Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 20: Destruction

When the white light completely enveloped Li Anping's body, a unique change began to take effect on him.

The entire natural world is composed of ten dimensions. And our universe is a four-dimensional space-time.

Simply put, one dimension is a point, two dimensions are a line, three dimensions are a three-dimensional space with length, width and height, and four dimensions are based on length, width and height, and time is added.

Two-dimensional space has only length and width, no thickness. Therefore, all two-dimensional creatures cannot see the full picture of three-dimensional creatures.

In their eyes, humans are a collection of countless planes, and they can only observe one of them forever, which looks like a person cut into countless pieces.

Similarly, humans, as three-dimensional creatures, cannot see the full picture of four-dimensional creatures. Just as two-dimensional creatures can only see a certain plane of a certain human, humans can only see four-dimensional creatures in a certain time period, and the collection of all time periods is his whole. They are a whole rather than countless individuals.

Two-dimensional creatures can move in length and width at will. Once a two-dimensional creature moves in height, whether it is one meter up or one meter down, it jumps from one plane to another. For other two-dimensional creatures, he disappears.

Similarly, humans, as three-dimensional creatures, can move in the measurement of length, width and height. If humans can move in the measurement of time, then whether they move forward one second or move backward one second, they will disappear to the people around them.

If there are really four-dimensional creatures, then they are a kind of super life that jumps out of the time limit and does not abide by the law of causality. It is also a kind of life that the human brain can never intuitively imagine.

And now, when the whole body of the Great Dark Sky is covered by white light, he temporarily has four-dimensional vision.

Everything about Li Anping appeared in front of him.

Li Anping's birth, elementary school, junior high school, high school. University, after getting the ability, the battle in Zhongdu, the battle in Emerald City, the battle in Tianjing, how he became the behind-the-scenes master of Daxia, followed by the battle with Pluto, the battle with Xinjun, the battle with Hui, and the battle with the Star Alliance. The battle with Seagram, countless times of saving the country, saving the world...

The next moment, the finger of the Great Dark Sky flicked gently, as if a three-dimensional creature moved a two-dimensional creature from one plane to another. At this moment, as the finger of the Great Dark Sky flicked, Li Anping's figure was like a movie playback, and his body began to retreat continuously, retreating in the past direction.

In just a few seconds. His body has turned back to the appearance of a college student, then a high school student, and then a junior high school student...

The whole process was all controlled by the inherent program in the Great Dark Sky. For this attack called the Bright Glazed Fire, Dionysus could not understand the principle at all. If he used the four-dimensional vision himself, I am afraid his brain would go crazy. That is not a world that can be understood by human inherent thinking.

But he only needs to know one thing, as long as he is covered by the white Bright Glazed Fire, the target will be forcibly pulled back to the past state. Regressing like time reversing, until it becomes the first particle that makes up his body and completely disappears between heaven and earth.

As the ultimate weapon of the Great Dark Sky, this is a means specifically used to deal with those super life forms in the universe that are capable of destroying planets and civilizations. The energy consumed is also an astronomical figure.

As Li Anping's body changes, the part of the Great Dark Sky that has become light gradually dissipates in the universe. After using up all the energy, Dionysus directly ignites the material that makes up the Great Dark Sky and uses the method of mass-energy conversion to replenish energy.

Until Li Anping turned into a boy about 1.4 meters tall wearing a primary school uniform, the entire Great Dark Sky was left with only one arm and the part above the chest, and the body comparable to the size of an asteroid had been consumed in the process of casting the Bright Glazed Fire just now.

Dionysus controlled the Great Dark Sky to stop attacking and exhaled gently from his mouth.

"The Bright Glazed Fire consumes too much energy too quickly."

"But this is enough."

"The current Li Anping..." As he said, he looked at the primary school student Li Anping in the void, and a strange feeling suddenly appeared in his mind.

It was still that annoying face, and that arrogant, contemptuous look, which made Dionysus hate it from the bottom of his heart.

‘This guy is still so annoying after becoming a little ghost. ’ At this moment, Dionysus suddenly reacted and looked at the elementary school student Li Anping in front of him with some doubts: ‘No, in the universe, he should have died immediately. ’

Although Dionysus could not fully understand quantum mechanics, relativity and the four-dimensional attack of the Great Dark Sky, he knew that the universe was a vacuum and ordinary people would become a mummy directly after entering.

But seeing the elementary school student Li Anping now, everything looks normal, and there is no sign of mummy.

And this normal appearance is the biggest abnormality.

‘Damn, could he have survived in the universe when he was seven or eight years old? What race is he born from. ’

In the light glass fire just now, only the Great Dark Sky observed Li Anping through four-dimensional vision. Dionysus still knew nothing about most of Li Anping's past. Coupled with his performance in the endless purgatory just now, he began to doubt Li Anping's race.

At this moment, a thought wave was emitted from Li Anping's body, sweeping towards the Great Dark Sky, and was received by Dionysus in just one hundredth of a second.

"It's over? I thought you would turn me into a sperm or a pile of protein."

Dionysus looked at the elementary school student Li Anping in disbelief: "How is it possible? Could it be that you..."

"Interesting four-dimensional attack, but it's not enough to kill me." Li Anping pinched his tender little hands and said: "The reverse or downstream of the regional time can only kill me once now."

"I am a multiple superposition of a certain possibility in space and time. Whether my body is left with only a certain particle or turned back into a pile of protein, my ability will not change at all except for your visual effect.

