“Hmph, it’s just a temporary body, even if it dies with you, it is an acceptable result.”

Feeling the “mimicry black hole” released by Jiang Qi, Otto felt that his consciousness was being quickly torn out of this body, and he may not have imagined that Jiang Qi would forcibly activate the Star of Eden at all costs.

He admitted that he had miscalculated this time, but fortunately left a self-detonation switch in this body in advance, and what he had to do now was to activate this preset switch and die with everyone in front of him.

“This, what’s going on, what’s going on? Signal interrupted? No…… No, soul steel skin, there is a disorder? Even the self-detonation procedure does not work? ”

It’s just that when Otto tried to activate the self-detonation procedure, he found that he could no longer control the body, let alone start the self-detonation procedure, looking at the people in front of him who were already like candles in the wind, but could not do anything.

“You’ve done something amazing… My Lord Otto. ”

Just when he was surprised by the abnormality in front of him, a familiar voice suddenly sounded, interrupting all his thoughts.

“No… No way. You…… You are. ”

The moment he heard this voice, Otto was slightly stunned, because in his cognition, the owner of this voice should have been completely erased, and there would be no room for overturning.

“How? Until just now, he was still using people’s bodies to show off his might, but he didn’t remember this voice? In other words, when you first used ‘Void Wanzang’ to transform my body, you already thought about today’s play. A hundred years of the ship of Theseus, Lord Otto, you are really patient. ”

With this voice constantly speaking, Otto only felt that he was losing control of this body little by little, as if someone’s consciousness had been revived again.

‘But you know what?’ The Ship of Theseus’, it is because of Theseus that it is called that name! The objects that make it up are not important, what matters is the soul of the hero residing above. ”

These were the last words his consciousness heard the moment he was ripped out of this body…

“Rei… Miss Reanna? ”

Joyce, who was out of Yuduchen’s control, looked at the woman in front of him who had returned to her original appearance, and asked with a little apprehension.

“It’s okay… For a robot, damaging one or two parts, it’s no big deal. I’m worried…”

Leanna smiled slightly tiredly, although her current appearance was really not decent, but in comparison, Jiang Qi, who forcibly activated the Star of Eden, was the one who was injured the most.

“Rei… Anna, I, I… It’s okay, can come back… That’s fine. ”

Seeing that Leanna had regained her body, Jiang Qi was also slightly relieved, as if he had been tightening a certain string and finally relaxed, and he who was already overdrawn in his eyes, fell uncontrollably to the rear the next moment.

I don’t know why, obviously fell on the dirt, but it made him have a faint feeling of peace of mind, looking up at the blue sky above the farmland, although his time was running out, but being able to regain Leana’s consciousness was also a wish for him.

However, I’m afraid the only thing I’m sorry for is the guys in the chat group. It was his own recklessness that ended his journey early…

But, that’s fine…

The consciousness is gradually fading, the vision is also beginning to blur, Jiang Qi does not know, ignoring the warning of the system, overdrawn his strength, whether he can return to the original space. But at least this space itself is about to usher in the end of “death”.

“I am the black from the abyss, I am the white from the clouds, born before the creation of the world, existing after annihilation; I will give the water of the fountain of life to the thirsty to drink. God’s Key, Black Abyss White Flower, Zero Power Rating – Heiligelanze, Diewelwitschie (Centenarian of the Holy Gun)! ”

Leanna’s voice sounded slowly, she raised her hand, pierced the tip of the black abyss white flower into Jiang Qi’s body, and without any hesitation, activated the zero rated power-the hundred-year-old lan of the holy spear.

The vigorous vitality entered Jiang Qi’s body along the position of the tip of the gun, constantly repairing the damage inside his body, and also replenishing his exhausted energy.

Relying on the powerful effect of the “Genesis” key, Jiang Qi’s originally pale face gradually returned to blood, his heavy eyelids slowly opened, and his perception of his surroundings began to become clear again.

And the moment he opened his eyes, he saw Leanna holding the black abyss white flower with an anxious face.

Although the body is full of holes, she is still her.

Faced with the current situation, Jiang Qi, who was gradually out of danger, knew that he might say some cool dialogue, but he couldn’t think of the right words for a while, so he had to grin at Leanna and say softly:

“I’m back…”

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