"Anthony, Nicola!"

Under Lin Mo's arrangement, the surrounding medical staff quickly came to the two of them, took them out of the central area, and went to the side to treat their injuries.

"How are you guys doing? Are you all right?"

"I can't die." Anthony laughed,"I didn't expect it. I was ready to die underground, but the executive officer suddenly appeared and helped us get out of the underground. I didn't expect it."

"By the way, that executive officer looks unfamiliar. Is it because we haven’t been back to the ground for so long that we don’t recognize him?"

"Of course you don't know her."

After the two of them, Katarina, who had walked out of the Book of Gates, came to the medical staff, and another Lightning Warlock was in charge of healing her.

"The Lord told me his name, Lord Stellius, the Zeroth Officer of the Executive"

"Zeroth seat?"

"Yes, yes." The Fatui next to them answered,"We were also surprised, but the facts prove that the Queen was not wrong, otherwise, you would all still be underground now!"

"By the way, Anthony, that gentleman also said that we can go back to the Northern Bank in Liyue to get some money and then have a good rest for a while."


Not only Anthony, Nicholas, but also Katarina, all three of them were delighted.

Paid vacation, there is such a good thing?!

"That's right!" The Fatui slapped his thigh and said,"That gentleman is quite humane. He even arranged for the brothers to wait here in advance. Otherwise, no one would be able to help you heal your wounds when you come out."

After learning from their companions that this was all arranged by Lin Mo, Katarina, Anthony, and Nicholas looked at each other and couldn't help but sigh.

"If those brothers could hold on a little longer... could they have been rescued by this adult?"

"Why think so much now?" Others nudged Anthony's injured waist with their elbows,"That gentleman also said that when we get to Liyue, we can drink the kerosene from our hometown!"


Katarina's eyes lit up.

"Yes, Firewater!"

While they were chatting, some more Thousand Rocks and some Fatui walked out of the Book of Gates.

Seeing their familiar comrades walking out of the gate, the Thousand Rocks also completely let down their guard and called on people to start rescuing the wounded.

Standing at the highest point of the Layered Rock Abyss, Zhongli looked at the lively scene below, pondered for a long time, and turned away.

Letting an executive officer enter the Layered Rock Abyss is quite risky... But now it seems that he has chosen the right path.

Well, the Immortal Ceremony is coming soon, and Tianquanxing will arrange to distribute subsidies to these soldiers guarding the Layered Rock Abyss, so that they can have a good rest.



Lin Mo and Linnet started from above, constantly searching for places with signs of life, searching and saving people along the way.

After rescuing the last Fatui from the abyss, Linnet couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Along the way, the Fatui were at least wounded, which shows how dangerous it is underground.

"There was a sound of"clacking" as stones fell to the ground. Linnet instantly clenched the holy sword in her hand and looked warily in the direction of the sound.

"Who is there?"

Lin Mo glanced at the darkness there without caring.

"Now that you're here, just tell me what you want to say."


Sora walks out from the darkness

"You evacuated those Fatui and Thousand Rocks?"

"Hmm." Lin Mo raised his eyebrows,"What's the problem?"

"No problem, what are you going to do next?"

"Clear the pollution here and slow down the flow of the earth veins... What do you think?"

"Yes." Sora nodded,"I need that pollution as energy to purify the curse."

"I'll tell you the conclusion directly, it has no effect."

Lin Mo waved his hand

"Why?" Sora frowned.

"Because it has no effect." Lin Mo chuckled,"Do you really think that the curse is so easy to remove?"


Kong was silent.

After a while, he slowly spoke

"I have to give it a try. I can't miss any opportunity."

"It's up to you."Lin Mo shook his head,"The pollution will slowly recover after three months. During this time, you can focus on other things."

"According to your power, you should be able to remove the curse directly."Sora frowned,"Why not just remove it directly?"

"Because Ying still has a wonderful adventure here. After the adventure is over, I will clean up all the filth here."

Lin Mo spread his hands.

"No objection?"


Kong snorted coldly and turned away.

Linnet looked at Lin Mo.


"Don't worry, Linnet, no one will get hurt before Ying's adventure is over."

Lin Mo comforted her.

"And I won't allow anyone to get hurt."


"Well, it's time for us to get out of here and get back to the ground."



The Book of Doors opened for the last time, and Lin Mo walked out with Linnet. They were greeted by the Thousand Rocks Army and the Fatui who were full of respect.

""Your Excellency, the Executive Officer!"

Except for the fools who could not move, everyone knelt on one knee in front of Lin Mo and said respectfully:

"Get up." Lin Mo raised his hand,"There is no one underground anymore, take a short break, I will deal with some things, and then we can go back to Liyue Harbor to rest.""


Lin Mo looked at Linnet beside him.

"Linnet, please look after this place for me."


After Linnett's response, Lin Mo disappeared in a flash.

When he reappeared, he was in the air above the Layered Rock Abyss barrier.

[Magic Guide]

For the first time, Lin Mo opened the title page of the book

[When the holy sword meets the book, the world will be changed]


Looking at the huge rock abyss below, Lin Mo took a deep breath, and then pressed the button on the top of the book.

[Open the magic book]

The dark power begins to spread downward from his body, transforming into waves and transmitting underground.

"That is……"

Such a big commotion naturally attracted the attention of many Thousand Rocks and Fatui.

The wave was transmitted downwards, and in a place they could not see, the pollution under the Layered Rock Abyss was being dissolved by the wave.

Just like dissolving in water, under the effect of this force, the filth below was completely cleared away.

The Thousand Rocks and Fatui did not know what happened, but they might understand that the executive officer seemed to be doing something very important.

At the highest point, Zhongli returned here again.

Looking at Lin Mo's figure, he shook his head helplessly.

Originally thought it was just a simple rescue, but now it seems... what he wants to do may not be that simple.

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