"Sorry, everyone, we are late!"

Ying hurried over to the Jade Pavilion, panting slightly.

Most of the combat power of the entire Liyue has gathered in the Jade Pavilion, including the second of the Seven Stars and the immortals. Even Ganyu put down her work and came here.

"Thank you for your help, traveler.

Ningguang cast a grateful look at Ying.

"Now, the demon god who was once sealed in the Lonely Cloud Pavilion by the Emperor, the demon god of the vortex, Osel, is about to break the seal because of the actions of the Fatui executive [Young Master]"


Liuyunjifeng Zhenjun's tone was unfriendly

"He is a difficult guy, but we immortals have made progress over the years, and that guy, who was sealed in Lord Guyun, is probably only one tenth of his strength."

"With the help of the return machine that I temporarily improved, our chances of winning are not small!"

Liyue Port is a port, and it is very sensitive to abnormal movements under the water. Beidou of the Southern Cross is now on guard near Liyue Port with her crew.


This word is undoubtedly a mountain in the hearts of everyone present. For mortals, this word is quite far away. Apart from the Emperor, they have basically never seen other demons.

For the immortals, they are all people who came from the demon war. There is no need to say how powerful the demons are.

At this moment, a blue light that reaches the sky is lit up at the seal of Guyun Pavilion.

"It's coming!"

Everyone stared at the light. Under their gaze, the seals made by the Rock King Emperor were broken layer by layer. Nine snake heads emerged from the sea, waving ferociously, with great malice, and locked their eyes on Liyue Harbor.

"How is it possible?"

Liu Yunjiefeng’s expression suddenly changed.

"Its strength has not only not decreased, but has actually increased a lot. How is this possible?"

Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun took a deep breath.

"Even so, we cannot retreat. Behind us is Liyue Harbor. If even we can't hold on, what about the mortals in Liyue Harbor!"

"Tianquanxing, please release the final machine."

"I understand."

Ningguang used her Rock Elemental God's Eye to inject elemental power into the Jade Pavilion below.

The platform where everyone was standing began to change, and three return machines modified by Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun appeared from the Jade Pavilion.

Three immortals, one each, came to the return machine and injected immortal power into it.

The power was gathered by the return machine and then turned into a powerful immortal power shell to fiercely shoot at Osel.

Even though Osel was injected with power by Lin Mo and his strength was far beyond his peak, he felt Feeling some pain.

This pain drove it to roar, abandoning the last bit of rationality in its mind. The power gathered in its snake head and turned into an arc of light that entered the clouds.

Swish, swish, swish - from the sky, its power turned into a torrential rain that could destroy everything, and the blue streams of light were the manifestation of its power.

Seeing this, other immortals took action.

The Great Demon Sage Xiao, the True Lord Gechen Langshi, also known as Grandma Ping, and Ganyu, the immortal power of the three formed a barrier in front of the Qun Yu Pavilion and began to resist those terrifying attacks.

"Boom boom boom——"

There was a fierce collision between the power of the demon god and the power of the immortals, and a violent noise broke out. Keqing and Ningguang were extremely anxious, but they could not help at all.

Osel's nine snake heads roared again.


The resentment that had been suppressed by Morax for thousands of years under Lord Guyun burst out all at once.

With its body as the center, a terrifying wave was raised, which pressed towards Liyue Harbor, with the momentum to submerge the entire Liyue.

""Not good!"

Everyone's face changed drastically. If this wave really came down, the entire Liyue Port would be destroyed.

Standing at the port of Liyue Port, Lin Mo frowned slightly.

The waves raised by Osel were offset by Lin Mo's own strength. In the eyes of everyone, this wave became smaller and smaller, turned into water splashes, and disappeared in Liyue Port.

"It’s Lin Mo!" Ying’s eyes lit up,"He’s protecting Liyue Harbor!"

"Mr. Stellius……"

Ningguang took a deep breath

"It seems that Liyue Harbor does not need our protection. Everyone, you can attack with all your strength!"

Is it really that simple?


Several portals opened on the Jade Pavilion. Seeing this familiar portal, Ying and Keqing, who had seen it before, felt their hearts sink.

"This portal... is it Megiddo?"

Ten Megiddo, carrying some ordinary hillock thugs, began to appear on the Jade Pavilion.

If it were normal, Ying might choose to fight while walking and solve these Megiddo one by one.

But now... she glanced at the immortals behind her who were fully controlling the return machine, gritted her teeth

[Dragon of Courage]

[Storm Falcon]

[Journey to the West]

[Fiery fire, draw your sword!]

