"Zhou Shian is the number one traitor in the world!"

A few days later, all major newspapers in Beijing published such a critical article with a sensational headline.

Obviously, the offended officials, including the military commander Xungui, united and launched a fierce counterattack against Zhou Shian.

They extracted the sentences, scenes, and paragraphs of the novel "Officialdom" and judged them one by one.

Said Zhou Shian as a heinous person.

If he is alive, he is Da Zhou's traitor, the greatest traitor.

Zhou Shian was responsible for the restlessness of the officialdom and the unstable public sentiment.

A big hat was worn on Zhou Shian's head.

Some people even publicly shouted in the newspaper: "Please punish Zhou Shian, so as to keep the people in peace."

Xiaomin from the city said one after another: We Xiaomin has never asked Zhou Shian to be killed, please do not represent us.

We are just eating melons and watching the officialdom.

As the person involved, Zhou Shian has been unknown for decades. He even became a beggar for a while and lived in the northwest.

"Officialdom" was published, and it became famous in a short time.

From officials to the common people, he is the only one who has been discussing recently.

He is famous!

Greatly famous!

Presumably in the future, he will write a book casually, as long as it has something to say and a little real material, it will cause looting.

Sanyuan Gong Yang Yuanqing even teased him: "Brother Zhou is now more famous than the old man. Next time the book of the old man, you have to ask Brother Zhou to do the preface to help promote it."

Zhou Shian smiled bitterly, "It's all notoriety! Brother Yang asked me to make a preface, I'm afraid it might stain your book."

"Brother Zhou is too self-effacing! The so-called notoriety is all official slander. The old man has read the book you wrote. It is very profound and popular. The book "Officialdom" is worthy of the name."

"Brother Yang is absurd!"

Sun Zhuangyuan looked envious, "When will the old man write a masterpiece that moves the world like Brother Zhou."

"There will be one day!"


The officials' counteroffensive against Zhou Shian came fiercely, raking in his details.

Born in the Zhou clan of Chuzhou, he turned his face with the tribe, and fell into disarray for years, etc...

In the imperial examination year, no mathematicians gathered in the capital.

The students were provoked, and the students who petitioned at the gate of the palace were still besieged and could not get out, which stimulated the emotions of the students.

Many students were so excited that they rushed to the Zhou family's house in the capital of Chuzhou to ask for explanation.

Some even went to Pingnan Houfu to besiege.

Just because Pingnan Hou Shizi's wife Zhou clan came from the Zhou family in Chuzhou, she wanted to call Zhou Shi'an uncle.

The Zhou family in Chuzhou is located in the residence of the capital, and the gate is closed every day.

When the servants go out to buy meat and vegetables, they have to go out carefully through the back door. Outside, I dare not say that I am a servant of the Zhou family.

To say that Zhou's family does not resent Zhou Shian, it must be false.

Being besieged by a group of scholars every day, no one can stand it.

While resenting, I feel proud and proud.

The Zhou clan in Chuzhou and the Sun clan in the capital city, one south and one north, are two great families with hundreds of years of heritage.

The previous generations of the Sun family had the glory of writing the edict, which severely crushed the Zhou family. The Zhou family is unwilling!

In addition, the Zhou family's children mostly served in local government offices, and had no influence in the court. They were not as powerful as the Sun family, and their reputation was not as good as the day.

Therefore, the Zhou family is very anxious from top to bottom.

Zhou Shian is recognized by the Zhou family as the most talented person in recent decades, and also the most eccentric person.

It is precisely because of Zhou Shian's talent that even if Zhou Shian announced his separation from the family, the family still did not abandon him.

Except for the time when he was wandering in the northwest, the tribe didn't know his whereabouts, and the tribe kept watching him for several years.

Zhou Shian was favored by Master Lu and entered Zhongshu Province. The Zhou family was really happy for a while.

Later, Zhou Shian resigned to teach at Shanhe Academy. The clansmen felt very sorry, but they didn't have the courage to run in front of him.

Until the publication of the book "Officialdom", Zhou Shian became famous all over the world.

The officials peeled Zhou Shian, and even the Zhou Clan of Chuzhou was also taken out, and the whole family followed suit.

The Zhou family, from top to bottom, is painful and happy.

Zhou Shian, the most talented person in the Zhou family, did not waste his talent after all, and wrote the book "Officialdom" that can definitely be passed down through the ages!

