Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Vol 2 Chapter 973: Bestowing the title of Gu Yu

Ouyang Fu was blackmailed by the Xiao sisters and suffered heavy losses.

She was so angry that she lay in bed for two days before reluctantly accepting the result.

She questioned Princess Xiao.

"You have accepted my money and promised me, why do you regret it? Don't you hate Xiao Qin'er, why do you want to join her to deal with me?"

"Isn't it enough for you to give you two farms, a set of top jewellery?"

"Being so without integrity, beware of capsize."

Princess Xiao laughed and replied to Ouyang Fu.

"The conflicts between my palace and sister Qin'er are all in the old calendar. Nowadays, the world is different. Sister Qin'er and I are in the same mind. What's wrong with it? Besides, the second child harmed Liu Yi, isn't it? Should it be compensated?"

"Absolutely ridiculous!"

No matter how arguing, the matter is over, Ouyang Fu can only knock down the teeth and swallow the blood, swallowing this bitter fruit.

Even worse, the palace decreed to take the Prince of County Kang and demote it to the idle clan.

This is the first person to be deprived of the king after Liu Zhao became the throne.

Ouyang Fu received the decree and wanted to cry without tears.

Liu Ping lost the Prince, and of course she was no longer the Queen.

Fortunately, they bought the mansion at their own expense. The family can continue to live in the Fuzhong, and the only thing that needs to be changed is the structure of the house.

People from the Ministry of Engineering were invited to start work, demolish the main hall and renovate it.

Ouyang Fu stood in the courtyard with a dull expression.

The sad, painful, and angry are all over.

The only thing she can do is to be calm, and to be thankful that she is not locked up.

Hate in your heart?

Naturally hate it.

Are you resentful?

Naturally resentful.

So she ordered the housekeeper to reduce Liu Ping's expenses.

"Madam, the weather is getting colder, cut costs, just in case..."

Ouyang Fu's current identity is the wife of the idle clan.

There is no title of princess, even the qualification to be called a lady.

The servant can only call her his wife.

Called Liu the master.

This is also the only decent.

Ouyang Fu had a sullen face, "The mansion is difficult, and it is necessary to reduce the cost of the master. In addition, the Zongzheng Temple is damp and dark, and the best thing will be broken in a short time. From now on, the clothes for the master The quilts are all used. I have instructed the mother-in-law to remove the quilt and wash it, refurbish the quilt, and send it to him in two days."

"This, this... Master is angry, what should I do?"

"Just tell him that he has no prince, and a lot of money is missing in the mansion. It is really difficult to rely on that little industry support. Please be considerate of him."

The county prince is very generous and can solve most of the daily expenses.

Without Juelu, you have to pay for all expenses.

Ouyang Fu's heart hurts all the time when he thinks that the cash in the account is spent like running water.

All this is caused by Liu Ping.

He also wants to continue to live a luxurious life and dream.

She wants him to take a lesson and let him know what is good or bad. Start by cutting costs.

The butler is embarrassed and really doesn't want to take this job.

"Please ask your wife to tell the master about this matter personally. The young ones are really incompetent."

Ouyang Fu raised his eyebrows, "I will give the master a letter and you will pass it on to him. If you are afraid to see him, put your things down and leave, no one will blame you."

Speaking of this, the butler can only bite the bullet and take the job.

He thought of another thing: "Recently, people often plead outside the door, hoping that his wife can come forward and get people out of the imprisonment."

King Wuwei arrested many people.

Liu Ping's Chang Sui, in-house waiter, master, counselor, clear guest...

The people around Shen Taifei were not spared either.

These people have family members and are very anxious.

They have nowhere to ask, but can only ask for Ouyang Fu.

I hope Ouyang Fu can come forward and get a few people out.

Or come forward to help them walk through the relationship and open up important joints.

Ouyang Fu refused, "I can't protect myself now, no one can control others. If I am imprisoned in Zongzheng Temple, I don't know who will care about me."

The butler followed with a sigh, "The little one will reject them one by one."


Without the prince, the palace would not be able to summon eunuchs.

For a time, the huge mansion seemed empty, with many people missing.

Eunuch ladies, singers, dancers and musicians, including royal officials, guards... all were dismissed.

In order to save money, Ouyang Fu ordered the closure of many small courtyards and let them grow grass.

The maintenance of the house requires money and people.

Ouyang Fu has neither money nor people, and closing the uninhabited house is also a last resort.

The whole government has cut spending.

Without the king, one cannot continue to live a luxurious life.

The idle clan must have the desolate appearance that the idle clan should have.

Even if Ouyang Fu had a lot of private money, she would not spend a penny to improve her life.

Things are impermanent, and tomorrow is unknown today.

She wants to plan for her children and save for her children. Every penny spent must be calculated carefully.

The circle of nobles in the capital is good at forgetting.

Soon everyone in the circle forgot about the Ouyang Fu family, and no one mentioned them again.

The friendship between the children was also ruthlessly cut off.

This circle does not accept the desolate clan.

Even mentioning the name feels bad.


In the twelfth lunar month of winter, the entire northern land was frozen by snow and ice.

Gu's family ushered in a happy event.

The palace is decreed to be noble!

Master Gu got the news early, dressed neatly, and full of energy.