The power of the three fantasy driving books was activated at the same time, and Ying finished dressing in an instant.

"Three volumes... Ten at a time, even I would find it difficult!"

Among the people present, only Ying has the holy sword to fight against those Megiddo. She and Keqing looked at each other and rushed towards Megiddo and the monsters respectively.

At the same time, Osel roared again.

It slowed down the spray of streamers in the sky, and five snake heads gathered their strength and fired at the Qun Yu Pavilion.

Xiao's face changed suddenly, and his figure flashed to the front of the Qun Yu Pavilion. Grandma Ping and Ganyu understood what he meant and began to transmit immortal power to him.

The defense of the Qun Yu Pavilion could not withstand this attack, and he had to use his body as a shield to block this move!


The entire Jade Pavilion shook violently, and Xiao's figure shook in the air, and fell from the air to the Jade Pavilion.

Fortunately, Ganyu caught him, but he was seriously injured because he had taken the blow.

"Cough cough!"

He coughed up a mouthful of blood and looked unwillingly in the direction of Osel.

""Great Sage who conquers demons!"

Ying looked anxiously at the severely injured Xiao, but she herself was being beaten up by a group of people, and there was no way to help Xiao.

Moreover, it is a taboo to be distracted when being beaten up by a group of people!

A Megiddo took advantage of Ying's distraction and punched her, knocking her out.

She landed heavily on the ground of the Qun Yu Pavilion, got up again, and began to intercept those Megiddo.

After that, Xiao was seriously injured, and Ying had no way to support him. Keqing faced the monster head-on, and Ningguang continued to provide support but with little effect.

Two fists are no match for four hands, not to mention that there are twenty hands here. Even if Ying's combat power can fight three or four Megiddo alone, there are too many of them. She flew out heavily again, hit the Qun Yu Pavilion, and then lay weakly on the ground of the Qun Yu Pavilion. On the sea, Beidou's fleet was still carrying out support bombardment, but without the blessing of immortal power, Osel didn't even look at her.


Paimeng panicked and came to Ying's side, anxiously watching all this happen, but there was nothing he could do.


Ying supported herself with the flaming sword Liehuo and climbed up again.

After being hit so hard several times in a row, her consciousness had begun to blur, and it was even more difficult for her to resist Megiddo's attacks.

"Ying!" Paimon's tears could not stop flowing,"If you continue like this, you will die!"



Just after she dealt with the monster, Keqing saw Ying falling to the ground helplessly. In a hurry, she used her body to knock away one of the Megiddo.

The pain from the collision made her face slightly distorted.

Because of the serious injury, Ying's body could no longer withstand the consumption of the flames of the flaming sword, and automatically canceled the transformation.


Blood was flowing from her forehead and from the corners of her mouth. Her current appearance could no longer be described as miserable.

""Traveler, please leave first. You have the Book Door given to you by Stellius, so you can go to a safe place first."

Keqing gave her a tired smile.

"Maybe... I am still too naive. I didn't expect that I would still be so powerless when I really needed to wait for human rule."

Ying's eyes began to blur.


She seemed to see Kong smiling at her and saying something.

"Ying! Wake up!"

Paimon cried and stayed beside Ying, shaking her vigorously.

"You can't faint, Ying. Aren't we going to travel through the Seven Kingdoms? And didn't you promise your brother that you would meet again at the end of the journey?"

"Ying, wake up, Ying……"

Raindrops fell from the sky and landed on Ying's face. She looked up at the sky in a daze.


Yes, I also promised my brother that I would meet him again at the end of the journey... This is an... agreement with him...

In the end, Ying seemed to see... Lin Mo's smile.

By the way, I haven't... said thank you to Lin Mo, nor expressed my feelings to him...

As if inspired by something, Ying's eyes became more focused again.

I can't just die like this, I still have unfinished vows with my brother and Lin Mo.

I will find my brother at the end of the journey, and... tell Lin Mo, otherwise I will regret it even if I die.

She was already exhausted, but a strength seemed to surge in her body, and this strength supported her to stand up. She was covered in scars, but with a smile on her face.

"Ha ha……"

She smiled.

Perhaps it was because she finally understood her own heart, or perhaps it was because, after her state of mind had broken through, she had completely become the new holder of the Flame Sword Liehuo.


Everyone looked at Ying. She had been seriously injured just now. She should be in need of treatment.

"It's really... a really big circle.……"

A beam of white light flew out from her body, and it quickly flashed across the entire Jade Pavilion, impacting Megiddo and the monsters on the Jade Pavilion, knocking them to the ground.