This achievement is enough to comfort the ancestors of the Zhou family and is the pride of the Zhou family. It is comparable to the glory of the Sun clan.

The old people of the Zhou family cried with joy.

The young ones, flipping through the book "Officialdom", are equally fascinating with You Rongyan.

"In the future, I will also write works comparable to "Officialdom"."

"Let's get into Juren first."

"I want to test Sanhe College and be a student of my uncle."

"I also want to test Sanhe College."

Zhou Jia Erlang was excited.

As for the students who besieged the house outside the gate, everyone collectively ignored them.

In the words of the ancestors of the Zhou family, it is: "They are all jealous! Jealous of Shi'an's talents, jealous of Shi'an's fortune. I hate myself for not being able to write such an ear-shattering work that is enough to stay in history. They are all a group. Little people, don't care about them. The foundation of our Zhou family is in the local government. Even the masters in the court, even if their hands are long enough, it is impossible to kill the Zhou family at one go."

The Zhou family was ready to sacrifice.

But no one complained.

For the family's reputation and to support Zhou Shian's writing, the Zhou family is willing to make sacrifices.

The big deal is not an official, go home and become a rich man.

The Zhou family, with so many advanced scholars and so many outstanding talents, no official official dare to despise.

Someone from North Korea also spoke for Zhou's family.

As the source of all this, Zhou Shian hid in Shanhe Academy without leaving home.

Let him be a sword, he conceived the next book.

He has too many ideas, too many things to say, and he eagerly wants to write them all down.

He didn't care about the opinions of others decades ago.

Shanhe Academy is his best armor.

Even those officials have hands and eyes open to the sky, relationships are spread all over the world, and they can't reach Shanhe Academy.

Seeing Zhou Shian encountered a counterattack by the ministers and was scolded by the world, Master Lu quit.

He found Queen Gu, the culprit who planned all this, and wanted to discuss an explanation for Zhou Shian.

Zhou Shian is his good friend, he can't sit back and watch his good friend be slandered wantonly, and he will be infamy.

He came to the Palace of the King of Qin and met with Queen Gu.

The palace man invited him into the flower hall.

In the warm spring season, the flowers of the Prince Qin Mansion are pleasing to the eye.

Niuniu catches butterflies in the flowers.

Brother Heng seems to never grow up, and takes Brother Li to play the official game of catching the thief.

Gu Jiu was sitting on the floor in the flower hall, holding a cup of fragrant tea, and the tea was refreshing.

"Master Lu is here! Please sit down!"

"The empress is so elegant!"

"It's rare that the weather is sunny and warm. It's time to cherish the spring."

"Your Majesty is burying his head in the palace to deal with memorials, but there is no such leisurely sentiment."

Gu Jiu pursed her lips and smiled, "Is Master Lu fighting for your majesty?"

Master Lu shook his head, "Weichen just said casually, please don't take offense."

"Of course I don't care about Master Lu."

Gu Jiu poured the tea personally and put the tea cup in front of Master Lu, "This year's new tea is delivered from the south by water. Although it is not a top-class tea, it is fine to drink."

"It is the blessing of Weichen to drink the fragrant tea cooked by the lady herself."

After speaking, he took a sip from his teacup.

The fragrance of tea remained between his lips and teeth, and he couldn't help but applaud: "Good tea!"

"I'm glad Master Lu likes it. A Qing, weigh a jin of new tea and bring it back to Master Lu later."

"Slaves obey orders!"

The maid Aqing led the other maids out of the flower hall.

Only Gu Jiu and Master Lu remained in the huge flower hall.

Master Lu put down the teacup, "Niangniang should have guessed the purpose of Weichen."

Gu Jiu shook his head, "I don't know the purpose of the adult in this palace. I also ask the adult to express it."

Master Lu took a deep breath, "As for Zhou Shian, please be merciful to my mother. You are driving him to a dead end."

Gu Jiu raised his eyebrows without making a sound.

Master Lu continued: "When the court was criticizing your Majesty, the Wenqing Bookstore suddenly launched Zhou Shian's "Officialdom". This is clearly a shift from the conflict between the court and the center. Now no one cares about your majesty's arbitrariness, no one cares about the imprisonment. Those officials, everyone pointed the finger at Zhou Shian.

Obviously, Niang Niang used this hand to transfer contradictions very skillfully and successfully. But this is not fair to Zhou Shian. He clearly carried all the pressure on behalf of His Majesty. He shouldn't be abused by others. Mother, please stop! Your goal has been achieved, you should not continue to sacrifice Zhou Shian. "

Gu Jiu lifted the teapot and filled the cup with water.

