The previous attack of the Collapse Beast seemed to be just by chance, patrolling around the village for a long time, and Jiang Qi did not find any other Avalanche energy residue, let alone the Collapse Beast.

For this matter, although it is a good thing, it always feels that there is something subtly wrong.

Avalanche beasts inhabit in groups, so there are only such a few Honkai beasts around, which is obviously somewhat abnormal.

However, because he really couldn’t think of any clue, Jiang Qi gave up thinking, and it was naturally best to be safe and sound.

Now his attitude towards this can only be that the soldiers come to block it, and the water comes to cover it.

After finishing the final work, Jiang Qi also set off to wander towards DM, which was nearly a thousand kilometers away.

While wandering, while in the chat group water, chatting about the sky, this is also quite a comfortable life.

It’s just that Celine and their side will be more or less relieved, but they can’t stay there all the time.

Even in memory, it seems that Celine was captured by the Destiny at the Tower of Babylon for experiments shortly after her mother’s death, triggering the Second Collapse War.

But now that he has cured his adoptive mother’s disease on this world line, then, it stands to reason that it will cause certain interference on a certain world line.

If they join the Mandate of Heaven, they can be prevented from coming to the village to arrest people, and there will be no second Collapse War.

If she hadn’t been captured, then Celine would not have become the second lawyer of the void, and after that, there would be no experimental subject K423, and a series of stories after that could not be unfolded.

It’s a pity that I don’t know the specific time, and this is the only thing that makes me a little uneasy.

Shaking his head, he put all these thoughts behind him and opened the chat group, which is still as lively as ever.

Princess of the Moon: “Sit and wait for Miss Shinomiya to send me my game console”

It’s not a waste angel: “I’ve received a part, although not a console”

Meili iron fan: “You two house girls, you really can’t be saved”

Sophie: “It’s just, yes, it’s not saved.”

Asuna: “However, what happened on Miss Shinomiya this time is really scary.”

Shinomiya Kaguya: “Thanks to everyone in the group for helping, otherwise, I really don’t know what to do”

Slime: “If it weren’t for the fact that my side was busy dealing with the pig-headed emperor who was about to enter the Demon King, I would have wanted to go over and help.”

Jiang Qi: “There will be something after the mission, if you have something every time, it is indeed your bad luck”

Slime: “Next time, next mission, I will definitely be fine, and my combat effectiveness should not be underestimated”

Meili Fan: “If it’s all combat missions, then I can’t help much.”

Jiang Qi: “It’s good to go and snatch all your rings back, at that time, I will return your rings to you”

Meili iron fan: “Hahaha, if I have the opportunity, I will consider it”

Asuna: “Huh? Aren’t doctors ordinary people? ”

Princess of the Moon: “No, no, no, you can know this from Jiang Qi’s words before”

Jiang Qi: “If the doctors in their heyday attack with all their might, then they can release more than a billion rays, each of which has the power to destroy a city.”

Shinomiya Kaguya: “??? ”

Slime: “Are you sure, you’re talking about this, the one on the other side of the screen, who is definitely a very cowardly person?” ”

Asuna: “It’s really not a human being.”

Sophie: “Actually, it’s normal, I’m just a normal vampire.”

Meili iron fan: “Hahahaha, don’t say that, I’m not so powerful, but I did have some strength before”

Princess of the Moon: “More than a billion rays that can destroy a city?” Hide the big guy? ”

It’s not a waste angel: “Is this guy a god-sama?” Is this called human? Sure enough, the humans were still cleared and took out the horn .jpg.”

Jiang Qi: “The human beings in the Jiabaili world can continue to live in the world, and they are really loved by the world”

Asuna: “What’s wrong?” Mr. Jiang Qi, why do you say that? ”

It’s not a waste angel: “Why do you say that?” I am an angel of mercy, and I love mankind even when I am idle.”

Meili iron fan: “For the first time, I felt that Jia Baili looked like an angel, what a strangeness, screenshot screenshot”

Jiang Qi: “It’s nothing, it’s her horn, as long as it blows, it can announce the end of the world, and then she often takes it out, ready to blow, if the online game loses, she wants to blow”

Slime: “…”

Shinomiya Kaguya: “Fortunately, it’s not me… Fortunately, my world has not been destroyed.”

Meili withdrew a chat record.

Princess of the Moon: “Dangerous people, what a horror”

Asuna: “I want to ask, how many other ordinary people are in our group?” ”

Shinomiya Kaguya: “+1”

Jiang Qi: “I”

Sophie: “What a faux pas, I’m just an ordinary vampire.”

Slime: “I’m just a very ordinary slime.”

Meili iron fan: “Group leader, the zombies you killed are crying”

It’s not a waste angel: “Abominable lord, don’t let me catch your handle.”

Jiang Qi: “Actually, Jiabaili, I quite welcome you to come to my world to blow the trumpet”

This sentence is from the heart, if Jia Baili blows a horn and destroys half of the world, then half of the world’s broken beasts will be destroyed.

It is estimated that the whole world… No, at that time, people in half the world will thank Jia Baili from the bottom of their hearts.

As for those who were destroyed, whether they would thank Jia Baili, then, I don’t know.

Meili iron fan: “Does the group owner unexpectedly have a world-weary personality?” ”

Princess of the Moon: “Don’t say that, the group leader is just a child”

Asuna: “So, in the group, it seems that the group leader is the youngest.”

Shinomiya Kaguya: “If Miss Asna doesn’t say it, I haven’t found it yet.”

Slime: “Oh, you guys really found something amazing.”

Sophie: “What a faux pas, I’m only thirteen


It is not a waste angel: “Do you believe the words you say?” @Sophie”

Princess of the Moon: “@Jiang Qi, quickly call the concubine sister, come, send a voice, let the concubine listen, hurry up”

The Princess of the Moon was silenced for five minutes.

Jiang Qi: “No need for mercy, Neet Ji, are you dreaming?” Do you want me to stab you? ”

Meili iron fan: “Does the group owner also care about age?” ”

Asuna: “Sure enough, the group leader I just saw is not fake, accidental violence.”

Slime: “Terrible and terrible, thank you Princess of the Moon for stepping on the thunder for us”

At this time, Neet Ji in the Forever Pavilion saw that she was actually banned, her eyes widened, she didn’t expect that she would be banned by Jiang Qi.

Always gentle (?) Kaguya-hime, at this time, also angrily smashed his computer.

“Damn the group master, you must not come to the fantasy country, otherwise, the concubine body will definitely make you look good”

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