Crack the earth to seal the king?

It turned out to be the King of Cracking the Earth!

Mr. Dou was trembling with excitement, prostrate on the ground crying bitterly.

It turned out to be the King of Cracking the Earth!


He wanted to laugh up to the sky, and even more to cry.

He cried loudly, crying bitterly for himself, and at the same time excited for the Northwest Army for Luhou.

Pei Meng's eyes were red, staring at the Western Regions. Xiliang is just a small piece of the territory of the Great Western Regions. There is a vast land to the west of Xiliang, countless wealth, and the rumored body poison of gold paved...

His chest rises and falls, and his face flushes. Just because of the dark complexion, it can't be seen.

His excitement is only a lot more than Mr. Dou.

Crack the earth to seal the king?

Pei's family actually has the day to crack the earth and seal the king?

No need to rebel, no need to kill the whole family, kill the whole family, not only can you continue to hold the military power, but can also break the earth and seal the king?

He has a feeling of being hit by a pie from the sky,

Is all this really an illusion?

He was silent, staring at the Western Regions on the map, and it took a long time before he finally calmed down his agitation.

"Where is the queen?" His voice was very soft and soft. As if afraid of breaking a fragile dream.

Gu Jiu said loudly: “After the king was entrusted, Xiliang, including the west of Xiliang, was the territory of the Northwest Army. You operate your own business, formulate your own system, collect taxes and raise the army yourself. Decide whether you want to continue to the west or defend. It's easy to live by that one acre of land."

Pei Meng shook his head abruptly and calmed down.

It is true to split the earth to seal the king, but the difficulties are also true.

Patronizing dreaming, ignoring difficulties, fearing that Xiliang would die on the way before he was defeated.

"I would like to ask Niang Niang to allow Chen and Mr. Dou to discuss in private."

"Yes! The two of you can settle down in the villa, if you need to ask the palace clerk to do it!"

"Thank you, Niang Niang!"

Mr. Dou got up from the ground and showed what a counselor should be. He wiped his face, "Weichen asked with the courage, why did the empress build a villa in such a remote place? On the way here, the Weichen found that there seemed to be only a two-track road in and out of the villa."

Gu Jiu said with a smile: "Because it's quiet and not far from the racecourse. If you two are interested, I can let people take you to the racecourse to play."

"Thank you, Niang Niang! We won't go to the horse farm."

They ride horses every day in the Northwest. Comparing the horse farm in the capital to the prairie, it is the contrast between the small pond and the sea, which is incomparable.

Mr. Pei Meng and Dou settled down in the villa.

Cracking the earth to seal the king, a big piece of cake, is right in front of my eyes, I can't wait to take a bite.

However, this bite may be fatal.

The two sat in the guest yard, poured tea violently, calming down their overexcited mood.

Mr. Dou stroked his beard and said, "I really made Master Hou guess right. Your Majesty and Empress Empress really wanted to split the soil and seal the king. It is hard to imagine that a few years ago, Empress Empress chose to cooperate with the Northwest Army in business. Plans to crack the earth and seal the king."

"The plan is to improve and mature step by step. At that time, Queen Gu may not be considered today, and more of it is saving capital for Liu Zhao to proclaim himself emperor."

Pei Meng didn't believe that from the beginning, the empress had calculated everything.

If so, it would be terrible!

Mr. Dou let out a sigh, "Fortunately, Master Hou had anticipated all this, otherwise you and I would be led by the empress's nose."

Pei Meng suddenly laughed.

Mr. Dou followed and laughed.

The more they laughed, the louder they laughed.

"Mr. played really well. Uncle Ben was almost deceived."

"The old man is mediocre. The uncle played the best. Both the expressions and the actions are like the first time I heard about this plan."

Pei Meng lowered his voice and asked quietly: "Can you guess that you can hide the truth from the queen?"

"Maybe the queen empress is also acting with us."

The whole conversation was a temptation, with different methods and different thoughts.

As the saying goes, soldiers never tire of swindling, no swindling, how can one hear the truth.


Mr. Dou exhaled, "Today is just an appetizer, followed by the dinner."

Luhou had long been judged when he cracked the earth to seal the king.

However, what about the queen? How will the Northwest Army survive?

The leader of the Northwest Army has little experience in people's livelihood and economy.

After occupying the territory, how will we operate and how will the materials come from? How to solve the homesickness of soldiers?

Who governs the occupied area?

The Northwest Army does not have an academy, which specializes in cultivating civil affairs personnel.

Mr. Dou solemnly said: "We must buy more time, at least three years."

Pei Meng shook his head, "I'm afraid that the empress will not agree. She wants to drive away wolves, and at the same time prevent being eaten back by the wolves. It is impossible for me to give three years."

"Uncle thinks the empress can give us a few years?"

"Tomorrow, try it out first. Uncle Ben hopes to have two years. This is where the husband has to work hard. But the result may not be satisfactory."

"The old man understands."

The two lived in the villa.

There were obviously many people in the villa, but it seemed extremely quiet.

Gu Jiu was in the Flower Hall and called Qian Fu, "Send someone to keep an eye on them and record everything he says and do."

