"Your Majesty wants to calculate the national fortune?"

Ren Qiu's expression was complicated, and he secretly glanced at Master Lu.

Master Lu was very sad and helpless.

He used all methods to try to convince Emperor Wen De, but in vain.

Emperor Wende was willful and stubborn, and when his stubborn temper was on his head, ten cows could not be pulled back.

Master Lu could only give a helpless look at Ren Qiu.

"Does Aiqing not want to share the worries for me?"

Emperor Wende stared at Ren Qiu with a serious expression, boldly daring to disobey the Holy Order, and ordered someone to drag Ren Qiu out of the posture.

Ren Qiu did not panic.

There are very few things that make him panic.

He looked around and pointed to the carriage body, "Weichen dare to property, your majesty is worrying about it."

Emperor Wende was expressionless, "Aiqing doesn't have to worry about what I am concerned about, just calculate the national fortune."

Ren Qiu said boldly: "Return to your Majesty, I cannot predict the fortune of the country."

Emperor Wen De's eyes narrowed slightly, his gaze resembling a poisonous snake waiting for an opportunity to bite at any time.

Ren Qiu was not afraid at all, and talked freely, "The fortune of a country can be measured by ordinary men and women like wechors. The fortune of a country changes because of tens of thousands of people. The fate of a country is to count the fate of tens of thousands of people. Not caught, your Majesty, please be smart."

"Presumptuous!" Emperor Wen De scolded sharply.

Ren Qiu bowed slightly, neither humble nor overbearing.


Emperor Wen De directly kicked over the small bench.

He angrily scolded Ren Qiu, "I asked you to calculate the fortune of the country, but you pushed back and forth, so you are not afraid that I will punish you for deceiving the king."

Ren Qiu said in a loud voice: "Weichen did not deceive the emperor. Weichen is just telling the truth. If weichen promises to calculate the national fortune, can your majesty believe the results of the calculation?

What is the national destiny is related to the conversations between your Majesty and the ministers at this moment, the preparations for war in the Northwest Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, the Luhou, the Northwest Army, the North Rong Xiliang, and every courtier. The minister dare to ask your majesty, who dare to believe it if you don't know the heights of the sky and calculate the fortune of the country. "

Emperor Wende's chest rises and falls, panting violently.

The mood was frightened and angry, and his face changed again and again.

Master Lu winked at Ren Qiu frequently, making Ren Qiu speak a little more reserved.

Ren Qiu didn't see it, and refused to make eye contact with Master Lu from the beginning.

Emperor Wen De exhausted all his strength to control his anger and did not order Ren Qiu to be dragged down.

He asked, "Aiqing has said so much, what does the meaning mean?"

Ren Qiu looked at the face of Emperor Wen De, but he did not speak.

Emperor Wende frowned, "If Aiqing has something to say, I will not punish you."

Ren Qiu hesitated for a moment, and said, "Your Majesty, the Weichen will not calculate the fortunes of the country, but the Weichen knows a little bit about the face."

Emperor Wende frowned, "Aiqing meant that you were facing me just now?"

Ren Qiu nodded and admitted frankly, "Weichen **** it, face your majesty without permission."

"It's okay! Just talk about it first, what do you see from my face?"

Ren Qiu pondered, "The last time the minister saw your Majesty, your Majesty was still a blessing and longevity. When I saw you today, could there be something wrong with your Majesty's body?"

Emperor Wen De's heart twitched.

He was motionless, his expression was as usual, "I am in good health!"

Ren Qiu shook his head, "Weichen is not good at learning skills, and only knows how to face the face. Perhaps weichen has misunderstood. Please forgive me."

Emperor Wen De said: "It's okay, you can tell everything you see. If you are not allowed, I have my own judgment."

Ren Qiu looked hesitant, as if undecided.

Master Lu reminded him, "Do whatever your majesty asks you to do."

Then Master Lu reminded Emperor Wende, "Your Majesty, the technique of face-to-face is nonsense, just listen to it, don't take it seriously."

Emperor Wende snorted, "Lu Aiqing don't have to worry, I have my own opinions. Ren Aiqing, haven't you thought about how to say it?"

Ren Qiu scratched his head and looked distressed, "Weichen is really not good at learning skills. I can only see that your majesty's body seems to be ill. There are other women who hinder your majesty and affect your health. In addition, the weichen I didn’t see anything. Your majesty’s physical fortune is closely linked to the nation’s fortune. How can a minister and a mortal man figure out his destiny?"

Emperor Wende was overwhelmed in his heart, and his face remained motionless.

"Ren Aiqing doesn't have to be humble. I asked you to estimate the national fortune, which really embarrassed you. You are willing to tell me frankly. I think you are sincere, so I won't care about you."

Ren Qiu suddenly laughed, with a simple and honest look, "Weichen thank you for your understanding, Weichen is so scared that he has sweated three times."

Emperor Wende laughed, "You dare to say anything. Get off, I have something to discuss with Lu Aiqing."

"Weichen retired."

Ren Qiu turned around, preparing to leave the hall.

He looked at the carriage parked in the corner.

Due to a few more glances, it attracted the attention of Emperor Wen De.

So Emperor Wen De asked him, "What does Ren Aiqing think of the carriage?"

Ren Qiu said with some excitement: "This is an artifact."

Emperor Wen De raised his eyebrows, "Why does Aiqing think this is a magical weapon? Isn't it that it has two more wheels than the previous carriage."

