For Jiang Qi and Leana, this may be an extremely short and warm moment, because Leana’s call is answered for the first time, and Jiang Qi also accepts her as an “inhuman thing”, but with human emotions and tangled her.

What’s more, Leanna once existed as a human being, so this relationship will never be the slightest false.

At least he could understand Leana’s every move, even if he had only known her for a few days, but he had everything about her deeply imprinted in his mind,

“Ahem, two, although I would like to applaud this touching drama you are staging now, I really shouldn’t waste time on this kind of thing now, and when the collapse is resolved, or when you two are not in front of me, I will never say half a ‘no’ no matter how intimate I want.”

Morgan wrapped her hands in front of her and looked at the two in front of her speechlessly, originally she said that it was just to consolidate her initiative in the conversation, but she didn’t expect that she became the redundant one.

“Ahhh… I’m sorry, Dr. Morgan…”

After hearing Morgan’s reminder, Jiang Qi also suddenly calmed down, realizing that he and Leanna were not the only ones in the room, so he quickly released his hands.

“…… Sorry, doctor, there is news about me, can you please keep it secret for me? These words I said today don’t look like what a Valkyrie should say…”

As if electrocuted, Leanna immediately broke free from Jiang Qi’s embrace, and the expression on her face also seemed a little unnatural, if she had to say it, it was like a shy emotion.

“There is no need to worry about this, as I took when I chose to become a doctor, I will respect all the secrets entrusted to me (iwillrespectthesecretswhichareconfidedinme).”

(Note: This sentence is taken from Article 6 of the Declaration of Geneva, for the Oath of Medical Practitioners.)

Morgan smiled softly, and agreed to the request from Leanna to keep the truth about the strongest Valkyrie of Destiny for her.

But before she could say anything, she was interrupted by the sudden sound of footsteps at the door, accompanied by an anxious knock, and the time that belonged to the three of them was temporarily over.

A burly young man in a white coat and carrying a bloodied, dying man in a suit broke into the house. The man had several strip-like wounds on his back – judging by the extent to which his clothes were torn, it should have been shallow at the top.

And Joyce, who was behind him, also carried an injured person on his shoulder, and both of them looked extremely similar in injuries, and they should have received the same attack…

“Mikari, how are the injuries?”

Elaine asked, looking at Dr. Morgan who was treating their wounds on the operating table.

“It’s just flesh and skin wounds, it’s not a big deal.”

Morgan answered Elaine’s question while tending to his wound.

“…… Huh? ”

Joyce couldn’t help but let out a soft sigh, obviously he had sensed something, but he felt that it was difficult to speak, just in a questioning tone.

“It didn’t hurt the aorta, the main nerve, just an ordinary muscle tear. It should be fine for a month or two. It’s just…”

Morgan’s words seemed to hesitate for a moment, as if looking for a suitable word.

“Just what?”

Joyce questioned again.

“…… Forget it, let Miss ‘Brigantia’, who is good at commentary, explain it to you, and I will stitch them next. ”

After Morgan threw the burden to Leana’s side, he continued the work at hand without lifting his head.

“…… Ahaha… The one just now… It really needs to be kept secret, sorry. ”

Although she didn’t seem so willing, since Leanna entrusted the other party to help her keep that secret, she can only honestly help others now.

“Hey, don’t apologize to someone’s back, Leana, what happened?”

Compared to the tactful Joyce, Tesla was simple and rude, and asked Leanna unceremoniously.

“Their wounds have a tendency to break and erode. Although it is not serious, there is no doubt that it was done by the Honkai Beast. In addition, the wound is torn in a smooth and terrifying way, which shows that the other party has an exceptionally fast attack method, which is difficult for ordinary people to guard against. ”

Through the observation of the injured, Leanna also said her conclusion, and after a moment of thinking, she further added to everyone:

“So, you stay here to help Dr. Morgan, and I’ll get rid of it.”

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