"Ms. Funina, your idea is really... a little out of line."

Lin Mo's movements paused slightly, and then he looked at Funina with a little smile in his eyes.

"If I'm not mistaken, when I first entered this conference room, you looked at me with caution and fear."

"This, this is also something that can’t be helped!"

Funina muttered loudly.

"The Fatui's executive officers don't have a very good reputation in Fontaine. The previous [Mother] of Hearth House caused a huge explosion in Fontaine, and the current [Servant] Alechino is also the same. Her eyes are scary, and the shoes she wears are also scary. I wonder if you can really walk in those shoes... In short, the Fatui don't give me a good impression, so I……"

Rarely, she did not maintain her disguise as the Water Goddess as she did in front of other people, but instead complained to Lin Mo in the image of an ordinary, cursed immortal girl.

"I understand, but Ms. Funina, I still need to remind you that not all executives are the same as you remember, at least I am not."

"That's why I asked you, do you have any idea of becoming the Mysterious Book of Water Gods?"

Furninna looked at the fantasy driving book"Lion Wars" on the table, hesitated for a moment, and then reached out her hand, curiously stroking this strange little thing.

"It depends on you, Ms. Funina."Lin Mo shook his head,"Besides, there are many things I can't help you with, you need to solve them yourself, but if you just put the name of the Mystery Book of Water Mystery on it, then there is no problem."


Funina's eyes showed a glimmer of hope.

She had been lonely for too long. Even if she couldn't express it directly, as long as Lin Mo could accompany her here and listen to her words that she couldn't say normally, that would be enough.

As Funina, as the water god of Fontaine, she had to maintain the posture of a god in the eyes of the people of Fontaine. So many times, even hoping for someone to accompany her was a luxury.

"Yes, really." Lin Mo chuckled,"By the way, Ms. Funina, why don't you try this cake? Although this is my first time making a cake, I think the taste shouldn't be too bad."

"Let me try."

Hearing that it was Lin Mo's first time to make a cake, Funina was shocked at first, and then she began to prepare herself mentally with the idea that [this cake might be awful].

After all, no matter how talented one is, proficiency is also very important!

So, Ms. Funina took out a knife and fork, carefully cut off a small piece of the cake made by Lin Mo, and put it into her mouth with the determination to die.

Her expression was so rich that it could be said that she was afraid that others could not see what she was thinking, which made Lin Mo's face show a helpless look.

"Hmm... Hmm?"

The expected unpalatable taste did not come into her mouth, but... just the right sweetness, which did not make people feel sick, but made people want to eat more.

Funina showed a happy smile on her face, cut another piece, put it in her mouth, and carefully tasted the taste of the cake.

"The cake itself has a dense texture, the cream is just the right amount of sweetness, and the fruit tastes very sweet... This cake is simply a masterpiece!"

After coming to this conclusion, Funina couldn't help but give Lin Mo a thumbs up.

"It’s delicious. If you want to open a dessert shop in Fontaine, you can definitely make a big hit with this craft. I guarantee it in the name of the Water God!"

"As long as you like it, as for the dessert shop... I don't have that idea for the time being."

Looking at the gradually darkening sky outside, Lin Mo stood up and patted his executive coat.

"Well, Ms. Funina, happy times are always short-lived. I think it's time for me to leave."

"Are you leaving? Where are you going?"

Funina stood up quickly and asked anxiously.

"I'm going to Mondstadt, there are some things I need to deal with there.

Looking at Lin Mo, Fu Nina hesitated for a long time, and finally spoke

"When will you come back?"

Lin Mo looked at her and asked with a smile.

"Ms. Funina, are you eager for me to come and meet you?"


Fu Nina opened her mouth and wanted to refute it stubbornly, but she suddenly became afraid that Lin Mo would take her words seriously, so she paused and nodded honestly.

"Well, because... it's a pleasure to spend time with you."

"Since you said so, I will come again after the Mond matter is over, Ms. Funina."

Lin Mo turned and left, with Funina on his back, waving his hand.

"I hope you can smile more when we meet next time."

After he finished speaking, he left the reception room.

On the way out, he met Navilet who had just finished a lot of work. After the two met, Lin Mo just nodded to Navilet and didn't say much.

Navilet looked at Lin Mo who was leaving with some doubts.

What did the new executive talk about with Funina in the reception room? How come he didn't hear anything even though he was eavesdropping next door with his own power?

With this feeling, Navilet walked into the reception room and happened to see Funina put the last piece of cake into her mouth and enjoyed it with a satisfied look on her face.


"Hmm? You're here, Violet."

After eating the cake, Furninna realized that she would have someone to talk to and accompany her in the future. She waved to Violet and asked him to sit down opposite her.

"Ms. Funina, it seems that you have a pleasant exchange. So I would like to ask what do you think of Mr. Stellius?"

Even though Funina's performance is a bit exaggerated, Violet still recognizes her work attitude as a god.

"Well, he, I feel, is a very easy-going person. He just talks to me as an ordinary person here, without so many schemes... Oh, by the way, his cakes are also delicious."

Villet nodded thoughtfully.

"Ms. Funina means that he has no ill will towards Fontaine and that they are someone he can get along with. Is that right?"

"Um, by the way, Villette, help me publish a notice, just write... The Fatui's new executive officer [Sage] Stellius, from today on, will also serve as the Mystic of the Water Mystic."

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