The small iron workshop located in Shangougou in the west of the city ushered in the big day of determining the future of fate.

All employees of the workshop gather to hold a staff meeting.

Ma Xiaoliu stood on the high platform, making sure that everyone could see him and hear what he said.

He held the iron-skinned trumpet in his hand, and his eyes swept across his black head.

When the small iron workshop was first established, there were fewer than fifty people.

Today, the number is almost a thousand.

How time flies!

Bai Zhong was in charge of the iron workshop at the time.

At that time, Ma Xiaoliu was in the northwest, followed Deng Cunli's experience, and went to Xiliang.

After returning from experience, Gu Jiu let him be in charge of the iron-making workshop, and Bai Zhong went to Jiangling.

The stall in Sihai and Xinmin County was given to Zhao Minfa.

Ma Xiaoliu, who was just a little yellow sect back then, has grown into a dedicated servant with four or five apprentices in his hands.

In this special group of eunuchs, he is also a person.

I don't know how many people want to flatter him.

Especially after the announcement of Huanyu Transportation’s prospectus, the threshold of his residence in the city was almost broken.

In order to avoid these favors, he simply lived in the workshop.

There is only one way in and out of the workshop, and there are guards guarding the intersection.

Without permission, even a first-grade member of the imperial court would never want to come in.

"Hey Hey hey……"

Ma Xiaoliu tried the effect of the tin speaker, "Can you hear it?"


The craftsmen were laughing and joking, very excited.

Being in a workshop is not isolated from the world. They know a little about the outside situation.

Looking at the wagons full of warehouses, I knew I had to do something big. The craftsmen are looking forward to the next moment.

Ma Xiaoliu knocked on the tin horn, and said loudly: "Yesterday, Huanyu Transport Firm and Huanyu Steel Firm were formally established!"

Bang bang ......

The craftsmen slapped their faces.

"This day is inseparable from the hard work of each of you. In order to thank you for your hard work over the past few years, the owner has decided that everyone in this room will be given a share in Huanyu Transportation."


The crowd exploded!

"is this real?"

"Can we also have shares?"

"Do you want to buy it with money? I heard thirty-two shares."

"Manager Ma, can we buy it directly from you?"

"Do you want to buy as much as you want? I don't want this year's bonus. Can I change it into shares?"

"Quiet, quiet!" Ma Xiaoliu knocked on the table and uttered his throat, "Listen to me. You belong to the employees of Huanyu Transportation, and you will have the employee shares of Huanyu Transportation for free. If you listen clearly, it is free and does not cost money. Purchase. Employee shares are non-transferable and non-tradable. They can only receive dividends every year and cannot be passed on to descendants.

"However, when you are too old to do anything, after you leave the firm, the firm will reclaim your employee shares based on the stock price at the time you left. Those who leave halfway or are expelled by mistake will be forcibly taken back. "


A thousand people, a thousand voices.

The audience was excited.

Employee shares, free.

When they are old and can't do anything, the firm will spend money to redeem it.

Does it mean that when they get old, the employee shares in their hands become pension money.


Quickly pinch, is this true?

Is it really a dream?

Isn't Ma Guanshi joking?

I thought that bringing apprentices and getting bonuses for new products is already the best and best life. A life that I didn't even dare to think about in the past.

In an instant, there is a better life waiting for them.

When they are old or disabled, there is no need to worry about pension money.

"Steward Ma, can everyone get employee shares?"

Ma Xiaoliu said loudly: "Anyone who has signed a labor agreement with a firm has employee shares. There are two ways to allocate employee shares. For craftsmen, according to the level of craftsman. There are 20 shares for first-class craftsmen and three for second-class craftsmen. Ten shares, and so on. Dajiang's employee shares are not included here."

"How many employee shares can the master get?"

"Two hundred shares of Master!"


"It says in the prospectus that one share is thirty taels. Two hundred shares are not six thousand taels. When they are old and do not move, the firm will redeem them in full, which means they can get six thousand taels for pension."


Six thousand taels!

How many people, families, and generations cannot earn six thousand taels.

"Didn't you listen to Mr. Ma, the stock price will rise in the future. Two hundred shares, when they leave, more than six thousand taels."

Everyone was amazed again and again.

Someone suddenly yelled, "I am a second-level craftsman, I have thirty strands, isn't it nine hundred taels? I sent it, sent it..."

The emotions of the crowd were inspired and infected.

"I have twenty shares."

"I have fifty shares."

"I have a hundred shares!"

Everyone looked at the guy with a hundred shares with envy, really lucky.

"Steward Ma, don't you have two distribution plans? What is the other one?"

Ma Xiaoliu held a tin horn and said loudly: "For non-craftsman employees, they are allocated according to the number of years of work. Five shares for one year, ten shares for two years, 15 shares for three years, and one hundred shares are capped. There are additional employee share awards. For outstanding employees, there will also be employee share awards."

"I have been working for two years, don't I have ten shares, three hundred taels."

"I came last year. I only worked for one year, and there are five shares. I will have ten shares by next year."

"I have only been here for half a year, and I will not have employee shares until next year."

"I don't know how many employee shares will be rewarded for being in charge?"

A thousand employees are all discussing in excitement, and everyone has an expression of excitement on their faces, looking forward to future life.

When everyone was almost excited, Ma Xiaoliu said, "Now, I want to announce an important decision. This workshop, where you sit at this moment, will be divided into two from today. Some people will be assigned to Universal Transportation. , The rest will go to Huanyu Steel. This matter does not affect the employee shares in your hands."


The crowd burst again.

Noisy, all kinds of problems were thrown at Ma Xiaoliu.

