After saying goodbye to Linny, Lin Mo and Linnet returned to Mondstadt through the Book of Doors and rested well for a night in the Goethe Hotel, which was reserved by the Fools.

But... while they were resting, some people didn't have time to rest.

"Traveler, are we really going to do this? What if the bard is lying to us?"

In front of the Cathedral of West Wind, Paimon looked around with a guilty conscience.

Under Wendy's instigation, the two decided to trust him once and steal the harp that was strictly guarded by the Cathedral of West Wind and was said to have been used by Barbatos, the wind god of Mondstadt.

"Well, Paimon, to be honest, I still care a little about Wendy.

"Do you remember that in the afternoon, when we wanted to get the Sky Harp from the nun, Wendy told her that he was the God of Wind. At that time, he did not show any behavior that should be shown when disguising himself as someone else."

Paimon blinked.

"Well... I only remember that he called the nun"big sister". Was there anything inappropriate in what he said at that time?"

"Yes, and it's very big."

Ying shook her head.

"According to my observations of Mondstadt over the past two days, they are sincere in their belief in Barbatos, the god of wind, and no one dares to do anything bad in the name of the god of wind. Especially in the eyes of the nun of West Wind Cathedral, Barbatos, the god of wind, should be sacred, so she thought that Wendy was fooling her."

"But, if we change our thinking, what if the wind god, Barbatos, is not a serious god and appears in Mondstadt as an ordinary person?"At this point, even Paimon understood what Ying wanted to express.

"Ying, you mean, Wendy is……"

"I'm not sure yet, but his behavior at that time is indeed worthy of my suspicion."

In a country so loyal to the God of Wind, as a bard, is it appropriate for him not to bless and respect the God of Wind?

Moreover, there was no trace of disguise at that time...

In Ying's heart, she thought that even if Wendy was not the God of Wind, she should be someone who had a very close relationship with the God of Wind.

If they help Wendy get the harp, on the one hand, they can do some favors to Wendy, and on the other hand, if they can really rescue the suffering Tevarin and help Mond survive the dragon disaster as Wendy said, then they will also make a profit.

After careful consideration, Ying decided to steal the Sky Harp as Wendy said.

"But, if we are discovered, then we……"

Paimon couldn't help but shrink his head.

If they were really discovered, the two of them probably wouldn't be able to stay in Mondstadt.

Considering the devotion of the people in the Cathedral of West Wind to Barbatos, stealing the Sky Harp of the God of Wind would be a serious crime!

"It's okay, so I'll just go, and Paimeng will be responsible for meeting me outside."

Ying smiled at Paimeng and took out the [Dragon of Courage] that Lin Mo gave her from her pocket.]

[Dragon of Courage]

[Once upon a time, there was a mythical beast that had the power to destroy everything.

She opened the book, and the flames swirled around her waist, forming a holy sword sheath driver. In the driver, the flaming sword was inserted.

Insert the [Dragon of Courage] into the card slot, pull out the holy sword, and shout softly.


She drew out her flaming sword, Liehuo, and used the flames on the sword to cut an X-shaped flame in front of her, and a white light began to appear on her body.

[Fire, draw your sword!]

[Dragon of Courage]

[In the first volume of Fiery Flame, when the Dragon of Courage and the Fiery Sword of Flame intersect, the True Red Sword will penetrate the evil!] The

X-shaped Fiery Flame that was swung out turned into light and returned to Ying's front. The white light on his body also turned into armor, and the red flames spread out. The Swordsman of Flame made a brilliant appearance on the continent of Teyvat.


Paimon's eyes widened.

"What a cool armor!"

"Fire Sword Liehuo, please give me your guidance."

Ying looked at the holy sword in his hand, turned his head and spoke to Paimeng

"Paimon, just wait for me at the church entrance. After I take action, we will go to Master Diluk's tavern together."


""I'm going to do it!"

Ying walked towards the West Wind Cathedral aggressively.


—— ten minutes later

"Paimon, hurry up!"

With the help of the power of the holy sword, Ying quickly escaped from the church, dragged Paimon along and ran all the way, not forgetting to cancel her transformation on the way, dragged Wendy who was on guard, and rushed into Master Diluk's tavern. At this time, most of the drunkards had gone home, so only Diluk was left at the front desk to act as a bartender.

"Master Diluk, we need a more private place."

Vendy winked at Diluk, who hesitated for a moment and raised his head.

"There should be room on the second floor"

""Thank you!"

The three of them hurried up to the second floor.

Diluk glanced at the three people, and then at the golden-haired Ying.

Didn't she become an honorary knight of the Knights today? Why did she rush in to hide?

Someone else entered the tavern, the pursuers from the Knights.

After sending away the pursuers, Diluk looked at the three people on the second floor, and then looked at the tavern where there was no one else, and simply locked the door.

"Okay, I've already sent the Knights' pursuers away, so can you tell me what you did?"

He glanced at a green bard who had already touched the wine cabinet.

"And, put your hands down, I can see"

""Oh, Master Diluk, don't be so excited."

Wendy rubbed his hands.

Diluk was too lazy to pay attention to him.

He looked at Ying

"I remember you, the Honorary Knight. What happened? Why are you being hunted by the Knights?"

Ying glanced at Wendy.

"This bard told me that if I got the Skyharp of the Wind God, he would be able to solve Tevarin's problem, so I went to steal the harp."

"Where is the piano?"

"I failed to steal it. When I was about to steal it, a Lightning Warlock from the Fatui got there first and teleported away."

"Faints... Faints again."

Diluk shook his head in disappointment.

"After so many years, the Knights of Favonius have not changed"

"So, Bard, why do you say that getting the Sky Lyre can solve Tevarin's problem? How did you know that?"

Wendy laughed.

"Hmm... Master Diluk, this will take some time. I wonder if you can give me a bottle of cider as a reward?"

Diluk knew that this bard probably really had some information.

"From Imoala to the Sky Lyre, the price depends on the story you tell"

"Then you better listen carefully."

After hearing that there might be alcohol to drink, Wendy perked up.


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