This kind of attack is no different from slicing me for me, it can only change my appearance."

"Unless you restart the timeline of the entire universe, you can really kill the past me."

"But in that case, the energy required is enough for you to create and destroy millions of universes, and you don't need to go through so much trouble to kill me."

Then a cold light flashed in Li Anping's eyes. The whole body was illuminated, and it appeared on the head of the Great Dark Sky in the next second.

His little feet stepped on the head that looked like a small moon, and he said coldly: "Don't you understand?"

"If you don't understand, forget it, I'll send you on your way."

The next moment, with his right foot stomping hard, the head of the Great Dark Sky was like being hit by an invisible giant hammer, and suddenly sank down, and a hole as big as a crater appeared.


In the multiverse, a place called Xuanzhou by the locals.

A carriage was heading towards the distant Kunlun Mountains.

In the carriage were Shang Tian, ​​Kudia, and Ye Shou. Among them, Shang Tian was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, and Ye Shou was reading an ancient book non-stop.

Only Kudia looked impatient. He looked at the two of them, then looked out the window, and finally couldn't help but said: "Why do we have to take a carriage? How long will it take to get there? If it goes on like this, Li Anping will achieve the ultimate."

"Have you forgotten the agreement between us?"

"Of course I haven't forgotten." Shang Tian closed his eyes and said: "But this world is much more dangerous than you think. If you casually take out something beyond common sense, it will cause unnecessary trouble."

"What about Li Anping? Are you really not going to take care of it?"

"Li Anping..." When this name was mentioned, Shang Tian finally opened his eyes: "Do you know? That time in the magic world, I really wanted to kill Li Anping. But I failed. Although I don't want to admit it, Li Anping is indeed not something we can kill head-on now.

No, Li Anping is so powerful that it is stupid to fight him head-on. So I gave up confronting him head-on."

"Xiaotian." Ye Shou closed the ancient book and looked at Shang Tian with some reluctance. This boy, who was less than three years old, was under pressure far beyond the imagination of ordinary people at such a young age.

"It's okay, Uncle Ye. I've figured it out. I won't confront him head-on again." Shang Tianyi said, "Next, let those demons play with him first."


After one kick. Li Anping punched the Great Dark Sky under his feet again.

His tender palms contained the most terrifying power in the world.

After three consecutive quantum vacuum punches, the entire body of the Great Dark Sky had completely disintegrated, and in the huge explosion, it turned into various debris flying in all directions in the universe.

But under the control of Dionysus, the debris emitted an astonishing white light at the same time, turning into countless antimatter bombs.


Shang Tian lay quietly on the bed in the carriage, and said in an extremely calm tone: "There is no chance of winning in a head-on confrontation."

"No, it should be said that no matter what possibility, as long as it is resolved by fighting in the end, there is no possibility of success."

"In the entire multiverse, the only one who can defeat Li Anping is Li Anping himself."


The violent energy directly engulfed Li Anping.

But just like the sea water, even though these energies filled the surroundings of Li Anping, they could not hurt him at all. Instead, Li Anping directly absorbed part of the energy and transformed his body back to the original adult form.

Such a pure large-scale explosion is far less threatening to Li Anping than concentrating the power on one point.

The next moment, the strong arm had turned into omnipresent light, piercing through the violent energy flow and hitting the fleeing Dionysus.

Dionysus just wanted to open the portal, and his whole body was torn into tens of thousands of pieces by the light speed fist.

"Only Li Anping can defeat Li Anping."

"We can't."

"The gods of this world can't."

"The demons of the White Continent may be able to gain the upper hand for a while, but they will only fail in the end."

Shang Tian's eyes flashed with a coldness that was totally inconsistent with his age: "So don't even think about defeating Li Anping in battle. The only thing we can do is let him go to his own destruction."

"The end of evolution is death."

"When you truly become a god, the part of Li Anping that is a human will completely perish."


After Dionysus' body was torn apart, it instantly turned into a ball of gas. He didn't care about Li Anping behind him and desperately drilled towards the space door in front.

'This monster! This ghost! This damn guy! '

'I want to stay away from this world, away from this universe, I never want to meet this guy again! '

In a state of fear, Dionysus went into the portal, but before he could calm down, he found something wrong.

"Where is this place?" Dionysus looked up and around, and cold sweat kept flowing from his head.

Li Anping's cold voice came from all directions: "Welcome to my world."

Dionysus immediately turned his head and looked behind him, but found that the portal that sent him here had disappeared.

It turned out that the portal he had just entered was the portal opened by Li Anping. Li Anping opened this portal in front of the portal opened by Dionysus, and the location of the teleportation was his stomach. In a panic, Dionysus went in without carefully distinguishing.

In the void, Li Anping slowly closed the portal opened by Dionysus like a zipper.

In his stomach, Dionysus, who had turned into gas, rushed left and right, and began to struggle frantically, but felt that his body was being melted and swallowed every minute and every second.

"When did you learn to open a portal!"

"It's just a simple copy of physical phenomena." Li Anping said calmly: "Whether it's magic or anything else, I can do everything you can do, and I can only do it better than you."

In Li Anping's stomach, no matter how Dionysus struggled, he couldn't get out. No matter what magic he used, it was immediately reversed and offset by Li Anping using the same method.

Amid screams and waves of soul-tearing pain, the demigod Dionysus, the strongest of Mondo, finally disappeared completely from this world. (To be continued, please search for Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!

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