"Lin Mo!"

After dealing with the sculpture Megiddo, Ying carefully checked the surroundings. After not finding any other enemies, he lifted his transformation and came to Lin Mo with a little excitement.

"How did I perform?"

"Very good, Ying, you are worthy of being the Fire Swordsman I recognize.

Seeing the girl's expectant face asking for credit, Lin Mo laughed and stretched out his hand to gently rub her golden hair.

Keqing looked at Ying with surprise.

"You are... the traveler? The honorary knight of the Knights of Favonius?"

Ying looked at Keqing curiously.

"you know me?"

"I have heard of you, Traveler." Keqing nodded seriously,"You helped the followers of the God of Wind regain their sanity. Now the merchants coming from Mondstadt are telling you about your deeds."

Hearing Keqing say this, Ying scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

"Haha, I'm just doing my best."

After a round of greetings, Paimon also flew over from not far away. After confirming that there were no casualties with the help of the Qianyan Army, Keqing looked at Lin Mo.

"Mr. Stellius, can you tell me now, what exactly is going on with that monster?"

"Of course, I think not only you, but also Ningguang would like to know the answer. Otherwise, how about we go to the Qun Yu Pavilion to discuss it?"

It would be troublesome to repeat it again.

"Of course."

With the help of the power of the Book Gate, Lin Mo, Keqing, and Paimeng and Ying, who were invited by Keqing, came to the Jade Pavilion.

Ningguang was checking the information that had just been sent to her urgently, frowning, obviously worried about something.

"Ningguang, we are here."

Keqing was not like Lin Mo. She pushed open the door and spoke loudly to Ningguang.……

"If you can knock on the door next time instead of just pushing it open, I will welcome you very much."

She couldn't help but sighed.

"It's urgent. A monster appeared outside Liyue Harbor. I had no way to deal with it. It was this traveler who defeated it."

After briefly summarizing what happened outside Liyue Harbor, Ningguang pondered for a moment and looked at Lin Mo.

"Mr. Stellius…can you tell us what this is all about?"

"Of course, that's why I came here."

Lin Mo nodded.

"This starts from another world.……"

In his own way, he told Ningguang and Keqing that there was a place called the Fantasy World, and that place was interacting with the continent of Teyvat for some unknown reason, and that a monster called Megiddo would now appear on the continent of Teyvat.

Ying and Paimon remained silent throughout the whole process.

Paimon did not know the real situation, but Ying knew that Lin Mo attributed the appearance of Megiddo to the interaction of the worlds rather than the power they used.

In this way, in Ying's view, others did not know that the monsters appeared because of the use of the power of the Holy Sword and the Fantasy Riding Book.

After reaching this conclusion, Ying could not help but admire Lin Mo's rhetoric. In this way, she did not have to worry about being criticized by thousands of people.

"A monster called Megiddo... In another world, such a thing actually happened.

Ningguang took a deep breath and felt it was incredible.

"Mr. Stellius, then... can you stop them from appearing again?"

When she said this, the other people all looked at Lin Mo.

Yes, since he claimed to be omniscient and omnipotent, could he prevent such things from happening?

"I'm sorry to tell you that it doesn't work."

Lin Mo sighed helplessly.

"My power comes from the fantasy world, so I am omniscient and omnipotent in Teyvat, and those Megiddos... are also from the fantasy world."

This is a lie.

He created Megiddo as an experience pack for the swordsmen. If he really didn't allow Megiddo to appear, how could he upgrade the swordsmen?

"……I understand.

Ningguang sighed.

"Keqing, now we can only ask the Qianyan Army to strengthen the defense in Liyue. If Megiddo appears, evacuate the surrounding people immediately... Do we have any way to deal with them?"

Keqing shook her head.

"I tried it, but my lightning elemental power had no effect at all, and the sword couldn't leave any mark on it."

"In other words, even the holder of the Eye of God and the Thousand Rocks Army have no way to deal with this monster?"

Ningguang couldn't help but feel a little helpless.

Most of the time, the public security of Liyue depends on the Thousand Rocks Army. If the Thousand Rocks Army can't deal with it, then unless the immortals take action... what should we do?

"I don't think we need to be so anxious."

Lin Mo crossed his arms and

"Megiddo doesn't appear that often. If it does, I can take action. Well... or when I'm lazy, I can notify Ying and ask her to rush over."

Ying blinked, then looked at Lin Mo in disbelief.

So you want me to be the fire captain?!

"This is for you."

In front of Ningguang and Keqing, Lin Mo handed the fantasy book used for communication to Yingguang.

"When Megiddo appears, I will use this book to inform you."

Ying:... silenced the family.

She seemed to have foreseen that she would have to run around in the future because of the appearance of Megiddo.

"……"Thank you for your help."

Ningguang couldn't think of a better way, so she sighed helplessly.

This was the only way.

"As a reward for the two of you protecting Liyue, um... I wonder if you have any expectations in mind?"

Since Lin Mo and Ying can fight against Megiddo, why not just hire them to help Liyue?


Ying blinked, realizing that destroying Megiddo might be a way to make money as a side job.

"Then... five million Mora?"

Five million Mora is not a small amount, but it is just a drop in the bucket compared to Ningguang's wealth.

"No problem."

In this way, the two sides reached an agreement. Ying was used as a tool to destroy Megiddo, and Lin Mo was used as a mouthpiece to tell Ying where Megiddo appeared.

After reaching an agreement, Ningguang warmly invited Lin Mo and Ying to have lunch together, but was rejected with"other things".

After leaving the Qunyu Pavilion, Ying and Paimeng looked at Lin Mo.

"Lin Mo, you……"She pursed her lips and said seriously,"I will try my best to destroy those Megiddo"

"Really? Then you have to work hard."

Lin Mo just chuckled, then waved his hand and prepared to leave.

The situation in Liyue has been arranged, and next... it's time to go to Inazuma.

It seems that he thought of something interesting, and the corners of his mouth can't help but rise.

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