
Kong was stunned for a moment, turned his head, and followed Lin Mo's gaze, only to find that his sister was walking out from behind the boulder with a complicated expression on her face.

"……"Brother, is that what you think?"

Ying's eyes were quite complicated. In her memory, the two of them were in a state of dependence on each other. No matter what happened, the first thing they thought about was to find each other first.


"fluorescent……"Sora's eyes were kind,"Long time no see."

"It's been a long time since we last met, but brother, why don't you want to come and see me?"

Ying took a deep breath.

"What on earth has happened that would make you delay our meeting and even make you avoid me and not meet me?"

"……I have reasons that I cannot tell you." Sora shook his head."Besides, we shouldn't have met now."

"When should that be?" Ying's eyes were sad,"Can you tell me what happened, at least don't leave me in the dark, okay?"


Kong was silent.

Kanreya was destroyed, and its people were cursed, becoming wandering hillbillies on the continent of Teyvat. He became the prince of the abyss, hoping to use the power of the abyss to restore Kanreya's former glory.

But... he shouldn't, and couldn't, drag his only blood relative into this revenge that might be a one-way street.

"Even if you want revenge, you should at least pay more attention to the emotions of your loved ones."

Lin Mo sighed.

"Besides, Your Highness, the Prince of the Abyss, revenge is not something that can be accomplished overnight. I don't believe that you can't spare a little time to meet her again and talk about the past."

"……It's not the right time yet."

Kong was silent for a while, and still had no intention of explaining everything to Ying at this time.

"Ying, we will meet again, but not now, and not here.

He looked at his sister gently.

"You don't need to rush to find me, just go on a journey first, and when you get to the end of your journey, you will know what I am fighting for."

The portal opened behind him, and he turned around and was about to step into it, while the Abyss Singer beside him bowed slightly to Ying.

"You want to leave now?"

Ying couldn't help it.

We finally met, but you didn't say anything clearly. You want to leave after being a riddle man?!

She was sad, and then angry.

[Dragon of Courage]

The unexpected sound made Sora and the Singer of the Abyss stop in their tracks. Looking back, they saw the flaming sword already in front of them.

""Your Highness!"

The Abyss Singer reacted quickly and stood in front of Kong, trying to use his own power to offset the flames.

However, how could a small Abyss Singer block the power of the Flame Sword? Moreover, this was an angry attack from Ying.

Seeing that the Abyss Singer was about to fail, Kong clenched his sword and used the blade to push away Ying's sword.

"You don't say anything clearly, you have to bear everything by yourself, and then you don't want to tell me anything, Kong, why are you doing this!"

Ying held the flaming sword Liehuo, pointed at Kong, and asked with a trembling voice

"Kong, aren’t we a family? Why do you have to be on guard against me in everything?"

"Aren't families supposed to shoulder and bear the responsibilities together? Are you unwilling to tell me anything just because you don't want me to get hurt?!"

"Why, Kong, why!"

Lin Mo stood aside and shook his head.

If Kong was willing to reveal something, or if he had spent more time with Ying, things would not have turned out like this.

Unfortunately, he was unwilling to say anything.

No, he couldn't say it, at least not now.

The blazing flames burning on the flaming sword showed how intense the emotions of the current holder were.


Kong couldn't help but be dazed.

His sister seemed to be a little different from what he remembered. She had become more mature and stronger.

Kong was a little tired of carrying the hope of restoring Kanreya alone for five hundred years.

He was silent, and finally smiled at Ying.

"It seems that you are no longer the same person you were before, Ying, you have grown a lot."

"So, let's make a pact, how about that?"


"Well, it's an agreement. Please ask the gentleman next to us to be a witness."

Sora looked at Ying

"When we reach the end of our journey, we will meet again. At that time, I will no longer hide anything from you and will tell you everything."

"Before that, leave your footprints in the Seven Kingdoms of the World. When you become strong enough, I will come back to you."


Ying clenched the flaming sword in her hand.



Lin Mo looked at this scene, his mouth curled up

"Well, let's make an agreement. If someone breaks the agreement, I have to stretch my muscles a little bit, right?"

Oh, let me see, who broke the agreement?

"Goodbye, Ying. I hope you can become stronger when we meet next time."

Kong turned and left. This time, Ying did not stop him.

She may have understood that Kong had to do this for some reason, and the reason may be found during the journey.

Ying lifted the transformation and looked back at Lin Mo.

"Next time I see him, I will give him a good stab to let him know that being a riddler will not end well!"

"Well, then you'd better become stronger and give him a hard blow."

Ying nodded, walked to Lin Mo in silence, lowered his head.

Lin Mo sighed and waved to Linnet.

Linnet understood and left here first.

Then, Lin Mo opened his arms.

"Need a hug?"


Ying hugged Lin Mo without saying anything, buried her head in his chest, and sobbed softly.

No matter how strong a girl's heart is, she also has a soft side, and her inner fragility is her brother, Kong

"Good boy, good boy……"

Lin Mo gently stroked her smooth golden hair and comforted her softly.

She didn't need more comfort, because she was a strong girl, she just needed a harbor to vent for a while.

Tears soaked Lin Mo's clothes on his chest. After about ten minutes, Ying's body stopped shaking.

"……Thank you, Lin Mo.

She left Lin Mo's arms, but a trace of reluctance flashed in her eyes.

"Feeling better now?" Lin Mo smiled,"Then let's start the journey again, Paimeng is still waiting for you."


Having said that, Ying looked at Lin Mo.

However, there was a hint of inexplicable meaning in her eyes.

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