Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Vol 2 Chapter 987: Make money at a loss

Finally bought a house!

Cao Dalang's wife was satisfied.

It's just that the money on the couple adds up, leaving only a few pieces of silver.

In order to buy a house, even the money for selling gas was posted in.

"Can't go back like this!"

The couple thought of one place.

When I return to my hometown at this time, my parents will definitely ask about the gas selling price.

How can they now have the money to fill the shortfall in buying a house.

If you don't fill up the shortfall in buying a house, you can't hide the matter of buying a house in Beijing.

Cao Dalang's wife murmured: "This house is our private property, and we can't let my parents know. If they know, there is no part of this house for you and me. At least half of it must be shared."

Cao Dalang also has several brothers, and the family has not yet separated.

If the affairs of the house are known to the parents and the parents are in charge, it is indeed very likely that the house cannot be kept.

Even if it can be kept, at most two houses can be kept.

One house becomes two houses, who would like it!

Cao Dalang nodded heavily.

He said: "If you don't go back, you have to write a letter back to explain."

His daughter-in-law was very straightforward, "Just say that we find an opportunity here and we will go back until the end of the year when we make money."

"In case parents let the second child come to the capital too..." Cao Dalang was a little worried.

His wife pinched him, "You talk more about the difficulties of eating and lodging in the letter. The price has increased a little bit compared with the previous year. My parents are reluctant to spend money. Once they hear that the price has risen, they will not let the old man The second run to the capital wasted money."

"Your method is good, just write it like this."

Cao Dalang wrote a letter and asked Sanhe to send it home.

Then the couple settled down in the capital.

Cao Dalang's wife is a capable person. She scrubs and cleans the house and the outside.

With the only money he had, he bought several sets of second-hand cheap furniture, as well as pots and pans, and began to rent out.

At the beginning, her job at the refugee settlement was to communicate and take care of the female refugees, and to reflect various problems on their behalf.

This errand is trivial, but extremely training.

She used to be very shy when dealing with strangers and did not dare to speak actively.

After training in the refugee camp, she became generous and took the initiative to greet scholars who intend to rent a house.

Life in the refugee camp not only exercised her ability, but also exercised her eyesight.

I don't dare to say that the ten is accurate. It is no problem in seven or eight.

The leasing information was posted, and within a few days, all the four houses upstairs were rented out.

Scholars are particular about it, and there is a second floor to choose from, so they are not happy to live on the first floor.

Cao Dalang's wife intends to rent the first floor to nearby vendors doing business.

Cao Dalang was literate and had experience of working in a refugee camp. He was very proud to find a job in the Imperial College for running errands.

"As the saying goes, I get a month before the water tower. I work as a errand at the Imperial College, and I earn a lot of money. If Dabao has any promise in the future, he may be able to enter the Imperial College to study. As long as you enter the Imperial College, you can eat, use, and wear for free. . It can save a lot of money, and can also study and learn skills."

Cao Dalang's wife giggled, "This day, it will definitely get better and better."

Cao Dalang said triumphantly: "Fortunately, I insisted on coming to the capital, and I happened to catch up with the enrollment expansion of the Imperial College. I didn't expect the house to be rented so well, so I rented it out in just a few days. When the crowds here, the rent will definitely rise.

The current rent is very cheap, but with this rent subsidy, the couple can save a sum of money every month.

If you have a house, money, and work, the couple will officially settle down in the capital.

Cao Dalang's wife couldn't be idle.

She wanted to find a job to help people look after the house so that she could look after the house.

Go out in the morning and wander around the community.

She knew a few words, and when someone posted a recruitment notice, she stepped forward and asked, "Is it looking for someone to look at the house? Do you think I’m fit? My family also bought a building in this community, one hundred and eighty Number three is my home."

Wang Xuecheng looked at the other party, "Listen to your accent, you are from a foreign country."

"I'm from Xihe County and I am a refugee in Beijing. I was the first refugee to arrive in Beijing. I have worked in refugee settlements for two years and know everything."

