Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Vol 2 Chapter 866: Draw flatbread

Gu Jiu put down his teacup and looked at the Huangfu Ma, "The Shaofu and the Household Department, to transport materials to the northwest frontline, how many civilians need to be confiscated and how many vehicles and horses should be prepared?"

"This..." Huang Fu Ma hesitated.

Gu Jiu didn't need Huang Puma's answer.

She continued: "I previously calculated an account for the Ministry of Households of the Shaofu. Before the establishment of Sanhe Express, to organize a war of 50,000 troops, at least 200,000 civilians and 100,000 vehicles were required. With so many chariots and horses, the army still cannot get timely supplies.

Is it the folk husband who steals and rapes, and refuses to contribute? Is it the traitor of the household who refuses to send food and supplies in time? Is it the weather? In my opinion, these are all factors that affect the supply of materials, but they are not the main factors. The civilians work hard, the household officials do their duty, and the weather is fine, but there will still be situations where supplies cannot be delivered to the front line in time. "

After that, Gu Jiu received a thick pile of information from Xu Yousi.

She said to Huangpu Ma: "I have re-stated the data related to the past 100 years, wars, and material deployment. The materials could not be delivered to the frontiers in time, and the army could not get supplies in time. 30% of the reason came from the officials' negligence of duty. , Plus the influence of weather. Seventy percent of the reason comes from the speed of transportation."

After speaking, Gu Jiu put the information on the table and motioned to Huang Qu Bing to read it.

She said to the father and son: "You can give this information to your majesty for review. The information is clear and you can see it at a glance. The materials will be transported from the capital to the northwest, 200,000 people will be levied, and 100,000 vehicles will be collected. In the past, it took at least one and a half months.

The longest time, because of heavy rains, the civilians walked for nearly three months before they transported the grain to the front line. At that time, the army suffered heavy casualties, and in the end had to kill horses to save their lives.

But the worst time was that thirty years ago, the army went deep into the grassland and could not keep up with supplies. 20,000 soldiers and horses were buried in the grassland. So far, the corpses of these soldiers have not been recovered. The situation has improved this year. Sanhe Express was established and cement roads were built, which shortened the delivery of grain and grass materials by ten days.

But don't be happy, two of you. According to our initial budget, the delivery time can be shortened by at least half a month. But why no matter how hard you try, you can only shorten the time by ten days at most? Is it a lazy man? I don't think so. The fundamental reason is that our transportation methods are too traditional and backward. In a war, what is fought is material, money and food, and there is still time. How can we beat Beirong in time? Have you considered it? "

The yellow horse has a cold sweat on his face.

Huang Qubing was thoughtful.

Huang Luma looked through the information, secretly surprised.

The information provided by Gu Jiu is detailed, and there seems to be no reason to refute it.

Gu Jiu tapped the tabletop lightly, attracting the attention of the two.

She continued: "Traditional two-wheeled carriages cannot carry more than 300 kilograms. Too much load requires more horses to pull the cart, feed the horses, and feed young soybeans. The cost of feeding has increased greatly.

However, the biggest disadvantage of the two-wheeled carriage is that it cannot be soaked and damp, and it cannot drive normally on rainy days. Traditional carriages, wooden wheels, and wheels made of wood, no matter how good, will become heavy and difficult to drive when washed by rain. I have done a statistic, when it rains to transport grain and grass, you can only travel ten miles a day at most.

You heard it right, but only ten miles away. I made statistics on this information. On a rainy day, the road is muddy and the wheels become bulky due to damp, making it easy to sink into the quagmire. In addition, it is impossible to light a fire on rainy days, and the civilian husband can only eat dry food. When it is cold and hungry, he has to hurry. It is exhausted to be able to walk ten miles. "

"Arid Northwest!"

The **** blurted out these words, and then stopped suddenly, not to look too stupid.

Gu Jiu smiled and said, "Master Family is right, the northwest is arid. But don’t forget, it snows in the northwest. The snow melts, the ground is muddy and wet, and the wooden wheels are running in this weather. It's terrible. The wheels are caught in the swamp quagmire, it's just commonplace.

Have you ever thought about how many wars occurred in the winter in the dynasty for more than 100 years? I tell you that 70% of wars are in winter. Maybe the war will restart this winter. At that time, the cavalry will go deep into the prairie and relied on wooden two-wheeled carriages to transport supplies. Are you sure you can supply the cavalry with food, grass, ordnance in time? "

The heads of the yellow horses are big.

Gu Jiu smiled lightly, "Sir, don’t worry about it. All the problems can be solved by the four-wheeled carriage. Qubing Gongzi just said that the space of the four-wheeled carriage is twice as large as that of the two-wheeled carriage, and the same number of horses can pull it. The carriage can carry twice the weight of materials. And it is not affected by rain or weather, and there is no need to worry that the wheels will not run due to moisture. Even if the carriage reaches the prairie, it can still run."

The yellow horse was dizzy, he was fooled by Gu Jiu so quickly that he could not find North.

"The four-wheeled carriage, really can solve all the problems?"

