After discussing the countermeasures, everyone set off again without waiting, leaving Mondstadt and heading towards the Wind Dragon Ruins.

Lin Mo stood by the window of the hotel, looking at the group of people setting off in a mighty manner, with a smile on his face, as if he had thought of something interesting.

"Sir, you seem very happy?"

Linette stood beside him, looking at his upturned mouth, and couldn't help asking

"Well, I did think of something very interesting."

Lin Mo stretched out his hand and placed it on the windowsill.

"In fact, in the past, the Wind Dragon Ruins were not called this name. Its previous name was the Wind Dragon Ruins."

Ruins, turned into ruins?

Linnet seemed to realize something, and her eyes couldn't help but look at Lin Mo.

"In Mondstadt, there is a child who the Fatui must not touch. Her name is Klee, a very cute girl with elf ears, but that is not the point.

Lin Mo paused.

"She learned how to make bombs from her mother and was very talented in this area, constantly developing more powerful bombs."

"As for why we can't touch her,……"

Lin Mo smiled

"Her mother is Alice. Let’s put it this way. Her mother was very curious about the ruins of the Wind Dragon, so she went in for a walk. That afternoon, a loud noise could be heard throughout Mondstadt, and when she came out, the place had become the ruins of the Wind Dragon."


"Sir, is it possible?……"

"It's just what you think, Linnet." Lin Mo affirmed,"Her mother, alone, turned the Wind Dragon Ruins into a Wind Dragon Ruins, and her achievements are far more than that."

"If I remember correctly, her mother had wanted to travel around the Seven Kingdoms before she gave birth to her, and after she caused such a big fuss in Mondstadt, she went to the neighboring Liyue.……"

Lin Mo couldn't hold it any longer.

"In order to prevent her from causing any trouble in Liyue, Morax, the Rock God of Liyue, accompanied her throughout her journey in Liyue.……

"So, you understand why we can't touch that girl." Lin Mo shrugged,"As long as the Fatui dare to attack her, then Ms. Alice will dare to carry her giant bouncing bomb to the Winter Palace and give all of us Fatui a big surprise. I doubt if she really wants to do this, will there still be a country called Solstice on Teyvat?"

"……So scary"

"Right." Lin Mo looked at her,"Linnet, take a break. When they come back from the Wind Dragon Ruins, it will be your turn to perform."

"Yes, I understand"



Wind Dragon Ruins.

After Wendy reached out and removed the surrounding wind wall, the group finally entered the Wind Dragon Ruins.

"It's really spectacular here.……"

Walking in the ruins of the Wind Dragon, Paimeng couldn't help but sigh, and then, as if she suddenly remembered something, she looked at Wendy.

"Well, we all came in through the door. How did Tevarin get in when he was so big?

Wendy looked at her curiously.

"It doesn't have to walk in through the gate like us, it can fly."


"Do you see that dilapidated tower in the middle of the Wind Dragon Ruins?"

Wendy pointed at the tower.

"That is Tevarin's lair. Even if it is not there now, as long as we enter its lair, it will come back here no matter what."

"After that, can we still negotiate?" Diluk frowned,"The Sky Harp is broken, can it communicate normally?"

"I don't know, the hope is slim, but we can't give up." Wendy shook her head,"If it really doesn't work, then I can only ask you to defeat Tevarin first, and then let the Honor Knight purify the curse and toxins in his body."

"Leave it to me." Ying nodded,"I'll do it."

The group solved puzzles and climbed the tower, and finally reached the top of the Wind Dragon Ruins and came to Tevalin's lair.

Just as Wendy said, Tevalin felt someone coming to his lair, and flew here in a hurry.

As soon as he arrived home, he saw Wendy and his group. Under the combined effects of the toxin and the curse, he had completely lost his mind. He couldn't help but roar at Wendy.

"Barbatos, do you really want to kill them all?"

"Wait a minute, Tewarin, I never meant to kill you!"

Wendy couldn't help but yelled

"Aren’t we friends? Why don’t you want to believe me!"

"Believe you?" Tevarin became even angrier,"Then where were you when I was suffering for five hundred years!"


I really can't refute this.

"There is no point in talking any more, Barbatos!"

The rich wind element gathered in Tevarin's mouth under his control and spewed towards the sky. The sky immediately began to attack with wind elements.

"Everyone be careful!"

Negotiation failed, prepare to attack!

"Paimon, be careful!"

Ying found a relatively safe place and took out the Dragon of Courage.

[Dragon of Courage]

[There was once a mythical beast that had the power to destroy everything.]


[[Fire, draw the sword]

The holy sword was unsheathed, surrounded by fire.

In the flames, the girl put on armor and became a swordsman of fire.

Such a magnificent transformation naturally attracted everyone's attention. Diluk and Qin looked at each other, nodded, and prepared to use Ying as the main attacker to start attacking Tevarin.

"It’s not over yet!"

Ying took out two red books from the storage rack at the side of her waist.

[Storm Falcon]

[It is said that when this mythical beast appears, a strong storm will be unleashed.]

[Journey to the West]

[Once upon a time there was a monkey's adventure, the end of this unimaginable journey]

After placing both fantasy driving books into the card slots and inserting the Flame Sword Liehuo into the Holy Sword Scabbard Driver again, Ying took a deep breath.


[Fire, draw your sword!]

[The legendary beast is called the Crimson Dragon.]

[The Blazing Fire, three volumes]

[The True Crimson Sword will pierce through evil and burn everything]

The scorching flames burst out, and even Diluk, the holder of the Fire God's Eye, couldn't help but look sideways.

What a powerful force... Is this traveler so strong?!

"Tevarin, are you ready?"

Feeling the power from the three volumes, Ying under the helmet kept raising the corners of his mouth, and pointed the flaming sword at Tevarin.


Tevarin naturally felt this powerful force, roared again, and blamed all the faults on Wendy.


Then, let 's get started.

"The ending of the story is decided by me!"

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