Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Vol 2 Chapter 910: Pry the corner

Emperor Wen De denied Zhou Shian's views, and at the same time admitted that Zhou Shian had great talents.

Emperor Wen De encouraged Zhou Shian to finish writing.

But I do not intend to promote Zhou Shian.


Such people are not suitable for high positions.

Master Lu is very sorry.

Zhou Shian couldn't grasp such a good opportunity.

Zhou Shian was hit by this, and his spirit was inevitably decadent.

I took two days off to reflect in the room.

When Zhou Miao learned of this, he couldn't help but secretly came to care about it, and didn't dare to let Zhou Shian find out.

Master Lu persuaded him, "This official will give you a few more days off, so Brother Zhou might as well go out and relax."

Zhou Shian also felt that he had to go out for a walk.

Packed a rickshaw and didn't say the destination.

The coachman simply dragged him to Xinmin County.

Xinmin County is bustling with a lot of reading, and no amount of worries here.

"My lord, the Wenqing Bookstore is here, do you want to go in for a stroll?"

Zhou Shian came back to his senses and gave the coachman two cents, "Buy a copy of "The Great Zhou Life Show" for the old man."


The coachman readily agreed.

After buying a newspaper, the coachman continued to pull Zhou Shian along the way.

Finally went up the mountain to the Shanhe Academy.

Zhou Shian was stunned, "Why are you here?"

"Adults are scholars, so young ones think that Shanhe Academy might make adults a little bit happy."

"You have a heart."

Zhou Shian got out of the car and gave a reward to the driver.

The coachman said to him: "The younger is waiting for the adults at the door, and the younger is responsible for sending the adults back."

Zhou Shian nodded and walked into the gate of Shanhe Academy.

Shanhe Academy covers a large area and has a quiet environment.

The college students are free and unrestrained.

Can you not be unrestrained by playing streaking at both ends for three days?

The day when the entrance examination is released at the beginning of each month has become a regular program in Xinmin County.

On that day, people from all directions would flock to Xinmin County just to witness the students running naked.

Some people even came to the capital from the remote Lingnan deliberately from a long distance in order to watch naked.

Xinmin County streaked, apparently already known, played style, played a characteristic.

When Zhou Shian was walking on the campus, students passed by from time to time, nodding and smiling at him.

The students thought he was a teacher at the college, and they would yell, "Hello, sir!"

Zhou Shian was a little uneasy.

It is not that he is not worthy of being a husband because of his learning, but because he is worried that his identity will be revealed, and that he will be embarrassed when he pretends to be Mr.

However, no one in the academy questioned his identity.

He can wander around in the academy at will, without restraint and without being disturbed.

On the sidelines of the school, the students were playing Cuju, shouting all day long.

Someone is playing polo at the school next door.

With superb riding skills, everyone can play various tricks on horseback.

There was a bang on the hill in the distance.

Something seemed to explode and smoke came out.

Zhou Shian was taken aback.

However, the students are not surprised.

"It must be those guys who claim to be descendants of the Mo family who are doing experiments."

"Don't worry about them."

Fried and fried every day, I'm used to it.

Just like people running naked every day in the academy, they are all used to running.

Speaking of streaking, Zhou Shian saw a few students walking by with their **** open and naked.

"The Taoists came out to dissipate heat again."

"Heat dissipation?"

"Wu Shi San, you know. After taking Wu Shi San, my body becomes hot and needs to dissipate heat."

"How can the academy allow students to eat five stone powder?"

"Of course the academy does not allow them to take Wushisan. But they can't hold back a group of people who are not afraid of death. It is called an experiment to verify the effect of Wushisan."

"It's ridiculous!"

"It's not ridiculous at all. First tried five stone powder on poultry, and it has been determined that five stone powder will cause poultry death. Now they are experimenting on humans and overdose will definitely cause problems. With a solid argument, they can convince others, and at the same time Improve the formula to make Wu Shi San harmless."

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

"They have been controlling the dosage for several years, and have never heard of fatalities."

Zhou Shian was an eye-opener.

Shanhe Academy is so special.

"Looking at the old man, everyone doesn't seem to worry about the imperial examination?"

"Hahaha... a combination of work and rest. Besides, not everyone can be admitted to the candidate, and admitted to the Jinshi."

"I can't take the exam for a person to be admitted to the Jinshi, why study?"

"Who said that you have to take the exam for a Jinshi to study? Old gentleman, your idea is too old-fashioned. Like me, you are not expected to be a scholar. You know how much you have. I don't waste time to test for a person. , Choose a subject of interest, learn the skill, and do whatever you want in the future."

"Then what subjects did you study?"

"I learned numeracy, and I can go to the household department as a errand without the imperial examination."

"Without fame, I can only be a small official."

"The little official is just a little official. There is nothing wrong with it. Old gentleman, what do you think of my background? To tell you the truth, I am a poor peasant child. In order to support my schooling, my family has already emptied my family. If I had stayed at home , Do you think I have the opportunity to be a small official in the household department? I am afraid that even the door of the household department is not reachable. To study at Shanhe Academy, you can save money without spending a penny, and you can go to the household department as an errand after graduation. What's not satisfied."

Rough words are not rough.

