Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 58: World-Class Crisis (12)

Above the East China Sea, dozens of fighter jets streaked across the sky, pouring countless ammunition onto the heads of the Dongyang Fleet on the sea.

The two sides have been exchanging fire for more than two hours. It is better to say that it is a firefight, but it is better to say that the fighter jets on the aircraft carrier are constantly attacking the Dongyang fleet from a high position.

But even in this case, the Dongyang Fleet had no intention of giving up and showed an outrageous tenacity. Every bullet, every anti-aircraft bomb, and every missile they fired seemed to be blessed by the gods, causing huge damage to the aircraft carrier's fighter formation.

In short, it is the navy on the Dongyang Fleet, as if everyone is possessed by Rambo. The accuracy of the attack, the movement of the ships, the wisdom of the battle, and even now, after the war started, and after more than one-third of the number of personnel was reduced, there is still no sign of collapse.

In the command room of the aircraft carrier, Captain Li Shan originally thought this was a simple ravage, but now, after resisting for two hours, the little white rabbit actually braved the fire and was about to rush in front of the lion.

The battleships in Dongyang have already brought the aircraft carrier formation under their guns.

"Damn it, are these Dongyang people crazy?" Li Shan slapped his palm on the operating table. Just now, two more fighter jets were hit by the opponent's anti-aircraft artillery. Including the previous losses, more than fifteen fighter jets have been reduced, which is absolutely impossible in normal times.

The losses in this battle were so great that Li Shan was removed from the captain's position.

Yang Guang on the side said: "I'm afraid some kind of ability person has influenced them with unknown abilities."

"Ability? Is that possible?" Li Shan stared at Yang Guang, his eyes bloodshot.

"I don't know, I'm just guessing." After saying that, he said worriedly: "Two hours have almost passed, and I'm very impatient to wait. How long do you think it will take before this battle can be ended?"

"It will take at least three hours. That is more than 70% of the combat strength of the entire Dongyang Navy. There are ten battleships alone. How can it be solved so quickly?"

While saying this, more than 30 kilometers away, the main gun muzzles of the battleships Dongyang and Daxia each lit up. A series of explosions occurred on the sea, and large areas of small and medium-sized battleships were sunk.

As for the fighter jets, some were hovering over the Dongyang fleet and slanting their firepower, while others were returning to the aircraft carrier to replenish ammunition.

Just as the battle in the East China Sea was happening, the entire Dongyang mainland had already sounded the alarm. First, the news of Daxia's invasion spread like wildfire, and the Dongyang government immediately issued a statement condemning Daxia's invasion. Daxia also immediately displayed the prepared evidence and documents, indicating that Dongyang had unilaterally broken its promise.

Not to mention the bickering between the two parties, the changes in Kyoto have also attracted global attention.

The huge city is covered by countless forests and vegetation. Mount Fuji suddenly appears in the center of Kyoto City. The buildings that originally belonged to the city center all appeared on Mount Fuji. Kyoto now looks like the area around Mount Fuji and Kyoto are overlapped and kneaded together, but they fit together perfectly.

This is what God's Domain spent seventy years on. The home court built for the final plan is one of the sources of confidence for the new team to win.

In a clearing in the woods, with a concrete road beneath their feet, Takeuchi Seita and Chiba worked together to support Hansen, who was seriously injured. All around them were Knights of the Templar Order. These knights were holding chainsaws and swords and were approaching the three of them little by little.

One of them shouted: "Catch them first. Then go find the deputy commander!"

Just when the knights around him were about to rush forward, a wolf howl suddenly sounded from all around, and Seita Takeuchi looked in surprise. Those monsters that looked like wolves, with gray flames burning all over their bodies, rushed out, and those monsters bit directly at the knights around them.

These knights were unable to notice the attacks of the monsters at all. They only realized that something was attacking them when their limbs were bitten off and torn into two pieces.

"What's going on!"

"Something is attacking us!"

The open space instantly turned into a bloody killing field, with organs, bones, and fragments of flesh and blood scattered all over the ground. While Takeuchi Seita was looking at all this stupidly, one of the monsters turned its attention to him.

"Let's go! Run away!"

After Seita Takeuchi finished speaking, Chibaichi on the other side, although he couldn't see the monster, reacted and pulled Hansen with Seita Takeuchi and ran deep into the woods. But before they could run far away, the whole ground shook violently, knocking the three of them to the ground. Fortunately, the three of them immediately rolled to their feet and continued to escape.

"What's going on? Is it an earthquake?"

"I don't know, but let's run away now!"

Takeuchi Seita looked back and was immediately startled. Dozens of wolf-shaped monsters were chasing them.

On the square, two figures were moving at high speed, and from time to time there would be one or two loud noises from all around them. The shock waves from the collision of their fists and feet would directly set off waves of hurricanes all around.

The more they fought, the more shocked Krahn felt. The fighting power of the young man in front of him had completely exceeded his imagination.

His ability, 'Son of the Earth', is that when his feet land on the ground, he can convert part of the power of the rotation of the planet under his feet into his own physical power.

But every time his feet landed on the ground, the opponent would dodge his attack. Once one foot left the ground, the young man's attack would follow, completely grasping the timing of his ability to activate.