Finally, the white light landed in front of Ying again.

��This is……"

Ying stared blankly at the light falling in front of her, pursing her lips, as if she had understood something.

[Dragon Knight]

This heavy fantasy driving book floated quietly in front of Ying, emitting a soft light, illuminating the entire Qunyu Pavilion.

This soft light was healing everyone's injuries and restoring their strength.

Xiao, who was severely injured by Osel, stood up again and clenched his fists.

"My body... has recovered? No, even my karma has been cleared?!"

Looking at the fantasy driving book in front of her, Ying pursed her lips and whispered the name of that person.

"Lin Mo...are you helping me?"

She reached out and took the heavy fantasy driving book, slowly closed her eyes, held the book in both hands, and looked at it with an extremely gentle gaze.

"Thank you……"

She took a deep breath, raised her head and looked at Osel.

"Come on! Osel, the next round is the second battle!"

Ying held the [Dragon Knight] and slowly opened its cover.

[Super crossbow-class dragons, super gorgeous mounts, super crossbow-class knights, super dramatic battles!]


Seeing that his only good friend was fine, Paimon cried with joy.

"Well, it's okay now, Paimon."

Ying smiled at her gently.


"I'm sorry, everyone, for making you worry."

After putting [Dragon Knight] into the holy sword sheath driver, Ying looked at Osel.

This look was full of determination.

She grasped the flaming sword Lie Xi and pulled it out with all her strength.


[Liehuo, draw your sword!]

The phantom of a heavy fantasy driving book fell behind her, and as she drew out the flaming sword Liehuo, the book opened.


[Don't miss it]

[The Paladin appears and is always by your side]

【Super metal armor!】

[You are no longer sad]

[That brilliant fire]

【Super gorgeous thruster!】

[Ride a dragon and gallop across the battlefield]

【Super powerful knight!】

[Dragon Knight!]

【Dragon Knight!】

[In the final analysis, the strongest is unmatched! ]

The sky was full of dark clouds, but the dragon knight who had already faced his inner self would no longer be confused by anything.

The rain washed over the metallic armor, reflecting pure light, and the red eye armor was emitting a faint glow at this moment.

In order to witness this moment, Lin Mo now floated beside Osel, cheering with his arms raised.

"That's right! This is what I want to see! This is the Kamen Rider I want to see!"

Phase 2, start!

Ying reached out and lightly touched the cover of Dragon Knight. After three times, a huge red dragon flew out from the fantasy riding book behind her.

She jumped onto the dragon, and under her control, the huge red dragon began to spit out scorching flames at Osel.

This force was so strong that even though Osel was the Demon God of the Whirlpool, he was burned by the flames and wailed.

"Good opportunity!"

Everyone in the Qunyu Pavilion and the crew of the Southern Cross on the sea all knew that it was time to launch a general attack. There was no need to hesitate, and they should go all out!

Lin Mo was gradually taking back the power he had given to Osel, and quietly set up a soundproof barrier.

As long as it was within this barrier, what sound could be transmitted and what sound could not be transmitted was all controlled by him.

After feeling the power fade, one of Osel's snake heads looked at Lin Mo and roared.

"Stellius, stop looking, come and help me!"

Faced with Osel's request for help, Lin Mo was dismissive.

"Who wants to help you? Just give up your life and become Ying to be the real sacrifice of Kamen Rider!"

""Sterius! Morax!"

Osel, knowing that he had been betrayed, let out a final cry. Now he finally understood.

Morax was dead and could destroy Liyue Harbor. I could help you and give you power. These were all lies from Stellius!


Lin Mo hid his figure and watched closely as Ying drove the dragon towards the seal of Osel.


A powerful force erupted, and the power of the Hundred Unrestricted Talisman began to fade. The power that Lin Mo had bestowed on Osel was also taken back. Osel, who had lost the ability to resist, was knocked back into the seal by Ying, who was riding the dragon, causing a huge explosion. The aftermath of the explosion blew apart the clouds, and the sun's rays began to shine from the dark clouds.

Ying rode the dragon back to the Qun Yu Pavilion, and expressed the joy of survival with everyone.

Lin Mo stood by the port of Liyue Harbor, calming himself down.

The Megiddo on the Qun Yu Pavilion was cleared all at once, Liyue Harbor was safe, and Osel was sealed, and everyone was happy.

"The noise you made is much louder than I thought."

Zhongli came to Lin Mo's side and watched the sea surface return to calm with him.

"But I did what I said."

Lin Mo chuckled.

"The conclusion is that no one was injured except Osel."

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