Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 75: Full Fire (3)

All countries are constantly stimulated by the events in Dongyang. But if their performance before was just shock, nervousness, worry and so on.

When Dongyang's monster army appeared, they felt out of control, and when the explosion of 50 million equivalents occurred, all the country's top officials felt fear.

Amest Federation, in the Sky City.

Reports one after another about Dongyang monsters and assessment reports on the Kyoto explosion were sent to Judy Em and other fifth-level ability users as quickly as possible.

"It's like an army that ran out of hell." Looking at the satellite pictures in his hand, the person speaking was a strong man wearing a military uniform, with a shaved head and explosive muscles all over his body. It looks like a Terminator.

The man is called the Giant Shield. He is the number one melee combatant of the Imaginary Number Agency and the number one militant person in the Imaginary Number Agency.

Judy Em said: "The president needs us to assess the threat of these monsters in order to make targeted arrangements."

The middle-aged man in cowboy clothes said casually while drinking: "What is there to evaluate? Aren't the evaluation reports of those experts already written? Conventional weapons are ineffective, and those with abilities below level four cannot resist. If these ghosts come, The Federation is absolutely an unprecedented disaster.”

The woman with brilliant blond hair and an aristocratic temperament shrugged her shoulders and said: "The whole of Dongyang has become a world of monsters, so Li Anping is saving the world?"

Lestat on the side said: "Vivian, we are still not sure whether all these changes were caused by Li Anping and Daxia. A hydrogen bomb explosion with an equivalent of more than 50 million tons can have such power. Nuclear weapons. In the Eastern Continent, it’s either Ice Castle or Daxia.”

Vivian said sarcastically: "So you suspect that Daxia dropped the hydrogen bomb himself and killed Li Anping?"

Lestat spread his hands: "Li Anping once had the experience of being in the center of a nuclear explosion in Baiyue and still not dying. With the regeneration ability he has shown now, I have no doubt that he can withstand this hydrogen bomb attack. . Even this attack may have been his own order.”

Judeng frowned and said, "But satellites and radars did not scan any carrier devices. Or traces of intercontinental missiles. How did that hydrogen bomb appear in Kyoto, and how did it explode?"

Lestat said: "Many ability users can do this kind of thing. For example, Emma, ​​the newly emerged fifth-level ability user in Daxia, can do this with her space teleportation ability. And she has already appeared in Kyoto beforehand. However, this hydrogen bomb was probably transported by her."

The middle-aged man in cowboy clothes said: "Even if it is Li Anping's order, it is the hydrogen bomb dropped by Daxia. So what? Dongyang has been completely occupied. We should not act rashly without sufficient evidence."

Lestat stood up and said with a chuckle: "Don't you understand? This will be a change of the times. The incident in Dongyang is like a fuse that will completely break the balance of the entire Eastern and Western worlds. .

In the past two hundred years, the major powers in the Western Continent. Whether it is in terms of military strength or the level of ability users, they are all far ahead of the Eastern Continent. Even all the countries in the Eastern Continent have a history of being colonized by us.

But because of the emergence of nuclear weapons and the emergence of level five ability users, the Star Alliance was added to balance it. There is also an economic crisis, an energy crisis. Due to various reasons such as new energy technology, our power has withdrawn from the Eastern world.

But there is no doubt that there is an opportunity to make a comeback. Because of Li Anping, a large number of fifth-level ability users in the entire Eastern Continent died from internal friction.

The Star Alliance and Li Anping fought against each other and even withdrew most of their forces from the Eastern Continent.

The Codex Kingdom was too busy cleaning up the domestic monsters to take care of itself, and Tyrael was already in decline, so there was nothing to worry about.

And Li Anping, the butcher, has now given us the best excuse. "

The giant shield laughed, and a ferocious smile appeared on his ferocious face. He touched his bald head and said, "You mean, the world war is about to start again?"

"No, although the Eastern world is as weak as ever before, Li Anping is very powerful. As long as he is around, it is impossible to start a full-scale war." At this point. Lestat gave a sneer: "But although Li Anping is powerful, he is also very weak. With pure strength and speed, no matter how strong he is, we have countless ways to deal with him, right?"

