Two days later, news of Xiaguan reached the capital and the whole city was boiling.

Emperor Wen De Long Xin Da Yue, more and more believe that he is an emperor through the ages.

The original strategy was correct.

With sufficient logistics, tow can also drag Beirong Xiliang to death.

Master Lu, whose hair was almost graying from exhaustion, led a group of imperial literati and concocted the first eulogizing article, which was also published in Guozijianbao on this day.

The words were flattering and bold, and they flattered unabashedly, and scholars said that "Guozijianbao" had fallen.

Even the court officials expressed their dissatisfaction.

Where is the "Guo Zi Jian Bao", it would be more appropriate to change the name to "Small Ass".

Everyone at Guozijian News Agency was very wronged.

This is the task assigned above, what can they do?

The officials of the imperial court can't speak while standing and have back pain, they have the ability to use newspapers!

A group of scholars can't even do a group of eunuchs, so what right do they have to criticize the "Guo Zi Jian Bao".

Seeing that "Guozijianbao" was criticized by others, it was rare for "Big Zhou Life Show" to be a deadly opponent, but it didn't come to an end.

Instead, he took advantage of the situation and published articles on the changes in the relationship between wars and taxes in the past.

Once this topic is done, it will be ten issues.

With the content of the entire ten issues of the layout, a detailed analysis of the influence of the wars of the past dynasties on the internal affairs of the past dynasties.

Throughout the dynasties, it has been said that civil officials dragged the military commander's legs, and the battles clearly won, but in the end they are anticlimactic.

The bottom line lies in the financial bankruptcy of the court, and there is not enough money to support the war to continue.

Taxes and corvée were increased time and time again, and the people in the rear were struggling to survive and went bankrupt.

If the fight continues, the people in the rear will kill officials and rebel.

Internal and external troubles, the war is in full bloom.

All dynasties and dynasties could not bear this consequence.

In a war, on the surface they are fighting soldiers, but the core is fighting money.

Without money and food, the imperial court went bankrupt. This was the root cause of the civil officials' delays.

"Big Zhou Life Show" reveals the nature of war for the world for the first time. Every issue of 100,000 copies is sold out.

Wenqing Publishing House never prints it, so angry that the people raise money for printing and circulate it privately.

Even the court officials, from the first and second class bosses to the low-ranking officials, are studying the elaboration of the nature of war in the "Great Zhou Life Show".

No one has ever spoken about war so thoroughly and hit the core.

The courtiers learned the concept of court bankruptcy for the first time.

It turned out that the court also went bankrupt.

This person is talented!

Look at the article's signature: Anonymous!

The ministers spurted blood!

Not kind!

Such a talented person, how can "Big Zhou Life Show" hide people.

That's too much!

Many people asked Cui Qi through relationships to find out the anonymity.

Cui Qi pretended to be stupid all the time, and the anonymous name was an anonymous name.

The courtiers pointed at Cui Qi and cursed the bastard.

Cui Qi was unmoved.

It's not the first time someone scolded him.

Since he took over the Wenqing Bookstore, he has been scolded at every end for almost three days.

Already used to it.

His grandmother's physique is black.

After analyzing the famous wars of the past dynasties, the next step is to analyze the current dynasty.

"Big Zhou Life Show" is very bold this time, starting with the analysis of Taizu Taizong, and continuing to the analysis of Emperor Kai Yao, every recorded war has been analyzed thoroughly.

Summarize the lessons of victory and defeat, and publish them generously in newspapers.

The Newspaper Department did not even intervene.

In people's inherent impression, the reasons for the failure of the war or the victory are all secrets of the court and cannot be passed lightly.

Life Show analyzes and summarizes the wars of other dynasties, even if they dare to engage in wars in this dynasty, they are not afraid of being used by others.

What does the newspaper company do for food?

Why not intervene?

Why did your Majesty be silent?

Your Majesty is also reading the newspaper every day, and the ministers are tacitly aware of this.

The analysis on the war in the "Great Zhou Life Show" does not believe that your majesty has not seen it.

Now that he saw it, why didn't your majesty express his opinion and let the "Great Zhou Life Show" write wantonly.

The courtiers couldn't understand the thoughts of Emperor Wen De, and they were up and down.

Even local officials wrote to inquire about teachers, classmates, and past colleagues in the capital.

"Big Zhou Life Show" is sold all over the world. With such heavy content, the local government will always find a way to buy a copy, or copy a copy and read it carefully.

The author, who was signed by an anonymous name, does not deny that he is very talented and insightful.

Such a talent should share the worries for your majesty in the court.

However, "Big Zhou Life Show" published the article, which is wrong.

It is so serious and connotative, even involving some sealed archives and secrets, how can it be revealed to the world.

Too ignorant.

This is not over yet.

After analyzing the previous wars from Taizu to Kaiyao, the main course is served.

From the previous article, we know that no matter how wars are fought in the past dynasties, they will increase the burden of the people, cause the people to go bankrupt and reduce taxes.

Taxes are reduced, and taxes and corvee can only continue to increase, and then more civilians go bankrupt.

The relationship between war and taxes has entered a vicious circle.

In the Wende years.