Ren Qiu shook his head repeatedly, squatted down, and pointed at the wheel link, "Your Majesty knows that the carriage can turn and retreat flexibly and relies on the small objects on it. This is a great progress! The ministers traveled all over the country, It can be said that the small carriage is absolutely the best in the world. No country, any tribe, would ever want to build such a carriage. With a carriage in Great Zhou, it is equivalent to leading the world in transportation."


Emperor Wen De was noncommittal and asked, "Is it true that in Aiqing's eyes, the four-wheeled carriage is flawless?"

"How can such a good object be flawed."

Ren Qiu's face flushed with excitement, "The wheels are made of refined iron, and a large number of horse-drawn carriages require a lot of iron ore. When the iron ore supply in Dazhou is in short supply, iron ore merchants will take the initiative to go overseas. Looking for iron ore. This is tantamount to the vanguard of Da Zhou's expansion!

The universe is far bigger than people imagine. The Western Regions are as big as ten weeks. There are many mineral resources in that place. There are also overseas, countless islands, and there must be minerals on them. When there is enough profit, without the imperial court worrying about, the merchants of the Great Zhou will spread all over the Western Regions overseas, plundering local mineral resources.

What a magnificent future this is! Your Majesty imagined that when the Western Regions and overseas became the places that the Great Zhou could claim at will, and the local people all bowed their heads and became ministers, it was so exciting for the people of the Great Zhou army. "

Ren Qiu's eyes shone with stars.

He was very excited, so excited that this sibling dance. Almost offended Emperor Wen De and jumped up with Emperor Wen De's hand.

Fortunately, Master Lu was quick and quick, and stopped Ren Qiu.

Emperor Wen De looked complicated, and his eyes were blank for a moment.

"Global Overseas?"

Ren Qiu nodded repeatedly.

He stroked the wheels of the carriage, his expression and movements seemed to be caressing his favorite lover.

He likes horse-drawn carriages so much, so he put the word "artifact" on it.

Emperor Wen De pointed to the four-wheeled carriage, "Small four-wheeled carriage, but with two more wheels, it is as powerful as you said? Global overseas, free to get it?"

Ren Qiu nodded repeatedly and said affirmatively: "Businessmen are chasing profits. As long as they have enough profits, they will take the risk. They are not afraid in China, but how can they be afraid when they go overseas in the Western Regions. In the wild, just hire enough guards. With protection, they will be able to dominate and plunder overseas.

A large amount of materials are transported to the territory of Dazhou, and the Ministry of Households and the Municipal Bureau of Shipping can take the opportunity to collect high taxes. With enough tax revenue, you can send troops to the Western Regions overseas to open up new territories. All within the universe is owned by the Great Zhou. Your Majesty, this is a flourishing age! "

Ren Qiu excitedly encouraged Emperor Wen De.

Emperor Wen De was not so good at fooling around.

He waved his hand, "Aiqing step back, I have my own decision on this matter."

Ren Qiu reluctantly left Xingqing Palace.

There was only one four-wheeled carriage, but it turned out to be placed in Xingqing Palace as a display, which is really a violent thing.


Emperor Wende flushed, walking around in the hall.

He looked at the four-wheeled carriage frequently, all kinds of voices fighting in his head, conflicts in his heart, he wanted to tear himself in half.

"Destroyed the carriage, this is a monster! Never let this kind of thing appear in the world."

"How can I destroy the four-wheeled carriage. Didn't you hear what Ren Aiqing said? As long as the court regulates iron ore mining, merchants will go abroad to find ways to mine iron ore. This is the opportunity for the Great Zhou to dominate the world, how can I miss it? ."

"Nonsense, it's all about painting! What dominates the world. Even the country has not settled well. Don't forget that there are hundreds of thousands of refugees outside the city waiting to eat. Besides, the Western Regions are desolate and the wild land overseas is so barren. What is the use of land? It is a drag!"

"Absolutely absurd! Every inch of land, not only desolate or fertile, should not be abandoned. This is the responsibility of the emperor, and we must have a long-term vision."

"With a long-term perspective, where does the money come from. How long can you count on the money made by the carriage to conquer overseas? It's naive. In short, the carriage must be destroyed."

Emperor Wen De's brain exploded.

His expression was twisted in pain.

There are so many voices in my head that I can't drive them away.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty?"

Master Lu called out several times, and Emperor Wen De finally recovered, but his face was pale as snow.

Master Lu looked worried, "Your Majesty, what's the matter? But you don't feel well? Please take care of your majesty, and the Minister will ask for a doctor."

"No need to!"

Emperor Wende waved his hand to stop, "I'm fine. I just overuse my brain."

Master Lu became more worried.

Emperor Wen De stood in front of the carriage with a complicated expression.

"Lu Aiqing, what do you think of what Ren Aiqing said?"

"Unrealistic." Lord Lu said concisely.

Emperor Wen De looked back at him, "Do you think everything is the fantasy of Ren Aiqing?"

Master Lu thoughtfully said: "Perhaps 100 years later, what Master Ren said may happen. But now, for the court, the most important thing is to defeat Beirong and settle the refugees!"

------Off-topic ------

There are too many three-dimensional things, busy and tired on weekends, and there is no time code at all.

Sorry, the update on Monday is late.


The first more sent.

There is a second and a third.

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