Looking at the other four level five ability users present, Lestat said: "Everyone, once Li Anping dies, the Eastern Continent will fall into chaos. You should all be able to foresee it, right? I suggest that the Federation Make arrangements early to get the most benefit in the future. ”

Looking at the people who were deep in thought, Judy Eno coughed and said calmly: "I will report the suggestions of the four to His Excellency the President. However, the global situation is tense now, so please keep in touch with the headquarters at any time. The trouble will be followed up Keep your device and communicator with you at all times. Don't wander around." After saying this, she glared at the giant shield and the man in cowboy clothes. They both smiled and cut off the network.

At the same time, similar emergency meetings were held in countries around the world. Because the time was too short and a series of changes occurred in Dongyang too quickly, most of these meetings had no results.

But they all showed hostility towards Li Anping and Daxia to a greater or lesser extent. No one could sit back and watch a powerful country rise like this. No one could ignore the threat posed by Li Anping. In addition, Daxia's military action against Dongyang caused great disgust among all Western countries.

In the civilian world, before dawn the next day, various news reports had appeared on the Internet, television and other major media. There were reports about Daxia's invasion of Dongyang, dropping hydrogen bombs in Kyoto, and even testing biological and chemical weapons in Dongyang.

Various true or false news flooded the Internet. Li Anping's name was mentioned countless times, and this dictator and butcher of the East Continent was drowned in the saliva of countless netizens.

Of course, because of the Western world's control of intelligence, most ordinary civilians did not even know that Li Anping was a capable person, let alone Li Anping's combat effectiveness. Only a few high-level people or well-informed people really knew about Li Anping's situation.

Therefore, many groups jointly wrote to the government, asking them to send troops to help Dongyang repel Daxia, and preferably kill Li Anping to maintain world peace. The government will certainly not be so careless, but it will not stop the activities of these civil groups.

Various articles criticizing Daxia, and Li Anping's articles are of course endless. After that, even in the Federation and the Code, a series of Daxia people were maliciously attacked and sexually assaulted by local residents.

There are also many Daxia people working and studying in the Western Continent who have been fired for no reason, sexually harassed, deliberately made things difficult, and some shops opened by Daxia people have been robbed, and so on. A series of racial discrimination incidents.

Originally, the status of Daxia people in the Western world is lower than that of local people, and racial discrimination is commonplace. This Dongyang incident has magnified this contradiction infinitely.

But what happened next in Dongyang once again changed the attitude of Western high-level officials.


At this moment, Li Anping did not know the changes in the Western world, and he was not interested in knowing. In his mind, there was only one goal from beginning to end, which was to kill Hui.

Li Anping's body quickly floated towards the meat mountain under his feet. After a few seconds, he had fallen to the surface of the meat mountain. The high temperature evaporated all the blood and water. The meat mountain under Li Anping's feet kept wriggling, replacing layers of dead meat with newly generated living meat.

Hundreds of kilometers deep under Li Anping's feet, the incarnation of mind energy stopped here and showed its entity. I saw red blood wrapped around the incarnation of mind energy, which seemed to be in a blood vessel.

Around the core of the meat mountain, there were countless such blood vessels and nerves connected to control the whole body of gray.

You can see that various energies are transported to the top of the head of the incarnation of mind energy, the core of gray.

The top of the head of the incarnation of mind energy is the gray-pink core, which stores all his subjective consciousness and controls the whole body of gray. So far, Li Anping has been trying to kill the opponent before gray wakes up by destroying the core.

But after a series of attacks, the effect on gray is minimal, because gray is too huge. Even if it is just the core part, it is as big as a mountain, and as the core of Hui, its solidity is beyond imagination. Even the big explosion just now can only cut off the depth of hundreds of kilometers and thousands of meters of the meat mountain. Compared with its size, it is negligible.

What's more troublesome is that after each attack of Li Anping, Hui's body will regenerate quickly, and even with the degree of Hui's awakening, the regeneration speed will become faster and faster.

Maybe if Li Anping is given enough time, he can slowly destroy the core under his feet within the twelve hours of the spirit gem, but now there is obviously not so much time.

The vibration amplitude of the whole Dongyang is getting bigger and bigger, various monsters emerge in an endless stream, and countless lands rise or sink. Several cities turned into a pile of wreckage in the ups and downs of Hui's breath.

There is not much time left for Li Anping. So he decided to change a method.

The incarnation of mind energy raised his hands and held the pink core above his head. Because of the huge size difference, it looks like an ant trying to move a car.

But in the next moment, some changes seemed to occur in the air. Countless atoms and molecules collided with each other, and a powerful force rose from under the feet of the incarnation of mind energy.

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