"Save the world?" Qianzhi frowned slightly,"You may have found the wrong person. I don't have that much ability. There are many people who are stronger than me. I just want to make Qianzhi's house more famous."

"No, if the whole world is invaded and destroyed, will anyone come to buy clothes?"

Lin Mo chuckled.

"Simple question, Ms. Chiori, I need your help to save the world."

"Tsk, what trouble."

Qianzhi couldn't help but shook his head.

"So, what should I do?"

She really didn't care about this, but as Lin Mo said, if the entire Teyvat was destroyed, she would not be spared.

"It's very simple.

Lin Mo explained

"Simply put, outside of Teyvat, there is a place called the Fantasy World, which is merging with the continent of Teyvat, and the monster in it, Megiddo, is gradually appearing on the continent of Teyvat."

His explanation to Chizhi was still the same old one.

"This kind of monster has already appeared in Liyue, and we have tried it. Except for the holder of the Holy Sword, no one can pose a threat to Megiddo because of the different rules of the world."

"So, I found you, Ms. Qianzhi, you have the qualifications to be the holder of the Holy Sword.

Qianzhi took a deep breath.

"It's a big burden."

""Hmm." Lin Mo could not deny it,"But after defeating Megiddo, you can ask Mo Mang Palace for some resources to promote Qianzhiwu. This is a reasonable request."

"……You really caught my attention, Stellius."

The publicity resources from the Momang Palace will definitely make Qianzhiwu more famous. She wanted to make Qianzhiwu stronger and there was no way she could refuse this proposal.

"I am a bard who is well versed in human nature. These are just the basics."

Lin Mo smiled at her.

"Any other questions, Ms. Chiori?"

"How do I use this?"

Chizhi picked up the Sarutobi Ninja Legend]

"This is the Fantasy Driving Book. With it, you can defeat all Megiddo."

Lin Mo gestured to her.

"Try to use the power inside. By the way, there are two more holy sword users in Fontaine. If you meet them, I suggest you communicate with them more. You may get unexpected rewards."

He stood up and bowed slightly to Qianzhi.

"Then Miss Qianzhi, I will come to get the clothes after a while. I hope that by then, you can already skillfully use the power in the book."


Lin Mo left. Qian Zhi looked at his back and shook her head helplessly.

Qian Zhi, who was just a clothing store owner, had no way of rejecting the mission from the Fatui executive, and the conditions he offered were also very tempting...

As she activated the power of the Fantasy Driving Book, a sword that merged into one appeared in front of her out of thin air.

From the book, we know that the name of this sword is the Wind Twin Swords Cui Feng.

"Wind Twin Swords Green Wind……"

Chihiro stroked it gently

"Please advise me."

By the way, does it have to be a weapon of wind attribute? Can we have other weapons that can react with rock element?

Qianzhi himself is the Eye of God of Rock Element, and is called an orphan element together with the wind element.

Unlike Ying, who has the Fire Sword Liehuo, he also masters the rock and wind elements and can diffuse and crystallize.

Qianzhi... haha



At night, at the Opicolai Opera House,

Lin Mo stood alone on the stage. In front of him was the most important Cardinal of Prediction and Judgment of Fontaine, which provided the energy for the entire Fontaine. The real water god Fukaros was staying inside at the moment, waiting for the day when the prophecy would come true. He would use the law and chaos energy accumulated for so long to kill himself and completely destroy the throne of the water god.

The Cardinal of Prediction and Judgment emitted a faint blue light. When Lin Mo came in front of it, it suddenly lit up and wrapped Lin Mo in it.

"It seems that you are a little impatient."

Lin Mo chuckled and did not refuse the invitation.

When the white light faded, the surrounding scenery had changed greatly. Although it was on the stage now, it was certain that this was not the Opikley Opera House.

In front of Lin Mo stood a girl with long white and blue hair. She was barefoot, with her hands behind her back, looking at the giant sword that had been completely formed in the sky, as if she was expecting something, but there was a trace of fear in her eyes.

Lin Mo took a step forward.

"I thought I would have to resort to some tricks to see you, Ms. Fukaros."


Fukaros turned around and looked at Lin Mo, but couldn't control the smile on his face. He smiled softly with his hands covering his mouth.

"Sorry, Mr. Stellius, the serious look you showed just now is different from when I saw you interacting with Funina. There is a sense of contrast."

"I am not a serious person."

No wonder Fontaine is so frivolous, even the water god looks like this, how can he be serious?

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Stellius."

Fukaros crossed his hands on his abdomen and bowed slightly to Lin Mo.

"As you can see, I am the water god of Fontaine, Fukaros... I didn't expect that the first time I saw a living person in such a long time was under such circumstances. It really surprised me."

"Nice to meet you, Miss Fukaros.

Fukaros looked at Lin Mo gently.

"So, Mr. Stellius, what is the matter with you coming to see me so late at night?"

Her lips curled up slightly.

"If you want to do something to me, I won't refuse, but... can you find a bed?"

Lin Mo:...

This water god is really not serious

"Since you have already known me from Funina's perspective, is it inappropriate to ask this question?"

"Sorry, sorry, I haven't seen you for a long time, so I couldn't help but want to make a joke.

She waved her hand without apology and looked at Lin Mo.

"Let's talk business, Miss Fukaros."

Lin Mo shook his head helplessly.

"There are some things I hope you can give to Funina through the power of the Cardinal of Prediction."

"You want me to be a courier?" Fukalos blinked."What is that?""


Lin Mo took out two small books and a large book.

"I know this, this is called the Fantasy Driving Book, right?"


After a little thought, Fukalos showed a puzzled look.

"Then...why don't you give it to Funina yourself?"

"Because it's not time yet."

Lin Mo shook his head.

"The Water Swordsman has just begun to grow. These... are the powers she will gain as she grows."

"The task of passing these on to her is now up to you, Fukaros."

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