Teyvat, Mondstadt.

Rosaline looked at the letter in her hand with the power of the Ice Queen in a daze.

This was a letter sent directly from Solstice. It contained the power of the Ice Goddess. It was impossible for anyone to forge it.

"The Fatui have a new executive, the zeroth seat, [Sage], whose name is... Stellius?"

Seeing this, Rosaline couldn't help but frowned.

The seats of the Fatui executives are linked to strength. The higher you go, the earlier you joined the Fatui, and the stronger your strength will be. The first one to join the Fatui, [Buffoon] Piero, is said to be a Canreya.

But... since [Buffoon] is the first Fool to join the Fatui, what ability does this zeroth seat Fatui executive, [Sage], have to stand above the veteran Piero?

With this mentality, Rosaline continued to look down.

Zeroth seat, [Sage] Stellius, age 24, good at... everything? The ability is omniscience and omnipotence?!

"real or fake……"

If you say that he has a special skill in some aspect that can help the Fatui realize their long-cherished wish, so Rosaline can understand that he has the position of Zeroth Seat. After all, it is natural for powerful people to be reused.

But... is there really an omniscient and omnipotent person in this world?!

Then can he also...

Rosaline looked outside the Goethe Hotel and looked at the peaceful Mondstadt. In a trance, she seemed to remember something that happened five hundred years ago.


Since he is omniscient and omnipotent, it is only natural that he can revive the dead...

Even if he cannot see his deceased lover again, there may be other ways, such as finding his soul, or letting her see him again, even if it is just once.

The letter said that this executive has the greatest freedom, and even the Ice Queen cannot directly order him. He can do whatever he wants, and he will come to Mond soon and ask Rosaline to entertain him well.


Even the Queen couldn't give him a direct order, so the omniscience and omnipotence written in the letter were very likely true, and he must be very powerful.

If that's the case, how should I ask the other party to help me?

At this moment, Rosaline fell into deep thought.



"Sir, are you going to Mondstadt?"

Linnet, wearing a coat, looked at the Sage who was wearing the uniform of the Fatui at the dock in winter.】

"Well, go to Mondstadt and feel the atmosphere of the free city. Maybe you can find some interesting things there."

Lin Mo chuckled and stepped onto the cargo ship to Mondstadt.

He was a time traveler. When he was playing Genshin Impact in his previous life, he fainted for unknown reasons. When he woke up, he came to the continent of Teyvat, which was still in the ice and snow of winter. It is said that it caused a lot of commotion. When he woke up, he found that he had merged with the fantasy driving book of [Magic Guide], but he would not bear the cost of [using this power will promote the destruction of the world].

So, after meeting with the Queen of Ice, an agreement was reached.

He became the zeroth executive officer of the Fatui, codenamed [Sage], alias Stellius, and had the greatest power under the Queen of Ice. As a price, he needed to provide assistance when winter was critical.


To be honest, Lin Mo didn't have any special feelings about the Fatui organization, and he hated some of its executives.

For example, Dotore.

However, he still chose to join, and hoped to see from the perspective of a bystander how the main plot of [The God of Ice Rebells Against Heaven] develops.

With the power of omniscience and omnipotence, he has foreseen that a dragon disaster will break out in Mondstadt, and the travelers will also embark on a journey, and the plot will officially begin.

So, he found the [servant] Alechino to negotiate a deal.

He wanted Linnet to be his subordinate, and promised not to harm Linnet, as long as she accompanied him on the journey as a waiter. In exchange, he would help Alechino and help Fontaine survive the prophecy.

Alechino did not agree immediately, but called Linnet and asked for her opinion.

After Linnet agreed, the deal was officially established.

So, now Linnet can be regarded as his little maid, but she is not wearing a maid outfit.

"Did you see something?"

Having been with Lin Mo for half a month, Linnet knew more or less that this"sage" had special abilities, so she asked curiously.

"Well... who knows."

Lin Mo just smiled mysteriously and then stepped onto the cargo ship.

"Let's go, Linnet, let's go to Mondstadt and meet that colleague we've never met before, the eighth Fatui executive officer, [Ms.] Rosalin."

"Yes, your will."

Linette bowed her head slightly, followed Lin Mo, and boarded the freighter to Mondstadt.

This time, Lin Mo and Linette not only went to Mondstadt to witness the beginning of everything, but also brought some supplies from their hometown to the Fatui soldiers stationed in Mondstadt, such as kerosene, sugar, and other things that could bring them a sense of home.

Standing on the deck of the freighter, Lin Mo felt the cold wind blowing on his face, and he couldn't help but close his eyes, quietly feeling the prelude to parting.

"By the way, Linnet"

"I am here"

"How are you using the Yanrui Sword and Encyclopedia of Insects that I gave you?"

Perhaps out of Lin Mo's evil taste, he used his omniscience to create some holy swords that were originally in [Masked Rider Saber] and kept them properly.

Well, Linnet was the first user he chose.

"My Lord, I can already use the Smoke Sword and transform, but I am not very proficient in the ability after transformation."

The Smoke Sword is a highly maneuverable holy sword that allows the user to transform into smoke and avoid physical attacks. This ability is very powerful in actual combat.

It's just that Linnet has only had the holy sword for a short time and is not proficient in using it. It's understandable.

"So that's it……"

Lin Mo seemed to have thought of something, and the corners of his mouth slightly curved up.

"Since you can transform, if someone in Mondstadt wants to attack me, I'll leave it to you, dear Miss Linnet.

Linnet lowered her head and replied softly.


However, she really couldn't hold it together.

With the ability to predict the future, wouldn't this"Sage" know who wants to attack her?!

It's hard to hold it together!

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