
Jingshan Palace.

As the"residence" of the God of Grass, this place was ordered by the Great Sage to be strictly guarded. As a new god, the God of Grass, Nashida, thought she was not capable enough and did not stop this.

She stayed alone in Jingshan Palace, only occasionally going to Xumi City through the void terminal to see how the people of Xumi were living now.

However, today, it seems that an uninvited guest came.

"Hello, Ms. Nashida."

Lin Mo smiled and waved his hand at Nashida who was still in the cage.

Nashida felt someone enter the Jingshan Palace and woke up from the void terminal. She looked at the man who had come out of the cage and was a little confused.

"who are you?"


A Fool, my name is... You can call me Stellius, or you can call me Lin Mo, whatever you like.

"There is one thing I need your help with, Ms. Nashida, do you know the World Tree?"

Nashida frowned slightly.

"You are... the Fatui executive? Why are you looking for the World Tree? What is your purpose?"

Lin Mo:……

"I feel like you have an unspoken grudge against me, Lady Nashida."

"Because you mentioned the World Tree." Nashida did not hide her thoughts,"As the foundation of Teyvat, no one can have any ideas about the World Tree."

"What a conscientious god." Lin Mo shook his head,"Stop talking nonsense, Miss Nashida, I need to do something very important. Do you know [forbidden knowledge], the kind that pollutes the world tree?"

Nashida looked at him deeply.

"If you mean the concept of [forbidden knowledge], I understand it, but if you mean the details, I cannot tell you."

"Just understand."

Lin Mo didn't care.

"As the new God of Grass and the god who manages the World Tree, you should understand that the current situation of the World Tree is not optimistic, right?"

Nashida did not speak.

"I'll be frank, Nashida, I want to borrow your power to go to the World Tree, and then completely eradicate the forbidden knowledge in Teyvat."

Lin Mo chose to be frank

"Five hundred years ago, the desert and the forest were on good terms, but the Red King touched the forbidden knowledge and pitted three people together, including the Great Kindness Tree King. In desperation, he chose a method similar to [self-destruction] to prevent the extension of the forbidden knowledge. She broke off the purest branch, and that was you, Nashida."

"Now, the Great Compassion Tree King is deeply harmed by the forbidden knowledge in the World Tree. I am a kind-hearted person and cannot stand such a thing, so I need your help to open the passage to the World Tree. I will solve this problem."

"In this way, the forbidden knowledge can be eradicated, the Great Compassion Tree King can return to Xumi, you don't have to be a bird in a cage, the Demonic Scale Disease can be cured, and all you have to do is open the passage to the World Tree. What a profitable thing!"

"……Why should I trust you?"

Nashida asked

"Taboo knowledge... I have understood its meaning since I was born, and I know that it is not something that can be easily touched. Now you suddenly find me and say that you can help me solve this problem. I think you have this power, and I don’t think you will not ask for compensation for doing this."

"So I said, we should improve the reputation of the Fatui in various regions, so that communication will not be so tiring now.……"

Lin Mo sighed and took out the [Magic Guide] Fantasy Driving Book.

"This book is still lacking a little power, lacking the [pen] that can change the world, or you can call it the [sword]. I want to go to the World Tree to gain a little control, so that this power can be closer to [omnipotence].]"

The power of Teyvat is certainly not enough to turn [Magic] into [Fantasy Omnipotence], but if you touch the World Tree, you can use the power of the World Tree to change Teyvat.

It's like Sanbing activating the Book of Time to erase his own past.

"Besides...even if I don't need your help, I can still go to the World Tree. I came here to find you just to give you face. As the guardian of the World Tree, Nashida, what do you think?"The

God of Grass was born for five hundred years. In five hundred years, even if she is just a bird in a cage, she can use the power of the void to help herself grow.

The pitiful great sage, if they helped Nashida, then Xumi might have had a new Great Kindness Tree King instead of the current Little Auspicious Grass King.

Nashida was silent.

[The magic guide exuded a powerful and strange wave, and this power made her understand that Lin Mo could indeed go directly to the World Tree.

"Why do you want the authority of the World Tree?"

Perhaps because she understood the difference in power between the two, or perhaps because Nashida understood that Lin Mo was giving her face, she spoke in a much gentler way.

"This sounds a bit complicated.……"

Lin Mo pondered for a moment

"You can understand it as, I want to write a script where a brave man travels through the seven kingdoms, gathers companions who also hold holy swords, and then discovers that the ultimate enemy is actually his best friend... What do you think of such a script?"

"……"Ah?" Nashida was slightly startled.

"This is just one of the countless scripts I have chosen. Or, the swordsmen march towards the Demon King's Tower in the rising sun, and after fighting and losing, they defeat the Demon King and change the fate of the world's doomed destruction... What about this?"

"No, this sounds like a plot that Inazuma's light novel would write.……"

Nashida couldn't help but complain.

Lin Mo spread his hands.

"As a bystander... at least that's what I thought at first, and then I realized that with this power, I might as well do something big. Don't worry, at the end of my story, no one will be hurt."

Nashida looked at him, as if thinking about his proposal.


She pondered the pros and cons and pursed her lips.

For five hundred years, the people of Xumi always said how great it would be if it was the Great Compassion Tree King who came back. So unconsciously, Nashida thought that if it was the Great Compassion Tree King, he would definitely be able to do better than her.

So, when Lin Mo said that Xumi could welcome back the Great Compassion Tree King and no longer be a bird in a cage, she had to admit that she was moved.

If it was the Great Compassion Tree King, he should be able to change Xumi, right? If it was the Great Compassion Tree King, he should be able to make Xumi better, right?

She took a deep breath and nodded.

"……I understand, Stellius, what do you want me to do? Just open the way to the World Tree, right?"

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