If this grasp of the rhythm of the battle only surprised Krahn, then the series of attacks launched by the young man really shocked him.

Fists and feet were accompanied by fire, ice, lightning, and these were just the most basic. Sometimes when the opponent's fists collided with his, he could feel more than a dozen forces of different natures, twisting, rushing, shaking, or bumping, constantly attacking his body.

If it weren't for the powerful mind, this kind of attack would be enough to kill him with one punch.

In addition to these, there is also the ability to suddenly disappear, and you can only feel the existence of the opponent after being attacked. The sharp air blade released from the fingers can also be slid away when it attacks the body.

There was even one time when Krahn finally hit the opponent's heart, but he found that the opponent's ** was instantly covered with a layer of gold. The huge force hit it, but only made a metal collision sound. The young man still looked unharmed.

There was another loud noise, and Krahn stood still, while the young man in white took more than ten steps back. The last step was taken backwards, and the violent power was released, directly blasting a big hole in the ground behind him, and countless buildings and forests began to collapse.

Krahn took a few breaths. With his indestructible power, he had not encountered such a high-intensity close combat for a long time.

He looked at the young man in front of him with a serious face. He asked: "Pagan, who are you? With your strength, you can never be an unknown person."

"My name is meaningless in this era, so let's continue this battle."

"Whatever you want." Krahn sneered: "You do have a lot of tricks, but quantity can never defeat quality."

"Do you know how powerful the rotation of the planet is?" After saying this, Krahn shouted and punched the ground under his feet. At this moment, the terrifying power was transmitted from his arm, which shocked the young man who had always been calm.

This was a punch driven entirely by power, because it was pure. So powerful!

A punch that was enough to shake the world landed gently on the ground.


A huge cloud of dust rose from the ground, and the square under the feet of the two was smashed to pieces at the first time, and the earth was torn apart. Several cracks several kilometers long spread out in all directions with Krahn as the origin.

The earth was collapsing, and the buildings collapsed. Trees, grass and stones were rushed into the sky by the huge force, and the violent shock spread for more than 100 kilometers, causing panic throughout Kyoto.

After this blow that changed the natural landscape, the original square had already turned into a meteorite crater more than five meters deep and more than 100 meters in diameter. A huge mushroom cloud was slowly rising, leaving only Krahn, ragged and standing there expressionlessly.

But this punch, which was equivalent to a small nuclear bomb explosion, still couldn't do anything to his opponent.

The young man looked at the broken appearance around him, and finally showed a hint of excitement. There was a white light shield around his body. When the shock wave was small, it was like a glass cover, shattered all over the ground.

"Very good, you are now qualified to know my name."

"Bai Xinghe, remember my name."

"Because he represents the strongest!"


Jane only felt his eyes blink, and the warrior had rushed in front of him, and the knife light slashed down like lightning.

But facing all this, Jane only felt bored. Because of her ability, she never had to worry about being attacked.

She didn't even look at the other party's blade, and just grabbed it with empty hands.

It looked like putting a hand into a meat grinder.

But when the blade touched Jane's palm, she finally showed a puzzled look.

The blade directly crossed her four fingers and cut them all off.

So the puzzlement turned into fear.

'What's going on? '

'Why didn't the ability start?'

Jane felt that not only the ability, but even the mind in the body seemed to disappear. Just when he hesitated, the blade turned around her arm, and a sharp pain came, and Jane's entire right hand had turned into minced meat.

"Did you do it? What happened? Why can't I activate my ability?"

Looking at Jian's desperate and helpless look, Xinjun smiled disdainfully: "You people with abilities completely regard your abilities as indispensable things. Once you lose your abilities, you always make such a fuss."

After saying this, the long sword in Xinjun's hand slashed out again, and the next moment he was about to chop off Jian's head.

Just at this moment, there was a huge shock from the ground, and the amplitude of the shock was so large that it was as if hundreds of kilograms of explosives exploded under the feet of the two people.

Then a burst of smoke and dust came from behind Xinjun, completely submerging the bodies of the two people.

Feeling the blade fall, Xinjun snorted coldly, took a step forward, and slashed again.


An hour later.

On the East China Sea, the battle was in full swing. Human war weapons once again showed their ferocious claws and fangs, showing a power that creatures in nature could never match.

Dongyang's fleet relied on its tenacious combat capability to fight with Daxia's aircraft carrier fleet until now. Daxia's aircraft carrier fleet, with weapons that surpassed the opponent, still had the upper hand.

But even so, so far, only half of the opponent's military force has been destroyed.

Li Anping stood on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier with his hands folded across his chest.

Yang Guang on the side said: "Sir, this place is too easy to be attacked. Please go back to the command room to watch this battle."

"Watch? What's there to appreciate?" Li Anping only felt that his heart was getting more and more anxious. From the direction of Dongyang, a breath that made him feel disgusted kept coming.

No matter what it was, Li Anping wanted to tear it apart immediately and crush the opponent.

Li Anping's question made Yang Guang speechless. Then he heard Li Anping continue: "I've seen enough."

"You have wasted too much of my time."

"Let me take care of the following things." (To be continued..)

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