The war with Beirong and Xiliang started last year.

During the period, 300,000 civilians were enlisted and 200,000 soldiers were used. There were no fewer than 200 wars of various scales.

Tens of thousands of people were killed or injured, and tens of thousands of people were added to the front line of Beijing Daying alone.

In such a large-scale war, the Ministry of Households did not increase a penny in taxes, and did not increase one day of corvee. Places that enjoy tax exemption are still tax-free.

The court also gave each person a certain amount of silver tael compensation for the civil servants who were enlisted to the front line.

This is unthinkable in all dynasties.

The Ministry of Household has always been poor, but it can do things that all dynasties have not been able to do. Why?

As soon as the writing of the article changed, he began to talk about the composition of imperial taxes.

Emphasizing the merits of the Ministry of Households over the years, singing hymns for the Ministry of Households, and occasionally bringing in Emperor Wen De, is considered to have completed the tasks assigned by the Press Department.

"Big Zhou Life Show" flattery and subtle, compared with the flattery of "Guo Zi Jian Bao", it is really on a high level.

And the article has detailed data and solid content.

But it is still hard to escape the glaring eyes of scholars.

"The life show is also degenerate, and it's shameless to publicly slap the Husband and your majesty.

"Unexpectedly, the life show will also have no morals."

"Anyone who cares about morals these days is looking for money."

"But it is undeniable that the article on Life Show is still very informative."

"Life show is depravity. If it were to publish a similar article in "Shanhe College Newspaper", the wording would be bolder and more acrimonious. I would never slacken off the horse, or even pull the household department down and step on my feet."

"Bold and spicy is a good thing, just for fear of the Press Division's publication."

"The "Shanhe Academy News" has insisted on not publishing it to the public over the years because the articles on it are too pungent and sharp. It must not be published on the market."

"Hey! It's a pity that the "Shanhe College News" has let the grandstanding villain like "The Great Zhou Life Show" be in charge. The world is unfair and the people's hearts are not old!"

"You can’t say that. Compared to the Guozijianbao, the life show is considered to be more ethical. The positive evaluation of the Ministry of Households in the article is also fair. The Ministry of Households did not increase taxes, and did not increase corvee. This is an indisputable fact. It cannot be denied. In recent years, everyone's life has been better than before, because taxation and corvee has not increased."

"That's because all people are business, this is the way to destroy the country."

"Nonsense. If the tax increase in these years were not enough to support the war with Beirong and Xiliang, with the money and food needed for a war, 30% of the people in the world would go bankrupt. The people went bankrupt and there was no way to go, or for A slave is a maid, or the grass is a bandit. According to the experience and lessons of the past dynasties, the world is already full of smoke by this time. This is the real way to bring disaster. Xiongtai is too prejudiced to the merchants."

"Sage's words..."

"Let's talk less about saints. As long as the people can live and work in peace, no matter what Tao is correct, I will support it."

"You dare to slander and oppose the words of the saint, it's absolutely rebellious."

"Punch hats, play literary prison, who is afraid of who. There is a way to publish an article on the life show to see if the people support Xiongtai's views or the views below. Do you dare?"

They are all scholars, and they are not afraid to play with pens.

The two sides fought an ideological war by looking to the Wenqing Bookstore and asking for their articles to be published.

When I heard San Shun, my eyes sparkled.

Good thing!

When you run a newspaper, you are not afraid of big things, you are afraid of nothing.


As a manager, Sanshun immediately made a decision and gave both sides a page.

Each issue will publish an article. Whatever you want, whatever you want.

When it was finalized, Sanshun remembered to inform Cui Qi.

Cui Qi is also a master who is not too big of a problem, "We can also invite individuals to the academy to analyze and refute the views of both parties."

"Who does Boss Choi think is appropriate?"

"The most suitable people are San Yuan Gong and Sun Zhuangyuan. However, these two old gentlemen may not be willing to mix up this kind of thing, they can only find someone else."

Sanshun chuckled, "Can you ask the "Anonymous" **** to come forward?"

Sanshun didn't know the true identity of Anonymous, but he couldn't stop him from admiring Anonymous.

In Sanshun's mind, the anonymous person is a fairy, a great god.

Even the officials of the court hall respected the anonymous great god, and wanted to dig out the unknown identity, so he was invited to be an official in the court hall.

There are still many people who speculate that the anonymous name is Sanyuan Gong Yang Yuanqing.

However, the words and sentences of the anonymous name are not like San Yuan Gong’s style of writing, and even have a big difference. The anonymous name is that San Yuan Gong’s guess is self-defeating.

Cui Qi looked at Sanshun with a strange expression.

Sanshun touched his face, "Is the little one wrong? Or is the anonymous great **** not in the capital now?"

Cui Qi shook his head, smiled and said: "This kind of thing, the anonymous name is the same as the two old gentlemen, will not participate."

Sanshun asked curiously: "Boss Cui, can you tell the little one, who the anonymous **** is?"

Cui Qi smiled mysteriously, "You don't want to know."

"Why do you say that?"

"Since the name is an anonymous name, it is an anonymous name forever. Remember not to ask."

So mysterious?

Could it be which tycoon in the DPRK?

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