After spending a pleasant afternoon with Funina, Lin Mo came to the Buffati Mansion alone.

As the residence of the Fatui in Fontaine, and also as the residence of the children of [House of Hearth] that Arlechino valued the most, the environment here can be said to be quite good.

This place is located in the center of Fontaine. No matter where you are, the housing prices here are quite high.

"Alechino, what do you want from me?"

Walking into the Buffati Mansion, Alechino was sitting at the table with a pot of freshly brewed tea on it.

""Why, I have nothing to do, so I can't come to you?"

Alecino raised his head and looked at Lin Mo, his red, X-shaped eyes staring at Lin Mo.

If it were someone else, they might be terrified and shuddered by this gaze, but Lin Mo would not.

Because he knew what Alecino wanted him to do.

"Just tell me what you want to say, Alechino. The matter in Mondstadt has been resolved. Next, I will go to Liyue, which I am most looking forward to."

"So you are still looking forward to what will happen on the continent of Teyvat?"

Alecino raised his eyebrows.

"I thought you would lose interest in everything, so you would just be a bystander and watch the story unfold."

"This is different, Alechino."

Lin Mo smiled meaningfully and looked at her.

"Just like I know that the prophecy of Fontaine is destined to come true, Fontaine will be submerged by the sea, people will drown in the water, and the water god will sit on the throne and cry alone."

"……You know why I called you here."

"How could I not know, Alechino?"

Lin Mo asked back

"Your behavior has exposed you long ago. I know that while you allowed Linnie to become a famous magician, you were also asking about everything about Fontaine's prophecy... Are you concerned about Fontaine?"

"Is there anything wrong with me caring about Fontaine?" Arlecino asked."I am from Fontaine."


Lin Mo smiled and shook his head, not continuing the topic

"So, what do you want to know from me? For Linnet's sake, I can tell you some insignificant information."

"For the sake of the child?……"

Arlecchino paused.

"Can the prophecy be stopped?"

"Sure enough, this is the problem. Unfortunately, it is not the case."

Lin Mo shrugged.

"The prophecy is destined to happen. This is what is recorded on the World Tree. No matter what form or means, the occurrence of the prophecy is the end of this matter."

"……Destined, huh?"

Alecino murmured softly.

"So, when you approached Funina and became her secretary, did you learn any information?"

"for example?"

"For example, her attitude towards prophecy"

""I care a lot about it." Lin Mo said,"Or rather, no one cares more about the prophecy than she does. She has been trying to influence the language in her own way."

"What now?"

"She can't do anything about it."

Alechino's heart sank.

What Lin Mo wanted to say was that even the gods were powerless to change Fontaine's prophecy? Was

Fontaine destined to be submerged in the sea?

Suddenly, she raised her head and looked at Lin Mo.

"Before you took Linnet away from me, you promised me that you would help me solve the crisis in Fontaine."

"Yes, I did promise."Lin Mo nodded,"So, now I am saving all the people of Fontaine in my own way."


"As a piece of information, I will tell you one thing first."

Lin Mo sat in front of Alecino and crossed his legs.

"Fontaine's prophecy is related to one thing"

"whats the matter?"

"Have you ever heard of the famous and long-standing cases that happened in Fontaine?"

Arlecino narrowed his eyes.

"You mean the missing girl case?"

Fontaine designated the unsolved mystery. Every time they thought they had caught a suspect, new incidents would occur. Over time, it became an unsolved case.

"That's right, it's this case."

Lin Mo looked out the window of the Buffati Mansion. At this moment, the sky in Fontainebleau was clear and cloudless.

"……What do you want to say? Is there any direct connection between the missing girl's case and Fontaine's prophecy?"

Alechino couldn't figure it out.

Why would a kidnapping case of a girl be related to Fontaine's prophecy for hundreds of years?

"There is a connection, but not a direct one. If you understand the missing girl case, you can understand why the prophecy says that everyone will be drowned."

The people of Fontaine are naturally good at swimming.

The prophecy says that the people of Fontaine will be drowned in the water.

But the sea of Fontaine cannot drown people.

Alechino frowned and thought, and decided to start investigating this matter from today.

"Okay, let's stop here for today's conversation, Ms. Alechino."

Lin Mo stood up and stretched his body a little.

"By the way, your child... his name is Linny, right? He is very talented and a natural magician. I have something to say to him. Can you tell him?"


" Alechino thought about it.

"You tell me, I'll bring it."

"Just tell him that what he has been pursuing will soon, very soon, be realized, and at that time, Linnet will be with him to witness it."

Hearing this, Arlecino raised her head.

"you mean……"

"Let's stop here first. I'm leaving now. Goodbye."

Lin Mo turned and left, obviously unwilling to reveal any more information.

Only Alecino was left, thinking about something.



"Are you saying that the Sage is coming to Liyue too?"

In Liyue Harbor, in the Northland Bank.

Tartaglia's eyes widened as he looked at Rosaline who had come from Mondstadt, and his tone couldn't help but be a little happy.

He had heard that the Fatui had added the title of the Zeroth Seat, the Sage, Stellius, who was an omniscient and almighty being.

If he was really omniscient and almighty, then fighting him would be the best thing in life!

"Rosalin, is that executive officer really as powerful as the rumors say?!"

Tadalia felt that he was itching to do something.

Rosalin, who was sitting opposite him, nodded gently.

In the past, if Tadalia dared to do this in front of her, she would have spoken back.

But since meeting Rustan in Mond with the help of Lin Mo, she felt that she had no regrets and her mentality was much better.

"Tartaglia, if you want to challenge him, I have no objection, but you should at least give him the respect he deserves."

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