Gu Ling is gone!

In the warm spring season, he took his soldiers, bid farewell to his wife and children, and set off for the south.

He will go to the smoky land of the south to train and fight.

Since then, I don't know the years.

Pei Man sat in the carriage and watched Gu Ling gradually disappear from her sight.

Tears slipped, and my heart was empty.

She is sad.

It's hard to make both ends of the world.

She wanted to accompany Gu Ling to the south, even in that smoky place, she was not afraid.

But she still has to think about the child.

Children grow up day by day, and only by staying in the capital can they have a great future.

Going to the smoky land to the south, looking up at the mountains on all sides, all the contacts are local indigenous, and you can't find the right in-laws, let alone manage the relationship.

The children followed to the south, and their entire lives were ruined.

Pei Man wiped away tears.

Gu Ling wants to go south to train and fight, but she doesn't stop him.

Jingcheng is too unkind to him.

Just because he was the empress's brother, the courtiers all came up like sharks smelling blood, wishing to tear him apart.

let's go. Stay away from right and wrong.

The family will have a reunion day.


The courtier cheered.

Gu Ling was finally driven away and "exiled" to the smoky land to the south.

Since Liu Zhao came to the throne, courtiers and the emperor have battled wits, defeated countless times and killed countless people.

Finally, God didn't give up everyone, they won an absolute crushing victory for the first time.

Chengping Uncle Gu Ling is going to the south to train and fight!


The courtiers laughed.

In their eyes, going to the smoky land to the south is equivalent to "exile".

This is a great victory, a victory that can be recorded in history books.

Relying on everyone's unity, concerted efforts, fierce firepower, even if the elder brother of the queen empress, what about it, they were not driven out of the capital and "exiled" to the smoky land to the south.

"Since your majesty became the throne, finally, a hole was torn open."

"My lord means that Gu's family is weak?"

"No, no, this official meant that there were times when the emperor and the queen couldn't help it."

"Gu's family is always weak."

"But the attitude of the empress empress, she seems to be particularly indifferent to the Gu family. This time, Uncle Cheng Ping was driven out of the capital by us, isn't it because Empress Empress did not intervene from the beginning to the end. If the empress empress tried to protect Cheng Ping uncle, we would still Is there a chance to'exile' him to the smoky land to the south?"


How did it sound like what a traitor said.

This is the arrogance of the long queen, destroy your own prestige.

Dare to believe that they can win, not by unity and concerted efforts, but because the queen empress releases the water?


The crowd was dissatisfied and stared at a colleague who dared to tell the truth and expose the truth.

"Uncle Cheng Ping went to the smoky place to the south, it seems to be his own choice."

"That's because he has nowhere else to go. All the way out is blocked by us."


Don't ignore the facts just to put gold on your face.

Thinking about it carefully, Uncle Cheng Ping Gu Ling went to the smoky land to the south, as if he had nothing to do with courtiers.

The courtier only asked his Majesty to severely punish Gu Ling, but did not say how to severely punish him, let alone a word from the south.

"Your Majesty is not someone who compromised because of Yu Shi's impeachment."

"To shut up!"

Is it interesting to have to reveal the truth?

Can't everyone enjoy the joy of victory for a while?

Where are you standing?

If you want to be the running dog of the emperor and empress, get out.

"Stop arguing, everyone. Have you read today's newspaper?"

"Not too late. What's written in the newspaper today?"

"The way out for the northwest, the chief commentator of "Shanhe College Newspaper" commented on the article."

"What's the way out for the Northwest?"

"Just look at it."

"In a few days, it will be the Great Dynasty Meeting. Maybe your Majesty will ask about the Northwest. Everyone must be prepared."

"This is spring plowing, and the head of the household is very busy. I see Huanyu Iron and Steel, and the fire has not been put out. There is also a young mansion, mysterious and mysterious, I don't know what I'm up to."

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't you think it's weird? Spring ploughing is not summer harvest and autumn harvest. What can the household department do?"

"Who has a relationship with the Ministry of Households, please inquire."

A few days later, the Dachao met, as expected, to discuss the Northwest issue.

How to navigate the Northwest?

There was a big discussion at the Great Dynasty Meeting.

The ministers pointed the finger at the Northwest Army and Luhou.

"Although the Northwest is large, it does not need two commanding yamen. With the Northwest Metropolitan Government, the Weichen thought it was time to start abolishing the Northwest Army."

"The war has stopped, but the court still has so many soldiers and so many generals. This is wasting money and food!"

"Your Majesty, please decree to abolish the Northwest Army."

"I'm asking you how to navigate the northwest, not how you engage in internal fighting."

"Your Majesty's words are not correct. The Northwest Army is the largest cancer in the Northwest. If this cancer is not eliminated, how can the Northwest be peaceful and how to manage it. For every penny sent by the court to the Northwest, half of it will fall into the pockets of the Northwest Army. After the Northwest Army and the impoverished court, the Great Zhou is unstable!"

"Don't be alarmist!"

"What benefits did Luhou give to your Majesty, let your Majesty defend him everywhere and defend the Northwest Army?"

