Great victory!

A rare victory!

In the Great Zhou, Beirong, Xiliang, the three parties assembled more than 100,000 soldiers and horses to fight a big battle on the prairie.

This battle lasted for nearly half a month.

Luhou personally supervised the battle, and Pei Meng was the vanguard, facing Gangbei Rong cavalry.

Liu Zhao smashed the flank of the side army and ambushed Xiliang halfway.

The blood is flowing into a river, and the corpses are everywhere!

The world has changed color!

The green grassland was stained red with blood.

The balance of victory fell to Da Zhou.

With the defeat of Xiliang, Bei Rong had to choose to retreat and retreat to the depths of the grassland.

Take a rest and fight another day.

In large-scale field battles, they won Beirong and Xiliang, which is rare in the history of war in the Great Zhou for hundreds of years.

In the past, defending the pass and the city, not surrendering and persisting until reinforcements arrive, is victory.

Today, the Da Zhou army took the initiative to walk out of the pass wall and won the war.

In the past few years, military training has finally achieved brilliant results.

The Great Zhou army can not only play field battles, but also win battles.

When the news reached the capital, the whole city cheered, and every family was lighted up.

Refugee camps are even rarer. Thousands of fat pigs have been killed, and all refugees have a share.

Hundreds of thousands of refugees danced.

Eating fatty pork, oily, every cell in the body is carnival and excited.

I didn't know the taste of meat for several months, and missed the delicious fat.

Although each person can only get a few pieces of meat, there is also a bowl of bone soup.

Everyone has a sincere smile from the heart.

"The imperial army has won, and this battle is almost over. Go home at this time, and you can still grab a season."

"Don't think about going home. It's just temporarily repelling Bei Rong and Xi Liang, and sooner or later these two wolf ambitions will lead their troops south."

"According to you, this battle is not over?"

"Didn't you hear that, Bei Rong is so poor that they have no food. If they don't plunder our Da Zhou, they will have to starve to death. Only by killing the people of Bei Rong, the battle is over."

"How many people are there in Beirong?"

"I don't know. With so many tribes, there are seven or eight hundred thousand people."

"More than! In the early years, Bei Rong took hundreds of thousands of people from the border city. After so many years of multiplication, I am afraid that there will be a million people. The uncle of the cousin of my brother-in-law's brother-in-law is a soldier. Listen. It is said that this time Beirong went south, and those who rushed to the front were the Han Chinese who were taken captive to Beirong."

"Traitor running dog!"

"Forget the ancestors by counting!"

"Even the ancestors have forgotten, this kind of person deserves to die."

The refugees were filled with indignation.

"After so many years, the children of those captives have all grown up. Now Bei Rong has no food to eat, and the first to kill was the old Han slaves."

"Beijing is cruel and unkind, killing people to save food, **** it!"

"It's best to kill all Beirong people, together with those Han people who have forgotten their ancestors."

"It's not easy to kill the Beirong people."

"It's not easy to kill."

"And Xiliang. It's not a thing."

"His Royal Highness is mighty. I heard that with a group of frontier soldiers who had only been training for more than half a year, they actually blocked the 20,000 cavalrymen in Xiliang. The people of Xiliang rushed out."

"This time, the great prince has done the most. The newspapers say that if the prince hadn't defeated Xiliang ahead of time, once the Xiliang cavalry joined Beirong, the Northwest Army would definitely be defeated this time. Luhou I's reputation would be ruined. "

"Don't listen to the nonsense in the newspaper. I don't believe it. The frontier army who has been training for half a year can be compared to the prestigious Northwest Army. Even if Xiliang and Beirong converge, the Northwest Army can still win this round."

"Bringing bragging and not drafting. No matter how powerful the Northwest Army is, it will not be possible to carry Xiliang and Beirong alone. It would be good if they can save their strength and retreat slowly.

"No matter what you say, in my eyes, the Northwest Army is the strongest, and Luhou is mighty."

Refugees are arguing about whose merits are great.

The court's attitude was uniform and silent.

The victory is worth celebrating.

However, this great victory cannot be attributed to Luhou, let alone stand for Luhou and his son.

The Northwest Army under Luhou's army was too big to lose its tail and did not listen to the announcement.

To publicize Luhou's achievements is to find trouble for himself.

The imperial court would not do things that would shoot itself in the foot.

So how about publicizing the credit of the eldest prince Liu Zhao?

The courtiers were silent, depending on your majesty's attitude.

If your Majesty has no objections, it is not unreasonable to pull the Great Prince Palace out to promote it.

At any rate, suppress the prestige of the Northwest Army.

Now finally there is an army that can fight, and the courtiers finally got rid of the fear of being dominated by the Northwest Army for many years.

But looking at your majesty's attitude, it seems that your majesty is not very happy!

Not happy after winning the battle, your Majesty is really hard to serve.

The courtiers secretly slandered themselves, but no one stood up and said something fair for Liu Zhao.

However, if you have won a battle, you must be rewarded based on merit.

Don't reward, I'm afraid it will chill people's hearts.

The courtiers were like roundworms in the stomach of Emperor Wen De, knowing that Emperor Wen De was reluctant to reward the title, they took the initiative to propose.

"It's better to follow the example of last year and reward gold and silver."

The Ministry of Households was a little reluctant, but did not raise any objections.

Compared to knighthood, gold and silver is a one-shot deal anyway.