Gu Jiu pushed the information forward, "Master Jia Ling took this information, and the carriage parked in the backyard, and entered the palace. My Majesty asks you. Let the son of the sick man answer all questions for you. Jia Ling The adults don’t have to worry about your majesty's blame. Your majesty wants to punish the sick son and the lady.

The yellow horse rubbed his eyebrows, his head still dizzy.

"Mrs. Zhao and Inuzi continue to talk, the officer will go to the next door to have a sip of tea."

"Sir, please go."

The yellow horse got up and left the signing room.

Huang Qubing asked excitedly: "Please tell me how to do this, Madam."

Gu Jiu said softly: "I want to persuade your Majesty to mass-produce the four-wheeled carriage. The benefits I just mentioned are far from enough. After all, the court does not fight every day, nor does it need to deliver food and supplies every day.

I plan to set up a transportation firm, with Shaofu taking up 30% of the shares. The cost of the carriage can be reduced to twelve taels if it can be produced in large quantities. As the process improves, costs can continue to be compressed.

The four-wheeled carriage is divided into four grades, and the price of the standard version is tentatively set at 32. The comfort version is priced at 41 units, the deluxe version is priced at 62 units, and the supreme luxury version is priced at 121 units. This price includes only the car body, and the horses are counted separately.

My wife will provide a complete set of horses at the horse farm in the northwest, ranging from twelve taels of horses to thousands of dollars worth of horses. However, the horses are not part of the transport firm, and the relationship is a strategic partner. In addition, for horse sales, we can cooperate with Ma Zheng to provide income for Ma Zheng and also provide income for the court. Preliminary estimates are that the sale of horse-drawn carriages with horses will bring Shaofu and Mazheng to millions of taels each year. "

"Surely there are millions of taels in a year's income?" Huang Qubing was surprised.

If there is such a profit, the problem becomes very simple if we want to convince Emperor Wen De.

Gu Jiu nodded heavily.

She waved to Huang Qubing.

Huang Qubing moved in.

Gu Jiu whispered to him, "Actually, the cost of a four-wheeled carriage is less than twelve taels of silver. You know this well. If a transportation firm is established, I will conduct an open offer to try to appoint civil and military officials. The wealthy and aristocrats are all caught up in one go. With such a big benefit in front of me, I don't believe that anyone in the court dared to oppose the promotion of the carriage."

Huang Qubing was secretly speechless.

Gu Jiu added: "This time the IPO will take care of both the north and the south. In addition to the transportation firm, the iron smelting workshop will also conduct an IPO at the same time. In the future, when the time is right, the iron smelting workshop will split and the shares will expand again. All iron in the world Mine, all iron ore under Shaofu’s name, iron smelting workshops can pack rounds. Iron ore procurement is another considerable income for Shaofu."

Huang Qubing's heart beat fiercely.

This handwriting is too big.

The iron ore in the world must be rounded up!


How many carriages is this to produce?

Can the whole world consume so many carriages?

"The size of the Western Regions is far greater than we imagined. There are countless countries, countless populations, countless nobles, and wealthy people. The supreme luxury four-wheeled carriage, if one day can be marketed in the Western Regions, what price do you think is appropriate? ?"

Gu Jiu suddenly shifted the topic to the Western Regions.

Huang Qubing tried to say, "Eight hundred taels?"

Gu Jiu shook his head, "At least two thousand taels."


The price of two thousand taels bombed Huang Qubing's head.

"Just a car body costs two thousand taels?"

"Don't you believe it?" Gu Jiu smiled.

Huang Wubing was speechless.

Why a horse-drawn carriage is expensive is not about the body, but about the horse.

At that time, four-wheeled carriages were so expensive just for their bodies.

Huang Qubing really doubts whether there is a million tael profit in a year.

Gu Jiu picked up the teacup and took a sip, "Have I ever failed in the projects I have done over the years?"


Huang Qubing completely worshipped.

A small Wenqing Bookstore can generate hundreds of thousands of taels of profits a year. What is impossible.

Gu Jiu's desire to enclose the world's iron ore is not an exaggeration.

In her plan, the current mining of iron ore is far from meeting future demand.

Do you really think she spends so much money in the iron smelting industry just to make a carriage?

It's so stupid and naive.

The technological innovation of the iron smelting industry will lead the whole society to make great strides.

The steam engine will not be a dream.

Steel shipbuilding is not a dream either.

Bicycles may one day become the standard equipment of every family and the darling of the marriage market.

The watch industry may also emerge at the historic moment.

All in all, improvements in craftsmanship and production materials have made everything possible.

Of course, this is all in the future.

At the moment, we have to find a way to persuade Emperor Wen De to agree to mass production of carriages.

Only by speeding up the slow life will people have more desires and needs.

With desires and needs, everything will be possible.

Gu Jiu asked Huang Qubing, "Do you know how to convince Your Majesty?"

Huang Qubing is under great pressure.

Persuading your Majesty to agree to a certain project, and doing it for the first time, the pressure is not normal.

"Why don't you go into the palace together?"

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