“Yes.” Saro nodded.

To teach Bidili the ability to fly is a simple task for Saro.

On the contrary, it is a simplified version of the self-centeredness, but it is not so easy to understand.

Saro estimated that it would take at least a month for Bideli to grasp the simplified version of the Freedom Extreme.

Don’t look at it as a simplified version of the Freedom Pole, but in the end, it is also a special skill that only God can master.

An ordinary human being, even if he wants to understand the simplified version of the self-will, is a very troublesome thing.

Even if it is Sun Wuyi, it takes at least a month to learn the Ultimate Intention of Freedom.

There is no difference between learning the ultimate intention and your strength, mainly in your own understanding.

“Well… Do we start now? Biddy asked with some excitement.

“Come with me.” Saro said hello and walked off into the distance.

Biddy followed silently.

“The world here is boundless, and if one day you are in this place yourself, you must be careful not to get lost.” If you can’t find the exit, the door, you’re stuck in it. Saro said without looking back, “Besides, there is no food in here, and you will starve to death.” ”

“Hmm.” Biddy nodded.

Heading forward about 100 meters or so, Saro stopped in front.

In the front of it, there is a liquid with white gas.

Because the whole world is white, you can’t see anything different from this side when you look at it from a distance.

“This is…” Bidili was stunned and turned her head to ask.

“This is called the Holy Spring, go in and soak for half an hour or so, and your potential power will be channeled out.” Saro explains.

“Potential power?” Biddy didn’t understand very well.

“Simply put, it’s the energy hidden in your body.” Saro smiled slightly.

“Is there still hidden energy in my body?” Biddy asked rhetorically.

“Everyone will have this hidden energy in their body, and it needs to be properly guided to be able to release it.” Saro smiled, “After half an hour, the energy in your body will be channeled, and it will be easy to learn to fly.” ”

“Inside here…” Biddy Li squatted down and tried the temperature of the liquid with her hand.

The temperature is slightly hot, about 40 degrees.

It was like a hot spring.

No wonder the heat is coming out.

“How did this spring come about?” Biddy asked again.

“Spring water is the crystallization of nature and can wash away the dust from your body and give your body a new look.” Saro explains.

Biddy’s face flushed with flush at that time, and her head hung down.

“Rest assured, I won’t peek, I don’t have that hobby.” Saro smiled, “Go, it’s best not to wear clothes, let the body fully touch these springs, in order to achieve better results.” ”

“I’ll try it…” Biddy gritted her teeth and made up her mind.

It’s a bit suspicious, but what if it’s true.

Originally, Bidili felt that there was something new in the world.

“That… You turn around…” Bidili said with a red face.

Saro nodded lightly and turned his body around, turning his back on Biddylee.

Bideli looked silently at Saro’s back a little.

That’s not right.

I suddenly remembered that there seemed to be long eyes behind you.

“Cough cough… Don’t you have eyes behind you? Biddy asked.

“You…” Saro sighed, “I really want to see you, you have no secrets in front of me.” ”

“You… Why do you say that? Biddy asked hurriedly.

“It’s like there’s a reddish dot under your left chest.” Saro smiled.

“You, you, you… How do you know? Biddy’s face changed color.

No one knows about this!

Even my girlfriend, Eliza, was completely unaware.

How would Saro know?

“Go, I’ll wait for you outside.” Saro smiled.

Waiting outside for Biddy Li would take only a minute.

After saying that, Saro left straight away.

Biddy was messy in the wind.


How did he know my secret?

Biddy tried to calm herself down.

Then Biddy Li glanced at the spring water around her.

Never mind!

Anyway, I’m going to go in and try it.

Thinking of this, Bidili took off her clothes and stepped into the holy spring with her long legs.

After entering the holy spring, the moment Bidili’s skin came into contact with the spring water, she could clearly feel the nourishment brought by the spring water.

The legs, in particular, seem to be slowly metamorphosing.

Very comfortable!

Biddy Li no longer hesitated and immersed her entire body in the spring water.

It didn’t take long for Bidelli to notice that the surrounding area of the spring had turned black…

Not blackening….

It seems that some impurities have been discharged from his body, causing the color of the spring water to change.

Biddy Li was ashamed and embarrassed, and her face was red.

Am I that dirty?

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