However, unexpectedly, Emperor Wen De did not respond.

The ministers were surprised.

Could it be that the stingy Emperor Wen De is not only unwilling to reward the title, but also not even gold and silver?

"Please also your Majesty decide how to reward meritorious officials."

Emperor Wen De left without a word.

Chang En sang and said: "Retreat!"

Then he ran away.

The courtier looked at each other.

The princes secretly laughed. This

What about Liu Zhao's great contributions? It's not that he didn't get the trust and favor of his father.

It's not as good as these brothers who stayed in the capital, who didn't have to go to the front to live the hard life, but also often brushed their faces in front of the father.

Was Emperor Wen De angry for rewarding the meritorious officials?

not quite.

When Emperor Wen De returned to Xingqing Palace, anyone with eyes could see that he was not angry.

"Is it secretly folded?"

Chang En bowed and nodded, and took out a wooden box with a key on it. Take out the key and open it in front of Emperor Wen De.

Emperor Wen De took out the secret folding inside the wooden box.

In the end, Emperor Wende sent the **** to the border to supervise the army.

The secret zigzag in his hand was written by the prison army far away.

Opening the secret fold, Emperor Wen De looked carefully.

The war situation is no longer just a few short sentences on the battle report.

Inside the secret fold, it describes in detail what you have seen and heard, the contradictions between the two parties, how to reach cooperation and so on.

No matter the details.

Emperor Wen De thought while watching.

"The establishment of the Northwest Metropolitan Governor's Mansion is still very necessary. At least it can contain the expansion of the Northwest Army."

"Your Majesty is wise."

"Liu Zhao doesn't care about government affairs, he just trains troops and fights, really shouldn't."

Chang En bowed his head, the corners of his mouth twitched, secretly slandering in his heart: His Royal Highness really dared to intervene in local government affairs, His Majesty should be anxious again.

"Luhou is really domineering, but there is no doubt about his ability. This time the battle plan was made by Luhou. It is a big picture, and it can be regarded as a great contribution. However, I have no reward."

"Your Majesty can imitate the method last time and reward gold and silver."

"Such a great victory, simply rewarding gold and silver, is not enough to reward the hero."

"Your Majesty makes sense."

Chang En didn't dare to talk too much.

Emperor Wende walked around in the hall with his hands on his back, thinking about this issue alone.

The heroes need to be rewarded, but how to reward is a great learning.

The title of Marquis Lu, at least in Emperor Wen De's place, has reached the top, and it is impossible for him to be promoted to the Duke of the Country.

However, Pei Meng, who took the lead, deserves a great reward.

There is also Liu Zhao, who made such a great contribution to suppress the Northwest Army in the future, and he will have to be rewarded.

Emperor Wen De had an idea in his mind.

"Call Lu Aiqing, I have something to discuss with him."

Master Lu went to Xingqing Palace to face the saint.

The monarch and the minister closed the door and talked for two hours.

No one knows exactly what was discussed.

The next day, Emperor Wende summoned all the princes and grandchildren to test and ask questions.

Yu brother is very low-key, try to be mediocre.

Emperor Wen De was noncommittal about this and did not reveal him.

Instead, he scolded him sternly, "I'm young, but I have a lot of ideas. Why don't you want to go to the palace to study?"

Brother Yu secretly slandered: He had already stated the reason in this book, so why did he suddenly ask.

Brother Mian Yu answered honestly, "Enjoy the emperor's grandfather, there are great scholars in Shanhe Academy. Grandson wants to confirm the views of the masters."

Really bullshit.

Emperor Wen De's beard trembled.

Just casually asked, "Who do you plan to find to confirm?"

"Return to the emperor's grandfather, grandson intends to find San Yuan Gong, and Mr. Sun will confirm."

"It's a good idea, but it's too willful and naive. You are not gregarious, understand?"

"Grandson remembers the emperor's grandfather's teachings."

Emperor Wen De waved his hand without delving into it. Instead, continue to test the homework of the Pope’s grandchildren.

The courtiers couldn't figure out which of the sung by Emperor Wen De.

Not in a hurry to decide to reward the heroes, but instead was thinking about studying the work of the princes and grandchildren, and the courtiers shook their heads.

"Your Majesty is running away?"

Maybe it is possible.

"Escape can't solve the problem. Such a great victory will chill people's hearts without reward."

"The imperial court, who would like to go?"

"Go together, go together."

One of the favorite things courtiers do is to force the palace.

If the emperor can be forced to compromise, the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction is simply unparalleled.

Of course, there is a price to force the palace.

Encountering an irritable emperor, maybe he clicked and his head fell.

Therefore, to force the palace must pay attention to timing and strategy.

The timing is just right now, I believe those noble generals will stand up and help.

Asked why civilian officials are so active in fighting for rewards for a group of generals, so selfless and generous?

of course not!

Wen Chen's fundamental purpose was to test the bottom line of Emperor Wen De.

It's about Luhou, it's about His Royal Highness, both of them are the impossibility of the emperor's heart.

It’s a great opportunity. If you don’t take this opportunity to test it out, wouldn’t it be a waste of the officialdom for so many years.

The civil servants are very thief, go to this to force the palace.

Emperor Wende will not be issued in China.

The civilian officials were more excited, and they were in a position to push Wende to a dead end.

Just as they were gearing their hands, the two wills were like two bolts from a clear sky, knocking the courtiers stunned.

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