Liu Zhao's firepower was full, and the courtiers cried and called their mothers.

Several yushi who charged in the front made cannon fodder. The General Dahan took off his official hat, took off his official uniform, and rushed to dig a trench outside the city.

Don't go home without digging for a month.

As to whether the official position can be kept, it depends on your majesty's wishes.

"Master Xiandi, your hard work has been wasted!"

An old official lay on the ground and cried to Emperor Wende Chengzong.

Contrast produces beauty!

With Liu Zhao's comparison, we know how good Emperor Chengzong Wende is.

They didn't cherish it before.

"Master Xiandi, if you are alive in the sky, just open your eyes and have a look."

It is not a good idea to appoint someone as the prince prince, but rather appoint Liu Zhao, a gangster, as the prince.

Even worse, Emperor Chengzong Wende did not appoint a ministerial minister.

The implication is that the emperor Liu Zhao has no constraints.

The Queen Mother couldn't control him, and the elders of the royal family couldn't control him. There is no auxiliary minister among courtiers, which means that courtiers cannot control him either.

The only thing that can be done is to restrict imperial power and try to suppress imperial power.

As long as Liu Zhao is weak by one or two points, with the fighting power of the courtiers, he can absolutely be forced to a corner and be obediently at the mercy of the courtiers.

It is a pity that Liu Zhao has many advantages and disadvantages, but he is not weak and does not recognize counsel. Never afraid to fight.

If you want to swear, you can swear. No one can stop him from following the plan.


Liu Zhao flicked his sleeves and walked away neatly.

Lin Shuping held up tears of sympathy for the courtiers.

Liu Da was dismissed from office, it is inevitable that this matter is a foregone conclusion.

Even if Shang Shusheng and Menxiasheng rejected the will, it would be extremely difficult for Master Liu to return to the political affairs hall.

The courtiers stepped forward to comfort Master Liu.

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation, "If the emperor is in power, the country will not be the country."

"Speak carefully, everyone!"

"In front of Wujun, the lower officials must say the same."

Who can't be an afterthought!

"Absolutely absurd, to depose Lord Liu on the charge of defamation. Only the uncle can do this kind of thing."

"Fun Jun, Fuzz Jun, Fuzz Jun..."

The officials were arrogant.

They want to impeach the uncle, and publish an article in the newspaper, calling on the people of the world to resist the uncle.


"Master, good thing!"

With a beaming expression on his face, the servant reported to Liu Ping, the King of Kang.

"There are constant disputes between the DPRK and China, and one after another says that your majesty is the unwary monarch. We are linking up and call on the people of the world to resist the unworn monarch in the newspaper."

County King Kang Liu Ping looked overjoyed, "Is this serious?"

"It is true, the old slave dare not deceive the prince."

County King Liu Ping was so excited that he walked around in the study, "Should this king take the opportunity to do something?"

"Does the prince think that courtiers are connected in series and published a few sour articles in the newspaper, which can make your majesty abdicate. The prince and all the ministers and workers would underestimate your majesty. Don't forget, this connection is only civilian officials, and noble generals are all Not involved."

Ouyang Fu stood at the entrance of the study, his face reminded solemnly.

County King Liu Ping frowned, waved his hand, and motioned to all his followers to retreat.

He said dissatisfiedly: "In addition to pouring cold water on this king, what else do you do?"

Ouyang Fu solemnly said: "I'm just reminding the prince, don't make mistakes and miss your life. The Queen’s daughter’s industry will be exhausted by the noble generals. For the sake of their own interests, the noble generals will firmly support them. Your Majesty. The military power is in your Majesty's hands. How much tricks can a group of civil servants do. In addition to adding blockages to your Majesty, a few hapless guys were sent out to dig ditches outside the city, and they couldn't even lift a splash."

"Shut up to this king! You are a lost star, and you sing the opposite of this king all day long and pour cold water."

The county king of Kang Liu Ping was very angry, and there was a rare good opportunity. He was in the mood, and Ouyang Fu could not wait to pour cold water on him.

Can he not understand these truths?

He is not a fool.

He just wanted to add blockage to Liu Zhao, disgusting him.

Liu Zhao succeeded to the throne, he was the first to be unconvinced.

Ouyang Fu sternly said: "If I don't pour cold water on the prince, the prince will be imprisoned in Zongzheng Temple. Isn't your majesty not clear about the behavior of the courtiers? Do you eat leisurely when you are Jinwuwei?"

"Shut up, shut up! What do you know, you are a woman and you just need to manage the inner courtyard of the palace."

Kangjun Wang Liu Ping scolded Ouyang Fu without giving any face.

Ouyang Fu's face was pale, "Although the prince wants to die, his concubine will not stop him. One day you regret it."

"You lost star, I don't know how to say a few nice words."

Ouyang Fu snorted, "What nice things to say? Do I want to wish the prince every success? Will my dream come true? I can think of it with my toes. It is simply a daydream. Your Majesty is the heir to the throne, regardless of how the courtiers make trouble. He can't shake his throne in the slightest. The Emperor Xian has already acquiesced that his majesty has the qualifications to act arbitrarily without appointing auxiliary ministers. I don't believe it. I can understand such a simple truth, but the prince can't understand it. ."

County King Liu Ping looked very ugly, and roared: "Get out! This king doesn't need you to whistle and crook, talk in the ear of this king."