Zhou Shian thought that he had written half of the books.


The most important thing is always opportunity.

The Shanhe Academy attracts students, precisely because the Academy provides students with various opportunities.

If you want to take the imperial examination, try hard.

If you don't want to take the imperial examination, the academy has other subjects to choose from.

Read all the subjects, you can earn a job, a salary.

No wonder the students of Shanhe Academy seem more confident, open-minded, unrestrained, and bolder than those of Guozijian.

Zhou Shian held the latest issue of "Shanhe College Newspaper" in his hand, and the words used in the article above were so sharp and bold that even Zhou Shian was utterly stupefied.

Fortunately, the "Shanhe College Newspaper" was not published, otherwise it would have been sealed by the Newspaper Department.

After strolling around the academy, Zhou Shian was about to go back.

"Excuse me, is it Mr. Zhou?"

Someone blocked his way.

Zhou Shian looked at the people and said calmly, "I am Zhou Shian."

The visitor smiled and said, "My wife would like her husband to drink a cup of tea."

"Who is your wife? Does the old man know?"

"My husband and my wife had a relationship."

Zhou Shian came back abruptly, "Is your wife the Princess Qin?"

Someone laughed and said nothing.

Zhou Shian thought for a while and said, "Please lead the way."

"Mr. Zhou, please."

The next person invited Zhou Shian to the Houshan Courtyard.

The big dog guarding the door was still that one, and he played with Niu Niu Li'er with patience.

Gu Jiu waited in the tea room for a long time and cooked the tea himself.

"Prestige guests come here, Pengxun is brilliant!"

Gu Jiu smiled and greeted Zhou Shian to sit down and drink tea.

Sitting on the ground, holding fragrant tea, such a leisurely afternoon is very pleasant.

"Madam knows where I am?"

Zhou Shian was outspoken, so he asked directly if he sent someone to follow him.

Gu Jiu smiled, "I heard someone mention that there was an old gentleman wandering in the college, who looked like Mr. Zhou. I ordered someone to go to the college to confirm. If it is really Mr. Zhou, please come and have a cup of tea. If not, Naturally, there is no need to alarm the other party. I didn’t expect that I was lucky today and could invite Mr. Zhou for tea."

"This should be said by the old man. The old man is lucky, and he was able to drink the tea made by the princess herself."

"If you like it, you might as well sit for a while."

"It's better to be respectful than fate."

"What do you think of Shanhe College?"

Zhou Shian asked bluntly: "Does the princess want to recruit the old man?"

Gu Jiu pursed her lips and smiled, "I heard that Mr. Wen is writing a book, but I don't know what is going on? Would you like to consider Wenqing Bookstore publishing for him?"

Zhou Shian laughed, "Is the princess really interested in the old man's book?"

Gu Jiu nodded, "I would like to hear the details."

Zhou Shian said calmly: "The old man is writing about the world and the world."

"Oh? In what way?"

"The secret to the success of Sihaihe Huanyu."

Gu Jiu laughed out loud, "I don't know when you can read Mr.'s masterpiece?"

"Isn't the princess afraid that the world will see the essence of the world and the universe after the book is published?"

Gu Jiu laughed, "Sihai and Huanyu have always been there. People who can see through can see through without a master's masterpiece. Those who can't see through, even if they read the book by Mr., still have nothing to change. I'm very happy. Publishing this book for her husband can be regarded as making a name for the world."

"The princess does not stick to form as expected."

Gu Jiu asked with a smile, "Mr., would you like to teach in the academy? The door of the academy is always open for your husband."

Zhou Shian laughed, "The princess still didn't give up."

Gu Jiu said, "Because I know that officialdom is not suitable for your husband. Mr. is an idealist, not a speculator. Everyone in the officialdom is battling Gougou. The longer Mr. stays in officialdom, the more depressed he becomes. Only Shanhe Academy is the home of Mr. Here, you can teach freely and write books freely. This is the ideal kingdom of your husband. Doesn’t your husband want to write a book that reveals the secrets of all beings in officialdom?"

Zhou Shian narrowed his eyes.

"The princess can also be regarded as a person with vested interests, why encourage the old man to reveal the secrets of the official life? What good is it for the princess?"

Gu Jiu lightly tapped on the desktop, "Because our time, this world, the entire universe, needs different sounds, not just one sound."

Zhou Shian frowned.

Gu Jiu continued to bewitched, "I look forward to the day when my husband can make his own voice and make a loud noise. Even if we can't alert the world, we can at least let future generations know that there are different sounds in this era of our lives. This is In an open and tolerant age, the people are prosperous and the country is strong, and all nations come to Korea. This is the heaven and the upper country."

Is the people rich and the country strong?

All nations come to Korea?

Heavenly Kingdom?

It was like a heavy hammer hitting Zhou Shian's heart hard.

His face flushed, and he didn't know how to react for a while.

Gu Jiu said: "To change an era, there is more than just being an official. Writing a book and saying that spreading knowledge and wisdom can also change an era. Being an official can benefit the people. Writing a book and saying, then It can affect people from generation to generation. Thousands of years later, future generations will not remember the official Zhou Shian, but they must remember the thinker Zhou Shian."


"Yes! Thinker Zhou Shian!"

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