Qian Fu bowed his head.

Then Gu Jiu asked, "What are the gains of taking them to visit the capital?"

Qian Fu pondered and said, "Mr. Dou is acting like a good old man, he doesn't rush in everything, he likes casual temptation. As for the uncle, he seems to be impatient and impatient. However, he has so much merit in him, old slave. I once heard that there was a sniper battle, and he led his men lurking in the grassland for ten days and ten nights. Such a person cannot really be an impatient person. The old slave judged that the uncle was pretending to be a brainless person. Reckless man, use this to paralyze those around him. If you despise him, you will be fooled by him."

Gu Jiu nodded again and again, "It makes sense! Luhou sent Pei Meng to the capital, all he wanted was his image of a ‘reckless man’. As for Mr. Dou, he may be just a smoke bomb."

Qian Fu wanted to ask, what is a smoke bomb.

Gu Jiu didn't want to say more, waved his hand and sent Qian Fu away.

Liu Yu came down from upstairs, "Mother Queen!"

"Have you heard it all?" Gu Jiu pointed to Ruansu and motioned him to sit down and talk.

Liu Yu nodded, "I heard it all."

Gu Jiu asked, "What do you think?"

Liu Yu sat down on the soft collapse, thought for a while, and said, "I think the biggest problem with the cracking of the earth is the population. The Northwest Army has tens of thousands of people, after successfully occupying Xiliang, they can only use their own people for a few years for safety. There are many people in Xiliang, but few soldiers in the northwest and limited personnel. With a mere tens of thousands of people controlling dozens of times the population, this is a big problem."

"Do you have a solution?"

"My son thought about it, there is an immature way."

"tell me the story."

"The Northwest Army controls the military and civil affairs. In the early stage, the Xiliang system was still used. The Xiliang people were used to govern the Xiliang people. In this way, the Northwest Army only needs to control the upper class of Xiliang, adopt intermarriage and marriage, and strictly control the Xiliang army. Then Xiliang will be in his own hands smoothly."

"The idea of ​​making Western Liang from Western Liang is very good, very good! How do you do it? Any ideas?" Gu Jiu encouraged.

Liu Yu shook his head, "The time is too short to have any specific ideas. My son has to look through the information about Xiliang first."

Gu Jiu laughed, "It's not anxious. Have you ever thought about what you can think of? Luhou must have already thought of it. Maybe now he has begun to sneak in the talents in civil affairs."

"My son has thought about this problem. Luhou generation of heroes, according to his son's understanding, there are no less than ten counsellors around him. However, the world only knows Mr. Dou, and other counselors never show up. Obviously Luhou deliberately did it, he was sure Hid another hand."

"I don't know how to hide one hand, but several hands. During the years of trading with Xiliang, the Northwest Army really made a fortune. Luhou held a large amount of money in his hands, but he never made a large purchase on the market. Where did the money go?"

"What the queen meant, could it be that the money is in Xiliang?"

"It's possible!" Gu Jiu smiled, "Crack the earth to seal the king, ha ha, I'm afraid Luhou has already been preparing for this day."

"Then what shall we do?"

Gu Jiu tapped the handrail lightly, "Luhou is a hero, cunning rabbit and three caves, nothing unusual. The plan of cracking the earth to seal the king remains unchanged. In the next ten or twenty years, the main goal of the Northwest Army is to move west. Twenty years later, they will They won't turn around and come back, maybe. But even if they really turn around, the court must have the confidence and strength to force them to continue entrenched in the west, forcing them to completely Chineseize the west.

After a generation, they will forget the east and the west is their root. We have to let them take root in the west, generation after generation. Even if one day, the descendants of the Pei family will establish the country and claim the emperor in the west. As long as they are still Han, the land is owned by the Han, and this palace can accept it. "

Liu Yu pointed to the map, "Such a large piece of land?"

"The Northwest Army seems to be crowded. After entering the Western Regions, the population is not enough. Moreover, the Western Regions are not without combat effectiveness."

As long as the Northwest Army keeps advancing west, they soon encounter a group of brainwashed fanatic warriors.

What if you want to win without paying the price of blood?

And if you pay the price, you may not win.

Gu Jiu did not expect the Northwest Army to be invincible.

The Northwest Army was a sharp knife in her layout, violently inserting into the Western Regions that had been out of control by the dynasties for several generations.

She wanted to muddy the pool of the Western Regions, using cracked soil to seal the king as bait, and pierce a nail in the Western Regions, a nail that no one could pull out.

She wants to fundamentally end the history of the prairie tribes becoming the dynasty's confidant every few decades.

The vast grassland should be owned by the Great Zhou Dynasty and is a territory under the rule of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Xiliang is a barrier.

In line with the plan of going south, Gu Jiu’s hand moved from the top of the map to the south, “If we don’t occupy such a rich land, others will occupy it. After the occupation, we will ride on our heads and spread the wild! It’s better to let people go wild than this palace personally."

------Off-topic ------

A big bug can only be deleted and rewritten.

His head is dizzy.


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