Ouyang Fu nodded and left without saying a word.

She was furious.

Why do men just refuse to give up.

No matter how important the position in the palace is, can it be more important than the lives of the young and old?

She thought for a while and bit her scalp to find Princess Shen, hoping to persuade Princess Shen and let Princess Shen come forward to convince the prince.

Ouyang Fu is very eloquent, she talks to Princess Shen eloquently, telling the stakes.

No one can question the orthodox status of Emperor Jingming Liu Zhao, except for Empress Dowager Pei.

However, Empress Dowager Pei's voice obviously could not reach the court.

And as Liu Zhao was vigorous and resolute in the court, he established his style and emphasized his voice. After another year and a half, even the Empress Dowager Pei has no right to question his orthodox status.

At this time, anyone who questioned Liu Zhao could not end well.

"The ministers are dizzy for a while, and sooner or later they will be involved. The prince wants to intervene regardless of his own safety, and the daughter-in-law is very worried. Those ministers, your majesty may spare them. The prince is here, I am afraid that your majesty will never let it go. My daughter-in-law is worried. , Can only ask the mother and concubine to make an idea"

Concubine Shen frowned, "Your Majesty is somewhat aware of this person's temper, and he is a coldhearted person, and he has always treated himself without saying anything."

"If the prince can't bear to intervene in this matter, I'm afraid there will be unspeakable consequences!" Ouyang Fu was heartbroken and shouted.

Concubine Shen nodded, although she was dissatisfied that the first emperor passed the throne to Liu Zhao, but the status was determined and she could only accept her fate.

She thought for a while and said: "The palace will persuade the prince not to act rashly and not to be caught by your majesty. Their brothers have a bad relationship. If they are caught, your majesty will of course not spare him. "

Ouyang Fu let out a sigh, "The prince only listens to the words of his mother and concubine, and the daughter-in-law will be relieved if the mother and concubine are on the horse."

Ouyang Fu took the initiative to take the initiative, and Mrs. Shen was satisfied.

Began to put on her mother-in-law's style, "You are also incompetent, and even your own man can't persuade you. What's the use of you."

Ouyang Fu was embarrassed and smiled bitterly. "What the mother concubine taught is that the daughter-in-law is indeed incompetent."

In his heart, she yelled at Taifei Shen for being full and holding on for too much control.

Concubine Shen taught a few more words before letting go of Ouyang Fu.

Ouyang Fu had to put on a smile and bowed to leave. She was so angry that her heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were aching.

I am used to being the master of the house, and now I have a big Buddha on my head. Who can stand it?

What's more, the women in the backyard ran to Princess Shen every day.

Try to please Shen Taifei and suppress her through Shen Taifei.

Ouyang Fu was too depressed, but could only endure it.

She secretly made up her mind that one day, she will clean up the women in the backyard and let them know what's good or bad.


Xiao Qin'er didn't have Ouyang Fu's troubles.

At the palace, Xiao Qin'er said no two. After the news of Chaozhong passed the concierge, he was given a password.

No one is allowed to reach the ears of Duanjun Wang Liu Yi.

Liu Yi drank boring wine without hearing things outside the window.

Xiao Qin'er visited him and was quite satisfied with the current situation.

"The prince should drink less, the health matters."

Liu Yi mocked: "Do you care about the king's body? You are eager for the king to die soon, so that Da Lang can succeed to the throne in a fair way. With your relationship with the empress and empress, Da Lang successfully inherited the throne of the county. No problem."

Xiao Qin'er raised her eyebrows and said, "Liu Zheng is the eldest son, and he should inherit the throne. However, I also hope that the prince can live a long life."

"A bunch of nonsense, clever rhetoric. This king doesn't believe you."

"The prince can't believe me. Isn't the prince thinking about the group of women in the backyard, and the concubines? I tell the prince, if you refuse to take care of your body, leave early. When the funeral is over, the princess will Drive out all the women in the backyard and the group of concubines and concubines and let them fend for themselves."

Liu Yi pointed to Xiao Qin'er, "Poisonous woman!"

Xiao Qin'er sneered and said: "You have scolded me for a poisonous woman several times. If I am not a bit poisonous, wouldn't I be sorry for your scolding. If you want to drink to death, no one will stop you, just ask you if you are willing?"

Liu Yi laughed.


He smashed the hip flask, "Don't you know if this king is willing? What pretense is this time."

Xiao Qin'er cursed: "If you are not reconciled, do you want to beg to die? Cowardly!"

"Shut up! Get out!"

Xiao Qin'er rolled his eyes and left the study.

Still not forgetting to tell people, "Who would dare to tell the prince about the affairs of the court, and annoy the prince, and the princess will punish his family."

"Little dare not!"

The waiters bowed one by one.

Compared to Liu Yi who was drunk all day long, Xiao Qin'er was obviously more deterrent.

Xiao Qin'er was a little irritable, "The civil servants in the middle of the DPRK are also fed up and have nothing to do. If they don't do business all day, they know that they will be connected. If there are a few people, they will not be honest."

"The mother, let her anger go! Why should she worry about things in the court."

"Of course the princess is not willing to worry about everything in the court, but she wants to guard the prince."

If Liu Yi knows what happened in the DPRK, I don't know how many moths will be caused.

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