Ma Xiaoliu did not reply to everyone’s questions one by one, but solemnly said: “Universe Transportation will cooperate with the court to produce and sell four-wheeled carriages, and will also absorb a large amount of private investment. Huanyu Steel will not be the case. It will be independently operated by the owner and will not accept foreign sources. investment.

The owner has bought all the surrounding hills and land. The new Huanyu Transportation and Production Center is on the other side of the mountain with an open terrain. It is currently under construction and will be put into use soon. The employees who joined Huanyu Transportation will also move to the other side of the mountain. "

"Must move? Why can't you stay here?"

"This is a steel center, which is mainly engaged in iron smelting, which is not convenient for outsiders to enter and exit."

"Can't we come here in the future?"

"Try not to come over. Everyone's ID badge will be changed."

A few buddies silently posted a large list on the wall.

Ma Xiaoliu said: "My left hand is Huanyu Transportation. My right hand is Huanyu Steel."

Obviously, Huanyu Steel has far more people than Huanyu Transportation. Senior craftsmen, all master craftsmen, are all left in Huanyu Steel.

It can also be seen from this that the owner attaches great importance to Huanyu Steel.

Here, here is the center of the world's industry.

All plans, ideas, and all wealth will start from Huanyu Steel.

The four-wheeled carriage is just a key to tearing open the tomb.

Guys shouted their names to let everyone know where they were going.

Ma Xiaoliu jumped off the platform and returned to the public house.

Next, he has to be busy registering employee shares for employees and also busy with production.


"Big Week Life Show" issued a special issue for the newly established Universal Transport Company.

Two hundred thousand copies were printed, and they were robbed in the morning.

Those who didn't grab it rushed to Wenqing Bookstore to request additional printing.

The shopkeeper of Wenqing Bookstore was very angry and irritable.

This group of people is okay, they come to block the door every day.

One or two are crazy.

Wang Sangen was eager to try, "Treasurer, do you want me to call someone in the first phase? There are as many as you want."

Those who lived in the first phase were all former refugees. The same experience and the same identity taught them to help each other.

As a generation of refugees, Wang Sangen, he went to call people, and he could really call dozens of hundreds of people.

The shopkeeper frowned tightly as he watched the guards who were blocking the bookstore outside the gate.

Wang Sangen's suggestion made him very excited.

I really want to call a bunch of people over and beat all the people blocking the door.

But the shopkeeper is a businessman in his bones.

The business man made money with his temper, his reason conquered his impulse, and the shopkeeper shook his head, "You don't need to call someone. Go, close the door, and take a day off today."


Wang Sangen did not understand.

So persuaded!

The shopkeeper glared at Wang Sangen, "You don't understand!"

Wenqing Bookstore, open the door to do business, how can you start beating people.

What's more, the people outside are all customers.

Although these customers are a bit wild, they are also guest rooms.

When the shopkeeper spoke, Wang Sangen could only follow orders.

The special issue about Huanyu Transportation is sold out when it is sold out.

"Big Zhou Life Show" is never printed. This is a rule set from the day of the publication.

Don't blame how many people are blocking the door, they can't let Wenqing Bookstore change their decision.

The door closed and the besieged Xiaomin left.

The whole city is carnival. Huanyu Transport has not yet started a single business, and has not made a dollar, it has been pushed to the altar.

Throughout the ages, no businessman has achieved what it is today.

How did today's achievements be achieved?

It's a victory one after another, a new business model one after another, the impossible becomes possible one after another, and one after another pulls everyone to make a fortune...

Worldwide transportation is a miracle.

I believe this is just the beginning, and there will be more miracles in the future.

The special issue was issued. The Ministry of Defense placed the first order for Huanyu Transportation. Three thousand four-wheeled carriages. The carriage body size has been widened and heightened. The requirements for wheels have also been increased. The road ran fast.

Ma Xiaoliu, general manager of Universe Transportation, sent the new quotation to the Ministry of War with only one purpose: to add money!

This is a special four-wheeled carriage, and you must add money.

Don't give money or supply.

Master Shangshu Qi of the Ministry of War looked at the latest offer, and his beard shook.

"Are you profiteers? Don't forget, the Ministry of Defense is one of the shareholders."

"Shareholders have to add money."

Everyone is in business, don't talk about shareholders or shareholders.

Do you add money?

Cancel the order without adding money!

Firms are also rushing to produce domestic four-wheeled carriages, not obligatory orders from the Ministry of War.

Master Shang Shuqi of the Ministry of War was furious.

"Your wife is also polite to talk to the old man. You are a small manager, who gives you the confidence to talk to the old man like this?"

"Adults can talk to my wife directly. However, I don't think adults can negotiate the price. To be honest, my wife has always been dissatisfied with this price, and she doesn't think the price is too low, so she doesn't make much money. The adults talk to my wife. Price, I am worried that my wife will raise the price by another 10% in anger."

This is a threat!

Master Shangshu Qi of the Ministry of War couldn't believe it.

A small manager dared to threaten the court officials.

"Do you know what the consequences will be if you talk like this."

"The adult asks the firm to deliver the first batch of goods in half a month. If we continue to talk like this, I am afraid that the firm will not be able to deliver the goods in a month. Are you sure you want to continue to delay the time?"


"Let’s do it, the younger ones will come again tomorrow to listen to the teachings of the adults. I hope that the adults have already made a decision by then. I will put the quotation here, and adults can look at it in detail. Where are the increased costs. Global business has always been It's a young man without deceit."

Ha ha!

It has only been a few days since the establishment of Huanyu, so I dare to say that it is childish.

Are all business people so brazen these days?

"The officer must ask Mrs. Zhao clearly. This is how the firm's buddies treat customers and shareholders?"

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