"Sir, we have arrived at Liyue Harbor."

Linnet and Lin Mo passed the security check of the Thousand Rock Army at the entrance of Liyue Harbor and were now strolling on the streets of Liyue Harbor, feeling the charm of this kingdom of God.

"Linnet, what do you think is the biggest difference between Liyue and Mondstadt?"

Walking on the streets of Liyue Harbor, Lin Mo was in front and Linnet was behind him. Suddenly, he stopped and asked Linnet behind him.


Linette was slightly stunned, and began to think with her chin on her hand.

"……So far, Liyue Harbor feels more prosperous to me than Mondstadt, with more shouting on the streets, and it feels more vibrant than Mondstadt."

"This is one of them."

Lin Mo looked at the surrounding buildings, looking at those mortise and tenon structures that made him feel familiar, and a look of nostalgia flashed in his eyes.

"As far as I'm concerned, the people's livelihood in Liyue is much better than that in Mondstadt."


"You see, there are pubs, but people don't go there.���Day drinking, and in Mond……"

Linnet's mouth twitched uncontrollably.

The last time she went to the pub, there were people drunk in the pub in broad daylight, and not just one or two.

"Liyue is people-oriented. Everyone is working hard for a living. While being energetic, the gods are also protecting Liyue and fulfilling their duties."

At this point, Lin Mo thought of Barbatos next door.

Well, according to common sense, Barbatos is not a slacker. He changed the climate of Mondstadt and blew away the wind and snow, making Mondstadt like spring all year round.

But... the frequency of attendance is really a bit low.

"Another difference is that in Mondstadt, after you and I entered the city, we went to find the Knights of Favonius first, while in Liyue……"

Lin Mo looked at a woman beside him

"Already came to the door"

"……【"Sage," said Lin Mo,"you are as accurate as the rumors say."

Ye Lan, who was disguised as an ordinary Liyue woman, took off her sunglasses and hat and revealed her true face in front of Lin Mo.

Lin Mo chuckled.

"Miss Ye Lan, you are joking, but I am still very curious. You know my power, but you still dare to come to me to gather information. What kind of person are you thinking?"

"Ideas... I don't have any ideas, but I came here because I needed to do this."

Ye Lan spread her hands.

"By the way, let's test it. You know, after all, you are an executive officer, so you must have someone to follow you. Qixing will not let you mess around in Liyue Harbor."

【Forget about [Sir] Tartaglia and [Ms.] Rosalin, their seats are relatively far back, but Lin Mo is different.

The value of the zeroth seat is something that no one would ignore.

"Oh? She is so honest. It seems that Miss Ye Lan also knows that she will be exposed as soon as she arrives?"


Ye Lan did not hide her

"Since you have taken on the responsibility of monitoring me, I guess Miss Ye Lan wouldn't mind treating us to a meal, right?"

Lin Mo looked at her.

"Linnet, what do you think? Since we are from the Seven Stars, should we ask for a higher price and go to a high-end restaurant like Crescent Moon Palace?"

"Do you want me to treat you to a meal?" Ye Lan was stunned for a moment,"No problem, Qixing gave me a lot of funding, Xinyuexuan I can still afford it"

"No, no, no, Miss Ye Lan, Xinyuexuan and other high-end restaurants are just trying to fool people. I know that there is a restaurant in Liyue Harbor that suits my taste better."

Linnet blinked.

She didn't know anything, so she couldn't interrupt.

"Oh?" Ye Lan looked at Lin Mo,"I'd like to hear more about it."

"Although I don't know if she is on duty today, it should be no problem for her to go and have a meal."

Lin Mo took a step forward.

"Let's go to Wanmin Hall."

Ye Lan and Linnet followed Lin Mo's steps.

"This really surprises me. I thought you would be interested in the dishes at Xinyuexuan."

As they walked, Ye Lan spoke.

"Are you surprised?" Lin Mo asked back,"To understand the customs and practices of a country, we should never look at the high-end aspects, but the most basic people."

"Do you think that everyone can afford to eat at Xinyuexuan or Wanmintang?"

"Wanmintang." Ye Lan nodded slightly,"I like her dishes very much, they are tasty and filling."

"That's it, isn't it?" Lin Mo nodded,"By the way, I'm not sure which dishes are more delicious. You order the dishes, but be careful not to order anything too spicy."

"That's a pity." Ye Lan said sincerely,"Without the spicy taste, the deliciousness will be reduced by half."

Lin Mo glanced at her.

This woman seemed to have a slight masochistic tendency.




It was lunchtime, and the restaurant was very busy. When the three of them arrived, a table of people just left, so they sat down.

""One serving of spicy diced chicken, one serving of black-back sea bass, one serving of pickled pork with preserved vegetables

, and one serving of seasonal delicacies." Ye Lan ordered the dishes with ease. According to Lin Mo's request, two servings of spicy dishes and two servings of non-spicy dishes were just enough for the three of them to finish.

"Okay, Miss Ye Lan, if you have any questions, you can ask them now."

Lin Mo looked around, glanced around, and then looked at the entrance. The corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise a little.

"Oh, it seems that I am lucky today. It seems that we will have to leave the Q&A session for next time."

Ye Lan, who had just thought of the question, was stunned for a moment. Following Lin Mo's gaze, two tall men just walked into the Wanmin Hall.

Zhongli and Tartaglia

"Mr. Zhongli, and... the executive officer?"

After Zhongli walked into the Wanmin Hall, he took a quick look around and saw that only the table where Lin Mo was sitting seemed to be able to be shared, so he walked over.

"My friend, is it convenient for us to share a table?"

"Of course, please."

Lin Mo didn't care.

Tartaglia didn't have any objections either.

Ye Lan and Linnet wouldn't say anything.

When the two of them sat down, Lin Mo looked at Tartaglia, who was wearing a Fatui mask.

"Ajax, first meeting"

"Huh? ?"

Tadalia was stunned for a moment and looked at Lin Mo

"Do you know me?" He paused,"I didn't expect that someone in Liyue would know my name."

"Of course I know you, last seat." Lin Mo smiled softly, holding his chin,"A colleague I have never met"

"Who are you……"

Tartaglia reacted.

His eyes widened.

"The Zeroth Seat?"

Then, the fighting spirit surged

"I've heard of your name a long time ago." Dadali's eyes were eager,"I was on a mission in Nata before, and now I finally meet you, the Zeroth Seat, Stellius!"


Seeing that Tartaglia was about to take action, Zhongli couldn't help but speak out

"This is not the place to fight. If you have any personal grudges to settle, why not wait until after dinner?"

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