"Lin Mo, what's going on?"

On the way to the office of the acting leader of the Knights, Ying moved closer to Lin Mo and asked in a low voice.

"Why did he call you"Sage"? Also, outside Mondstadt, why did you call yourself Stellius to Amber?"

"Well... it's a bit troublesome to explain." Lin Mo narrowed his eyes and smiled slightly,"I didn't mean to hide it from you, but suddenly I wanted to see your expression when you found out that I was hiding something from you, so I didn't tell you."


How mean!

"Let's wait until later. Let's go find the acting leader of the Knights of Favonius first. After talking to her, we can find a place to talk slowly?"

Ying glanced at him, then lowered her voice and spoke viciously.

"After we leave here, you have to explain everything clearly!"She had a pleasant time with Lin Mo, and she didn't want to lose such a good friend because of some trivial matters.

""Okay, okay, I'll make it clear later."

Lin Mo raised his hands helplessly to surrender. Kaiya, who was leading the way, turned around and glanced at Lin Mo, then suddenly spoke with some evil taste.

"By the way, Mr. Stellius, Ms. Lisa is very unhappy that you stood her up this morning. Um... please be more careful."

Although Lin Mo is the Fatui executive whom he hates, this does not affect his watching Lin Mo's fun. Kaiya knows Lisa's temper well. This matter will definitely not be so easy to let go.

Um... I wonder how Ms. Lisa will retaliate against this executive later?

Lisa should not do too much. After all, she is an executive. She is in a high position. It should only be some small pranks.

"Well, I know this."

Faced with Kaiya who suddenly turned his head, Lin Mo shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he didn't care.

"Although I am very sorry, I had a reason to stand her up this morning, and I think Ms. Lisa will understand me."

Kaiya was stunned for a moment. What reason is there to stand up a beautiful woman? Could it be that...

He turned his head and took a closer look at the woman next to Lin Mo, and nodded thoughtfully.

Indeed, the only thing that can make a man stand up a beautiful woman is another beautiful woman.

Although this traveler looks young, maybe this executive will like this.

Ying narrowed his eyes.

"I always feel like you're thinking of something very rude."

Kaia coughed, turned his head silently, and acted as his guide.

Well, compared to Lisa, this traveler...maybe he is really a little younger.

After following Kaia for a long time, the group finally arrived at the office of the acting leader of the Knights of Favonius.

Kaia knocked on the door and pushed it open. Qin, who was a little restless, Lisa, who looked a little embarrassed, and Linnet, who was sitting aside with a blank expression and drinking tea, were waiting for them in the office.

"Acting leader, I have brought the people here"

"Thank you for your hard work, Kaiya." Qin nodded, indicating that Kaiya could leave first.

"oops——"Lisa stood up, leaned on the guardrail beside the steps, pressed her huge chest under her body, squinted her eyes, and looked at Lin Mo

"So, Mr. Stellius, you stood up someone so early in the morning just to find this beautiful young traveler, right?"

Linette: Suppress your laughter.JPG

"Yes and no, after all, this person is the friend who helped Mond solve the dragon disaster."

Lin Mo glanced at Lisa

"Well... Ms. Lisa, if you don't mind, I would like to treat you to a meal later as an apology, how about it?"

""Okay, Lisa."

Seeing that her best friend was about to agree, Qin quickly interrupted and took the initiative in the conversation.

In short, under the dual temptation of talk therapy and remuneration, Ying and Paimon agreed to help the Knights of Favonius clean up the temple and solve the dragon disaster.

Originally, Qin was thinking about helping Ying solve the accommodation problem at the same time, but Lin Mo said that he would help with this matter so that Mond didn't need to worry.

After coming out of the Knights of Favonius, Ying stared at Lin Mo closely, as if she would stare at him to death if he didn't explain things to her clearly.

Lin Mo was not in a hurry. He took Linnet and invited Ying and Paimon to go to the Deer Hunter Restaurant together. They asked for a private room and ordered the dishes before he was ready to answer her questions.

"So, what do you want to know?"

Linnet poured tea for Lin Mo and stood aside, saying nothing, like a maid.

"……What is your true identity?"

Ying thought for a long time and asked this question.

""Yes, yes!" Paimon echoed,"Why do they call you Stellius? Didn't you say your name is Lin Mo?"

Lin Mo rubbed his fingers

"Well... well, since you asked, I have nothing to hide.

He stood up and looked at Ying with a gentle look.

"I am the Zeroth Executive Officer of the Fatui, [Sage] Stellius. By the way, this name is a pseudonym. Among the executive officers, most of the others have new names given by the Ice Queen, but I chose mine myself."

""The Fatui Executor!"

Paimon's eyes widened, and he flew up and hid behind Ying.

On the way here, she had said a lot of bad things about the Fatui. Lin Mo shouldn't be so vindictive...right?

""Then why did Lisa say you stood her up this morning, but you said you came to see me?"

Ying frowned.

In her opinion, the two of them just met by chance in the morning.

"I have told you the answer to this question since we met, Ying."

Lin Mo smiled helplessly. Why is it that no one believes the truth now?

Ying was slightly startled. She remembered what was the first sentence Lin Mo said to her after they met.

"Because I know someone will come to rescue me……"

She slapped the table and stood up suddenly.

"You're spying on me?!"

Apart from surveillance, she didn't think there was any other way to find out her whereabouts. Not to mention that her first destination in the Seven Kingdoms was Mondstadt. Before that, she only knew Paimon.

"I won't do anything so vulgar, Ying."

Lin Mo shook his head.

"This is a bit complicated. You can understand it as follows: I can predict the future, so I know that you will pass by the camp of the hill people at that time."

"Predict the future?!"Paimon's eyes widened,"Is that kind of thing possible?!"

"Why not?"

Lin Mo chuckled.

"Well... otherwise, you can think that I am omniscient and omnipotent."

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