"There is no proof, what is the crime of wantonly slandering me?"

"Even if your majesty kills the minister, the minister will say it."

Liu Zhao was full of anger, and the Dachaohui always broke into a battle, enough!

He walked away.

Lin Shuping pulled his throat and sang, "Retreat!"

He hurriedly caught up with Liu Zhao and left the Jinluan Temple.

The courtiers looked at each other and were very dissatisfied.

"Your Majesty is too capricious."

"Every time the great dynasty meets, I leave without discussing a result and forcibly retreat from the dynasty."

"You can only count on the Xiaochao meeting."

"Walk around and find Master Lu. He is the head of the hundred officials, and should persuade your Majesty to make the right decision."

The book caused Master Lu to see the opportunity and slip away early.

Leave Ren Qiu to deal with the courtiers.

Ren Qiu is a mouthpiece. He can talk about the world, astronomy and geography, folk customs, aristocratic common people, four books and five classics, Buddhist scriptures and Taoism.

It can also turn people into a conversation.

When he opened his mouth, he was like a sacred stick, "The officer watched the sky last night and had a sense of understanding. Please listen to me one by one."

It happened that the courtiers took his approach.

I don't talk strangely, but it doesn't prevent everyone from listening with gusto.

After all, Ren Qiu's strength has been proved by practice.

It is recognized that there is a true skill.

It doesn't hurt to listen more,

Maybe we can turn the bad into good luck, and win every victory in the struggle with the emperor and empress.


Liu Zhao held a small meeting in Xingqing Palace.

Several officials in the political affairs hall, the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Industry, and the Shaofu were all present.

Most of them are old faces, but some have changed new faces.

How to navigate the northwest was discussed for the first time at the Dachao meeting.

But in this small group, it has been busy since last year.

"According to spies, the first group of the Northwest Army drove to the Western Regions half a month ago."

Liu Zhao nodded, a little excited.

The plan finally started.

The book instructed Master Lu to say: "It's time to keep up with the promotion."

"Is the Northwest Army ready?"

"Luhou planned to use five thousand people to disguise themselves as Xiliang soldiers to start a'war.' In this way, the Northwest Army can justify sending troops to Xiliang."

"At that time, your majesty's attitude must be firm, and he will not give up unless he swears to Xiliang."

"It is better for many courtiers not to know the truth, which is more conducive to the implementation of the plan."

"The Ministry of Households has to prepare for food and grass."

"The Northwest Army will move some family members to Xiliang."

"You don't need to stop. Since you want to occupy Xiliang and then travel through the Western Regions, population is the top priority. The Northwest Army can move population over, it is their ability."

"Your Majesty, the hidden pile buried in the northwest, it's time to start."

"Everything went according to plan. By May, can this'war' be fought?"

Only when the Northwest began to fight, the imperial court and the Northwest Army could hide from the sky.

To hide from the courtiers and the people of the world, he sent troops to Xiliang and traveled through the Western Regions.

"Wait until May and June, if nothing happens, this'war' will definitely be fought."

Once the battle is fought, the Northwest Army can proceed to leave the Northwest and head to Xiliang. And finally took root in Xiliang.

The rulers and ministers worked together to perfect the plan, and they were busy until noon.

Liu Zhao went to Chang'an Palace for dinner.

The food was served, and the emperor and queen sat side by side.

Gu Jiu had no appetite, so he put down his chopsticks after eating half a bowl.

Liu Zhao had a good appetite, hula hula, he ate three bowls in one breath and was a little full.

Gu Jiu reminded him, "If you don't compare to a young guy in your twenties, don't eat Hesai. You should also pay attention to health, eat less and move more."

"I walk around every day, and occasionally go to the school to practice hand skills."

Gu Jiu stretched out his hand and touched his abdomen.

Liu Zhao curiously asked, "Am I getting fat?"

Gu Jiu shook his head, "Not fat. I just don't know if the weight has changed."

"Nature has not changed."

"In a good mood today?"

Liu Zhao grinned, waved, and sent out all the palace members.

He said to Gu Jiu: "Luhou is moving."

Gu Jiu smiled and said, "Sure enough, it is good news. I heard someone say that you ran away before halfway through the morning."

Liu Zhao looked aggrieved and disgusted, "The Dachao will be a waste of time, and I want to cancel the Dachao completely."

Gu Jiu's face was serious and he firmly opposed: "No! How many officials in the capital count on the Dachao meeting on the fifteenth day of the first day of the lunar new year to meet with the emperor, speak out, and express his views. If you cancel the Dachao meeting, you will be stifling. It gave them their hope and spiritual sustenance. The consequences are so serious that you never want to see it."

"I must always endure the saliva of those courtiers." Liu Zhao looked aggrieved, asking for comfort and hugs.

Gu Jiu couldn't laugh or cry, "If you gain something, you will lose something. Just be patient."

"You still speak for the courtiers, they drove the brother-in-law out of the capital, are you not angry?"

"I'm thinking about you. Also, my brother was not driven away by them. He was going to train in the south, but he just advanced the plan a little bit."

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