solemn and not negligent."

The head of the Liu family nodded again and again, "Please tell Madam Zhao that the old man has passed away, and we are more sad than anyone else. We dare not neglect the funeral of the old man. We will do what we need to do, and we will never go about it just to save money."

"It's so good! Do things well, your benefits will be indispensable in the future."

The excited cheeks of the head of the Liu family were flushed, and they promised to do things well, and would never live up to Madam Zhao's expectations.


Princess Fuya then had a chance to express condolences and met with Gu Jiu.

She didn't circumvent the corners, hurry up, and asked straightforwardly: "Does my husband really have a chance to take up the post of the family order?"

Gu Jiu drank his tea and said softly, "Your Royal Highness, don't worry."

"How can this palace not be in a hurry? This person is gone, there is no movement in the palace. In case your Majesty changes his mind..."

"Your Majesty hasn't made up his mind at all now."

Gu Jiu said confidently.

Princess Fuya raised her eyebrows, "You know your majesty's thoughts, are you in the palace?"

Gu Jiu motioned to Princess Fuya to stay calm, "I know your Royal Highness attaches great importance to this matter, and so do I. However, there is an old saying that you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. The job of the young man's commander is important. , Your Majesty must be very cautious. Let's talk about it when the funeral of the prince and tsar is finished."

Princess Fuya frowned, "My palace does not ask you how to do this. I will ask you, how sure are you? Do I need my palace to push back?"

Gu Jiu raised his eyebrows, "I don't know how your Highness will push it."

Princess Fuya said naturally: "There are two roads to the court and the harem."

Gu Jiu sneered and said: "Forget about the harem, Your Majesty is not a person who listens to the wind on the side of the pillow. As for the court, I know that there are several relatives of Huang's family who are in high positions. But I suggest that your Highness should not do this to avoid showing off. It provokes your majesty’s dissatisfaction and ruins the future of the consort. As for me, I have my own opinions. Why not be patient and wait for the result."

"So you are sure that my husband can get the post of the family order?"

Gu Jiu raised his eyebrows, confident and strong, "Is what Gu Jiu promised never failed? Is the credibility of more than ten years all fake?"

Princess Fuya smiled awkwardly, "You misunderstood, this palace does not doubt your ability."

"It's so good! You and I shouldn't see each other more, so the younger generation will leave!"

Gu Jiu got up and left.

Princess Fuya was still sitting in her position, frowning and thinking deeply.

The maid did not dare to disturb her.

It wasn't until Huang Xunma and Liu's family exchanged greetings that she went to the wing to find her and returned to the princess mansion together.

Seeing that her clarity was wrong, Huang Fu Ma asked with some worry, "What happened?"

Princess Fuya shook her head, "Go back and talk about it."

The couple returned to the princess mansion together.

After holding back from left to right, Princess Fuya sat on the soft collapse, staring at the yellow horse, her eyes straight, a little scary.

The yellow horse is particularly guilty.

He timidly said: "His Royal Highness, I have been very honest recently."

Princess Fuya hummed, "I know."

"Since your Royal Highness knows, why do you still look at me with such eyes?" The yellow horse was frightened.

On weekdays, Princess Fuya didn't even bother to give him a straight eye, but now she is so straightforward to look at him.

So weird!

Princess Fuya is not after him, right?

Bah baah baah!

It was originally a husband and wife, so why come to the last one.

The yellow horse is restless and about to collapse.

Princess Fuya finally spoke: "I saw Madam Zhao today, and she said something to the palace. She said,'I Gu Jiu promised something, has never failed?' This is quite arrogant. If you change someone else Speaking of similar things, this palace will definitely splash her tea on her face and sip her. But when this is said from the emperor's population, this palace cannot refute it."

Huang Yuma came back alive and let out a sigh of relief, "What am I talking about. Madam Zhao is indeed very capable, she said it's okay."

Princess Fuya looked at the yellow horse, as if she was looking at a mentally retarded person.

"It is precisely because she said that there is no problem, that my palace is shocked."

Huang Luma didn't understand, his face was dumbfounded.

Princess Fuya asked: "Who speaks like Madam Zhao in those clan houses you usually contact with outside?"

The yellow horse shook his head repeatedly.

No, none of them.

Everyone is in the clan and looks very noble. However, the speech is actually very measured.

Especially when you get along with people of equal status, you speak with a sense of measure.

Arrogance, you have to choose the time.

For example, facing people who are not as good as yourself.

For example, how to be arrogant when dealing with poor households

But Princess Fuya is not a ruined household, nor is it a person whose status is not as good as Gu Jiu.

In terms of seniority and status, Gu Jiu has left Princess Fuya a lot behind.

Gu Jiu was a junior, but he was surrendered and said such arrogant words to the elders. It is indeed shocking to think carefully.

After Huang Fuma figured it out, he asked, "Maybe Madam Zhao doesn't understand the rules, so it should be fine."

Princess Fuya almost died of anger.

What's so special, is the yellow horse mentally retarded?

He even said that Gu Jiu didn't understand the rules.

Ha ha!

"My palace has thought about it carefully, is it right to let you take the post of Clan Order of the Young Mansion?"

Huang Yuma screamed in his heart: No, it's rare to get promoted and get rich, don't block the door for him to get rich actively.

Princess Fuya continued to say to herself: "My palace is trying to figure out her intentions, and it seems that the plan is very big."

"The prince, it's not that position that is plotting."

A yellow horse is rarely shrewd.

Princess Fuya nodded, "I am worried that we will be implicated by her."

Huang Puma frowned, "But the young man's family ordered this position, we don't want it, and others will **** it. Mrs. Yizhao's current influence is that only people ask her instead of her. If we refuse this opportunity, Is it really wise?"

Princess Fuya finally cast a straight eye to the Huangfu Ma.

Not easy, IQ finally kept up with the progress of the conversation.

She asked: "According to your statement, Madam Zhao's influence in the capital is no one better? She is a woman, can she still influence the court?"

Huang Yuma thought for a while, "His Royal Highness asked about things on the court, but I can't answer the truth. I only know that when I was socializing outside, everyone talked about Madam Zhao, and the tone was very respectful.

Even the most ridiculous and impossible things, as long as they hear Madam Zhao want to invest money in, everyone is rushing. No matter how incredible this business is. On the Chaotang side, if there is a certain policy or a certain tax, there is a lady who participates in it and offers suggestions, everyone is very relieved. I don't know anything else. "

Princess Fuya frowned, "My palace does not know that she will have such an influence. Isn't it more influential than His Royal Highness?"

Huang Yuma nodded, "Of course! What the eldest prince said, everyone may not be convinced. But what Madam Zhao said, everyone is almost 100% convinced. Madam Zhao's credibility, but women and children know."

When Princess Fuya heard the words, she said with emotion, "Dare to love this palace is still a frog at the bottom of the well, I don't know that she is so capable."

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