"Are you literate?" Wang Xuecheng asked curiously.

Cao Dalang's wife had a guilty conscience, "I knew a hundred words and learned it in a refugee camp."

"It's good to be literate. You said you bought a house here?"

"Yes, yes, I also bought a house. You can check the housing information at the public office in front. My husband's family name is Cao, my surname is Hu, and I am called Cao Hu. The information has my name, I dare not deceive you. , Old Zhang Tau, come and testify for me."

Cao Hu called the guards of the passing community.

"You tell this gentleman, I am the owner of Room 183."

"Yes, yes, yes, this is the owner of No. 183, his man works in the Imperial College, we all know each other. Are you the owner of No. 65?"

Lao Zhang Tou can be hired as a community guard, so naturally he has some skills. Once you recognize a person, one is accurate.

Wang Xuecheng nodded, "I am the owner of No. 65, and I plan to find someone to help clean the house and take care of the tenants. I work in Xinmin County on weekdays, and I can only come here after a day off."

"Look for me! In our community, you don't have to worry about my running, let alone my dirty hands and feet." Cao Dalang's wife eagerly promoted herself.

Wang Xuecheng hesitated, "I have a friend who also needs to find someone. We add up to six suites. Can you do it alone?"

Yan Ci is unwilling to use his family, and is worried that his family will know that he secretly bought the property outside, which will cause financial disputes.

For him, money is a trivial matter, and he mainly hates all kinds of human pressure and family disputes.

All kinds of ugly faces disgusted him and affected his thinking in writing books.

So he would rather pay someone to look at the house.

However, he was too lazy to face such trivial matters and entrusted Wang Xuecheng to handle it for him.

Wang Xuecheng also had similar reasons. He did not dare to use his family members for fear of causing financial disputes, so he could only spend money to hire people.

When Cao Dalang's wife heard about the six houses, her breathing became short.

The old Zhang head on the side was also moved, "Mr. Wang, the guy in my family can also help look after the house and take care of the tenants. Can you see it?"

"One person looks after the six buildings, I am afraid it is a bit reluctant."

Cao Dalang's wife wanted to pack a ticket and say that she was okay, but she was a bit hesitant to worry about something wrong and being compensated.

Old Zhang head quickly agreed, "It's okay to be alone, I can still help."

Wang Xuecheng thought for a while. One is the homeowner of the community and the other is the security guard. It is not appropriate for anyone to use it.

"It's better to be like this, you have three sets for one person. Old Zhang, can you invite your family's mouth, I will see for myself whether the work is quick."

"Swiss, swift! I'll call people here, Mr. Wang wait a moment."

Lao Zhangtou was very excited, very excited.

If her own old lady can get this job, she won't have to wash her hands every day and wash her hands.

Wang Xuecheng first led Cao Dalang's wife to see the house.

The houses he and Yan Ci bought were medium-sized, with eight upper and lower houses, spacious and bright, and the main house was large enough.

The furniture has been purchased, and only waiting to be hired.

"You don’t have to worry about renting a house. I have entrusted the sales office with the leasing office to do it for you. You only need to help clean and look after the house, boil hot water for the tenants, and wash the dishes. If you are happy, you can also charge a salary Cook them."

"I am happy, I am happy. I will cook meals for a dozen people at home."

Cao Dalang's wife is familiar with making big pot of rice.

A daughter-in-law for many years, she is good at managing her family.

"Three suites, plus your own house, can you see it?"

"Mr. Wang, don't worry, I promise to take good care of your house with your friends, and I dare not be careless."

"I think you are also an honest person. Let's go to the public housing now. After confirming that the information you said is all right, we will formally use the employment agreement."

"thanks, thanks!"

Cao Dalang's wife was excited and excited.

She didn't expect things to go so smoothly, and she signed three houses in one go.

Wang Xuecheng did things simply, mainly because he had limited time and had to rush back to Xinmin County.

He respectively signed employment agreements with the wife of Cao Dalang and the old wife of Zhang Tou.

The sales office leasing office is a witness.

