
Rosalin was not stupid, she seemed to have understood what Lin Mo wanted to say.

Something was going to happen in Mondstadt, and he had already anticipated it and came to witness it in person as a bystander.

"You... can predict the future?"

She asked somewhat unconfidently. After all, the ability to predict the future was too powerful. If everything could be known in advance, wouldn't they be able to avoid many detours?

"It's not about predicting the future, Miss Rosalin."

Lin Mo shook his head lightly, picked up a book from the table, pushed it in front of Rosalin, raised his head, and looked into her purple eyes.

"This world is like a book. From its birth to its destruction, everything is as if it has been predetermined. It continues to move forward according to what is recorded in the book until the end of the world.

Rosaline understood.

"You mean, you can see what's written in the book, right?"

"Very smart, Ms. Rosalin, including the past and the future, I have a clear view of everything. After knowing everything, I found that I am no longer full of expectations for the future, but want to be a bystander and watch the bits and pieces in the book become reality."

"……So that's how it is."

Lin Mo didn't hide anything, so Rosalin knew exactly what he meant. After thinking for a while, she looked at Lin Mo again, her eyes full of hope.

"If, if you are really omniscient and omnipotent, then……"

She paused, and under Lin Mo's gaze, she expressed her request.

"Can you revive Rustam?……"

Rosalin's eyes were full of pleading. Lin Mo knew that if he really said that he could revive Rustan, Rosalin would do anything, even if it meant giving up everything.

"……This doesn't make sense, Rosalyn."

Lin Mo shook his head.

"I can let you see his soul, but resurrection... even if he regains life for a short time, he will die again for various reasons, because in the book, Rustam's death is destined."

His book is [Magic Guide] rather than [Fantasy Almighty], which can only predict, and has no ability to continue the original story.

"This is fine! I just want to see him again.……"

Rosalin stood up, came to Lin Mo, and knelt on the ground.

"No matter what price I have to pay, I will pay it, just please, please let me see him again.……"

Lin Mo didn't say anything, turned his head and looked out the window.

Birds were flying freely in the sky. At this moment, their conversation might have been heard by Barbatos.

But it didn't matter.

"……Rosalin, you need to wait."

Finally, he said this

"When you finally get the Heart of God from Barbatos, give it to me. As a deal, I will let you meet Rustan and……"

"Let you and him rest in peace forever."

Rosalin slowly raised her head and looked at Lin Mo, her eyes were just like the girl who sang loudly under the statue of the wind god that year, extremely pious.

Then, she lowered her head again.

"thank you……"



After leaving the reception room, Lin Mo and Linnett walked on the streets of Mondstadt.

Although Tevarin's transformation into a wind dragon had a lot of impact on Mondstadt, in the absence of strong winds, the people in Mondstadt were still the same. After all, no matter how hard it was, life had to go on.

""Sir, where are we going next?"

Linnett asked respectfully, standing behind Lin Mo.

She stood in the corner of the conference room and remembered everything that happened in her mind.

After that, Linnett had a better understanding of Lin Mo's power, and her respect for him went up a level.

"Let's go to the Knights of Favonius." Lin Mo shook his head."In Mondstadt, the Knights of Favonius are an official organization, so we have to go and say hello."

He had someone send a letter to the Knights of Favonius first. If he didn't go, where would he go to pretend?

"Your will."

Linette followed Lin Mo, and the two walked along the streets of Mondstadt, all the way to the location of the Knights of Favonius.



"Jean, they are here."

In the office of the acting leader of the Knights of Favonius, Lisa's eyes flashed with purple light, and she smiled softly as she looked at her fidgeting friend.


Qin returned to her seat, maintaining the demeanor of an acting leader.

With a click, the door of the leader's office opened, and Lin Mo, wearing an executive coat, walked into the leader's office with Linette, who was like a servant.

Qin slowly stood up.

"Welcome, I don't know what to call you."

Lin Mo looked at the immature young lion knight with a gentle smile on his face.

"I am the Zeroth Executive Officer of the Fatui, [Sage] Stellius, and she is my attendant, Linnet."

Then, the office fell into a brief silence.

"I wonder if you two have come all the way here to do something in Mond."

Lisa glanced at her best friend.

She was a little anxious.

"If I must say, I came to Mondstadt as a bystander."

Coming to Qin's desk, where there was already a cup of brewed black tea, Lin Mo sat opposite her without any airs.


This reason made Jean and Lisa stunned.

The famous Fatui executive came to Mondstadt for no other reason than to travel?

Neither of them believed this answer.

"Well, traveling."

Lin Mo looked at Qin

"I have heard for a long time that Mondstadt is the capital of freedom, so I yearn for it. So I went on a public trip in the name of a mission as an executive officer... I wonder if this reason can convince you two?"

He didn't lie, he really came here for a trip.

But his identity as an executive officer of the Fatui made it hard for people to believe that he really came here for a trip.

"Since we are here for a tour, Mr. Stellius must need a guide."

At this moment, Lisa stretched her body, showing her figure in front of the two of them, and then spoke in her lazy voice.

"How about I volunteer to be your guide in Mondstadt and help you understand the local customs and practices of Mondstadt?

Linnet glanced at the well-built woman with caution.

What's going on? Are you trying to steal my identity as a guide?

"The genius of the Order Academy once in a century, the witch of roses...Ms. Lisa, I have heard of your name."

Lisa raised her eyebrows slightly.

Is this a rejection?

Who knows, Lin Mo changed the subject again.

"However, since Miss Lisa is interested, I will respectfully obey your order. In the next period of time, please take care of me, Miss Lisa."

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