Gu Yu and Gu Hui's two brothers both returned to the Gu mansion and took the order together.

Master Gu is in a good mood, and everyone is pleasing to the eye.

Even Xie, who had not shown up for a long time, also came out, dressed up, only skinny and empty.

Master Gu laughed. After today, he is also a knighted person.

"Come, here! The servant has reached the gate.

"Hurry up and meet the angel."

The servant who preaches the decree is usually called an angel, an envoy of the emperor.

The door opened, the incense table was placed, and the decree was received on his knees.

Pei Man recalled the words his mother had said to her before leaving Beijing, and she felt a little uneasy in her heart.

She pinched her thigh fiercely, hoping to remain calm.

The maid began to recite the imperial edict, and after the format content was read, it was the main dish.

"...Gu Ling...Uncle Cheng Ping..."

The audience was silent, unable to recover.

Only Pei Man's eyes widened: It's fulfilled!

The queen mother really passed the father Gu, and directly gave Gu Ling to the Ping Uncle.

Obviously, the queen mother was full of dissatisfaction and resentment towards Master Gu, and she did not hesitate to change her ancestral system and give her brother the title.

According to the system, it should be the title of the queen's father.

When you arrive at the empress empress, you must change the ancestral system forcibly, which has to withstand much pressure.

How many unknown games and compromises are there, as well as the exchange of benefits.

Given the stubbornness of the old men in the Ministry of Rites, the Queen Empress did not know how much work she did in private to have today's decree.

"Wh, what?" Master Gu looked in horror, "What did you say? Why didn't the old man hear his own name, but the name of an unfilial son?"

Lin Shuping smiled all over his face, "Congratulations, old man, old man congratulation. Gu Ling, the son of Gu's father, has given him the title of Cheng Ping Bo in recognition of his merits by the court."

Master Gu fell to the ground and couldn't afford it, "Impossible! The old man is the queen's mother's father, and the title should belong to the old man. How can you pass the old man and give Gu Ling that **** thing."

Lin Shuping's face sank, "Is the old man dissatisfied with your majesty and the court?"

Master Gu's face was pale, "Why is this, how is this? I am the father of the empress, and according to the ancestral system, the title should belong to the old man."

Lin Shuping said twice, "Isn't the old man carefully listening to the contents of the imperial decree? The court granted the title of earl and the title of Chengping for the sake of General Gu's repeated military exploits."

"What about the old man? Where is the title of the old man?"

"Haven't our family heard that the Ministry of Rites would give the old man a noble?"

"The Ministry of Rites is absurd!" Master Gu had a long memory, and did not dare to slander the emperor, so he had to catch the Ministry of Rites and scold him.

Lin Shuping was furious, and said, "Is no one answering the order? General Gu, what do you mean?"

Gu Ling came out more and more, "The minister accepts the order!"

He knelt down to take the decree.

Lin Shuping turned his anger into joy, "Uncle Cheng Ping must use his heart to serve his Majesty and the court."

"Thank your Majesty Longen. The ministers did their best and died!"

"Very good!"

Gu Ling stood up with the imperial edict and invited Lin Shuping to the Flower Hall to drink tea.

Lin Shuping waved his hand, "Our family has to return to the palace and come back to drink uncle's tea another day. Goodbye!"

"I'll send Grandpa Lin out."

Gu Ling personally sent Lin Shuping out the door.

Back in the hall, the people in the room looked different.

Only Pei Man's expression was calm, and his anger was not quenched.

Because Gu Yu was made earl, Master Gu's seniority naturally increased.

Now you can no longer call the old man, you have to call the old man.

Lin Shuping used to call Master Gu the old man for this reason.

Gu Zhili Old man Gu jumped up, grabbed the imperial decree in Gu Ling's hand, and read it word by word.

"Really! It turned out to be true. The title has nothing to do with the old man? How could this be possible! I am the queen's biological father! Isn't it because the Ministry of Rites has an enemy against the old man? Or is someone in the palace deliberately against the old man?"

Elder Gu stared at Gu Ling fiercely, and asked sternly: "You brothers and sisters, what have you talked about in private? Did you say bad things about the old man before your majesty?"

Gu Hun lowered his head and sneered, where he needed someone to deliberately speak bad things. Mr. Gu jumped up and down for the title, no one in the capital knows. I am afraid that the palace disgusted him and deliberately passed him over to grant Gu Ling the title.

Gu Ling's face was calm, "Father is confused!"

"The old man is not confused! You brothers and sisters together to bully the old man, you are not filial."

Pei Man deliberately defended Gu Ling, opened his mouth, and swallowed the words.

Xie suddenly said, "So, it's nothing to do with me? Since I can't be the countess, then I go to my room and rest."

Xie quickly accepted the result.

She also persuaded Mr. Gu, "Why should you argue if you are all buried in the soil. Sooner or later, the title will be Gu Ling, and it doesn't matter if you give it to him now."

Old man Gu scolded, "You know what a fart! You are a woman's opinion, broom star. In these years, the old lady's troubles are all because of you. Because you hated the empress and the empress, even the old lady was not treated by the empress and empress. ."

Xie's heard the words and laughed, "Yeah, I hated the empress, and also hurt you. Then what do you want to do? Is it possible that you want to kill your wife, just like Su's back then?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Old man Gu panicked.

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