She asked softly: "What position does Master Lu demand from this palace?"

Master Lu solemnly said: "Weichen, from the position of Zhou Shian's friend, asked the empress to raise her hands high."

Gu Jiu took a sip of tea, "How long has Master Lu not seen Mr. Zhou? How do you know that he is not in it?"

"Impossible! Weichen understands him, he is not an unscrupulous person to be famous."

"He is indeed not such a person, but his successful fame has moved the world. Now that Zhou Shian is mentioned, who does not know? The Wenqing Bookstore has once again successfully packaged up a literary magnate and won him a place in the literary world."

Master Lu frowned, obviously disapproving of Gu Jiu's statement.

Gu Jiu smiled and continued: "Master Lu would like to see Mr. Zhou in obscurity for a lifetime? Would you like to see his talent buried in the pile of old paper, and eventually the dust will return to the dust and the soil will return to the earth. The world will never know the name of a talented gentleman. It's Zhou Shian."

"But he shouldn't have to bear such infamy. He has already taken all the pressure for your Majesty. What does the mother want from him?"

"So this palace will repay him! Repay him heavily."

Master Lu raised his eyebrows and looked surprised.

Gu Jiu pursed her lips and smiled, "Master Lu is very keen, and many people are still stupidly attacking Mr. Zhou. Master Lu has already seen everything. The choice of "Officialdom" to be published at this time is indeed to shift the conflict between the DPRK and China.

Some people fear that the world will not be in chaos, and if they don't fight two lip-service lawsuits every day, they feel uneasy. It is useless to fight a lawsuit in the court, but it will delay things. The palace reopened the battlefield, and everyone went to the newspapers to fight a lawsuit. It was fair to say who won and who lost.

They can scold Mr. Zhou as the number one traitor in the world, and of course Mr. Zhou can also scold him back. Or Mr. Zhou's fellow book fans scolded him back. Literati are good at swearing, and it can also enrich the spare-time life of the people in Beijing, which is good for physical and mental health. "


Lu Da was so popular that he glared.

"Could it be that Empress deceived your majesty with similar remarks?"

"Master Lu speak carefully!"

Gu Jiu's face was cold, "This is not to confuse, but to guide public opinion. Master Lu should also learn, all things have two sides. We can turn disadvantages into advantages. In the same way, we can also turn favorable situations into disadvantages. , It depends on how to guide."

Master Lu frowned and asked: "Weichen only wants to rectify Zhou Shian's name. He is a gentleman, so he shouldn't be infamy."

Gu Jiu nodded, "You want to clean up for Mr. Zhou, this is easy."


Master Lu was stunned, and finally understood the word literally, which was very vivid and appropriate.

He used it flexibly, "Yes, Weichen just wants to wash his reputation."

Gu Jiu nodded and said, "Everything is in the plan. Mr. Zhou is an extremely valuable talent in Shanhe Academy. How can this palace sit and watch him being attacked by scholars from all over the world and not fight back. Master Lu, don't worry, this drama is singing away. There is still some time after that. The Palace sincerely invites Master Lu to watch the show patiently."

Master Lu was full of questions, "How is the mother going to fight back? How can I cleanse Zhou Shian?"

Gu Jiu threw the latest issue of "Shanhe Academy News" in front of Master Lu, "Obviously, the style of "Dai Zhou Life Show" is no longer suitable for the next battle. The palace decided to start from the next issue, "Shanhe Academy" The newspaper will be published to the public. Then there will be a special official discussion."

Master Lu frowned, "Weichen has always had a question. Uncovering the truth and ugliness of the officialdom to the world, what good will it do to your majesty and the empress?"

"It's supervision!" Gu Jiu said loudly, "All officials need supervision!"

Master Lu frowned, "Isn't the mother afraid of burning her body?"

Gu Jiu smiled, "This step is indeed a big step, and it's a bit painful. However, the plan can't keep up with the changes, and sometimes it has to be done in advance."

"Please also express the empress!"

Gu Jiu played with the jade bracelet on his wrist, "The next series of things will require Master Lu to mediate to stabilize the mood of the officials in the DPRK and the central government. Your Majesty intends to change the ancestral system."

Master Lu couldn't close his mouth.

This, this, this step is a bit too big, are you really afraid of tugging?

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