Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 54: World-Class Crisis (8)

Since they met Samael last night, Emma and the others have been followed and hunted by him. If Emma had not possessed the ability of space teleportation, they would have been killed or captured.

Teleportation, especially Samael's teleportation at the fifth energy level, is a very troublesome and annoying ability for anyone, even Emma.

According to Emma's observations during this period, Samael can teleport up to ten times in a second on average. In frontal close combat, Emma is completely passive and it is very difficult to dodge the opponent's attack.

During this period of time when she was being hunted, she also thought about it. If she wanted to defeat or even kill Samael, she had to open up the distance and launch a super-large-scale attack with the portal.

But there were also problems with this. First, it was difficult for her to catch the opponent's trace in advance. Second, Samael's teleportation distance was about thirty to fifty meters, which means that he could cross a distance of up to 500 meters in one second. Super long-range attacks also have great requirements for attack speed and range. Third, they are now in Kyoto. Once a large-scale attack is launched, there will probably be tens of millions of casualties.

It is because it is difficult to defeat the opponent in both close combat and long-range combat. So Emma has been running away passively during this period. But looking at her constantly injured body, Emma knows that if she continues to run like this, she will only be slowly exhausted by the opponent.

After all, her long-distance space transmission, unless the coordinates are set in advance, must be within sight, and too far away or invisible positions will cause uncertainty in transmission and cause danger.

But after continuous transmission like this, Samael can catch up at the fastest speed every time.

'We must find out how he knows our whereabouts. ' Emma thought of this. But her brows kept frowning. This kind of tracking, she had thought of it as early as when Samael appeared for the third time, but no matter how she and Hansen paid attention and checked the bodies of the three people. They could not find any reason for being tracked.

'If you really can't find it, you can only do this. '

Next, Emma set a space coordinate on the spot so that she can come back here at any time. She quickly rushed towards the other person, and kept talking to Hansen. She wanted to find out whether Samael was following her or Takeuchi Aota.

If Samael was following her, then she would rush at full speed without any burden and compete with Samael in endurance. Hansen took Takeuchi Aota back to Daxia.

If Samael was following Takeuchi Aota, then she could use Takeuchi Aota as bait and make arrangements in advance to ambush Samael.

Emma passed through several portals in succession and appeared several kilometers away. Originally, her movement speed was very fast. But Samael, with his high-frequency teleportation, was not slower than her.

Especially since Samael no longer teleported directly in the sky, but moved between buildings and streets, it was difficult for Emma to sense his presence in advance. This made his sneak attack more dangerous and more concealed.

Just as Emma opened the portal again and wanted to walk in, a metal dagger suddenly appeared on her vest.

Unfortunately, the metal dagger only brought out a splash of blood. Emma had stepped into the portal desperately.

‘How long can you hold on? I can’t even warm up here. ’ Samar sneered: “Send her location.”

Then Samar looked at the information on the communicator, and the next moment, the whole person disappeared again.

The two chased and fled, Emma went alone, no longer had to worry about Takeuchi Qingta, an ordinary person, so that at this moment, both of them had used full speed, and in a blink of an eye, they had crossed most of Kyoto.

But Samar finally caught up with the other party before Emma opened the next portal.

The next second, countless blood flowers opened on Emma, ​​but Emma didn’t care. Using all her abilities, she saw a portal with Emma’s feet as the center, and in a blink of an eye, it expanded into a huge black plane with a radius of hundreds of meters. The entire black plane was a huge portal, from bottom to top. It was going to cover Samar completely.

"Too slow!"

The speed of the portal was indeed too slow for Samael, and it was enough for him to leave three wounds on Emma's stomach, back, and arms before he could dodge away.

However, this time, the portal took Emma away, leaving Samael behind. However, Samael just sneered, looked at the content on the communicator, and disappeared again, chasing in the direction of Emma.

Chasing again and again, getting injured again and again. Whether it was the speed of expansion or the speed of movement, the portal could not keep up with Samael's instant movement.

The only threat was the portal that Emma opened halfway, that is, the crack in time and space. This indestructible substance, even Samael had to be careful to deal with it. Every sudden appearance could temporarily force Samael back. But it was extremely difficult to hit the opponent.

All this put Emma at an absolute disadvantage. She bled more and more, and her mind energy was consumed a lot. If not all the vital parts of her body had the properties of a space gate, which could render physical attacks ineffective, her current situation would probably be ten times worse.

Emma couldn't help but feel a little regretful. She thought she was foolproof when she came to Kyoto for the investigation this time, so in order to be flexible, she didn't leave the location coordinates in Daxia. After all, she could only locate one place. If she had known to leave a coordinate in Daxia earlier, there would be no need to go through so much trouble.

I saw another super-large portal, and Samael dodged the coverage of the portal and watched Emma leave. Looking at the information sent on the communicator, this time the other party actually returned to dozens of kilometers away.

But Samael was no longer surprised. He knew that the other party had some kind of technology similar to the return gate, which could set a coordinate when passing by and return there afterwards.

This is also a way for the other party to teleport over a long distance. It is precisely by relying on this method to suddenly open the distance. Only then can he temporarily escape Samael's pursuit and get a chance to breathe.

A voice came from the communicator: "Sir, don't worry about chasing Takeuchi Qingta? It seems that they have separated."

"It doesn't matter." Samael said confidently: "After I catch this woman, I will ask her about it from her body."


Time has come to night in a blink of an eye. When Emma was still fighting with Samael, Li Anping was standing on the flight deck, looking up at the starry sky over the sea.

Perhaps because there is not so much light pollution in the city, the night sky over the sea is particularly bright. With the endless sea, it gives people a particularly lonely and deserted feeling.

But in such a quiet environment, Li Anping's heart could not calm down, but was more anxious than during the day.

'There is something. ' Li Anping touched his chin, feeling the source of his inner anxiety, and thought to himself: 'I feel that there is something annoying in Dongyang. ’

Just then, Xiao Xuesu came behind Li Anping with a lunch box: "Sir, you haven't had dinner yet? This is the midnight snack I asked the kitchen to prepare. Would you like to have some?"

"No thanks." Li Anping refused and asked: "Xiao Xuesu, what time is it now? How long will it take to get to Dongyang?"

After hearing Li Anping's refusal, Xiao Xuesu showed a hint of disappointment on her face. After hearing Li Anping's inquiry about the time, she immediately looked at her watch and said: "Sir, it's already 12:30 in the morning. I asked before I came, and there are about two hours of flight time."

Li Anping nodded and said nothing. Xiao Xuesu stood behind him, staring at Li Anping's back in a daze. It was not until a few minutes later that Yang Guang trotted over and said, "Sir, a large number of Dongyang warships were found more than a hundred kilometers away. The captain asked me to ask for your opinion."

"Are you here?" Li Anping turned and looked at Yang Guang and said, "Why ask for my opinion? Let him do it, as long as those warships have any tendency to attack, destroy them all."


A few minutes later, the speed of the Hailong aircraft carrier gradually slowed down, because the fleet formation change caused by Li Anping's acceleration was recalibrated. At the same time, a new model of reconnaissance aircraft took off from the flight deck and flew towards a location a hundred kilometers away.

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