Lisa was waiting downstairs at the Goethe Hotel early in the morning. Perhaps for some reason, she changed into an elegant long dress that she rarely wore.

"Ms. Lisa, sorry to have kept you waiting."

It was around eight o’clock in the morning when Linnet walked out of the Goethe Hotel and came to Lisa, greeting her politely.

"Please lead the way. Today I will follow your steps and travel around Mondstadt."

""Hmm... Hmm?"

Lisa was stunned when she saw the girl standing alone in front of her.

She had dressed up carefully today and was thinking whether she could get some information from the Sage with her beauty. But she didn't expect that the Sage would not even show up.

When she thought that her makeup in the morning was wasted, Lisa took a deep breath, tried to control her emotions, and smiled at Linnet.

"Oh, but... Mr. Stellius, that's not what he said yesterday. Does he have something important to do today?"

Linnet nodded expressionlessly.

"【Sage] The master asked me to tell you that he had something urgent to do today and could not come to your appointment. I hope you can forgive him. He also said that if possible, he hopes to play with you next time."

Being stood up.

Although this situation was expected by Lisa, she still felt a little uncomfortable.

You are the executive officer of the Fatui, and you stood someone up like this, and asked the accompanying guards to pass on the message. Aren't you a bit too much?!

Lisa lived in Bengbu

"……It's okay. Since my sister has already asked for leave today, I naturally can't waste this day's vacation."

She waved casually, looked at Linnet, narrowed her eyes, and showed a smile.

"Since Mr. Sage is not here, this little girl……"

"My name is Linnet"

"Miss Linnet, would you like to go shopping with me in Mondstadt and let me show my hospitality?"

Since we are here, it is a rare paid vacation. Even if Lin Mo is not here, we must go shopping in this street!

Linnet glanced at the smiling woman.

"Of course, please lead the way, Ms. Lisa"



At this moment, in the suburbs of Mondstadt, no more than two kilometers away from Mondstadt.

Lin Mo changed into his casual clothes and walked in the suburbs of Mondstadt, feeling the wind of Mondstadt blowing on his body, which was quite comfortable. Not far from him, there was a camp of hillbillies, with five hillbillies of different sizes, two holding crossbows, one holding a torch, and two holding sticks.

He stood there, naturally attracting the hatred of the hillbillies. Several hillbillies looked at him warily, seeing that he did not seem to be carrying any weapons and did not pose any threat. The hillbilly holding the torch began his Sun Breathing and attacked Lin Mo.

"Da da da——"

Urgent footsteps sounded, and the golden-haired girl quickly came to Lin Mo's side, kicked away the torch hillman who was using the Sun Breathing, turned around and did another roundhouse kick, and a tornado was kicked out along with her movements, sweeping away the entire hillman camp.

After doing all this, she turned around, looked at Lin Mo, and frowned.

"The wild is dangerous, why do you come here alone?"


After looking into her golden eyes, Lin Mo pretended to be thoughtful, and then smiled.

"Because I know someone will come to rescue me"

"If I hadn't happened to pass by, you would have been attacked by the Hilliards."

Ying spoke to Lin Mo in a preaching manner. In her opinion, Lin Mo was just an ordinary person with no fighting ability. If he met the Hilliards, he would be doomed.

"Well, thank you for your concern. What's your name?"

Lin Mo nodded, and then stretched out his hand to Ying.

"My name is Lin Mo, I come from Zhidong, and I am currently traveling in Mondstadt."

Ying glanced at him, pursed her lips, stretched out her hand, and shook it together.

"Ying, the traveler, currently aims to travel through the seven kingdoms"

"Ying! Run slower!"

At this moment, a little Bai Feifei flew over from a distance, panting and looking at the man who had left his companion behind.

"Ha, ha... I'm so tired, Ying, why are you so anxious!"

Paimeng looked at the two of them, then at their hands, her brain crashed for a moment, and then she started thinking quickly.

Suddenly, she came up with the answer.

"……Do you know each other?"

"It's not like we know each other." Ying loosened her hand,"I saw this man was about to be attacked by the hill people, so I came to rescue him. That's it for now."

"Well, I am very grateful to this traveler for his help. If you two don't mind, let's go to Mondstadt."

Lin Mo smiled and said

"I am not very talented, but I still have some savings. If possible, I would like to treat you two to a big meal to repay this lady for saving my life."


This word was like a trigger button. After hearing that there was a feast to be had, Ying and Paimon looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

"Traveler, he said he would treat us to a big meal!"They had been camping in the wild for almost a month, and every day they either saw fruit or apples. If they were lucky, they would see a wild boar or go fishing.

The two of them, who hadn't had a proper meal for a long time, were excited at this moment.

"……Thank you for your help.

Although Ying felt that the man in front of her was a little strange, after all, who would be so calm when attacked by a hillbilly? However, she had not eaten good food for a long time, and the last time she took a bath was three days ago.

��Now she really wanted to have a big meal, then find a hotel, take a good shower, and have a good sleep.

At this point, she no longer cared about Lin Mo's strange behavior. Instead, she felt grateful that Lin Mo had treated her to a good meal.

"That's wrong, traveler, what should I call your companion?"

At this time, Ying and Paimeng noticed that the two had just focused their attention on the feast and had completely forgotten to introduce Paimeng!

"My name is Paimong, I am Ying's partner and her guide. After being rescued by her a month ago, I have been traveling with her."

Paimong smiled.

In her opinion, anyone who is willing to share delicious food with others is not a bad person!

"Ying, Paimon... I remember. Then you two, let's go to Mondstadt now... Okay……"

Lin Mo turned around and looked at Ying, who tried hard to keep clean but looked a little pitiful because of being exposed to the wind and rain for a long time.

He smiled with relief.

"However, I personally think that before we have the big meal, how about I help you two find a hotel to stay in first?"

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