After the agreement was signed, he handed over the keys to the two of them, "Entrust the house to you, and I will come and have a look during the rest days."

"Mr. Wang rest assured, he will take care of the house for you."

After finishing the business, Wang Xuecheng took a double-track carriage back to Xinmin County and bought a regular carriage ticket for five cents.

After the initial period of freshness, the number of people on the double-track carriage is obviously less.

However, Wang Xuecheng still had no place to sit.

At the starting station, seat tickets have always been sold out.

He bought the ticket late, so he could only stand, but fortunately he didn't have to be crowded, and there was still some space around.

In the carriage, there are vendors and students.

Everyone is very clear.

The students talked loudly, discussing whether to apply for the Imperial College or Shanhe Academy.

The two sides argued endlessly.

The hawker's baskets occupy the aisle, causing dissatisfaction.

Wang Xuecheng asked the hawker casually, "It's only half the afternoon, why are you eager to go back? Isn't the business done?"

The hawker is honest, mainly because Wang Xuecheng has a good face, which makes people easy to feel good.

The hawker told him, “Don’t look at the recent Guozijian seems to be very busy, business here is still not good. After two days of selling, it’s not as good as selling it for half a day in Xinmin County.

"The gap is so big!" Wang Xuecheng was a little surprised.

The hawker said: "There are still fewer people here at the Imperial College. Maybe it will be better until next year."

Wang Xuecheng said, "With the double-track carriage, it is very convenient for you to travel to and from the Imperial College."

The hawker shook his head, "If you want convenience, you have to catch the first bus in the morning. That time there are few people. Our baskets occupy the aisles. When there are few people, it won’t be hateful. For example, when there are too many people, we carry the baskets, and the conductor simply We are not allowed to get in the car unless we hang the basket on the outside of the car. There are so many goods in the basket, how can we hang it outside? What if it falls."

Wang Xuecheng let out a cry and said in doubt: "I heard that there are trucks, can't you put baskets?"

"Truck cars have to be charged separately, and only a few times in the morning and evening are used to drive the truck cars. Sometimes I can't make it to the bus, and there is no way to squeeze in the ordinary cars. Fortunately, there are not many people today, so it is not too popular."

Wang Xuecheng said with emotion: "It's not easy for everyone."

The hawker echoed and said: "It is still much more convenient than before. If there is no double-track carriage, our small merchants and hawkers would never come to the country to supervise business. In short, this double-track carriage is still convenient for everyone."

"You are right, it is indeed convenient for everyone, and the fare is cheap. Five cents is equivalent to the starting price of a rickshaw."

"Who said no. In private, everyone is praising the empress, who came up with such a convenient thing to facilitate everyone's travel. If this is changed before, from Xinmin County to Guozijian, driving a horse and cart back and forth, a day has been delayed. Nowadays. It takes only one or two hours to go back and forth without any delay."

The hawker opened the chat box and couldn't keep it.

He and Wang Xuecheng babbled, "Many merchants from the south were jealous when they saw the double-track carriage. I heard from the owner on Yuhua Lane that the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce is going to send people to the capital to persuade global transportation and build one in Jiangnan. This kind of double-track road is convenient for them. The merchants in the north are also very excited, saying that it is very convenient to pull goods and can run day and night without stopping. You only need to stop at the station and change horses."

Wang Xuecheng said: "Railroad tracks are not cheap. You have to prevent someone from stealing along the way. You have to be rich if you want to repair it."

"Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce will have money."

"It's not so much money to spend. And the fare is so cheap, I'm afraid it is the horse fodder money, the station staff will not be able to earn back."

"Why can't I make it back? So many people ride the carriage every day." The hawker did not understand.

"You just look at the number of people and don't count the cost of it."

Wang Xuecheng came together with the hawker.

The initial investment in repairing such a track is astronomical.

Railroad tracks, stations, employees, horses...

The investment is huge, and it will continue to be consumed, but the fare is so low, how can it make money?

The hawker questioned, "Some people do business that is not profitable? Is it to make money at a loss?"

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